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Chapter 114 What's the difference?

 2043, 25 years away from 2018...

Meng Lang had a strange feeling.

Life is like a game.

There are many "hostile NPCs", many "friendly NPCs", many "levels", many "endings", and there are too many routes to choose from.

During the game, you never know when Game Over will occur.

Maybe it's because of long-term bad living habits, maybe it's because of an illness, maybe it's KO by an enemy, or maybe it's because of a plane crash.

Even an inconspicuous aunt may be a killer hidden in the crowd, who can kill you with one blow!

The only good news is that you always have a chance to restart.

The turnaround in life is Meng Lang's "today".

No matter how many times he fails, he can return to the save point of "this moment".

But now, after going all the way to the 25th level, Meng Lang suddenly found that he couldn't pass even if he died twice.

The last time this happened, I encountered the little boss Yuan Li.

Obviously, I encountered a "super level" set by fate, and when I took action, it was an indiscriminate map cannon, and there was no place to hide.

No! Rather than saying that this is a super level, it is better to say that this is completely updated with a new expansion pack...

Meng Lang frowned and was working on a strategy.

The extensive use of tactics has become a bit overwhelming in the face of the endless attacks of fate.

It's time to formulate a systematic "strategic development plan" for the company.

This game about his life is different from ordinary clearance games. All its levels are coherent and connect the previous and the next.

The choices you make in the first level, as well as the way you choose to pass the level, may completely affect your personal attributes, equipment, and enemy and friendly forces when you conquer the 25th level.

If you are more confident, there may even be a global political landscape, etc.?

Ordinary role-playing has hundreds or thousands of branch lines that are already amazing, but his one has no upper limit in theory...

At this time, a rather complex relationship network diagram had been drawn on the notebook in front of him.

There are three basic cores of the relationship network.

One is "Evergreen Creatures", surrounded by positive or negative influencing factors such as "Gao Yuan (+)", "Xiao Yu (+)", "Capital (+)", "Xu Family (-)".

This core involves technological investment from the future such as "Gene Deletion Recombinant Virus Vaccine (for Pigs)" and "Alzheimer Prediction Technology".

The goal pointed by this core is to use vaccines for pigs and X-virus vaccines to improve the living environment.

In addition, you can conquer personal "debuffs" such as "cancer" and "Alzheimer" to extend your health bar.

The second core is "self", surrounded by miscellaneous personal skills such as "Medicine (proficient)", "Computational Biology (proficient)", "Culinary Arts (proficient)", "Games (proficient)" and so on


I know a lot, but only a little bit. Although it seems to be of little use at the moment, the potential for development is amazing.

No matter when, the best investment is always investing in yourself!

Extending from this core are the "Asset Rich Plan" and the "Biological Simulation Laboratory (future tense)" waiting for personal execution plans.

The third core is "Madman's Disease", which is specially bolded and highlighted in blood-red font, but the surrounding area is still blank.

The main reason is that there is still too little understanding of it, and further information collection is needed.

Only by knowing what this thing is can we find a way to avoid "going crazy", otherwise everything will be lost.

After thinking for a while, I connected "Madman's Disease" with "X Virus", "Evergreen Biology" and "Biological Simulation Laboratory", and then wrote the connection point "Nervous System" next to it.

In this way, the three cores form a complex network diagram that is intertwined and closely connected.

All the factors seem scattered, but after stretching the timeline, the factors are interrelated and influence each other.

In the foreseeable future, they will collide with each other and determine the end of Meng Lang's life...

After reviewing all the key factors in his life, Meng Lang found that the importance of evergreen creatures became even more prominent!

Whether it is the X virus, Alzheimer's disease, or studying the causes of madman disease, we must increase investment in the field of life sciences to make Evergreen Biotech more stable.

Even if the doomsday really comes, a strong company can provide itself with a strong backing for survival, protect itself, and enable its brothers to go further.

Building the "protective umbrella" of life starts with evergreen organisms!

Looking at the various influencing factors of Evergreen Biotechnology, among the many positive influencing factors, the only negative factor is so eye-catching.

The tip of the pen paused for a moment on "Xu's (-)" and drew a circle.

This guy is really lingering. First, Yuan Li took my three bloods, and now he has tricked me into traps in several episodes. Although the main target is Gao Yuan, it has obviously become a stumbling block for evergreen creatures.

This is a crucial life-saving straw!

Meng Lang, who originally didn't want to get too involved in this grudge and expand the conflict, had to start thinking about whether he should shift from strategic defense to strategic offense and completely remove this stumbling block?

It's not that he doesn't have this ability, it's just that his previous mentality didn't change for a while, and he was paralyzed by the inertial perception of "the enemy is strong and we are weak".

In fact, with his current ability, if he really wants to bring down a certain family, then unless the other party has been stable and flawless for decades, he will definitely be caught...

Like tax evasion?

Doesn't the so-called strategy mean to make more friends and fewer enemies?

Well! The main goal of the next episode is not only to continue to conquer Alzheimer and collect information about "madman's disease", but also to send my brother on a business trip to investigate this Xu family.

The clay figurine also has a certain amount of anger. If the tiger doesn't show off its power, will it really think I'm a sick cat?

Meng Xiaolang's wave can make waves in peacetime, but at critical moments, it can also make waves!

After arranging a "branch task" for the next employee, Meng Lang continued to work on the strategy.

Among all factors, although "funding" is not the core of any strategy, it is undoubtedly the "element" most closely connected with this network. It is interrelated with almost every factor and requires its strong support.

This fully explains what is meant by "Money is not everything, but having no money is absolutely impossible."

Fortunately, Meng Lang will not be short of money in the short term.

Not long ago, he had registered multiple new addresses, imported the private keys, and dispersed all the Bitcoins in those 12 accounts to these new addresses that only he knew, completely safe and secure.

I just don’t know what the boss’s expression will be when he sees his empty wallet after being released from prison.

Three seconds of silence for him.

For Meng Lang, who had just become rich overnight, money is not a problem for the time being. The problem is how to spend the money most efficiently and spend it wisely!

He made a little bit of future investment plans.

The current Bitcoin assets on hand are about 370 million, and the remaining funds on hand are 7 million.

He has reserved 300 million for Evergreen Biotech, after all, this is his basic base.

The remaining 70 million...well! Soon it will become 100 million.

Although it is not feasible to use the established price curve of Bitcoin to form a stable and sustainable plan to get rich, in the early days when it is not affected much by yourself, it is completely feasible to roll out a handful of wool and move on.

According to the spoilers in "Back View", at least at the stage when 70 million becomes 100 million, it is still soulless...

In other words, there are more than 100 million in funds that can be used.

What are you doing with the money...

It is best if this investment can assist the development of Evergreen Biotech and create long-term and sustainable benefits. If possible, it should also help in the future "Madman's Doomsday". After all, this is the biggest crisis at the moment.

Meng Lang's eyes wandered back and forth on the relationship diagram he had drawn. After a long time, he finally slowly landed on a line of words.

"Gene Deletion Recombinant Virus Vaccine (for Pigs)"...

During dinner, Meng Lang was a little absent-minded and kept picking at the plate of vegetables in front of him.

"Don't just eat vegetables! Eat a chicken leg."

Mom couldn't stand it anymore, so she put a chicken leg in his bowl.

"What are you thinking about? Eat seriously when you eat. It's in vain that your mother specially caught the old hen at home to make soup today!" Lao Meng said, taking a sip of chicken soup.

"Oh! It's nothing. By the way, dad, how is the situation at the pig farm recently?"

Lao Meng gave him a strange look. He had the impression that this guy never seemed to care about the pig farm.

"It's not bad. We just expanded the number of piglets and are planning to expand the breeding scale." Lao Meng said casually.


If nothing else, in a few months, Second Senior Brother will be in big trouble. Expanding production at this time... You are so wise.

Next to her, Meng Qingqing interjected in a low voice, "Dad is reporting good news rather than bad news. Brother, you don't know. Dad had a huge quarrel with Uncle Gen and the others a few days ago. I think it's an internal problem."

foreign aggression!"

Lao Meng's pig farm was originally a partnership. In addition to the two major shareholders, Lao Meng and Uncle Gen, there were three other small shareholders.

In Meng Lang's impression, the few people were fine at first, but after the honeymoon period, there were indeed more and more conflicts.

This is completely in line with the normal "process" of relatives doing business together.

There is a line in the movie "Partners of China": Never open a company in partnership with friends or relatives!

When the business is good, it's easy to talk about anything. Once the business is not performing well, conflicts between relatives are more likely to intensify than between general partners.

"I don't know what to talk about. If we are doing business together, it is inevitable to be noisy." Lao Meng glared at Meng Qingqing, who was too stubborn to speak.

"Dad, it's been a long time. Let me go shopping with you tomorrow." Meng Lang suddenly said.

It is said that when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

In this case, to save the second senior brother, we must start from our own family!

It can be regarded as a way to repay them for sacrificing themselves for so many years and providing for me to go to school.

Lao Meng was stunned for a moment, "You usually don't go if I ask you to, but the sun is rising in the west today?"

"This time, that time!"

"What's the difference?" Lao Meng asked doubtfully.

You asked me to go there before to improve the "living environment" of the second senior brother, but now I went to inspect the investment environment. Can my mentality be the same?

As for the specific differences...

Meng Lang took a bite of the chicken drumstick in his hand, and then thought about it seriously.

"In the past, I had to treat them as gods.

Go now, they must treat me as God!"

This chapter has been completed!
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