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Chapter 365 Sad things...

Endless power surged out crazily from Frostmourne, and Krasus's dead body opened its mouth to Deathwing's body.

The dragon's breath that was unable to be used due to an injury to his throat was revealed at this moment. Although there was no flame of life, under the power of Frostmourne, the endless icy breath slammed into Deathwing's body!

Caught off guard, Deathwing frantically gathered dark power to form a shield to block the terrifying power of frost. However, this violent breath contained not only the torrent of ice and snow power, but also countless ice spikes.

It gathered crazily around Krasus' body, and with the help of Frostmourne's power, it violently bombarded Deathwing.

Countless icicles more than ten meters long rushed towards Deathwing who was too late to release his magic. Deathwing did not hesitate to summon more violent shadow power, like throwing garbage, throwing it towards

He controlled the icicles he attacked and then fell around them.

This feeling of being sneak-attacked and having the fruits of victory taken away by a weak guy made Deathwing quite angry, especially after realizing that it was his arrogance that allowed him to be taken advantage of by Luo Ning again, he was even more furious.

Furious, or rather——

"Who do you think I am!?"

The angry Deathwing exuded boundless power of darkness. He was completely angry and no longer had the scruples he had before. In this body created by the ancient god, he used his soul to further use the ancient god.

the power of.

The violent power of darkness swept across all directions, even grabbing Krasus' body and slamming it to the ground again, making the cave that was about to collapse completely become even more precarious.

However, just as he once again wielded his power of darkness and prepared to cast the spell, a layer of light green light suddenly appeared on Krasus' body. Although it only lasted for a moment, those grasping

The tentacle holding Krasus' body was still instantly bounced away by the green shield, and Krasus changed the trajectory of his action in an instant. He did not act like a dragon as Deathwing expected.

Rather, like a ghost, the trajectory of a non-dragon creature suddenly turned back, beyond Deathwing's expectations!

This was completely beyond Deathwing's expectations. He looked at Krasus waving his claws in astonishment. When he tried to avoid it, it was already too late!


Krasus' roar was completely devoid of reason and emotion, only hatred for the living. Deathwing's body flew out like a rag sack, but in mid-air, he struggled to cast a spell.

At that moment, a figure suddenly appeared at the place where he was about to land, with the force of tearing the space, and then raised his hand.

An invisible force suddenly grabbed the throat of Deathwing, who had no time to resist, and then he felt the invisible force pulling his body that had already flown into the sky again, and then——

Frostmourne bursts through the body.

Deathwing's body was like a fallen bird, and Luo Ning, who was hiding below, easily pierced the heart with Frostmourne.


The physical pain was nothing at all, compared to the pain of the earth that he had to bear every day, but the pain in his soul made him scream because he felt a powerful and incredible force coming.

Tear his soul apart! And another force in it even wants to enslave him!

If his soul hadn't been eroded by the shadows long ago because of the Old Gods, and if his body hadn't been filled with the power of the Titans, then Deathwing had no doubt that his soul would have been destroyed the moment he was hit by the sword.

Tear apart, be controlled, and be restrained by the master of this power forever and ever!

At this time, the Ancient God also noticed the dangerous aura, so in an instant, more dark power erupted from Deathwing's body, but these dark powers did not attack Krasus and Luo

Ning, instead opened a portal to the dark realm.

There was no surprise or happiness on Deathwing's face, because he knew that the ancient gods had coveted his soul for a long time!

Damn Ronin! Damn Frostmourne!

I will return!!

Looking at the extremely dark abyss world, Deathwing has no doubt that he can escape from it, but he will inevitably be contaminated by the ancient gods. But at this moment, there is no better way to keep him away from this frost.

Sad threat!

If his body can move freely, if he comes in his true form, if he is more cautious, if -

But without if, he could only look at the indifferent Luo Ning, and then be pulled into the abyss by the power of darkness, and could only let out an unwilling roar at the end.

"Luo Ning!!!"

But Luo Ning's eyes did not waver at all. After seeing Deathwing being pulled into the bottomless abyss by a dark entity, Luo Ning fell to the ground in pain.

He knelt on the ground and wanted to throw Frostmourne far away in his hand, but he couldn't do it, and he also knew very well that even if he threw it away, he still couldn't isolate the voice in his mind, that

The voice and power of the Lich King Ner'zhul.

If it were not for the essence of Krasus, then his soul would have completely entered Frostmourne, but unfortunately, even Krasus's full strength cannot resist the power of Frostmourne.

As the power faded, it continued to slip towards the magic sword in his hand.

The appearance of an ice sculpture and a pair of armor kept appearing in his mind, especially the crown on the armor, which was extremely terrifying to him.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Submit to me!"

Ner'zhul's voice kept ringing in his heart, and the worst thing was that this voice was indeed magical. Ronin didn't know how long he could hold on without being controlled, but he knew that his

Consciousness is already at stake.

Now he can still resist Ner'zhul's control with his own will, but this won't last long at all, twenty seconds? Ten seconds?

Or should I say one second?

He didn't know, but he decided to try his best to do what he could do better!

The warmth in his chest is quickly disappearing. It is the only remaining part of Krasus's essence, and it is also the final proof of this red dragon's life.

Ronin knew very well that if Krasus did not give him his essence, then if Deathwing did not really want to fight him, Krasus might not die, but for the sake of the world and himself, he would still


Just as he was thinking this, Krasus came to him. The red dragon that once brought warmth to people could only bring the terror of death. Luo Ning thought that his former comrade and mentor would attack.

He helped the Lich King defeat his own will, but he saw his mentor, his friend, and his comrade curled up his body and stretched out his fragile wings to cover and protect him.

Got up.

Only then did Luo Ning know that Krasus, like himself, was trying his best to resist the Lich King's will.

However, like himself, he didn't know how far he could achieve and when he would fail.

Consciousness and will are slowly passing away little by little. The things that made him feel happy in the past are now making him feel hatred and disgust under the power of the Lich King, and he feels that the essence of Krasus belongs to his chest.

His strength is fading rapidly, and he doesn't have much time left.

Luo Ning raised Frostmourne high. Although his soul will be controlled by Frostmourne in the next moment, at least for now, at this moment, he is still the master of Frostmourne!

"Crasus, we did it!"

He roared out, and Krasus seemed to have sensed something, and roared up to the sky. Ronin, who did not hesitate anymore, stabbed Frostmourne into his body.

His body lit up with the light of the sealing circle, and he staggered and sat down next to Krasus. Countless ices began to spread upwards, constantly freezing his body, and he was stunned.

Look ahead, because the moment he finished this, the angry Lich King took control of his soul!

And Krasus was not able to escape the power of imprisonment. Countless ices imprisoned and frozen him in Ronin's last will. This came from their own power, making them unable to resist at all, so even if

Krasus's soul was also controlled by the Lich King, but the powerful Lich King still couldn't make this dragon break free from the seal!

The wind and snow roared in, slowly falling on Krasus who maintained a posture of protecting Ronin, and sitting surrounded by Krasus, holding Frostmourne in both hands, and inserting it into his chest.

Luo Ning.

And in this sad air, it seems that a name is still calling.


However, in the midst of the howling cold wind, Luo Ning sacrificed himself and everything to create a seal, and a human appeared on the periphery of the seal.

A greedy human being.

He looked at the dragon and mage frozen by Frostmourne in horror, at the terrifying scene, and at the terrifying power of Frostmourne.

He was extremely eager for this power, but looking at the dragons and humans, he didn't have the courage to take this weapon, so he chose to move towards his camp.

He wants to get benefits in other ways.

No one knows how he discovered the identities of Ronin and Krasus, and no one knows how he was able to return to Muradin's camp.

But when the human cringed and left, Luo Ning's dull eyes kept staring at his back.

Staring at this and the companions who were once in the same boat with them.


Vereesa opened her eyes suddenly, and she suddenly had a very sad dream. In the dream, she saw Luo Ning laughing, polluting Yongsong Forest and her home with evil power.

and her hometown, killing her last few relatives and her most beloved king.

And when she woke up in horror, she found that she was still in that dark carriage, in the cage of a family who treated her as a wanted criminal, and then treated her as a slave.

Thinking of this, her originally sad heart immediately became even sadder, because if nothing unexpected happened, she would become a slave.

No, her current status is that of a slave!

But the sound of her frightened awakening woke up the girl in the carriage with her. This girl named Valli LS Gunnar was quite rebellious and had a personality, so Vereesa almost immediately realized what the other person was going to say.


"Have you not given up on escaping yet? Don't waste your efforts, Windrunner family, don't think you don't know what you have on your hands, let alone the curses and poisons we have on us."

In the darkness, Valeera's blue eyes were very clear, allowing Vereesa to see the impatience on her face.

Vereesa looked at the chain on her hand and couldn't help but sigh.

The magic shackles, as well as the strange rune magic, basically meant that unless she cut off her elbow directly or smashed it with something, there was no way to break free except with a key.

But this is not absolute, but the problem is that they still have curses and poisons on their bodies that can render them powerless, as well as various jewelry that weakens their physical abilities.

For example, the earrings on her ears can make her unconscious when her master chants a spell, and the ring on her hand can cause severe pain in her fingers, making her unable to use anything.

The necklace around her neck could directly shock her body with electric shock, and it also had a curse attached to it, which could not be unlocked without the correct spell.

But that's not all. There are three poisons and six curses in her body.

The poison was okay, she was confident that it would be removed perfectly.

The rangers of the Windrunner family are confident enough.

But the curse is very troublesome.

The Curse of Slowness, the Curse of Sleep, the Curse of Weakness, the Curse of Mind Control, the Curse of Blindness, and the Curse of Deafness.

The power of a single curse is not very strong, but the crazy mother and daughter cursed her six times!

Even so, they were not at ease, and lit incense in the carriage that could make people weak and sleepy!

"I know, I just had a nightmare."

Vereesa explained, and then looked at the owners of the professional equipment on her body, because the restraint devices and methods that made them so helpless all came from their compatriots!

Their stupid, deranged compatriots!

A fool who appears to be an archmage, has a debauchery and a hobby of abuse and torture! A slave trader who deserves death!

If she had not been caught, the things in the hands of the mother and daughter would not have been so professional that she would be helpless!

This chapter has been completed!
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