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Chapter 124 Alsaces Confusion

Just when Li Ke was worried about the few landless farmers, Arthas, who was secretly in Lordaeron, was worried about too many landless people.

"Kel'Thuzad, what should I do?"

Holding his hair feebly with both hands, the prince sighed helplessly.

He visited most of the villages and towns during this period, and then he felt more and more powerless.

"There are too many people in the kingdom who have no food to eat. We simply can't turn everyone into the undead. There are limits to the immortality."

If the undead do not take in fresh flesh, blood and nutrients, their bodies will decay faster, and they will fall apart in a year or two.

Generally speaking, this is enough and you can fulfill your long-cherished wish.

But Alsace felt it was not enough.

"Well, Your Highness, this is caused by many things."

Kel'Thuzad tried to speak in a less seductive voice.

"You see, His Majesty Tenaris's taxes are actually very low, but those greedy lords continue to set exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes. These people make up the power of Lordaeron. You alone cannot fight against them, no?


Kel'Thuzad's words made Arthas close his eyes again.

This was what hurt him the most.

The nobles and the famous benevolent knights that he respected in the past were not very benevolent in fact. Their territories were also filled with exorbitant taxes and a large number of peasants who could not afford to eat.

How ridiculous.

This voice sounded in Alsace's heart.

Farmers cannot afford to eat the food they grow.

Although Kel'Thuzad was not very interested in Arthas' ideas, he would not give up this opportunity to let Arthas enter the trap step by step.

"And the most important thing is that since the Orc War, too many Stormwind City nobles and people from Stormwind City have stayed here, but we can't blame them. After all, we all know the situation in Stormwind City. This has resulted in what could have been

Farmers in Lordaeron who were given a job to support themselves without land of their own could not find work at the previous price, nor were those who rented their lord's land."

He spread his hands as he spoke. Nobles have always been so greedy. He has known it for a long time, so he likes to do research, because only research can make him feel at ease, because research can gain power.

Magic is such a reassuring thing.

"I know, Kel'Thuzad, but this is something we can't do, and no one can do anything about the people of Stormwind, not even Varian!"

Arthas raised his head. Of course he knew this. He had seen too much. But there was nothing that could be done about it. These people from Stormwind voluntarily became Lordaeronians and voluntarily accepted the protection of Lordaeron.

Although this is somewhat unfair to Varian, it is indeed something that makes Arthas proud, and their arrival will also make Lordaeron more prosperous.

Although Arthas has a good relationship with Varian, there will be no false notions about this - Lordaeron is simply more livable than Stormwind City.

No one can accuse a person of wanting to live a safe and wealthy life for himself and his family unless he does something illegal.


But immigration is not illegal. Although nobles and kings will prevent it, no king will say that immigration is illegal.

Moreover, Stormwind City is indeed not very peaceful now.

"But that's not the whole reason, my prince."

Kel'Thuzad sighed helplessly.

"The decline of a country is never caused by one wrong decision, but by the accumulation of countless mistakes. His Highness Tenaris is undoubtedly wise and powerful, but the people below are different. They will be malicious.

Do anything that can bring them benefit, like food..."

"Grain? What happened to the grain?!"

Arthas suddenly raised his head and looked at Kel'Thuzad like a lion.

"Your Highness, please be patient. There is not a big problem with the food in Lordaeron, but there is a problem with the price of food in Stormwind City - those merchants and nobles have colluded to constantly speculate on food prices, and Wari

His Highness An has no choice, because he does not have enough grain-producing land and farmers anymore, and he does not have a place directly under him that belongs entirely to him for growing grain."

Kel'Thuzad thought of the king named Varian. Even though he had long since stopped caring about everything in the world, he would still sigh for this unlucky man.

Varian has never been lucky in his life. After the Kingdom of Stormwind was essentially destroyed once, his life was doomed.

Destined to become a king who will subjugate his country.

No matter what kind of struggle he makes, as long as the Dark Portal is still there and as long as the orcs are not completely exterminated, then Stormwind City will no longer be a place worthy of nostalgia for the nobles.

Instead, Lordaeron, which has usurped a large amount of land in Alterac and Gilneas, is their best destination, because there is enough land for them to make profits, and a safe enough environment.

Coupled with the substantial move of recruiting from various countries to form the Knights of the Silver Hand, Stormwind City has no hope of making a comeback.

From Westfall to Nighttown, from Deadwind Pass to Redridge Mountains, and from Redridge Mountains to Stormwind City, there are hometowns of the Paladins of the Silver Hand everywhere...

Varian has long been abandoned by the nobles who should have supported him. Even Bolvar, a die-hard man, has his wife and daughter in Lordaeron.

Arthas didn't think so much. In fact, he didn't even know what the Knights of the Silver Hand meant. He was just angry at the businessmen who colluded with the nobles.

"Those damn bastards, I must let my father help Varian... But Kel'Thuzad, what you mean is..."

Kel'Thuzad saw through the fact that his prince didn't know that those merchants were the white gloves of the nobles, and couldn't help but sigh again, and then spoke,

"You need an army of your own that can obtain enough food for your people, and preferably this army does not need to consume a lot of food..."

Kel'Thuzad did not finish speaking, but Arthas's eyes lit up.

"You mean to let the undead farm the land and do the work? But who should I give this job to? Most of the people around me are moths and bastards."

Alsace was also a smart man, and he immediately realized that there was a lot of profit in this, but he found helplessly that he had no one to appoint, and the people around him were all nobles, and they would harm his people.

And actually enslaved them.

Seeing his distressed look, Kel'Thuzad's tone became a little ethereal.

"So, have you ever thought about a person who will never betray your trust and has a selfless heart and integrity like the sun?"



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