Chapter 453: Conflict

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 This is a warning and a threat!

Zhang Xi was so angry that he was trembling all over, but could not speak.

This matter was indeed their fault.

If things work out in the end, Zhang Fu can successfully escape, and Xiao Weizhen and Xu Bin can also be brought back.

Then, the sacrifice is worth it.

In other words, as long as Zhang Fu continues to sit in the British government, no matter what the palace thinks, the final view on the table will be the same.

But now, if people are not saved, the situation is overwhelming, and I have become the weaker party, and I will naturally be prosecuted.

Staring at Jiao Jing coldly, Zhang Min gritted his teeth and said, "What exactly did you say to the Holy Mother?"

Jiao Jing smiled and asked.

"Is it important? In the final analysis, you and I are all ministers in front of the Holy Mother and the Supreme Emperor, and ministers have their own duties that cannot be exceeded. This is something that the Second Master should be clear about."

This is about settling an old score.

It was only then that Zhang Xi felt a little regretful that he had acted too confidently before.

You know, before Zhang Fu went on his mission, he had told him to take good care of his relationship with the Empress Dowager Sun in the palace.

When necessary, I would rather give up rescuing Chen Mao than offend Queen Mother Sun easily.

However, in Zhang Shi's opinion at the time, although the Queen Mother Sun was noble in the palace, she had little influence in the outer court.

Even if she was slightly offended, she had no choice but to pretend that nothing had happened and continue to rely on the British government.

When the time comes, when Zhang Fu successfully welcomes the Emperor back, the position of the British government will only become more stable, and this little festival will naturally disappear with the wind.

But he never thought that many changes had led to the current situation step by step. If he had known what would happen, he should not have traded Huichang Bo for Chen Mao.

There seemed to be no harm done to the Queen Mother in the palace at the time, but now, it has become a weapon for Jiao Jing to investigate and press forward every step of the way.

Clenching his fists, Zhang Shi's face looked uncertain. Of course he knew that today, the British government was no longer able to negotiate terms with the palace at will like before.

However, he was still unwilling to give up the initiative.

Seeing Jiao Jing's fearless look, Zhang Xi became worried and spoke.

"Of course I know what the Prince Consort said, but Prince Consort, don't forget that the person who calls the shots in the Ming Dynasty is neither the Holy Mother nor the Supreme Emperor!"

These words were somewhat impulsive, and Zhang Xi regretted them almost as soon as he said them.

As expected, after hearing this, Jiao Jing was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed. However, it was neither fearful nor giving in, but a bit amused.

Then, he laughed as if he heard something funny.

Zhu Yi's expression on the side was also a little embarrassed, and he quickly stepped forward to smooth things over and said.

"Shibo, if you have anything to say, please say it. We are all members of the same family, so don't be impulsive."

Zhang Xi took a deep breath and wanted to explain.

But at this time, Jiao Jing had gradually stopped smiling, and said seriously with a calm face.

"Second Master, when you and I went to the Duke Cheng's Mansion to persuade the young master to get married, the Second Master said something that still remains fresh in my memory. How come now, the Second Master himself has forgotten it?"

Zhang Min instantly remembered the scene that day, and at the same time, Jiao Jing's voice also sounded in his ears.

"Second Master, now is not the time for Renxuan. Times have changed. This is true for the Duke of Chengguo. How can it not be true for the Duke of England?"

Now that the window paper has been pierced, Jiao Jing no longer worries about anything and says straightforwardly.

"Having said that, I also want to ask, in terms of wisdom and planning, I am no less generous than the other kings of Dingxing. If there is a choice, why did the third master have to work so hard and run around after the battle of Zijingguan?"

Zhang Xi fell silent.


Of course it's because I have no choice.

From Yongle to Zhengtong, there are only two top families of the Xunchen lineage that can hold power, the Chengguo Dukefu and the British Dukefu.

The two parties took turns taking control of the military and maintained a stable balance.

However, a civil war broke this balance.

Today's emperor obviously does not intend to reuse the British Duke's Palace, nor does he intend to reuse the Chengguo Duke's Palace.

He established a new prince to win over and unite the old ministers.

At the same time, border generals such as Yang Hong and Fan Guang were reused to gradually change the leadership of the Five Army Governor's Mansion and take control of the military government and the Beijing camp.

This is equivalent to breaking up the original situation where one party was dominant.

The Fengguo Duke's government united and won over many nobles, but it was never able to control the real power. It can be said that it has power but no power.

Xunchen, the emerging frontier general, controls the capital camp. He promotes his trusted generals from the frontier army and replaces Xunchen's children who have complicated relationships. It can be said that he has no power.

The two of them checked and balanced each other, forming a new situation that was completely different from the Renxuan era.

Of course, due to the existence of the British government, this new check-and-balance relationship is not yet stable, but the emperor's thoughts can already be seen from the inside.

At this time, even if the previous grudges are put aside and the British government invests in it, what can it do?

Taking power? Impossible.

Continue to be the leader of the honorable ministers? Where is Feng Guogong, whom the emperor worked so hard to support?

The decision to continue to support the Supreme Emperor and the East Palace was made by Zhang Fu.

Although he is still a little reluctant to admit it, Zhang Mian must say that his third brother does have a much clearer understanding of the overall situation than he does.

Today, it is absolutely impossible to reuse the British government.

In fact, the British government, which controlled the Governor's Palace of the Five Armies, had to make way for the border generals and ministers supported by the emperor.

What's even more terrible is that once this new check and balance situation is formed, future emperors may not necessarily reuse the British government.

This is what is called the passage of time.

If it were the Renxuan era, the British government could have taken a back seat. So what if the Fengguo government was the only one?

When the new emperor comes to power, in order to check and balance them, the British government will also be reactivated.

However, times have changed...

Seeing Zhang Xi deep in thought, a smile appeared on Jiao Jing's face, he leaned gently on the back of the chair, his tone suddenly relaxed, and he said.

"Actually, having said that, the second master belongs to a family of honorable ministers, so why do you have to work so hard? With the hereditary iron coupon in hand, how can you live a life that is not just a living?"

"But I wonder if the Second Master still remembers that there are a total of four palaces in this capital city, including the one whom I have bestowed upon you now!"

Jiao Jing had a regretful smile on his face and continued.

"I heard about something before. The young prince in Duke Dingguo's mansion who just took the title has been receiving half a salary from the time he took the title to the present, and half of the half salary is discounted.


"The government sent people to the Ministry of Household Affairs to question him. The Ministry of Household Affairs replied that the young prince was not old enough and that he was granted the title because of the favor of the court. When he reaches adulthood, he will make up for his salary. As for the peppercorns, although two months ago,

Most yamen stopped doing so, but the Ministry of Revenue insisted that the national treasury was insufficient and asked the Duke to forgive."

"Of course, the second master must not know about this matter. After all, although the British father-in-law is not under age, the Ministry of Household Affairs has always paid him a full salary. Moreover, after the discount was stopped, even the British father-in-law and pepper

The government has to buy it by itself, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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