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Chapter 405 The Prophecy of the Moon God

For the high elves, as long as there is no problem with the Sun Well, they will only have half of their lives left without being slaughtered. For them, this is not a big deal, because as long as they have the power of the Sun Well, then they will

You can enjoy prosperity and wealth forever, and you don't have to worry about production and development at all.

But that's where the problem lies.

The high elves have never thought about one thing, that is, what will happen if the Sunwell is gone?

Everything for their race comes from the Sunwell, and because of magic, they can skip the step of boiling water and use energy directly.

If humans on earth want to use energy, they still have to burn it. In this process, a lot of energy is actually consumed pointlessly.

And since entering the industrial age, humans have been constantly looking for things that can improve the efficiency of energy use, but this thing is no problem in Azeroth.

And they also have a variety of high-power batteries, so there is no need to consider energy storage issues at all.

Elves can use energy directly, and their energy sources are endless, which means one thing.

The development of their civilization is abnormal in the eyes of people on earth.

Their technology is very advanced, but it is all about how to use energy. Because of the sun well, any other energy development will inevitably fail and will not be taken seriously.

Under such circumstances, as long as there is a problem with the Sunwell, the race of high elves will be completely destroyed.

Even if there are survivors, it is impossible to return to the current situation.

This is also the reason why Kael'thas is searching for huge energy like a madman.

High elves really can't afford it.

Their bodies have long been adapted to the environment full of the power of the Sunwell due to the huge energy of the Sunwell. Once they leave this place, they will experience discomfort and even death. The more powerful the mage is, the more so.

Not only that, their mages and technology are all built on the endless energy of the Sunwell. Their weapons, their war structures, their organizational structures, and production models all rely on the power of the Sunwell.

Thousands of years of research have been spent on how to better use the power of the sunwell, not other places.

Therefore, if you want to make the high elves bow their heads, you must cause problems in the sunwell.

Li Ke looked at Kael'thas in front of him and felt a little sad.

The other party is very willing to support him, but the problem is that he does not need a high elf with a Sun Chaser.

In other words, he doesn't need a high-elf leader like Kael'thas who is as talented, powerful and famous as he is.

Because as long as Kael'thas is around, Li Ke's control over the high elves will never be stable.

This has nothing to do with friendship or good or evil, but a conflict of interests between two forces. Even if he does not want the high elves to fall apart among the emerging interest groups in the future, there will still be people who want to do so.

But it's not that there is no turning point, it just depends on whether Kael'thas can get on the road.

Li Ke thought for a moment before speaking.

"I will participate, but for me, I still need to train my soldiers... You all know that I don't have many soldiers now. However, if you need to fight against Alsace, or need

If it's weapons and armor, just tell me and my factory will be completely open to you."

He reiterated what he meant again.

He couldn't let his soldiers fight against Alsace's army, and he didn't need the powerful warlords in Lordaeron to just let those people fight against Alsace.

"Well, do we understand, but Li Ke, Princess Caliya's ship is almost here. If possible, I hope you can support her in gathering Lordaeron's army and defeat... Arthas."

The one who spoke this time was Jaina, who had always had tears in her eyes. She made a lot of determination to say this.


Li Ke didn't expect that Jialia was not in Lordaeron, but came to him. He didn't understand.

If you have something important to do with her, she should go through the portal.

But what does it mean to take a boat?

As for Jaina...

Li Ke thought it would be good to just listen. This girl only thought about how to deal with Alsace quickly, and never thought about what to do next.

"Regarding this matter……"

Kael'thas suddenly interrupted. He stood in front of Jaina and spoke.

"I heard before that His Majesty Terenas said before his death that anyone who kills Arthas will be the Lord of Lordaeron... I think it is not a good idea for Princess Calia to come forward now.

Good thing. It's too dangerous for her."

Kael'thas was helpless. Although he had long known that Jaina had no political acumen, he did not expect that Jaina's basic judgment would now become reckless and chaotic.

Is this something she can say?

Although Li Ke was definitely not Terenas' illegitimate son, after all, he knew who spread the rumors.

If Li Ke wants to stably own Lordaeron, he must marry Caliya. This is inevitable, but if Caliya is allowed to show up, then those careerists will have reasons not to support Li Ke, even under Li Ke's control.

After marrying Jialiya, they said they were incest.

But if Caliya didn't show up, then this matter would be nothing. After all, no one could be sure that Li Ke was the illegitimate son of Terenas.

Because Caliya had no chance from the beginning.

Therefore, Jia Liya must be under Li Ke's control, verbally support Li Ke, and firmly marry Li Ke.

And if Jia Liya wants to survive, marrying Li Ke is her only way out.

"Indeed, I'm sorry, I was negligent..."

Jaina covered her forehead. She didn't expect the consequences to be so terrible, but she really wanted to stop Arthas as soon as possible and stop his massacre!

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "It seems that there are many things I don't know."

Li Ke narrowed his eyes. The Dread Lord didn't give him any information, either because he didn't like it or because he didn't have enough time.

But it doesn't matter, for him, it is impossible for him to set off now.

"I will send troops as soon as possible, Jaina, don't worry."

Li Ke stretched out his finger and pointed to the sofa on his side.

"Take a seat first, everyone, let's discuss it carefully, and the most important thing is that none of us know where Alsace is, so there is nothing we can do for the time being."

After telling them their most critical question now, everyone fell silent.

The undead do not need rest, do not need food, and do not have any breath of living people. General scouts just go to die.

So Li Ke looked at Jaina.

"Will there be any support from Dalaran?"

If there are magic troops here in Dalaran to help, then the problem should not be big.

Jaina sat on the sofa and bit her lips, trying not to feel too sad.

"I'm sorry, but Dalaran... is currently building a huge barrier to defend against the undead. There are currently no mage troops and no extra troops."

In fact, the situation is much worse. Not only does Dalaran not want to get involved in this matter, it also doesn't care much about the refugees in Lordaeron. Although there is no shortage of food or anything, it obviously does not intend to accept these Lordaeron refugees.

Lun people.

After all, Dalaran already has a large population, so there is really no need to introduce more people.

"Should we still treat this matter as a dispute between human kingdoms?"

This sentence flashed through Li Ke's mind.

If everyone knew that Arthas was actually a puppet of the Burning Legion, they would not give him any chance to attack, and they would attack with all their strength without hesitation.

Facing the remaining soldiers of Lordaeron, as well as the coalition forces of Dalaran and the high elves, Arthas had no chance of survival.

But it is a pity that any force that can deal with Alsace regards this matter as a mortal dispute and chooses to go their separate ways.

"I see……"

Li Ke nodded and stopped talking. Instead, he was thinking about the Sun Well. There is a device on his territory that can convert electrical energy into arcane energy. Although the energy consumption is ridiculous, if there are dozens more power stations,

, it’s still okay to barely maintain it for a week or two.

But more is impossible, and it will also expose the fact that he has a warlock under his command.

"So, do I need to call on the power of the Holy Light?"

Li Ke thought about the original solution in history, which was to use holy light to solve all problems, but in this case, the help of the power of holy light would be needed.


Li Ke felt another force in his body and suddenly remembered something.

"And Luna."

After chatting with Kael'thas and others, they discussed some refugee resettlement matters and how to receive supplies, and then all three people left.

They still have a lot of things to do, and there is no way they can continue to delay here with Li Ke.

Jaina wants to unite the refugees, Varian wants to mobilize soldiers, Kael'thas wants to send magic craftsmen and go to Quel'Thalas to convince his father. All three of them have key things to be busy with.

Varian asked for a lot of armor and weapons, while Kael'thas asked for nothing else but half a million arrows.

Although the elves can also produce these things themselves, they will consume a lot of iron ore, and there are not so many iron ores in the elves' land, so they can only let Li Ke produce them.

Jaina, like Varian, asked for a lot of armors and weapons, and Li Ke later gave orders to start production in his factory.

But these are not free. Kul Tiras will send a large amount of iron ore, and Stormwind City will send people a large amount of wood. After all, the tree resources in the Western Wilderness are not as rich as those in Stormwind City.

Li Ke was free after all this work. After all, after the resource tilt, many departments had to adjust.

However, he did not go directly to the druids. Instead, he felt the power of the moon god in his body and summoned them.

The will of the moon god came once again, and that warm, yet aloof and holy feeling made Li Ke very unhappy, so he was not very polite when he spoke.

"Does Lord Moon God know prophecy?"

He thought for a long time and planned to ask this.

"Are you trying to say that the Burning Legion will attack Mount Hyjal?"

Luna's voice was quite cold and had a strange feeling, but for Li Ke, this sentence could only make him sneer.

He couldn't tell the night elves that the Burning Legion was coming because he still needed to use the power of the Burning Legion, and he was unable to resist the Legion.

But since Luna knew about this, why didn't she say anything?

Judging from the appearance of the night elves, although they noticed something, they definitely had no idea about the Burning Legion's massive attack again.

But Li Ke didn't mean to be sarcastic, because he didn't do anything either.

How can someone who has not done this have the right to ridicule others? Not to mention that he is still standing with the Burning Legion and is helping the Burning Legion invade the night elves.

He, Li Ke, still has some self-awareness.

"Because of many things, I can't remind them that among the many futures I have seen, it is best to let the night elves fight the Burning Legion again."

Li Ke was silent for a moment. He hated this kind of statement the most, so he couldn't help but speak.

"Is there no other way?"

"No, I don't want you to tell them. After all, for you, you still need the power of the Burning Legion, right? And if the night elves still have the blessing of eternal life, they will not join your ranks."

Moon Goddess's voice revealed compassion and gentleness, but Li Ke understood that her compassion was great compassion, compassion for all living beings, and compassion for the entire world.

In her eyes, the night elves are just living beings and a part of the world.

She would take care of the night elves, but in the eyes of mortals like him, the love of the moon god was too selfless and cold.

"I need an explanation."

"Because, in the future I see, only by standing by your side can the night elves survive. Otherwise..."

After Moon God's words fell, countless illusions suddenly appeared in front of Li Ke's eyes.

The night elves who maintained their immortality were secretly captured, studied and dissected, and the power of immortality in their bodies was extracted.

Then, the long lifespan of the night elves themselves brought them great disasters.

The war between the night elves and Li Ke's forces began. At first, Li Ke did not participate, but later...

Seeing himself standing under the burning Teldrassil, holding Tyrande's neck with one hand and stepping on Malfuriona's broken head with one foot, Li Ke felt a strong killing intent.

And even if he did not participate in the battle, the battle between the night elves and the emerging forces did not stop, and the entire Azeroth was turned into ashes.

'Nuclear bombs' continued to fall, and countless demons and alien creatures appeared in the world. Finally, the Origin Engine, a device left by the Titans to restart the world, was activated.

He and those close to him survived, but most of Azeroth became a desert.

"This is the future that I was reminded of, Li Ke, don't you understand? You are no longer an unknown person, you control the future of this world."

This chapter has been completed!
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