Chapter five hundred and seventy third: ask

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 The court meeting is over, but the elders all know in their hearts that this year is not going to be good.

The dust of the East Palace Prefecture has settled, and the affairs of the Prince's Palace are settled. The left and right Chunfang Grand Scholars each have their own plans. It should be said that this court meeting was successful.

However, when the elders went to court, without exception, they all frowned.

In fact, for most courtiers, it would naturally be a big deal if the East Palace was equipped with a complete official family this time.

Because that means that officials from the third to seventh ranks of the imperial court will have the opportunity to enter the prince's mansion. A fierce game will naturally arise around these new vacancies.

However, in order to prepare the government this time, only the chief officials of Zhan Shifu, Zuo Chunfang and the Economic Affairs Bureau were appointed. The rest of the staff are not prepared for the time being and will depend on the needs of the prince.

This has become a time-consuming process. In other words, it may be that as the prince gradually grows up, a few will be added to the East Palace every year. In short, there will not be large quantities of them.

As a result, for many ministers, the attention is not so strong. Of course, for other people, private activities are definitely indispensable.

However, more people may be paying attention to the political signals revealed by all parties in the court discussion surrounding the Togiya Prefecture.

For more than a year, due to the threat of Wala, the people in the court have worked together most of the time, and many conflicts have been covered up.

However, as the situation in the court gradually stabilized, the borders stabilized, and the emperor had been in control for more than a year, the forces of all parties gradually took shape, and the battles in the court gradually began to take shape.

Between the old and new Qingliu, between the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor's Party, between the nobles in the capital and the nobles on the border, between the cabinet and the six ministries, various forces are entangled and intricate, and their influence on the situation of the court has begun to show.

This court meeting and the political signals behind the attitudes of all parties are what the real discerning people in the DPRK should pay attention to.

Especially the words of the emperor at the end of the court meeting are worth pondering carefully.

As the same saying goes, today, as the emperor's control over the court situation has strengthened, it has become increasingly difficult to guess what the holy will is.

The remarks made at this court meeting should be one of the rare times when the emperor expressed his philosophy of governing the country and the affairs of the court.

If you want to stand tall in the court, you need to understand these words thoroughly and have basic skills.

Of course, there is also the military camp, which is also a big deal.

In the court hall, the emperor made it clear that Yu Qian did it under the holy order.

In other words, it was not the Ministry of War's idea to reorganize the army this time, but the emperor was behind it.

Obviously, the emperor was very determined in this matter and had been planning it for a long time.

Otherwise, he would not have sent Yu Qian to the border towns for overt and covert inspections in the name of investigating the Luotong case, let alone make such a huge adjustment to the personnel of the Ministry of War at once.

Even for the matter of recommending officials, the emperor has ordered the Ministry of Personnel and the Metropolitan Procuratorate to conduct assessment and supervision, and also warned the officials.

But there is no doubt that even if it is true as the emperor said, the people recommended by Yu Qian this time are not the kind of people who ignore official duties for personal favors.

But at least, Fang Gao, Hong Chang, and Gie Tie will spare no effort to assist Yu Qian in the matter of rectifying the military camp.

In fact, if you are familiar with the court, you can actually tell a lot about the personnel transfer of the Ministry of War.

Let’s talk about the four people first, Fang Gao, Hong Chang, Gao Shi and Shen Jing.

Under the Ministry of War, there is the Siqing Officials Division, whose chief officer is Lang Zhong, and these four people were transferred to the Ministry of War to take charge of the Siqing Officials Division.

Needless to say, Fang Gao had been with Yu Qian during this border inspection, so he naturally knew a lot about military settlements.

The same goes for Hong Chang and Jie Shi.

Very early on, these two people had joined forces and believed that the frontier army was weak in battle. It was weak because the fields were idle, the drills were not good, and the officers and soldiers were weak, so they would be defeated in battle.

If they are transferred to the Ministry of War, they will certainly not have any other attitude towards military camps.

As for Shen Jing, he had not performed very well in military affairs before, but since he was Wang Wen's favorite general, he was transferred to the Ministry of War, so the communication between the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Personnel would be much smoother in the future.

Or in other words, the emperor asked Shen Jing to go to the Ministry of War to balance the relationship between the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Personnel.

Then there are the two newly appointed ministers, Xiang Wenyao, the former minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and Li Shi, the former cabinet scholar.

These two people have one characteristic, that is, they are young!

Li Shi is thirty-seven years old this year, and Xiang Wenyao is only thirty-two years old. Even after the Civil War, the average age of the court officials dropped by several years, they still look too young.

Being in a high position at such a young age is actually not a good thing for them.

Why does seniority matter in the officialdom? Because in many cases, seniority means experience, merit, connections, and ability.

These all take years and months to polish.

However, for those who suddenly occupy a high position, these four become weaker and weaker from back to front. They are young and do not have enough achievements to back them up, so they are easily attacked as those who are lucky enough to advance.

Once this name is attached, it is often impossible to take it off for the rest of your life.

Therefore, the younger a person is and holds a high position in the officialdom, the more he must keep a low profile, the more modest he must be, the more he must be tolerant, and the more he must be able to endure loneliness.

Some things cannot be rushed...

Because of this, Xiang Wenyao, who was in the limelight for a while and was promoted three times in a row, fell silent after becoming the Minister of Civil Affairs. For a whole year, he was basically not seen speaking in the court.

Because of this, Li Shi, who was known for his ability to speak out and never look back, was promoted to the cabinet for his service as an envoy to Wala. Mr. Ge.

But you must know that when you are in your position, you should plan your policies.

In the court, if you just keep a low profile and remain silent, you may be regarded as a soft persimmon, impeached, and unworthy of your moral integrity.

Therefore, on the one hand, they need to keep a low profile, and on the other hand, they also need to have solid political achievements to back them up.

Now, the opportunity has come!

There is no doubt that the reorganization of military camps is a major political matter for the imperial court. Once completed, it will be a real political achievement. This is exactly what Xiang Wenyao and Li Shi urgently need.

Moreover, with Yu Qian, an important minister of the Qing Dynasty, at the front, they only need to do their job well, and Yu Qian will take care of any excess pressure.

What's even better is that historically, all political achievements that can be achieved by one's own body are basically meant to offend others.

Just like Zhou Jian, why did he become famous?

It was not because he was not afraid of the "powerful people" that even the son of the Minister of Industry dared to enforce the law impartially.

However, offending people is always risky. When the foundation is not solid enough, if you offend the wrong person, your career may come to an end immediately.

However, this time it was different. The investigation of military camps touched the interests of nobles and border generals.

If you want to offend, the one who offends is also the military minister.

Of course, having said that, the Ming Dynasty's military garrison has become a big piece of fat since it was decommissioned. It is impossible to say that only the interests of the military officials are mixed in, and the civil servants have not moved at all.

However, in a civil war, most of the civil servants were completely replaced.

The important ministers who were originally on good terms with the nobles and were involved in the border military camps were all trapped in Tumubao. The newly appointed bosses, who had only been in office for more than a year, had no time to reach out.

The biggest difference between civil servants and nobles is that civil servants are prosperous when they are alive. Once a person dies, the family will decline until a new descendant enters the court again.

But the honor is different. After the honor is dead, the title is still there, and the connections accumulated through various in-law relationships over the years are still there. Naturally, the benefits are still there, and the difference is nothing more than a big or small thing.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the interests of Xun Qi and Wu Chen will be affected by this inspection of military settlements.

The Ming Dynasty had a clear distinction between civil and military officials. If these military ministers dared to target them because of this, then there would be some civil servants who would step in to stop them.

For Xiang Wenyao and Li Shi, there is simply nothing more tailor-made for them than this matter, something that they can rely on to establish themselves.

Therefore, it is conceivable that after arriving at the Ministry of War, they will also go all out to help Yu Qian handle this matter beautifully.

From supporting Yu Qian in the court to carefully arranging the ministers, lieutenants and other officials in the military department, if you think about it carefully, you can see how seriously the emperor attaches to this matter. It can almost be said that he gave him the greatest support he could.

Therefore, those who want to obstruct the implementation of this matter must naturally think carefully...

If there are any regrets about this court meeting.

That is, a certain Ge Lao named Zhu escaped. As the vanguard of the party struggle in the court, Zhu Jian's reputation in the court had plummeted after this court meeting.

From a meritorious official who went through fire and water for the imperial court and went deep into the enemy camp to welcome back the Supreme Emperor, he became a villain who was obsessed with official position and relied on his merits only to fight for power and gain.

Although they knew that the recent events in the cabinet were just a trigger, there were still some elders who couldn't help but vent their grievances on Mr. Zhu Ge.

If he hadn't been arguing with Yu Cifu in the cabinet every day, the emperor might not have taken action to clean up the administration at this time.

In the officialdom, there is no family without a laggard or an old disciple. When there is a vacancy in an official position, direct recommendation to the court has always been the best way for the elders to support their juniors.

But now, because of your own selfishness, Zhu Jian, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has obtained the right to take the annual examination for recommended officials.

In this way, the bosses must be cautious when recommending talents in the future. After all, if one person is not done well, good intentions may lead to bad things, and the recommendation may harm others.

Not to mention, now that the emperor attaches so much importance to this matter, even though he doesn't say it with his mouth, he may not keep a record in his heart, which will affect the recommender's future career.

The so-called recommendation by everyone means that although the party struggle was started by Zhu Jian, it was Yu Qian who was implicated in the recommendation.

But if the bosses don't care, Zhu Jian is the only one to blame!

After all, the person standing behind Yu Qian is not easy to mess with now, so Mr. Zhu Ge can only bear all the responsibilities.

Anyway, he was not wronged!

Therefore, when he went to court, Mr. Zhu Ge clearly felt that many people were talking about him behind his back and looking at him with contempt and dissatisfaction.

Zhu Jian stood in the square outside the Wenhua Hall, feeling the eyes behind him, and couldn't help but clenched the fists in his sleeves tightly.

Although his life was not smooth sailing, he still had a good reputation among scholars.

But now...

Taking a long breath, Zhu Jian turned around and glanced at the majestic Wenhua Palace, then turned around and headed outside the palace.

In the Wenhua Palace.

After the court meeting was over, Zhu Qiyu also returned to the back hall, sat down and rested for a while. Next, there was a banquet to teach and read, so in fact, the time he could rest was very short.

He took a sip of tea on the couch and went through everything that had just happened in his mind. When he opened his eyes, Zhu Qiyu saw that Cheng Jing was hesitant to speak.

"Why, do you think there is anything wrong with what I just dealt with?"

Although Zhu Qiyu asked easily and did not mean to accuse, Cheng Jing immediately lowered his head and said.

"I don't dare, but I do have doubts about something."

Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Zhu Qiyu smiled slightly and asked.

"Is it Xu Youzhen?"

Cheng Jing hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said.

"I don't dare to deceive Your Majesty. This person is still remembered by the internal minister. When the court was in crisis, he proposed to move south. Later, in order to pursue an official career, he was active in many ways. He even asked to be a disciple of the internal minister, but was later rejected by the internal minister. Therefore, the internal minister does not

I understand why Your Majesty placed such people in the East Palace."

Zhu Qiyu didn't speak, he just looked at Cheng Jing, his face became a little stern.

Under such gaze, Cheng Jing began to break out in cold sweat, until a moment later, he suddenly knelt on the ground and lowered his head deeply.

After a long while, Zhu Qiyu said.

"That day when Shu Liang came over, you saw that he was determined to do something, so I naturally wanted to give him a chance. Of course, whether he can seize this opportunity well depends on his own ability."

"As for..."

Zhu Qiyu paused for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

As soon as Cheng Jing opened his mouth, he knew that Cheng Jing was a drunkard who didn't care about drinking.

How could a mere Xu Youzhen be worthy of someone as big as him? What Cheng Jing really wanted to know was...

"As for the East Palace, I still say the same thing. The East Palace is the East Palace, and the Nangong is the Nangong. If the East Palace makes no serious mistake, I will treat you as I am and will not be easily shaken. You can spread these words."

Zhu Qiyu had no doubts about Cheng Jing's loyalty.

In fact, because the two events of the Eastern Palace leaving the cabinet and the return of the Supreme Emperor to the court are closely connected, not only the people, but also the court and the central government have always had doubts about whether the country's foundation is stable.

The Supervisor of Ceremonies had a lot of dealings with foreign dynasties. Naturally, Cheng Jing was inevitably subject to various overt and covert inquiries. Therefore, it was not surprising that he asked round and round about Zhu Qiyu's attitude.

However, what makes Zhu Qiyu dissatisfied, or, to be more precise, what makes Zhu Qiyu feel helpless is Cheng Jing's deep-seated habits of a scholar-bureaucrat.

As the eunuch in charge of rituals, it is understandable that he cares about government affairs.

However, no matter how much the things he does on a daily basis are similar to those of ministers from other dynasties, he must never forget his identity as a eunuch.

The ministers of the imperial court should put the country as their top priority and the country as their top priority.

However, as a eunuch, he should unconditionally focus on the interests of the emperor. This is a natural difference brought about by the difference in status.

As for Cheng Jing, if he were a courtier, it would be normal for him to question the emperor overtly or covertly, but he was a eunuch, a close eunuch of the emperor.

Then, what he should do is to keep silent, cover up the emperor's true intentions well, and then reveal them when the emperor needs to reveal them.

Although Zhu Qiyu never meant to cover up the matter in the East Palace, Cheng Jing's approach was indeed inappropriate.

In the final analysis, Cheng Jing was born as an orthodox scholar and a true Qingliu Jinshi. He had the style of a civil servant in his heart.

Even if he became a eunuch, some of his styles would be difficult to change.

This style is a good thing to use in government affairs.

However, sometimes, it does make people feel a little helpless...

This chapter has been completed!
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