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Chapter 407 Tyrandes Choice

This oracle can be said to be quite explosive for Tyrande, because generally speaking, the oracles of the Moon God are quite peaceful. They are basically suggestions or reminders. Like this time,

It can be said that it is quite rare to give very clear instructions and directly tell yourself that you may hurt yourself and live up to your own oracle. It can even be said that it has never happened before.

The content of the oracle is very simple.

Let herself marry a human boy named Li Ke, and let her not worry about the other person's lifespan. The moon god will send a blessing. Even if the boy's soul falls into boundless darkness, she will bring him out of the abyss.

Well, lifespan is not an issue at all.

Not only that, she told herself how important and precious this boy was to the world and the night elves. For the night elves as a race, he was the key that could change the destiny.

She had never seen the Moon God praise a person like this, and she had never expected that the Moon God would issue a decree to let her marry the other person, and it was obvious that she would use her beauty to win over and seduce the other person, and use her whole body to seduce him.

Night elves as dowry.

To be honest, for a moment, she felt that her faith in the Moon God was shaken, and she even suspected that the person she was talking to was not the Moon God Elune, but an evil god!

However, she also knew very well that the person she was talking to was definitely Elune.

What the other party said was also said by Elune after careful consideration. It was definitely not something she said on a whim. She definitely thought about it for a long time before making this decision.

So she just remained silent for a while, sighed, then clasped her hands together again and prayed to the moon.

She has no obligation to resist the will of her gods. Although she and Malfurion are lovers, they have no substantial relationship. Although they love each other, they have rarely even held hands for so many years, only ten thousand

During the War of the Ancients years ago, there were many intimate actions.

However, at the thought of being separated from Malfurion, Tyrande felt a tearing pain in her heart.

She really didn't want to be separated from Malfurion. Although the two of them had not had any communication for ten thousand years, she would go and see Malfurion when she was upset, but taking care of Malfurion and seeing Malfurion

Fario's situation has become a part of her life.

This kind of platonic love made her fantasize about all the beautiful things. She had also fantasized countless times about whether she and the other party would have grandchildren and become grandfathers if Marfari had not fallen asleep to repair the world.

But it is a pity that he was indeed saving the world, and because of this he was separated from himself for ten thousand years.

She didn't know if she and Malfurion were in love, but now that she thought of being separated forever, she still couldn't help but feel reluctant to let go.

That's right, she doesn't want her own love anymore.

Tyrande Whisperwind must obey the will of the moon god, marry the man named Li Ke, and love him wholeheartedly.

Because the Moon God said that the other party can save the night elves and bring blessings to the night elves, then the other party will definitely be able to.

She just needs to obey.

She had no doubt that she would fall in love with him. She would definitely fall in love with him, because he was the partner given to her by the Moon God and the person whom the Moon God recognized as being able to save the night elves. What qualifications and reasons did she have not to

To love this young man named Li Ke?

Luna is always right.

Tyrande firmly believes in this, because everything the night elves have experienced for thousands of years has proven this. She has doubted the moon god countless times, but every time, the moon god has proven herself.

So why should she doubt Luna?

Are there really liars who can deceive people for thousands of years?

Therefore, she will accept this matter with joy. Although there will be reluctance and sadness in her heart, she believes that the love brought by the Moon God will definitely make up for this matter.

However, unlike Tyrande's acceptance, Li Ke reacted immediately after the initial shock.

Luna is tricking him!

Definitely trying to trick him!

Because until now, only the Moon God, the representative of the Force, has not established any real connection with him! But what Li Ke wants to do will greatly determine the fate of the night elves!

Determine Luna's influence on Azeroth!

Although Li Ke doesn't like to think the worst of people, the fact that the Six Forces are fighting for Azeroth is a definite fact.

Although the Moon Goddess and the Holy Light may have the idea of ​​"not giving up this place to those evil forces", the fact is that the six forces are fighting for this world in their own ways.

Although asking Tyrande to marry him seemed like a foolish move, in fact...

If this thing comes true, he will really work to allow the night elves to join the world more smoothly!

No reason, because if the night elves are introduced, then his organization will undoubtedly take over the entire Azeroth!

No surprises!

The Sea King of Kul Tiras?

The night elves' fleet was able to overwhelm the Horde coalition forces in their heyday.

The leader of the Stormwind Alliance?

The Horde is the overlord of Kalimdor?

In front of the night elves, they are nothing more than a mortal race!

As long as he can manage the night elves, he will become the de facto King of Azeroth!

He couldn't resist the temptation.

Knowing that he accidentally jumped into the trap prepared by Luna, Li Ke realized that neither the two previous illusions nor the subsequent questioning had any plan to escape from Luna, or in other words, her


Old monster...

Li Ke couldn't help but cursed in his heart, and spoke sarcastically again.

"Don't you think this is a shame for Tyrande?"

But Luna did not hide the fact that she had been digging a hole for Li Ke for a long time, nor did she deny that she just wanted to win over Li Ke, but directly explained it.

"Yes, but although Malfurion is very great, for Tyrande, a husband who may not be able to speak once in ten thousand years is not a good husband. Moreover, personal love, and the whole world

In comparison, personal love is extremely insignificant. If Tyrande was given a choice, she would choose the eternal life of all night elves instead of staying with Malfurion forever."

Moon God's voice was very calm, but although what he said was a good thing, a good thing for the benefit of all life, Li Ke felt a little cold.

"Besides, the survival and growth of the night elves is also a good thing for this world. Under my protection, the soul of the night elves will not be taken away by anyone. This means that as long as you have enough energy, you

You can resurrect any night elf who died in battle. At this time, you will be able to form a force that can compete with the Burning Legion and protect Azeroth."

Her words revealed compassion and plans for a bright future for the night elves, but Li Ke just sneered.

"Then this army will become your weapon, won't it?"

This is an upright conspiracy. The night elves have grown stronger because of the Moon God. They also believe in the Moon God. Now that the Moon God has decreed it, if Li Ke wants to successfully marry Tyrande and control the night elves, then

You must obey the Moon God's orders, at least in name.

The price for this is that in order to maintain his rule and legal principles over the night elves, he must rely on the moon god. In many things, he must move closer to the moon god. Only in this way can he firmly grasp the powerful force of the night elves.


This was the trap that the Moon God had set for him. Although he did not jump in, he knew that he would jump in willingly!

Not just because of Tyrande's beauty, her beauty is a small thing in this matter! The important thing is that he can have legal claims to the night elves, all night elves, or most of them

All the night elves will recognize the right to rule the night elves!

As long as he marries Tyrande, who is actually the queen, he can legally control the power of the entire night elves!

What a terrifying power this is?!

This is a force that the Burning Legion must be careful to face. Li Ke's plan can directly use this force to go straight to Qingyun! No need to look at anyone's face anymore!

Yes, anyone, including Luna.

Because as long as Azeroth is unified, he can fully support his own strength and basic base, and be too stable.

Moreover, as long as he finds an opportunity to reveal his identity as a dragon and kills his old father-in-law, Deathwing, the night elves, who have always had a good relationship with the dragons, will instantly disappear from view of him.

The next step is to deal with the trolls who are unwilling to be civilized, as well as the monsters and monsters on this land.

But they can't even defeat the Alliance and the Horde, so how can they defeat the combined strength of the Alliance and the Horde?

This is a huge temptation. Luna has even thought about it in her own mind, and left herself a possibility that can definitely compete with her in theory, and this possibility can really be implemented!

He doesn't need to be careful anymore, nor does he need to calculate a lot of things!

It can be said that what the Moon God gave was not Tyrande, but the whole world!

"Damn... you are definitely ready, right? You know I can't refuse, right? You even know that I will find a way to keep the night elves away from your faith later, right?"

The brilliance of the moon god is still cold.

"Yes, I know. This conversation has been prepared for a long time."

Her voice was full of sincerity.

"I just want to tell you, Li Ke."

"tell me what?"

"There are people in this world who only want to make this world better and prosperous. You are not fighting alone."

Luna's hand gently touched Li Ke's cheek. When she ordered Tyrande to leave her lover, she was much more painful than Tyrande because she knew that her most devout believer would not hesitate.

She gave up her love and personal honor and disgrace, accepted her orders, and fell in love with Li Ke wholeheartedly. Even when Li Ke and Malfurion had a conflict, she could shoot Malfurion without changing her expression.

It was precisely because of this trust that she felt the pain. Although it was indeed for the whole world, for the night elves, and for the good of Tyrande, it ignored her own thoughts and made the decision on her behalf.

It caused the Moon God quite a lot of pain.

It was also very painful for her to create such a situation for Li Ke and let Li Ke join forces with the night elves because of temptation, because this was also induced by her. Li Ke should have formed an alliance with the night elves because of his kindness and love for the world.

It shouldn't be because of profit that she ruined Li Ke's chance to unite with the night elves for the sake of kindness and life.

She was in so much pain that Li Ke could feel her true sadness in the moonlight.

Not just him, everyone who looked at the moon felt sadness, and even felt the will of the moon god.

The shadow of the moon appeared in the sky, like water falling to the ground. Two crystal lights fell, one fell in front of Li Ke, and the other fell in front of Tyrande.

These two rays of light, in front of Li Ke and Tyrande, formed a crystal clear gem completely formed by the power and sorrow of the Moon God.

It contains extremely pure and huge power. Just looking at this crystal, Li Ke can feel a fatal threat.

So he reached out and touched the crystal, and at the same moment, Tyrande also touched the crystal.

The next moment, both people felt the feeling of touching another life's fingers and the other's emotions.

Li Ke felt a sense of sadness, relief, and joy, and Tyrande...

"He... is sad and unwilling?"

Tyrande had no doubt that what she had just touched was Li Ke's fingers and mood, because the moon god told her everything.

This crystal is called the Tears of Elune, and it is indeed the Tears of Elune. It contains huge power, and this gem is a pair. The person who holds one of the gems can feel the other person.


And she also knew that Li Ke had many wives.

But she still doesn't care.

Because this is the husband given to her by the moon god.


Li Ke read out the name, and he felt sad, not for himself, but for Tyrande.

It wasn't because of his joke that the other party wanted to marry him, because he had already confirmed that Luna had already prepared everything, and his joke was just the spark that lit the fuse.

It is Luna who really makes the decision.

And Tyrande chose to completely believe in the Moon God because the Moon God gave her everything, everything of her race.

There is no doubt that this is a blameless thing, but Li Ke still felt a kind of sadness, a kind of sadness for the weak.

No matter how powerful the night elves are, they are still nothing more than pawns in front of representatives of the Force.

It's just like you cherish your own figures, but after all they are just chess pieces.

"Didn't I realize this a long time ago?"

Li Ke laughed at himself, a golden chain appeared in his hand, tied the Tears of Elune to his right hand, and hung it on the back of his hand together with the necklace of the bakery proprietress, and then hung up gracefully.

I got Luna's call.

He will take the sugar coating, but who will have the last laugh? Whether Luna's big chess game can be played smoothly depends on other people.

On this chessboard called Azeroth.

She is not the only chess player!

At the same time, looking at the sad moonlight outside the prison window, illuminated by the moonlight, a dark elf 'blind man' felt a burst of emptiness and coldness, and couldn't help but speak.


How are you?

This chapter has been completed!
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