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Chapter 440: The process of regression and progress

Sargeras' thoughts revealed a lot of profound meanings. Even Kil'jaeden didn't know whether Sargeras had told him what the other party was really thinking, but there was no doubt that Li Ke's

The trouble is huge.

Because of their long-term dependence on the obedience of demons, their absolute obedience to orders, and their lack of concern for money, Li Ke has a very efficient and clean management organization.

In the case where most people don't know these managers are evil, this is obviously a good thing because corruption is almost non-existent.

Li Ke didn't even have to think about it. As long as he used a mortal race, such a thing would definitely happen.

Even he himself couldn't think of how to prevent it.

After all, any system has loopholes if you think about it.

But this is also something Li Ke must experience. Li Ke had thought of this as early as when he was cooperating with the Burning Legion.

But when the day finally came, Li Ke was still in a hurry.

"Is this department completely empty? Grayson, post a notice and tell others that I need some people here who can be tax collectors."

Li Ke, who was reading the document, suddenly spoke, but after finishing speaking, he found that Grayson had disappeared.

Only then did he remember that Grayson had already set out in the name of 'sniping the Alsace Maritime Fleet', and now his secret skill is...

Who is coming?

Scratching his head, Li Ke felt a little uncomfortable. At this time, his new secretary, Miss Jandis Barov, a lady from the Barov family, quickly came over and put a blank document on Li Ke's behalf.

In front of Ke.

Li Ke rubbed his temples. If it were Grayson, then he would directly use magic to generate his own orders on paper at this time, and then he could directly announce and recruit.

But more often than not, Grayson would tell him directly how many people in his territory had experience as tax collectors, and he would know these people's personalities and past work situations very well, and objectively tell him whether this person is suitable for Li.

Taxation work on Ke territory.

He will also tell Li Ke his political leanings, his views on the world and various situations.

So looking at the blank parchment, and Miss Jandis Barov who was looking at him expectantly, ready to lie on his desk at any time and expose her round buttocks in front of him, Li Ke was sincere


He wanted to scold Miss Barov who didn't know what a secretary should do, but Li Ke didn't know how to scold her, because what she did was indeed very consistent with the image of a female secretary in most people's minds.


And it is indeed her responsibility to give birth to an illegitimate child for him.

"Ah... forget it. I'll just set up a new talent selection department."

Rubbing his head, the advantage that the Burning Legion, Dragonites, and cultists brought to him in managing talents was so great that Li Ke never paid much attention to his talent selection mechanism, because without using Demons and Dragonites,

If one is not careful, the selection people will discover that this place is full of demons and dragon-men. In the words of demons and dragon-men, it will appear that all the people recruited are demons and dragon-men.

This would be very bad.

"But who are the heroes among humans who can understand me now?"

Sighing, Li Ke began to think while writing the recruitment documents.




No, this woman cannot give her rights, otherwise problems will arise even if she doesn't want to.


Li Ke glanced at Miss Jandis, who had already moved closer to him, bent down, hung her peak in front of him, and held her buttocks up, and silently removed the Barov mother and daughter from their official positions.


The snow-white mountain peaks were constantly swaying in front of Li Ke due to the shaking of his body, but unfortunately, he didn't care about it at all now.

These two are enough to be raised at home, and their role in bed is much greater than at work.

"Then who still has a certain reputation and has good commanding ability during this period of time?"

The answer is no, he doesn't want people from Stormwind City. Unless he can regain Lordaeron, such people will not join him.

Lordaeron at this time is a good place where talented people can become kings.

So looking at the parchment that was gradually filled with his own writing, Li Ke thought for a while and made a decision.

"Announce the public examination, and then allocate it as a whole."

Li Ke made this decision. He decided to believe in the humans of Azeroth. After all, the potential of humans is really great.

Li Ke will personally set some test questions. These test questions do not have much professional bias, but they must understand the manager's management ability, ability to think about things, as well as his views on the territory, and the practices and rules and regulations for developing the territory.

Li Ke will take the exam the day after tomorrow, which is faster, but there is no way, things are in such a hurry.

His current shortage of grassroots manpower is quite severe.

The order quickly spread throughout Li Ke's territory.

Countless people who lost their territories or came here from Stormwind City, as long as they knew how to read, began to sign up enthusiastically, but Li Ke's selection was still very strict.

Of course, there are also people who did not pass the exam and were directly promoted by Li Ke. Such people also exist.

"Are you Howson, who once worked as a tax collector in Stormwind City?"

Li Ke looked at the somewhat reserved man in front of him. The man had tried his best to make himself look less embarrassed, but Li Ke still smelled the smell of engine oil and coal on his body. Obviously, this Mr. Howlson

My previous life could not be considered very good.

"Yes, Lord Li Ke. I have been a tax official for twelve years. After coming here, I have a very good understanding of the tax work here."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Howson doesn’t know what to call Li Ke. According to the law, Li Ke is not the lord here, but he rules here. It can be said that he

Its existence is an attack on the order recognized by all nobles.

But Li Ke has managed to make the desolate Western Wilderness prosperous. Now, new houses and buildings are being built in the Western Wilderness every day, attracting businessmen and buying materials from all over the world.

Although life is a little harder now because of Alsace, people like him who have lost their original profession can still find a job in Li Ke's factory to support their children and wife.

He was very grateful to Li Ke, so he was very nervous when he was summoned by Li Ke.

This person Li Ke was seen from the talent list Grayson had listed before. There are still many officers who came from Stormwind City. Because of Li Ke's tricks, many knights and officers were also attracted by him.

Those who could not support themselves and fled their original hometown.

But before Alsace exploded, these people all went to Lordaeron...

If we calculate the time now, they will probably be able to catch up with the returning refugee ship.

"Great, Howson, so what do you think of my tax code?"

Li Ke looked at the man in front of him. Although his clothes were a little shabby, they were washed very clean, and the damaged areas also had perfect stitching. It was obvious that this man had a good wife, or he loved to be clean, and

Very carefully.

Howson was a little uneasy, but looking at Li Ke's face and the rumors about Li Ke, he still mustered up the courage to express his opinion.

"Well, to be honest, your taxes are a bit heavy, because according to what you announced and your situation, a 20% tax is actually enough. Because you don't need to pay more money to the church and the king, so

The taxes you receive are completely your own. And judging from your factory and your current trade relations and trade conditions, your current taxes will make businessmen and factory owners afraid and unable to attract other people to invest here. However,

If you take into account the expenses you spent to build the territory...I'm sorry, but the fact is that your investment in the territory far exceeds the tax income."

Howson pursed his lips. He actually never understood how Li Ke was so rich, and he did think that Li Ke only needed 20% of the tax.

This is information he calculated after calculation, because here in Li Ke, production relations and production efficiency are different. Excessive taxes will cause many of Li Ke's factories to not make much profit, which will directly lead to many

The factory cannot develop.

Because Li Ke's factory has always followed the formula of small profits but quick turnover, the profit margin is very low. Although there is a large amount of capital flow, the actual money earned is very small, excluding raw materials, machinery, and labor costs.

, after paying taxes, basically a factory owner will not earn more than ten workers.

This is not conducive to attracting businessmen to build factories and invest here.

"Oh? It's really surprising that you can see so much. If I remember correctly, you should be working in a tractor factory, right?"

Li Ke was really surprised. He didn't expect that Howson could actually say such a thing. The other person was just a medieval tax collector and a tractor factory worker who had been working in his territory for a period of time, so he knew that


Howson was a little scared, because these words were not what a tax collector should say, but among the textbooks given by Li Ke, there was no shortage of books on politics. He would often read these things, and talk about kings, lords, and lords.

The relationship between the people became increasingly clear.

Moreover, the new things and new relationships in Li Ke's territory also shocked him greatly, especially the transcendent status and treatment Li Ke gave to soldiers, workers, and farmers, which made him very curious about everything in Li Ke's territory.

, so after arriving in Li Ke’s territory, he began to think about many systems in Li Ke’s territory.

There are not many people like him. Some of his former colleagues, some run-down little nobles, and illegitimate sons of nobles can think about it, but there are not many who like this place as much as he does and are willing to bow their heads and work as workers.

"I have benefited a lot from your school, and my wife will work with me to think about the answers to some of the questions that my friends and I have. I have to say, Mr. Li Ke, you have wisdom beyond this era.


Hao Ersen sincerely praised him. Although Li Ke was too kind, he had to say that his kindness was correct.

It is much better than His Majesty Varian, who is kind but unable to control his own kingdom.

Howson has never forgotten the scene where he escorted the tax collectors to pay taxes, and then was forced to stay in Stormwind City for a month, causing countless grains to rot and having to pay taxes out of his own pocket.

As for Li Ke, although more than half of the officials formed an expeditionary force to attack Alsace's fleet, the system of Li Ke's entire territory did not collapse like that of Stormwind City, although the efficiency was more than ten times slower than before.

Yes, but even so, it is hundreds of times faster than Stormwind City's efficiency.

He wasn't kidding.

In the past, it only took about ten minutes to process certificates and documents at Li Ke's place. Now, due to lack of manpower, it takes about three to five hours.

But in Stormwind City, it will take at least ten days, and this is after finding a relationship, inviting people to eat and drink, and giving money.

Because everyone has to get some money from it, and the wages in Stormwind City really can't support people.


Li Ke looked at Howlson and used the Holy Light to sense the other person's heart, only to find that the other person's soul was extremely attracted to the Holy Light, but like himself, he resisted the Holy Light.

This made him a little curious, so he asked.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "So what do you think of the Holy Light? Do you think you are worthy of possessing the Holy Light?"

Howson still didn't understand what Li Ke meant, so he spoke cautiously.

"The Holy Light is the symbol of all good things. Mr. Li Ke, only those who truly think about others deserve to have the Holy Light. As for me, I don't deserve it because my words and deeds are just to keep my family fed and clothed. I

The people around me will not suffer bad luck because they break the law, so I am not worthy of having the Holy Light."

His answer was very sincere, and he indeed thought so, and therefore, he did not have the Holy Light.

Li Ke couldn't help but scolded Shengguang for being blind in his heart, and then handed a letter of appointment to Howson.

"So, are you willing to be my secretary? Howson? And when I am satisfied, you will take on a more important position. Moreover, I need you to recruit some people you trust to take charge of some government projects that are currently short of manpower.


His words directly shocked Hao Ersen. He knew that Li Ke wanted to recruit him when he called him. Therefore, he carefully expressed his views, but he never expected that Li Ke would recruit him.

Be your own secretary and take charge of a department in the future?

The huge impact made him a little overwhelmed. He stiffly panicked his hands and feet, and then pointed at himself tremblingly.

"You mean, me?"

"Of course, but if you are willing, your wife can also come to work for me. In this era, women with this kind of thinking ability are rare. I need some female officials..."

Li Ke nodded and then looked at Howlson.

He didn't mind that Howson took this opportunity to cultivate his own forces. After all, it was a helpless move, but as a leader, if he really wanted to, crushing these forces would only be a matter of words.

"Yes, Master Li Ke, of course I am willing, but..."

Howson hesitated for a moment, and Li Ke accepted his doubts.


"Will you always do this to your people?"

The more he saw, the more he thought. Howson was very curious about this matter. Li Ke chuckled lightly and looked at Howson, a man who thought he was not worthy of receiving the Holy Light.

"The people have given me all the rights, Howson, and I know that very well."

Although it is ironic to say such a thing in this world, Li Ke still said it.

After all, if he doesn’t say it himself, who else will?

Some things must be said.

Howlson felt a burst of happiness and shock, and his brain was a little dizzy, but he still knelt down on one knee and put his palm on his chest.

"Then, Your Majesty, please accept my allegiance."

But Li Ke just chuckled.

"I'm not a king, Howson, I'm the son of farmers and workers, besides."

Li Ke raised his hand, and the invisible force made Howlson stand up suddenly from the ground.

"Stand up, don't kneel!"

Just like he wouldn't kneel before Sargeras because of Sargeras' power, he didn't feel like he had anything to kneel to.

This chapter has been completed!
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