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Chapter 75 Ghost

Chapter 75 Ghost

At night, the old lord, who had taken care of all the guests, looked at the scenery outside the window and couldn't help but sigh.

He had too many enemies, and he didn't know if he should do this. Letting an illegitimate daughter inherit the family business would in itself be a thing that would cause the reputation of the nobles to decline.

This means that within two or three generations of his family, no big noble will marry them, and letting his son's illegitimate son come back to snatch the family property in the future will completely ruin the reputation of his family.

But there is no other choice but to do this.

Only the stronger person can stay and continue the family.

He has done everything he can on Jennifer's side, whether it is to confuse the public or insert nails, affecting Li Ke's senses, making Li Ke not feel much sense of security here, he has done it to the extreme.

If Jennifer can fully control the territory, fully control her own inheritance, and transform into a qualified noble under such circumstances, she can control Li Ke, or control the territory with the help of Li Ke.

Then even if his grandson has the support of Baron Rivendell, he can't drive her away.

And if you can't control your own territory and complete your transformation under such circumstances, then you deserve to be the nourishment for your grandson.

A child who grows up under Baron Rivendell will definitely not be a fool, and Baron Rivendell will definitely marry a granddaughter or niece to himself in order to extend his influence to his family's territory.

A grandson can preserve some of the family's reputation and status.

In this way, if the grandson is mediocre, he will remain in power, if the grandson is good, he can make progress, if Jennifer is mediocre, she will be replaced directly, and if Li Ke usurps the throne, he will be killed directly by Baron Rivendell.

No matter what, the family can always continue.

However, after reviewing his conspiracy and scheming for a long time, he couldn't help but sigh.

"My son...why did you do that..."

The lord leaned on his crutch and sighed deeply, but just when he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

"Of course it's because you are too much in the way."

Sean's voice!

He subconsciously turned his head and wanted to pull out his sword, but when he touched his waist, he didn't find anything, so he had to pick up his crutch.

And when he turned his head, what he saw was a pale Sean looking at him with a look of resentment.

Now Sean no longer has the color of the living person he used to be. He only has blue and black cheeks, and even black viscous liquid is constantly flowing out from his eyes.

The whites of his eyes turned completely red, and his hair was messy and tangled, drooping like waterweed, and dripping with water.

But upon closer inspection, it was clearly blood.

"My father, didn't you kill me because you thought I was an eyesore?"

Sean looked at his father and smiled, letting the lord clearly see his teeth with blood in his mouth.

The lord instantly thought of the way Sean vomited blood after his heart was stabbed by him that day.


Sean's last words rang in his ears, and the roar of lightning and the dazzling white light instantly illuminated his room, allowing him to suddenly see Sean's face clearly.

What kind of face is that?

It's rotten, stinky, and there are even maggots crawling on it under the sound of thunder!

How can this be!

He was just buried!

The next moment he was shocked, the lights in the room went out in a gust of wind, and the world suddenly became dark.

He carefully stretched out his hand, assuming the fighting posture he was most accustomed to in his life, ready to defend against attacks in the darkness.

But, no, there were no other sounds around, only those shrill, extremely miserable shouts.

"Father, Father!!"

"I don't want to die! Father!"

"It's so dark in here! Father!"

"I'm so scared!!"


"Why do you want to kill me!"

"Why do you want to kill me!"

"I'm so cold! Father!"


"Father! There are devils! Father!! They are going to eat my soul!"

"And the orcs! Father! The orcs you killed came to me!"

The screams of father and screams made the lord's heart beat rapidly.

"Holy light! Sean! Where are you! I will not give up on you! What happened to you!"

However, when he shouted, all the sounds disappeared.

Instead, there was silence.

The lord groped in the darkness, but couldn't touch anything. Then, just when he thought Sean had left, another thunderbolt struck his heart and eardrums, and a flash of lightning also illuminated his room.

Covered in mud, water, rotten flesh and maggots, Sean stood in front of him with an exaggerated, weird smile on his face.

"I'm here, Father."


The old lord screamed in horror, and subconsciously pushed Sean in front of him, but the next moment, everything in front of him disappeared, the darkness disappeared, Sean disappeared, and there was nothing in front of him, only a vase.

The next moment, the exquisite vase fell directly to the ground, and he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The shrill screams woke up most of the people in the manor. The housekeeper who lived at the door of the lord woke up immediately. He opened the door of the lord's room and immediately threw himself at the lord who fell to the ground.

The trembling lord helped him up.

"Master!! What's wrong! Master! Hurry! Invite Dr. House, Pastor Kyle, and Master Li Ke over!"

While he helped the lord up, he gave orders to the maid who came with him.

However, the old lord grabbed his hand and spoke in a trembling tone.

"Go look, look at Sean's grave!"

After he finished speaking, he lost all his strength. He felt that the orcs he had fought against had never given him such a big blow and darkness.

Although the evil spells of the orcs are terrifying, as long as you grit your teeth and fight with the knights wielding the holy light, there will be no problem.


But how can he deal with the ghost of his son?

While he was lying on the bed thinking, Li Ke was the first to arrive.

"Quick! Mr. Li Ke! I think you need your holy light!"

The housekeeper anxiously pulled Li Ke to the lord's bedside. Li Ke, who had not slept all this time, was surprised when he looked at the lord who had a dazed look in his eyes.

But when he heard the footsteps behind the door, he grabbed the lord's hand immediately, and then condensed a beam of holy light on the other hand.

The remaining shadow power and evil energy quietly returned to his body. At the same time, the holy light also shined on the old lord, eliminating all traces.

"May the Holy Light bless you."

Just as he was shining the holy light on the old lord, Jaina, who looked sleepy, also came into the room and saw the old lord's expression soothed under the holy light.

(End of chapter)

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