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Chapter 474 The Injury of the Soul

Kil'jaeden would not normally evaluate a race in this way, but there was no doubt that the high elves were indeed so arrogant that he found it ridiculous.

He has seen this kind of thing many times, but like the high elves, they stick to what their predecessors have created and then continue to rest on their laurels, playing with the so-called power and balance instead of opening up territories.

They are a bunch of clowns.

Because their endings will inevitably be extremely funny, ridiculous, and extremely disgusting.

Heroes will be replaced by actors, and obedient mediocre people will replace those who are loyal and capable. Even if you are obedient, even if you know nothing or know nothing, you can still be called an alliance.

Federal, people's, great, heroic title, and then leave a ridiculous mark in history.

And those who can truly change the world will be denied and regarded as clowns and lunatics. Even these heroes have to become clowns and lunatics.

He has seen too many such cases. Kael'thas is becoming a clown and a lunatic. Li Ke was also the same before. His reputation among humans is not much better.

But he didn't want to manage these. Instead, he and Archimonde began to concentrate on summoning his own troops, establishing a base, and preparing for subsequent attacks.

Yes, they still haven't given up on Azeroth.

He had no interest in caring about what Kael'thas would do, because Kael'thas would become his best servant for the sake of his homeland.

Good people have always been like this.

Even if...

You have to work with your sworn enemy.

Arthas felt very happy now. Although he was unhappy to be pulled over by Kil'jaeden again, but now looking at the face of the person in front of him, his mood became very happy.

He looked at the City of Eternal Dawn. The City of Holy Light, which had previously shone so brightly that he had retreated from it, was now so dim that he felt regretful. This proved that none of the elves here wanted to fight against the Burning Legion.

Moreover, these elves did not dare to say a word even when they saw themselves leading troops into Silver Moon City.

He looked at those soldiers. Each of these soldiers wearing gorgeous golden and red armor was not a simple figure. Each of them had learned attack skills based on thousands of years. Even if he did not rely on the power of the divine sword, it would be difficult to defeat him.

Any of them.

But it is a pity that these people bit their lips, clenched their fists, and did not dare to speak or attack themselves.

And their leader, Kael'thas, who killed his father with his own hands and ordered the undead to trample him into a pulp, looked at him with humiliation. Even if he looked angry, he didn't dare to say anything to him.

Take action.

Because he knew very well that he was useless to Kil'jaeden, and Kil'jaeden would not trust him.

So, he couldn't help but laugh.


Kael'thas clenched his fist in humiliation. He could indeed kill Arthas here, but what happens after that? What will Kil'jaeden and Archimonde think of him? Will they think he is disloyal?

Don't want to join the Legion?

Therefore, even if his teeth were bitten with blood, he did not dare to take action against Alsace.

But this made Alsace feel even more interesting.

He didn't care at all whether it was fear, fear, or anything else. He just felt that he could see people from the old era like Kael'thas showing such expressions.

"The last time I came here was the same as the last time."

Arthas said such nonsense just to see Kael'thas' unwilling expression, but when he thought about Li Ke, he couldn't help but continue to mock.

"Perhaps you don't know, if you unite to resist the Burning Legion, then this City of Holy Light will shine unparalleled, and in this way, Li Ke will be able to sense your wishes, and he will tear open the space,

Come to you. Then, use boundless divine power to kill Archimonde."

Alsace never forgot to put eye drops on Li Ke. This was the only person he admired and the only person he regarded as an enemy. There was no doubt that he needed to fight against him in every possible way.

Because only he and Li Ke understand each other's weaknesses and thoughts, and know where the other's weakness is!

"No matter how powerful he is, coming here is just another sacrifice."

Kael'thas' tone was heavy. He stared at Arthas, thinking about the opportunity to take action, but he knew clearly that he would not take action.

And he said what he believed.

"Hahaha... Why do you think we came here instead of going to the Well of Eternity? Or do you think your Sun Well can be compared with the World Tree and the Well of Eternity?"

Arthas sneered.

"Do you really think he is a perfect Paladin? Kael'thas, I have to tell you something..."

Arthas opened his palm, and a golden holy light flashed from it. Kael'thas opened his eyes in shock, and all the elves couldn't help feeling ridiculous.

"The Holy Light is just a lie. As long as you think you are doing the right thing, it will appear in your hands. If you really believe that the powers in this world are divided into so-called good and evil, then I miss you

My brain must be broken."

Arthas crushed the Holy Light in his hand contemptuously. His correctness did not require the endorsement of the Holy Light. He was different from the hypocrite Li Ke!

Definitely different!

And he would never admit that he was curious about how there were so many terrible forces raging in Li Ke's body, but he was not only not crazy, but also alive and well, and he summed up these things!

It's definitely not something he thought about all day long on how to defeat Li Ke!



"In addition, since we have become companions, let me tell you something. Kael'thas, Li Ke knew about my coming to attack you from beginning to end, and he deliberately made your race face such a situation.

It is his plan that makes you so miserable."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Arthas opened his mouth casually and revealed his previous plan.

"But it's not wrong to say that they saved you, because I know that he needs a lot of magic craftsmen, and you have enough magicians. His real purpose is to get these magicians, not your friendship, and I also wanted to

I will directly turn all of you into my puppets, and then occupy your Sunwell and revolutionize this world."

Arthas really thought this way. With the Sunwell as the energy source for necromancy, and the entire high elves as magic craftsmen, he would be able to have a base that could compete with Li Ke's industrial capabilities.

But it's a pity that this guy Li Ke is so shameless that he came directly to fight with him and played a trick of mechanical deity.

But he didn't forget to mock Kael'thas.

"As for the accident with the portal you opened...it was indeed not his doing, nor my doing, but your own arrogance. He was just using it as an excuse."

Kael'thas felt that his head was a little dizzy. He had not thought about this, or rather, he did not dare to think about it.

Because he could feel that Li Ke regarded him as a friend.

And once things turn out to be what Arthas said, then the glory of the high elves and the glory of the Sunstrider family will disappear.

Even he must die, the Sunstrider family must be extinct, and the high elves must have their backs broken.


"It's useless to say all this now, demon. You'd better worry about yourself. As far as I know, you are of no use to the Burning Legion anymore. You have failed too many times."

Kael'thas knew that there was a high probability that what Arthas said was true, but he still didn't believe that Li Ke was so powerful.

Because that's incredible.

And even if Li Ke has such power, what can he do?

Li Ke did not break through the Sunwell. The one who broke through the Sunwell was Alsace in front of him, not someone else.


"As for Li Ke, he is my enemy."

Kael'thas took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, but he couldn't.

Not only because Alsace was so rampant in front of him and he couldn't take action against him, but also because of Li Ke's matter.

But now, he still has to settle a score with Alsace!

"Go to hell!"

A fireball appeared in his hand, and the recast Flame Strike was pulled out, but Arthas did not take any precautions and walked directly past Kael'thas.

"Come on, Kael'thas, this kind of war is meaningless. You and I don't dare to kill each other. It will only make us look like -"


Kael'thas was silent.

And in the distance at Mount Hyjal, Li Ke also fell silent.

Because he could indeed feel the situation in the City of Eternal Dawn that he had created, and in the City of Eternal Dawn, he did not feel any fighting spirit, only sadness, resentment, and hatred towards him, Li Ke.

Li Ke doesn't care about this. What he cares about is Kael'thas and the high elves.

"It looks like they really surrendered."

Li Ke, whose soul was seriously tired, rubbed his head. He was groggy and very uncomfortable. He didn't even want to sleep, because sleeping would inevitably lead to nightmares, and he would become a guy who looked like a weirdo.

He inserted the big sword into his body and injected some strange things into it.

That's right, this monster is called Sargeras, and the great sword is the great sword that was thrust directly into the body of Azeroth.

Yes, in the Legion version, the players successfully stopped Sargeras' plan, rescued the Titans of the Pantheon, and then unknown when Sargeras sneaked up to the little lolita Azeroth.

He was forcibly transported from Azeroth back to the Pantheon using something like a gathering stone and imprisoned.

But before leaving, this man directly gave Azeroth a sword, and almost killed Azeroth.

Because it is a future that he firmly believes will happen, so in his current state, he will continue to have this nightmare.

And the most important thing is that while he was resting, he discovered that his situation was much worse than he thought. The main reason was that he was simply wasting his life during this period.

The few rounds I went out with Medivh were actually okay. I was just tired. Except for when I tore the authority of the Angel of Wisdom from my body, I didn't actually suffer any injuries. There was only a small damage to my soul. I took a rest for a day or two.

A month will be enough.

Then, after absorbing the pure beauty of the dead Azeroth, it was messed up. The soul had actually reached its limit, but it would be better to rest for a month or two.

I didn't have much rest after that, and I directly faced the will of Sargeras. I was possessed and transformed once. In fact, my injuries were not completely healed. I recovered a little and it didn't hinder my actions before I came here to fight. But before coming,

Just take a break for a month or two and it will be fine.

Then he was filled with the moon god, who also engaged in private work, which overloaded his soul. In fact, by this time, his soul was damaged again, even the old wounds left by Sargeras two days ago.

They all started to attack.

After that, Azeroth used his emotions to passively suppress his soul, allowing him to use his abilities in a super suitable way, and then forcibly activated his abilities when the energy was insufficient, and then in order not to affect his will, he

And the anima was actively extracted from the soul by Denathrius.

Each one of them can actually be fully recovered after a month or two of rest.

But when added together, and it happened within two weeks, it’s not as simple as one plus one.

Therefore, Li Ke now feels that if he closes his eyes and goes to sleep now, when he wakes up, the World Tree will probably be blown up and Sargeras will have arrived.

But after all, this is the most dangerous battle that he and Azeroth are facing now. If he can't survive it, there will be no future.

Therefore, even though he was very tired, Li Ke still did not plan to rely on deep sleep to rest. Instead, he would absorb energy so that he could be overloaded again in two days and give his soul a little 996 shock.

However, it will take at least a few years for the injured part of his soul to heal. Moreover, within this year, his emotional system has become somewhat uncontrollable due to the injury to his soul. Now, in addition to lust and rage, he has nothing else

Emotions are suppressed by these two emotions.

It is impossible to return to full strength within two days. It is impossible to stand up to Archimonde and cooperate with the night elves and dragons' armies to defeat the Burning Legion. Moreover, it must be fast, otherwise when they develop, I will have to

Link to Azeroth Adventures.

"It seems that linking to Azeroth is indeed not a simple matter... Damn Medivh!"

When Li Ke said this, he couldn't help but cursed. Medivh definitely knew how many pitfalls there were, but he didn't remind him and even acted as a hands-off shopkeeper!

Once he has dealt with Sargeras and Kil'jaeden, he will immediately put twenty-eight tricks on Aegwynn!

But when he thought about it for a moment, he quickly felt that his emotions were getting angry again. He felt that he should chop Medivh's mother Aegwynn into meat paste, make meatloaf and feed it to Medivh to see if he could

I can't tell what kind of meat this is.

This suddenly made him alert, and he quickly calmed down, thought about the problems of the women in his family, and successfully suppressed his emotions.

However, lust began to take over again, causing him to look at the night elf maids waiting to serve him.

Although these maids are not as good-looking as Tyrande, they are all outstanding, especially in terms of figure. The violet hills look ridiculously big, even bigger than the Eredar's!

Then, he thought again of his unopened innocent succubus.

Desire is burning!

He couldn't help but want to find a night elf lady to tell him his desires, and then ask her to help him.

"Based on my current reputation, it's definitely possible... Damn... I'm emotionally unbalanced again."

Li Ke covered his face. He wanted to scold Azeroth now, but after thinking about what he said to Azeroth last time and what Azeroth remembered, he shut up.


Although the Stone Mother was killed by him, there will be a Stone Mother after all. There is no way, this is how the elemental realm is.

"damn it……"

Taking a deep breath, Li Ke was very irritable now, because he dared to guarantee that his temper would be even more irritable in two days.

Moreover, synthesizing the power of the guardian dragon is not an easy task. It will also cause his soul to be oppressed. After this battle, his estimated training time will probably be extended.

The most important thing is that he does not plan to connect to the Sunwell, nor does he plan to contact the Moon God and the Holy Light again. For future development and reform, he must use other powers.

Not only that, the influence of the Moon God and the Holy Light is too great. Using these powers to attack Kil'jaeden and Archimonde is not powerful enough. Instead, it will consume more energy and cause greater oppression on his soul.

When he thought of this, Li Ke couldn't help but think of his own territory that was seriously out of touch with his own strength, as well as a series of situations that might occur in the future.

"Ahhhh!! It's so annoying!!"

Li Ke couldn't help but roared out. He knew that his emotions were out of control again, but he still couldn't help but wanted to kill all those who opposed him and those who didn't listen to him.

He hammered the bed under him angrily, and the powerful force directly smashed the bed, but blood also flowed from Li Ke's hand.

And just when he discovered this, a tall figure suddenly came to his side, quickly used the power of nature to heal his hand, and waved away the other maids before they came over.

Li Ke resisted the urge to kill the person who approached him casually, and nodded towards this tall, strong Druid with a leadership temperament.


It was difficult for him to say it, but he still thanked me.

"It's nothing, it's my honor to serve you, it's just..."

The man looked around, then whispered in Li Ke's ear.

"Do you need to find some gentle people to vent your emotions? I know some people who admire you and are very gentle. If you need it, I can arrange it, and no one will know."

His tone was quite sincere.

Li Ke was shocked. He couldn't help but look at this night elf, who could be said to have thick eyebrows and big eyes, and an upright look. He forgot to speak for a moment, he just wanted to know if this was some kind of internal manager.


So, he asked subconsciously.

"you are……"

The other party bowed sharply before speaking.

"I, Fandral Staghelm."

This chapter has been completed!
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