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Chapter 40 Rich Woman

Chapter 40 Rich Woman


Our family also has a farm?

Li Ke couldn't help but look at Jennifer.

When Jennifer saw Li Ke's puzzled expression, she suddenly showed a look of realization.

"Hey, you don't know, right? Our family not only has two farms, a fish pond, a brewery and a mill, but usually others are taking care of it, and I just collect the rent."

Li Ke's hands trembled slightly.

What kind of extremely rich woman is this?!

Even if all the jewelry he brought was sold and exchanged for gold coins, it would only be enough to buy a farm, and there was no guarantee of any profit.

But Jennifer?

An illegitimate daughter owned two farms, a fish pond, a brewery and a mill.

In other words, not only is her tavern profitable, her costs are even zero!


Li Ke couldn't help but cover his head. He always thought that the lord gave him too little. It turned out to be because the lord thought he knew!

What should I do? I suddenly have an idea to prevent Alsace from massacring the city?

This idea suddenly appeared in Li Ke's mind.

But he immediately shook his head.

Who am I? Let alone Alsace, a few well-armed knights can make him doubt his life.

"So we still need to monetize, but before we monetize, we need to dig into the remaining value."

Li Ke suppressed his excitement and asked.

"So, Jennifer, are there many chickens on the farm?"

Jennifer bit her finger and looked a little cute.

"Yes, there are, but not many. We mostly raise cattle and pigs here, and chickens are mostly used for laying eggs. So there are not many ordinary chickens, but there are quite a few turkeys."

"That's it, let's go take a look at it tonight, Griet, do you want to come with us?"

Looking at Griet who was putting jam on his slice of bread, Li Ke asked.


Griet glanced at Li Ke a little casually, thought for a moment, and nodded.

"Since you said so, I'll go together."

Her answer was a little careless, while Jennifer snorted coldly and put the potatoes she peeled into Li Ke's hands.

"My dear, ignore that guy who doesn't know how to be charming."

Li Ke could only smile and say nothing, took the potatoes and ate them with some difficulty.

Although the potatoes were roasted just right, the fried eggs and sausages were also fragrant and sweet, and the fresh milk Jennifer milked in the backyard in the morning was also very good.

The bread is also burnt and crispy, exuding the fragrance of wheat.

But Li Ke still wants to eat fried dough sticks, tofu, spicy soup, steamed buns, chaotic millet porridge...

I didn't have a choice before, but now that I'm with a rich woman, can I think of ways to improve the food?

And there seems to be no tofu here. They cook the beans directly. If you can make tofu yourself...

Although it can complement the chicken farm, in this case, the lord will not let him go, right?


Looking at Ge Liye who was a little careless, Li Ke felt that he needed to make Ge Liye more confident in himself.

In other words, worship your own power.

If she could fully cooperate with him, then he might be able to get the lord's support to leave, and he wouldn't have to think of ways to kill his father-in-law.

But thinking about it, Li Ke still needs to practice.

So after finishing their meal, Li Ke and his group took a carriage driven by the tavern chef and drove towards one of Jennifer's farms.

After learning that Li Ke was going to reopen the tavern, everyone was very enthusiastic, especially the chef, who chatted enthusiastically with Li Ke.

"Master Li Ke, you don't know that everyone is worried about Jennifer, but after having you, Jennifer's good days will come."

The chef named Nomi had a smile on his face, but Li Ke didn't think he was a serious cook, because when Li Ke came to the door, he was eating a tree branch that Li Ke didn't recognize at all.

And it tastes very addictive.

"Miss Jennifer has suffered a lot since she was a child. She almost grew up alone. The best thing is that she has always been kind, enthusiastic, and beautiful. Let me tell you..."

Nomi kept talking about Jennifer's benefits, which made Jennifer who was sitting in the carriage couldn't help but scream.

"Uncle Nomi! If you say that again, I will deduct your salary!"

Nomi could only laugh twice and stopped talking.

"Okay, okay, I won't tell you anymore, little Jennifer is too shy! I'd better tell you where Jennifer's farm is."

As he spoke, he drove the carriage across a bridge, and then he excitedly pointed to a large plain to show Li Ke.

"Look, this is Miss Jennifer's farm."

Li Ke cut over, but only saw a green wheat field, not any man-made buildings at all.

A subtle emotion suddenly arose in his heart, and he asked subconsciously.

"That, where is it?"

Nomi gave him a confused look.

"From this river to the foot of the mountain on the other side, the area enclosed by the river is Miss Jennifer's farm. Oh, it's a little small, right? It's okay. Miss Jennifer's other farm is bigger."

Li Ke was stunned. He looked at the foot of the mountain, which was at least ten kilometers away from here, and the river he had just crossed, and silently raised a question mark in his heart.

Is this called a farm?

Forgive him for his lack of understanding of the land, but isn’t this scale ridiculously large?

Is this really something an illegitimate daughter can have??

He was a little worried because the land was so big. Although this was a good thing, if the gold bricks fell, you would have to consider whether they would kill you.

However, after driving for a certain distance, he breathed a sigh of relief and was no longer as panicked as before.

Because it's not as powerful as he thought.

Although the land in front of him was full of green wheat seedlings, he could still see a lot of weeds intertwined in it. Li Ke stopped the carriage, jumped off, walked through a bunch of weeds and came to the wheat field, and leaned down.

I went to see the wheat seedlings in the field, and then I felt a little more relieved.

There is too little wheat on the ears.

Not to mention the 70 that have reached modern times, there are not even 30 wheat ears in each ear of wheat in this land, and they are all starting to turn yellow, and half of them are not full yet.

It seems like a big place, but in fact, if such a large wheat field were like this, it really wouldn't produce much food.

Judging from the looks of Jennifer and Griet, this kind of wheat is the norm.


Li Ke narrowed his eyes slightly, and while others were paying attention elsewhere, he stretched out his hand and held a thin wheat stalk.

The weak vitality was extracted from the wheat. Under the stimulation of the escaped vitality and evil energy, the wheat grew rapidly, becoming taller and the ears of wheat became full.

After absorbing a little bit of evil energy from it, the wheat plant became plump and strong.

But Li Ke shook his head.

"Too much smoke."

His hand crushed the plump wheat, and the next moment, the wheat turned into ashes.

It is possible for evil energy to accelerate ripening.


The control requirements are very high!

(End of chapter)

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