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Chapter 602: Dawn of Empire

Azeroth fell silent.

Because she didn't know how she should face Li Ke.

It's like many poor people have money, but don't know how to use it. Instead, they squander it randomly, or squander it within their own sight, and are not able to make good use of their money.

However, sometimes, to them, certain behaviors that seem very stupid to ordinary people are extremely correct to them.

But for Azeroth, she actually has a similar but different feeling.

She knows what her powers should do.

Just like now, she can use Li Ke's power to wake up in an instant and become the master of this world. She can also use Li Ke's power to continuously supplement herself until she no longer needs Li Ke.

But the question is, what is she going to do?

To fill the world with beauty, or to destroy it?

She doesn't know. She just wanted to survive before, but now, after having Li Ke, her safety, life, and even growth are no longer a problem.

But what happens next?

What to do next?

Azeroth itself is confused.

She has nothing to want, because everything is meaningless to her, and she has no hatred, because she feels that it is meaningless.

She has seen countless histories, but only in dreams, and has never experienced everything herself.

So she couldn't help but speak.

"I envy you very much, Li Ke. Although you have gone through a lot of hardships, you have always wanted something. Even now, you know that you may be my enemy, but you are still willing to show what you want...


Azeroth held his chest.

"This really makes me envious."

She knows everything, understands everything, and knows everything that happens on Azeroth, but it is precisely because she understands everything.

She doesn't understand anything now.

Right and wrong, development and decline, are really difficult to determine in this world. She doesn't know what she should do, and she doesn't even have any intention of doing anything.

Six forces?

Hate it, but it doesn't matter.

Sargeras, annoying, but not a problem.

The rest of the world, do you care about those people who can kill galaxies with just a thought?

"There is no need to be envious. The process of a person's growth is from following what others do to knowing what he wants to do and why he wants to do it."

Li Ke stretched out his hand towards Azeroth. After making the decision, his eyes and mentality changed.

And now, he has determined the status of Azeroth.

I am curious about the world, but also confused about my own existence.

Her existence is meaningless, but she is the center of the universe. She has existed since ancient times, but she has only developed her own will now.

Then, all he needs to do is guide.

Just like guiding this empire, guiding Azeroth.

Leaving things alone, deceiving, and inducing are the stupidest things to do.

There is always only one right path.

"In my eyes, you are just an ignorant child. Although you have powerful power and are innately sacred, you do not have a clear understanding of the world. You know most of the secrets of the world, but you have no personal experience.

Through, so, Azeroth."

Li Ke stretched out his hand.

"Come to me, I won't let you take any side, I will let you experience most of the operating rules in this world, to experience and see the happiness and thinking that all identities and statuses bring,

And pain, by that time, you should be able to find your goal."

He was very serious, and even when he said these words, he opened his heart to Azeroth, so that Azeroth could see into his consciousness, know his thoughts, and understand that what he said was true.

Azeroth sensed Li Ke's heart and his determination. Azeroth, who had been confused, confused, and painful since birth, put his hand on Li Ke's hand at this moment, and made his own

In response, he took a step towards being a mortal.


Azeroth also opened its soul and consciousness to Li Ke, but it was not like it was unconscious, but it allowed Li Ke to see his own thoughts.

She agreed with Li Ke's statement.

She will wait for Li Ke to help her grow, and after waking up, she will continue to grow and explore everything in the world with the help of Li Ke.

After confirming this, Azeroth's will dissipated and turned into countless light spots and fell into sleep again.

However, some things have become different.

Deep in Draenor, Li Ke suddenly opened his eyes. In his eyes, the light of Azerite continued to flash and escape in his eyes. The biggest secret in the world was in his eyes.

It keeps lingering in my heart.

The secret of eternity also appeared in his heart.

Azeroth's soul has been closely connected with him since then. Even if he reaches another dimension and reaches the deepest abyss in the world, Azeroth can be with him.

And the most powerful force in the universe——

Li Ke raised his hand, and the six forces gathered above his head, and finally fell in front of him, transforming into a form like a cosmic astrolabe, and finally gathered in his hands, forming the countless great beings.

The power of covet.

The power of Azeroth!

This flickering power did not last long, but spread rapidly, turning into the power of Azerite that is one-tenth of the six original powers that Li Ke had created before!

"Such a terrifying power...this world is really ridiculous..."

Li Ke clenched the Power of Azeroth in his hand. At this moment, he finally understood why the Power of Azeroth was so terrifying.

the reason is simple.

The power of Azeroth produced after the fusion of the six forces is not such a simple superposition.

To put it simply.

That's six to the sixth power.

With the power of Azeroth that he can control now, the power that the same unit of Azeroth can produce in this physical universe is 46,650 times that of other powers of the same unit.

Sixteen times!

And this is not the limit of Azeroth! It is the limit that Li Ke can reach now!

Forty-six thousand six hundred and fifty-six times the output is the limit of the power of Azeroth that he can condense with his own strength with the help of Azeroth's soul that relies on him.

The six forces he had just gathered could destroy the continent under his feet, and even with a little manipulation, he could turn the remaining Draenor into fireworks.

But if it were the same volume of Azeroth's power, it could instantly annihilate the galaxy where Draenor is located!

It's just that this power is too active, and it will collapse and decay towards the realm of reality at the moment of synthesis. It will not be relatively stable until it becomes the so-called Azerite.

But even Azerite is still a super additive and super catalyst that can perfectly amplify all the power in the world! It can also allow Li Ke to easily destroy the planetary system in front of him by using teleportation spells!

It's just an agreement with Azeroth.

The survival of the galaxy already depends on his thoughts.

However, even so, he is still insignificant in front of the will of the six original forces.

It’s just a galaxy. There are more than trillions of galaxies in the universe?

Even the large galaxy cluster where the Delano galaxy is located is just a drop of water in the ocean in this universe.

These are the powers of the Six Forces.

The most important thing in these worlds is still life. Every life can be said to be a miracle.

A universe without life is indeed meaningless.

And life without self-will is no different from death.

Life, wisdom, love, courage.

This is the most important thing in the universe.

"I will uphold these four virtues and lead my people forward. You bastards of the Six Forces, our accounts will be settled!"

The power of Azeroth in Li Ke's eyes dissipated. The power of Azeroth can help him build a network that can isolate the influence of the will of the six original forces on the thoughts and will of his people.

But he still needs to continue to absorb the power of the six original forces, and use the power of the six original forces to create the power of Azeroth, or Azerite, that isolates the network.

If this is the case, he can also use the power of Azeroth he created to speed up the growth of Azeroth, so that Azeroth can grow faster and wake up faster.

However, he must also continue to hoard the power of Azeroth to ensure that he has the ability to counterattack the will of the six forces before Azeroth awakens. After all, Azeroth will not necessarily attack the six forces.

Take action.

And, of course, it’s best to do this yourself!

Azeroth can be a support, but he must be the main force!

His time is long.

After all, whether it is absorbing the six original powers or creating the power of Azeroth, it will consume a lot of his energy and make him trapped on a special device. Although he can still move freely, if he wants to end his life as soon as possible,

To fulfill our mission and responsibility, we must always concentrate on creating the Power of Azeroth.

After all, even though he has mastered the method, the power of Azeroth is not that easy to create.

so now--

It's time to put the empire in order!

There was no need to move or tear up any space. Li Ke just thought, and the next moment, he was in Azeroth and returned to his office.

The moment he returned to Azeroth, Li Ke couldn't help but kneel to the ground and cover his forehead.


Countless information poured into Li Ke's brain!

The thoughts of all life on this planet and the dynamics of all matter appeared in Li Ke's mind at this moment.

Not only that, every piece of information he received was constantly deflected in his eyes!

Those are the countless possibilities he has seen! The future that will occur after each basic substance is deflected!

And these futures are constantly intertwined and influenced, creating more futures!

In just a moment, Li Ke saw countless scenes thousands of years in the future!

At this moment, the soul of Azeroth quickly took over this part of the analysis and thinking abilities. Although Li Ke would still be aware of all this, it would not drive him crazy again.

"It's really scary...Is this the perspective of Azeroth..."

Li Ke stood up panting. He had just seen countless futures, many of which were driven crazy. Grayson rushed in the next moment, grabbed him by the collar and slapped him in the mouth, roaring "I

I need a vacation! Or just kill me!' picture.

Of course, there are more and more terrifying scenes, but Li Ke won't care.

The future is always in your own hands.

So, at the next moment, Grayson noticed that Li Ke had returned to his office, and when he was about to come over and take orders at any time, Li Ke directly grabbed Grayson's shoulders, and a large amount of Azerite hit Grayson violently before Grayson could react.

It was poured into Grayson's core, completely annihilating Denathrius's remaining backup plan.

And Grayson was even more stunned because he felt that his current power had surpassed that of his master Denathrius.

But Grayson was not happy, because he realized that Li Ke suddenly gave him such a huge power, and there must be a more difficult task for him, and it is very likely that he was asked to save the souls of the Titans imprisoned by Sargeras.


However, Grayson heard something even more terrifying than that.

"Gather everyone together, Grayson, and tell them that since they don't want to walk on their own and choose to pray to me, then—"

Li Ke's voice was very calm.

"I'm here to rule my empire myself."

Grayson was stunned. Although there have been political jokes about Li Ke's governance ability in China, such as "Li Ke is running the country" and other jokes, the senior officials and those who understand the world situation are very clear.

If Li Ke came to govern this empire personally, it would be quite terrifying for everyone.

There is no selfishness, no feelings, only the development and fairness of the empire, and will only do the right things. Even if there are mistakes, they will not care about face, public opinion, or feelings, but will correct the mistakes immediately.

Yes, this is what a qualified imperial leader should do.

But it is precisely because of this that it is extremely terrifying and incomparable——

It's scary.

Because all opponents will die.

Those high elves who are immersed in their original glory will no longer have time to adjust their mentality, and will be killed together with those night elves who are unwilling to accept the modern system. Those humans who want to continue to maintain the tradition of the Brotherhood will be liquidated, and those who want to

Those who bind Li Ke with interests and family affection will also be torn apart by Li Ke without mercy.

Those who are unwilling to obey the empire and those who speak against it will die.

And Li Ke will only have one purpose.

Forward, forward, still forward.

He will use the lives, wisdom, emotions and blood of all Azerothians to continuously push Azeroth forward!

A most terrifying monster was born.

"Your Majesty, this..."

Grayson wanted to say something, but when he looked into Li Ke's eyes, he felt that he had been completely seen through.

"Isn't this what you want? Grayson..."

Li Ke's expression remained indifferent and he slowly sat down on his seat.

The next moment, the ordinary seat suddenly turned into a throne made of gold and shining with incomparable brilliance, and the room under his feet also changed rapidly, turning into a huge palace.


There was no longer Grayson or anything else in Li Ke's eyes. In his eyes, all the problems of Azeroth began to appear in front of him, and the solutions continued to appear in his eyes.

Made in the brain.

The brain enhanced by Azerite showed inhuman memory and thinking speed at this moment, which was enough for him to perform such behavior.

The empire has many problems and many wrong paths.

But the solution is actually very simple.

The army was restructured using the system he was familiar with and a new army was built with new organization.

Special warriors are organized into battle groups, equipped with special equipment and training programs, and are responsible for special operations and tackling various problems.

The government departments copied the system he was familiar with, the unified system he knew, and then he made modifications based on other people's opinions and the actual situation, and no longer fully accepted the ideas of the people of Azeroth.

And the methods to do these things are also very simple.

Big purge.

He had always thought that killing heroes after the founding of the country was a disgusting thing, but when he sat in this position, he realized that some people had to be eliminated.

If they are not eliminated, the empire's operating system will be hindered.

Qin Shihuang died because he was unable to carry out a large-scale purge to cleanse away the remaining evildoers of the Six Kingdoms.

So cleaning is necessary, and a standard rule is also necessary.

However, his own situation is slightly different, because he himself has the power to destroy the empire, so he doesn't need to be so cruel, and he doesn't need to spare the circle or find some high-sounding reasons.

Therefore, when Tyrande and Sylvanas stood in front of Li Ke with their people, the Li Ke they saw was a cold and ruthless god.

"Go and take care of my garden, Tyrande. Your wisdom and vision are only good for taking care of my garden."

Li Ke's words were shocking, and Sylvanas's eyes widened even more. She couldn't believe that Tyrande was actually under house arrest.

But they immediately realized that their plan might have been leaked!

But Li Ke completely ignored their shock and did not give them time to think. Instead, he raised his hand, and a golden light fell into the hands of Maiev and Van Cleef.

"Everyone, the empire needs to be reshaped according to my will. Kill Maiev, Van Cleef, and everyone on this list."

Sylvanas rushed to Van Cleef's side, looked at the name on the golden light, and then collapsed to the ground.

Because more than half of the high elf dignitaries are there! And the charges and evidence are very complete! They are all corruption and bribery, and the numbers are quite accurate!

She wanted to beg for mercy for her compatriots, but after looking at Li Ke, she was unable to speak out due to extreme fear.

Van Cleef, who was holding the list in his hand, couldn't help but tremble after taking a few glances at it, because there were too many names in it that were the backbone of various forces, and even the backbones of some forces were cleared directly.


"Your Majesty, this..."

He spoke with some trembling, because once this list is released, the empire will inevitably be at war! Countless people will resist!

"Kill the rebels. Those who participated in the rebellion will be killed without mercy. After the rebels die, their three tribes will be sent to labor camps for re-education. During this period, the empire's support for you has no upper limit! If necessary, I will personally take action!"

After finishing speaking, Li Ke ignored the shocked Van Cleef, the silent Maiev, and others who were equally shocked, but continued to issue his order and looked at Azshara.

"Aissara, pass my order. People with any religious beliefs are not allowed to enter politics. Those who have become officials, if they are unwilling to give up their faith, will hand over the tasks within one month and resign on their own initiative. At the same time, a major examination will be started to select new civil servants to fill the positions.

All vacancies."

Li Ke's ministers were in complete uproar, and when Azshara knelt down to receive the order, her whole body was trembling, both because of fear and because of the excitement of this supreme right.

But she couldn't help but look at Tyrande, and so did everyone else, who all looked at Tyrande.

He looked at the calm woman, the other hidden king of this empire.

But all they could hear was Tyrande's calm voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Tyrande looked at Li Ke, showed a smile, and then asked the question he wanted to know most now.

"What kind of flowers do you like?"

She is really happy.


This is the God she wants.

Sufficient to be called the consort of the Moon God——


This chapter has been completed!
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