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Chapter 55 Accident

Chapter 55 Accident

"What, father, I...this..."

Jennifer was enveloped in great joy, or fear. She had never thought about this kind of thing. Her biggest wish was just to be recognized by her father for her identity, and to use Li Ke's ability to become a person who was protected.

She is just a noble lady that everyone respects.

A handsome, mysterious, and extremely talented husband.

He is of noble birth, respected, and controls an important network of interests and wealth.

This is her dream.

She had made many plans for this, whether it was selling the farm and property, going to Dalaran to become a mage, or going to the church to become a nun, she had thought about it, but she had never thought about becoming a lord.


She has not received a noble education like Sean, nor has she interacted with other nobles, nor does she understand everything in the territory, not to mention she is an illegitimate daughter...

All of these are not enough to make her a lord. Even the bishop who is no longer named Jon and Li Ke, a distant relative in name, are more suitable to be a lord than her.

"You don't need to question, you just need to be prepared."

Looking at Jennifer's astonished face, the lord nodded his head and then looked at Li Ke, who was also surprised.

His hand couldn't help but want to hold the sword to kill Li Ke, but he didn't know whether Li Ke was the murderer of his son. He just knew that Li Ke once gave his son a holy light that could increase his physical fitness.


But how can the Holy Light be attached with a curse?

He doesn't understand Holy Light very well, but he firmly believes in one thing, that is, maybe the users of Holy Light are despicable, but pure Holy Light creations will not actively harm others.

His servants also checked the orb and found nothing wrong with it.

But he just felt that something was wrong with Li Ke.

"Probably because he wanted to leave."

And my current state is not right either. Sean's death really affected me a lot...

The lord found a reason that could convince him, but he took a deep look at Li Ke and then turned to look at Jennifer.

"The engagement between you two will still exist. Jennifer, you will go back with me today, and Li Keqiong, my nephew, please clean up things here before leaving... Don't tell me you will believe that.

Stupid woman."

"of course not."

Of course Li Ke would not believe Griet. No matter whether what the other party said was true or not, what she did was too stupid.

You can't believe what an idiot says.

"Dear, dear."

Jennifer looked at Li Ke, she was very uneasy, her biggest wish was just to be a noble lady, but now, a huge strange feeling was coming towards his heart.

She didn't know what she was going to do and wanted Li Ke to follow her.

"I'll go there tonight."

Li Ke touched her face and comforted her.

"Then you must come."

Jennifer nodded, then took her father's hand and rode on his father's horse.

The bet was won.

This word appeared in Li Ke's mind.

When using the reckless curse to deal with Sean, he thought about one thing, that is, what would happen if the lord ignored it and killed all the suspects?

He can do this kind of thing because he is the lord.

He was unable to fight against those hordes of knights. Although his power of holy light and evil energy was powerful, fighting a small group of knights was just too much.

At the very least, he didn't know how to deal with the rain of arrows fired from the opponent's range from twenty yards away, as well as the formation of a gun array formed by more than a dozen people holding five- to six-meter guns.

This is not a gun in the game that is less than two meters long. In order to deal with wild beasts safely, the guns here are five to six meters long, or even seven or eight meters long.

He could kill five or six armored knights, but then there was nothing left to do.

But now, it looks like he made the right bet.

Feeling the weak evil energy in the lord's brain, Li Ke bowed calmly, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

He naturally has a trump card, one is the evil energy in the lord, and the other is to summon Metis.

Fortunately, it was of no use.

He didn't know if all evil energy users could control the energy they released at will like him, but now when he stood in front of the lord, he could actually burn it with evil energy in an instant.

Part of the Lord's brain.

But stay away. With the concentration of evil energy in the Lord's body, it's not enough to be about three meters away.

But what's interesting is that as long as the amount of evil energy in his body is large enough, or the amount of evil energy in the opponent's body is large, his sensing range can continue to increase.

And if all his evil powers are in one person...

Sean is the best proof.

"If I can spread evil energy into the food of those knights and let those knights eat it, then as long as there is enough evil energy in their bodies, I can kill them at any time."

It's just that evil energy will have an impact on people's thinking. Before he takes action, those knights may find something is wrong.

The life energy of these knights is also very powerful, far beyond that of ordinary people. I wonder if it will affect the effect of the spell.

Watching those well-armed knights leave, Li Ke envied their strong vitality, but couldn't help but think about how many souls their vitality could sacrifice.

It's a pity that he can't fight and can't do this.

"But if I can easily create hallucinations and cooperate with the characteristics of evil energy, sometimes I can make those people kill each other without taking action."

With such thoughts in his mind, Li Ke became more and more eager to learn about magic.

However, don't worry about this now. The most important thing now is to kill the lord's father-in-law who is hindering you without leaving a trace, and then leave here, end this kind of house fight plot, and learn various knowledge as a noble.

Strengthen yourself and be happy.

As for the subsequent undead crisis and the battle between the tribe and the alliance.

None of his business.

Li Ke quickly returned to his tavern, closed the doors and windows, and then organized his things, including but not limited to stuffing money into the basement and preparing food for his elf slaves.

By the way, torture Griet.

Li Ke is not just sitting around doing nothing, but wants to make Griet completely surrender.

Greet was his first woman, such a memorable person. Li Ke didn't really want to kill her, but it was too dangerous to let an idiot act freely and have his own ideas.

Therefore, Li Ke plans to learn from the method of training elves and train this female stalker.

The first is placement.

Cover Griet's eyes with black cloth, plug her ears with ear plugs, plug her own mouth with a gag, and then under the guidance of the elf slave, while ensuring her blood circulation, give her a

I can't even move my fingers.

And Li Ke also has to praise it.

The tools in this basement are really complete.

Li Ke didn't understand much about the work of destroying personality after that, but it didn't matter. Griet had enough time to undergo training and trial and error.

After finishing these things, Li Ke took some money and planned to go to the lord's castle to see how the lord planned to arrange it.

But when he got on the donkey and headed towards the castle, Li Ke was really reluctant to think about killing his father-in-law.

Although this gentleman is indeed a good person and is really generous to him, it is a pity that he is too controlling and too stubborn. If he didn't have such a strong need to control and be wary of himself,

Or if he sees that there is a chance to go out, Li Ke will not even think about killing him.

Unfortunately, there is no what if.

He was so shrewd that he had to die.

But just as he was riding towards the Lord's Mansion and reached a remote corner, an unexpected person appeared in front of him.

"Your Majesty Bishop?"

Looking at the person who appeared in front of him, Li Ke was a little confused.

You and the other person are not very familiar.

"Well, young man, I have something I want to talk to you about. Do you mind going over there with me?"

There was only one bishop wearing a gorgeous robe, his body was filled with holy light, and he also held a staff that exuded holy light.

Li Ke instinctively felt something was wrong. He put his hand on his backpack, which contained the heritage of that town.

"I'm sorry, Lord Bishop, but I must go to the Lord now."

The Lord Bishop sighed, and then smiled.

"It's a pity. You could have died easily."

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures suddenly appeared next to Li Ke. One of them held a spear in his hand and stabbed Li Ke's body.

At the same time, a burst of intense white light also lit up on the bishop's staff, stinging Li Ke's eyes.

Li Ke immediately rolled off the donkey. He heard his donkey whine, and there was a sudden pain in his chest and abdomen, and his body fell to the ground involuntarily.

He can't see anything now, but he also knows that the chain armor he has been wearing blocked one of them's spear and saved his life!

However, the inexplicable attack made Li Ke quite angry and annoyed. He made all preparations, but in the end an outsider came.

Oh shit!

He rolled back and hid. Li Ke didn't expect that he could be faster than the spearhead. Sure enough, one of them's spear accurately penetrated his thigh, while the other stabbed into his chest and abdomen, heading towards

His liver advanced, but it was blocked by his chain mail and only pierced some flesh.

This best piece of chain mail found in Talos's blacksmith's shop had already saved him twice.

The severe pain was transmitted to Li Ke's brain, but...

"I got you!"

Unable to see, Li Ke grabbed two spears, and holy light instantly burst out from his body, forming tentacles that pierced the two blurry shadows in front of him.

The warm holy light turned into two golden spears under his control, instantly piercing the chests of the two spearmen.

With a roar, Li Ke held two holy light spears and roared, staggering and threw the two men down. The holy light spears broke and turned into fragments of holy light, but Li Ke's hands had also touched

to the wounds of these two men.

Life drain!

The evil spell appeared instantly, and the two people who were still planning to struggle suddenly felt pain all over their bodies. They wanted to struggle but had no strength. They wanted to breathe, but the big hole in their chests made it impossible for them to breathe.

One of them endured the severe pain, took out his dagger, and stabbed it into Li Ke's chest. However, it was firmly blocked by the chain armor. When he launched his second attack, he fiercely stabbed it into Li Ke's chest.

He found that he could no longer hold the dagger tightly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

He looked at his withered arm and the white substance that appeared with the green power on the face of his companion, the white substance that vaguely revealed the pain on his companion's face, and couldn't help but open his eyes wide.


This man is sucking their souls away!

"Devil! Demon!!"

He screamed out in horror, but his body also weakened rapidly, and he could no longer struggle at all.

The bishop was quite annoyed. He thought that it would be easy for two well-trained soldiers to kill a man who couldn't see, but these two idiots messed up!

But what frightened him was that he didn't know how Li Ke had just made the holy light briefly turn into reality and form two spears!

This is something he has never heard of or understood in Lordaeron!

But now it appears on a person who has never learned the Holy Light Spell!

"Damn it! You bunch of losers!"

Although he had no intention of letting these two mercenaries survive, he also had no intention of letting these two wastes give power to Li Ke. The holy light on his body disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by the completely opposite power.

The power of darkness appeared on his body, and countless specious whispers came from the power called shadow. He looked at Li Ke, whose eyes had not yet recovered, and the darkened Holy Light Staff in his hand flashed with black light.

"Be afraid!"

In an instant, Li Ke felt his brain suddenly shake and dizzy. What he saw with his gradually recovering eyesight was no longer the jungle, but...


Li Ke looked blankly at the broken corpses around him. Although the cell was unfamiliar, it was extremely familiar.

He took a step subconsciously and walked to the gate, where he saw the jailers who were even more fragmented.

Then, there was the bakery proprietress with a sweet smile and a whip in her hand.

Fear followed, but at the same time, he felt a power hovering in his mind. He subconsciously manipulated this power, and the illusion in front of him disappeared instantly, and his brain became clear.


The fear, confusion, confusion, and that feeling of drowsiness all disappeared in an instant.

In front of him, his hands were gathering black energy. It was obvious that he was planning to deal a fatal blow to him.

And Li Ke's response was also very simple.

Thought shaping, anger modulation.

Evil energy arrows spurted out from his right hand.

Like a frenzy.

4000 words chapter.

Come back with 2,000 words tonight.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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