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Chapter 73 The Elf

Chapter 73 Elf

There really isn’t anyone in their right mind, right?

I'm pretty sure I took back the evil energy in your body.

"Give Mr. Norman some dignity, Martin. After all, we still need him to tell the news... I believe Mr. Norman will clean up after himself."

Li Ke walked over and held the hilt of his sword tightly. Martin made people feel a little frightened like this, and people didn't know whether he would draw his sword and kill someone in the next moment.

Martin's smile froze for a moment, then he let go of Norman's hand, with a bored expression on his face, and then backed away.


Norman fell into the water tank and struggled out. His eyes were blank for a while, as if he still hadn't reacted.

"Mr. Norman?"

Li Ke reminded me.

"Yes! I'll go right away!"

Norman shuddered, and then he realized what was happening. He hurriedly crawled out of the water tank, but was unable to stand firmly because of his weak legs. He crawled on the ground using his hands and feet until Li Ke helped him.

He stood up from the ground.

"Thank you, thank you."

"You're welcome, Mr. Norman."

When he heard the word "sir", Norman raised his head and looked at Li Ke, revealing gratitude and another kind of emotion.

Although Li Ke didn't know how to describe this feeling, he was sure that it was a kind of gratitude and a kind of confusion.

A kind of respect when a person who has not been respected for a long time suddenly finds that someone has no discrimination against him and treats him as an equal.

It's just like……

Li Ke thought of the bakery proprietress. Her eyes must have looked like this at that time.

I just don’t know which one is more pathetic, him or Norman.

But there is no doubt that the most tragic thing here is the farmers who lost their lives.

Li Ke didn't ask where the money he gave Norman had been used, and he wasn't interested in asking what happened to the bad guy and girl that Lenny had mentioned before, and what was going on with the obviously awkward relationship between him and Sean.

Instead, he looked at Norman quietly.

"You know what to do, right?"

Norman nodded hurriedly, and then walked towards the house, muttering something in a trembling tone.

"Of course, of course, of course I know what to do... In fact, Sean has been dissatisfied for a long time... but there is nothing I can do..."

Watching him go in, Li Ke looked at Martin, who was frowning at the bodies of Lenny and Sean. He still didn't understand why Lenny would take action without notifying him.

But what's more serious is another thing.

"The connector is coming, but Lenny is dead... damn..."

Hearing Li Ke's arrival, Martin stood up, looked at Li Ke who was still two steps away from him, and couldn't help complaining.

"The contact person?"

"Yes, that person over there originally asked Lenny to hand over this matter to you gradually this time. You should know. After all, the lord asked you to do this, so you should know what kind of business it is."

Martin's voice was kept low, as if this would prevent the secret from being leaked.

He looked around, especially the jungle with swaying branches.

"This matter is very hidden. Every time the lord will tell Lenny the meeting place, but now that he is dead, no one knows where to go next! You know, those people are very troublesome! They are so arrogant and tight.


Slave business?

"Then this is indeed troublesome."

Li Ke nodded.

"But there is nothing we can do about it. The only thing we can do is report this matter, right?"

Martin nodded, and he glanced at the house behind, where they could easily see if Norman had escaped.

"I know, that's why I want to rush that bastard..."

He seemed to be convincing himself, because when Li Ke was talking to him, he was a little absent-minded.

"Of course, after all, it is very offensive for him to go to the lord's house in an untidy manner. The lord will not blame you."

Li Ke nodded. He felt that the lord would not care about such a trivial matter at all, even if it delayed this mission and action. He would only care about why Lenny and Sean were fighting among themselves and who did it.

And doubted him.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

The fact that none of the mages in Tirisfal could detect evil energy from his body gave him considerable confidence.

As long as he is careful, no one will know that he is using fel spells to kill people!

The two of them waited for a while, and it wasn't until the two of them took off the armor from the dead Lenny that Norman dressed up again and went out, returning to his gorgeous artist appearance. This made Li Ke couldn't help but

Shocking, because this white-haired bastard even painted himself eyelashes!

Norman looked at them and planned to say something, but Martin turned around and mounted his horse, carrying Lenny's armor, and headed towards the manor.


His voice exuded such anger that Norman didn't dare to say a word.

As for why he had to take off his armor, it was naturally because Lenny's armor still maintained its original appearance and had not been damaged. Therefore, rather than taking his body, it was better to bring his armor back to his wife and children.

the most important.

Back at the manor, Li Ke and the other three waited for a long time before they saw the old lord on crutches in a secret room. He first listened to Martin's story, then listened to Norman's retelling, and finally looked at him with a gloomy expression.

Li Ke.

"What do you think?"

His intuition told him that this incident had something to do with Li Ke, but since he was not at the scene, there was really no other evidence to prove this.

"There are a lot of strange things, but I can't name them."

Li Ke bent over and squeezed his fist at the same time.

So, Martin on the side scratched his head a little irritably. He really wanted to say something now.

The lord then looked at Martin.

"Sorry, Lord, I think this matter has something to do with Norman. You know, he and Master Sean..."

There was an unspeakable anger on Martin's face, and Li Ke became even more curious as to what could possibly involve the dead Sean.

But the lord paused his crutch and scolded him sharply.

"That's enough, don't talk about your things here, don't blaspheme my son's reputation."

When the lord said this, Li Ke clearly felt Norman trembling next to him. It was obvious that he was afraid that the lord would kill and silence him.

So what is it?

Is it also related to Sean’s reputation?

Just when Li Ke was confused, a strange wave appeared on the lord's body. He was stunned for a moment, and then threw the necklace on his chest to the ground. The next moment, a cloaked figure appeared in this secret.

in the room.

The first thing Li Ke saw was a pair of pointed ears, and he heard a rather dissatisfied female voice.

"Do you know how much risk I am taking by using the teleportation spell to come here!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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