Chapter six hundred and twentieth: Lord Ren's complacency

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 In the study room of Ningyuan Hou Mansion, Ren Li sat on the main seat and looked around at the people below. Although he knew that this was not the time, he could not help but feel a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

The Ren family did not have a prominent family background. Ren Li's ancestral home was in Zhangde Prefecture, Henan Province. In his early years, he suffered a major disaster. He had no way to go, so he joined the military. He didn't want to make any achievements, he just wanted to survive.

It was still the Hongwu period, and there were still remnants of the former Yuan Dynasty on the border who repeatedly violated the border. Therefore, most of the newly recruited soldiers were sent to the border, and Renli was no exception.

Originally, Ren Li's fate was supposed to be the same as that of many ordinary sergeants who joined the army, stationed at the border, training, patrolling, and killing thieves...

In the end, he will either die on the battlefield, or retire when he is old, and his son will continue to join the army and repeat his life.

However, fate was so miraculous that after arriving at the border, the guard station Renli was assigned to was called Daxing Guard.

At that time, the person in charge of Daxingwei was the fourth son of Emperor Taizu, His Highness King Yan!

As a result, the Battle of Jingnan broke out.

Ren Li has never read a book or practiced martial arts properly. He just has a lot of strength and dares to fight tooth and nail on the battlefield. In addition, he is also alert. On the battlefield, he is the best at night.

In each battle, there were many people like him, some died and some survived.

Ren Li was lucky, he didn't die.

Although the war was tragic, those who survived also received the honors they deserved...

The Yanshan garrison was transformed from an ordinary frontier army into a direct force of His Majesty the Emperor.

At the same time, in the battles on the battlefield, Ren Li gradually grew from a small garrison soldier to a small school, a hundred households, a thousand households... By the time His Highness King Yan ascended the throne, he was already a dignified commander of the capital.


However, again, there are many people like him.

The title of Commander-in-Chief was already an official position that Ren Li could not even imagine. However, on the day when the ministers were conferred the title, Ren Li stood in the middle of the team, looking at the pieces of iron coupons with alchemy scripts and the gorgeous unicorns. Bai Ze repaired his uniform.

In his heart, he still felt extremely envious.

Lord Family, a few simple words, is a symbol of what all military commanders like Ren Li pursue throughout their lives.

Later, Renli followed Emperor Taizong in the Northern Expedition and followed Emperor Xuanzong to put down the rebellion of the Han Dynasty. He was promoted step by step, but it was always difficult to join the noble family.

Hereditary iron coupons cannot be awarded without military merit!

Not everyone can have the opportunity to obtain what can be called "social military merit" during the crisis.

After suffering like this, Ren Li was sent to guard the border.

At that time, he was already fifty-four years old. As a military general, he could not be considered old. However, he no longer had much hope for his future.

He has participated in the Jingnan Campaign, the Northern Expedition, and the counterinsurgency, and has received a lot of credit for various achievements...

However, these four words, "Sheji Military Merit", are really difficult!

What's more, at that time, when the young emperor ascended the throne and San Yang was in charge of the government, he stopped all non-urgent tasks and left Ren Li at the border. The order he received was always to avoid major conflicts as much as possible.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, Ren Li will stay in Gansu until his death.

Then, if the court considers his life's contribution, it may be able to posthumously confer a title without an iron certificate and engrave it on the tombstone for future generations to admire.

During his tenure in Gansu, Ren Li was too negative, but in the end, he still fulfilled his duties faithfully and did his duty, guarding and training troops, protecting the country and the people, and running the army well to pave the way for future generations.

However, just like when he ignorantly participated in the Jingnan War, God favored Ren Li again.

In the third year of Zhengtong, the Tatar tribe wanted to take advantage of the Ming Dynasty's young emperor's accession to the throne and the instability of the government. They took advantage of the situation and repeatedly violated borders.

Perhaps in order to frighten the younger generation, the always conservative Empress Dowager Zhang and San Yang actually ordered the army to attack.

In this battle, the Ming army rushed thousands of miles, attacked from east to west, and reached the Khan's tent, capturing more than 150 Tatar leaders alive.

With outstanding military exploits and rich achievements, as the commander-in-chief of the army, he can finally enjoy this great ‘military merit of the country’!

He obtained the title of nobility, conferred the title of Uncle Ning Yuan on his merits, and granted him a quasi-hereditary certificate.

Ren Li felt at that time that his life had been complete!

Starting from humble beginnings, they climbed up step by step, and finally became a real noble family. This was something he didn't even dare to think about when he was young and just wanted to survive.

However, there are ups and downs.

When he first got the title, Ren Li was really prosperous for a while, and he was greeted with greetings of all sizes. Everywhere he went, he was greeted with greetings and congratulations.

Just a few years later, when Wala rose, Renli made a mistake and lost the battle. He was reprimanded by the court and returned home to reflect on himself.

It was at that time that Ren Li realized that even though he had obtained the title, he had never truly integrated into the so-called noble family.

In a noble family, honors are martial arts, titles are titles, and noble families are inheriting and accumulating!

They are all members of the old team who started their careers with Emperor Taizong. Those nobles who have been awarded the title of Jing Nan have already formed an intricate network of relationships during many years of business operations, completing the inheritance and accumulation of the family.

And even if he has a title, in the eyes of these veteran nobles, he is just barely able to make friends.

Now that he has been reprimanded and returned to the capital, he wants connections but not connections, connections but not connections, power but not power, and wants to be on an equal footing with them...

People will never be satisfied.

If Ren Li was still a young man who didn't have enough to eat, living in a luxurious house and a big house would have been a life he couldn't even imagine in his dreams.

However, Ren Li was no longer the young man who just wanted to survive. He traveled to many battlefields, commanded hundreds of battles, fought thousands of miles, and made countless meritorious deeds.

But when he returned to the capital, in his own circle, he found that he had just started.

This gap made Ren Li very uncomfortable for a time.

Therefore, when Jiao Jing came to visit him after the Civil War and introduced him to the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother, intending to "entrust him with important tasks", it was hard for Ren Li not to feel moved.

After decades, the power in the capital has been completely divided among the major aristocratic families. It will take a long time and effort to truly occupy a place.

Now, there is a shortcut in front of him, and he has no reason not to accept it!

Therefore, Ren Li, who had the tacit approval of the palace and the support of the British government, was promoted as a political signal for the civil and military forces to shelve disputes and join hands to fight the enemy in the current war. He was appointed as the chief military officer and rushed to Zijingguan.

The Battle of Wala turned Uncle Ning Yuan into the Marquis of Ning Yuan, and turned the idle nobleman who had shut himself up and reflected on himself with no official position or position, into the dignified Commander-in-Chief of the Central Military Governor's Mansion.

Ren Li finally became a very important figure in the court!

Nowadays, no matter what kind of palace you are in, whether you are a prince-in-law, a relative of a consort, or an important official of the imperial court, you will have to resign yourself to the status of guest in such a large palace!

After taking a long breath, Ren Li's eyes returned to the memorial in front of him.

This is the Ministry of War’s latest regulations for organizing military camps. Since it has been distributed to all government offices, everyone present now has a copy in their hands.

As the saying goes, when you climb high, you fall hard. After a short moment of pride, Ren Li put all his thoughts back.

He knew in his heart that if he couldn't pass this level, let alone a real noble family, most of his military exploits would be lost!

Closing the memorial in his hand, Ren Li continued.

"Everyone must have read it. This charter of the Ministry of War seems to be about rectifying the army, but in fact it is about setting off civil and military disputes in the court."

"Now that the war has ended and the Supreme Emperor has returned to the court, it is the right time to recuperate and gather military morale. However, the Ministry of War wants to engage in such a large-scale war. It is really a disservice to the country."

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"That generation..."

Ren Li was about to say that he was a civil servant of that generation, but when he saw Zhu Jian and Xu Youzhen standing aside, he finally stopped talking and turned to another topic.

"In short, if this charter is passed at the court meeting, the border troops and generals will definitely be frightened and have no intention of defending, fearing that they will be taken advantage of by the bandits."

"Furthermore, after the War of Oara, the civil and military affairs of our court were harmonious and worked together as one. However, this proposal by the Ministry of War actually usurps the power of the military government and violates the rules and regulations."

"If it is carried out, there will be conflicts between civil and military forces and instability in the court, which will also be a disaster. Therefore, I invite you all to come here today to discuss how to refute the Ministry of War's remarks in the court discussion."

Even if everyone knows that the real reason is that the reorganization of the military camp has harmed the interests of the nobles, but it still needs a high-sounding reason to bring it to the court.

Ren Li's idea was very clear. He characterized the charter of the Ministry of War as a struggle for power and gain, suppressing nobles, excluding dissidents, and setting off civil and military conflicts.

In this way, things will become much easier to handle.

This is the use of the so-called righteousness. If a proposal has an incorrect starting point, then it will not get good results when it is implemented in concrete terms.

Arguing from this perspective, it is obviously the solution given by Ren Li.

After the words fell, everyone was silent.

However, what is a bit surprising is that the first person to speak was Xu Youzhen, who was here for the first time.

Mr. Xu gently pressed his hand on the memorial beside him and said.

"What Marquis Ren said is reasonable. It can be seen from this charter that the Ministry of War has a very big plan. This time to rectify the army, not only the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Punishment, but also the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Personnel, and the Hanlin Academy are entangled.


"First he cleared his father-in-law's land, and then he had to interrogate the generals with the Ministry of Criminal Justice. It is evident that he is sharpening his sword."

"Above the court situation, a balance between civil and military affairs is the long-term solution. The sparseness of the Ministry of War is actually a sinister intention."

As she spoke, Xu Youzhen glanced at Zhu Jian next to her and continued.

"To be honest, I have been serving in the Hanlin Academy for a long time, and I know a lot about the ministers in the court. I have a close relationship with Yu Shiyue, the Second Assistant to the Cabinet, and Yu Qian, the Minister of War."

"In the previous court meeting, the two of them sang in harmony and helped each other. Yu Qian helped Yu Shiyue win the Zhanshi of the Prince's Mansion, and Yu Shiyue cooperated with Yu Qian to take over the power of the Ministry of War."

"Nowadays, the Ministry of War is full of Yu Qian's cronies, but the two of them still feel that they are inadequate. If the Ministry of War does this, then the Procuratorate and the Ministry of Punishment will only obey his orders. How can such power-hungry people indulge themselves?"

These words were filled with indignation, as if Xu Youzhen was really dissatisfied with Qian.

However, everyone present was not simple, especially Ren Li. After listening, his eyes immediately brightened.

Sure enough, when it comes to criticizing each other, this group of civil servants is good at it!

Although Xu Youzhen's words don't sound as high-sounding as Ren Li's, in terms of being vicious and useful, they are still better than them.

According to Ren Li, it is nothing more than a civil-military dispute, and the Ministry of War wants to suppress the nobles.

However, when it came to Xu Youzhen, he directly pointed the finger at Yu Qian, saying that he was nepotistic and had taken over all the power of the Ministry of War. He was greedy for power and wanted to use the rectification of the army to gain further power.

If these words were brought to the court, in addition to focusing the conflicts on one person, they would also play a very important role in driving a wedge between the civil servants themselves.

The organization of the military settlements originally required the cooperation of various government offices, and this is understandable.

However, if one accepts the premise that Yu Qian intends to 'take power', then the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Justice who want to participate in it will have to consider whether they will be sanctioned by the Ministry of War for a long time to come.


Once such an idea arises, there will probably be disagreements within the civil servants on this matter, and it is naturally much smarter than a head-on confrontation.

At this time, Zhu Jian on the side took a sip of tea and said in an unintentional manner.

"By the way, I have another news to tell you. This morning, the decree reached the cabinet and the Marquis of Changping, Yang Hong, was removed from the post of Admiral of the Jingying Camp, and Jingyuan Bo Fan Guang took over."

The corners of Ren Li's eyes twitched. Looking at the only two civil servants present, he couldn't help but sigh...

These scholars have such dirty hearts!

Yang Hong's power as admiral of the Beijing camp will be lost sooner or later. This is a certainty.

As early as in the Xuanfu period, Ren Li had wanted to join forces with the Yang family to prevent Yu Qian from inspecting the military villages.

However, Yang Xin, that stupid young man, not only did not stop him, but also protected Yu Qian every step of the way, as if this would allow the emperor to spare the Yang family.

How is the result?

Yang Jun was imprisoned, Yang Neng was grounded, and Yang Hong dragged his sick body into the palace to plead for mercy. Wasn't it because the emperor pushed him back?

At present, everyone in the government and the public does not know that the Yang family is already a piece of meat on the chopping board. Just waiting for the emperor to swing his sword, the emperor will become famous for his righteousness and annihilation of relatives.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it is only a matter of time before the Yang family's power over the Beijing camp is taken away.

The reason why Zhu Jian specifically pointed out this matter at this time is that the person who succeeded Yang Hong was Jing'an Bo Fan Guang!

This Earl Fan was promoted by the emperor, but don't forget that it was Yu Qian's recommendation that made him stand out in the first place.

Putting the words of the two people together, you think that you, Yu Qian, a minister of the Ministry of War, are nepotistic and have turned the Ministry of War into your own back garden. You have also organized a military camp, usurped the power of the military government, and even put the capital in charge.

The court and the Ministry of Punishment also got into trouble.

Now, even the honorable ministers who are the admiral of the capital camp were promoted by you, Yu Qian.

They seize power from both inside and outside, control the Ministry of War, win over the Beijing camp, and also reach out to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Justice. What do they want to do?

It seemed like he didn't say anything, but it was more vicious than any words.

The most elusive thing in the world is the human heart.

After saying these thought-provoking words, I'm afraid Yu Qian won't even be able to defend himself. After all, what is presented is all facts. As for the associations, who can control it?

Ren Li picked up the tea and took a sip, thinking to himself, feeling more and more that this method was wonderful.

He was even thinking that if these words were thrown out, even if it was the emperor's intention to organize the army, but at this point...

Does the emperor really not have the slightest fear?

This chapter has been completed!
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