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The autobiography I wrote cannot be a tragedy

The autobiography I wrote cannot be a tragedy

author:Evergreen in the sky

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Last Update:07-24 07:34

Latest chapter:Chapter 546 Two are missing and one is missing

Every life choice you make may determine your completely different life trajectory. If you choose the right one, you will be the richest man in the world, but if you choose the wrong one, you will be doomed. However, there is one person who perfectly avoided all the pitfalls and followed a straight route to reach life. The pinnacle. Because he has a magical autobiography... But... why have I encountered so many pitfalls that I can't even count them... - There are already 2.2 million words of the excellent novel Super Mother

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《The autobiography I wrote cannot be a tragedy》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 546 Two are missing and one is missing
Chapter 545 EVE
Chapter 544: The Strongest Trader in History
Chapter 543: Repaying evil with kindness
Chapter 542 Philanthropist
Chapter 541 The Shackles of the Soul
Chapter 540 Pandora Project
Chapter 539: Boiling the Eagle
Chapter 538 The third heat source
《The autobiography I wrote cannot be a tragedy》Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 My Autobiography?
Chapter 2 Prophecy?
Chapter 3 Unsophisticated and naive
Chapter 4 Double Standard Dog
Chapter 5 My Struggle
Chapter VI Valuation
Chapter 7 Spoiler Dog
Chapter 8 All sins are upon me
Chapter 9 High-risk occupations
Chapter 10 Red Carp
Chapter 11: Unbridled waves?
Chapter 12 Is this also a misunderstanding?
Chapter XIII: Justice and Injustice Overdue
Chapter 14 You may not believe it when you say it
Chapter 15 Master Yan
Chapter 16 Investing Without a Soul
Chapter 17 Alive
Chapter 18 A Grain of Ash of the Times
Chapter 19 Motivation
Chapter 20 Scan Me
Chapter 21 The Familiar Taste
Chapter 22: The Night of Fate
Chapter 23 Loved
Chapter 24 Congratulations in advance
Chapter 25 Feeling Wrong
Chapter 26 I Can Still Move
Chapter 27 Persecution Paranoia
Chapter 28 Video
Chapter 29 Fruit Knife
Chapter 30 Saving others is also saving yourself
Chapter 31 This cow is enough for you to brag for a lifetime
Chapter 32 Good man
Chapter 33 I don't want to be called Yan Weiwei anymore
Chapter 34 What is the most important thing to buy a house?
Chapter 35 The pattern is too small
Chapter 36 Double Insurance
Chapter 37 Code Words
Chapter 38: Tiger poison, not eating seeds
Chapter 39: Don’t ask, it’s unprofessional to ask
Chapter 40 Again?
Chapter 41 Scream
Chapter 42: The team building was not done well
Chapter 43 The capital?
Chapter 44 How much is a month's salary
Chapter 45: Wealth Code
Chapter 46: The Book Has Its Own Golden House
Chapter 47: A Civil Division
Chapter 48 Lost in a mess
Chapter 49 Revelation
Chapter 50 The Trinity
Chapter 51 You Don't Understand
Chapter 52: Drawing a Dragon with the Left Hand
Chapter 53: One Hundred Thousand Army
Chapter 54 Director Meng
Chapter 55 Nonstop
Chapter 56: Xiao He succeeds and Xiao He fails
Chapter 57 Smart Unsign
Chapter 58 Is there anything else to add?
Chapter 59 Men have never changed
Chapter 60 You really dare to guess
Chapter 61 Can beauty be taken as medicine?
Chapter 62 You go and arrest people
Chapter 63 A little familiar
Chapter 64 Pyramid Side Length
Chapter 65 Where is Yamamoto-kun?
Chapter 66: Xinmeng's mother moves three times
Chapter 67 There is no way out
Chapter 68 The Buddha said
Chapter 69 Tolerance is not unprincipled indulgence
Chapter 70 His loneliness
Chapter 71: Still So Direct
Chapter 72 Long-planned
Chapter 73: At this moment (additional update for alliance leader Suinong)
Chapter 74 Transaction Site
Chapter 75: It is better to seek help from others than from yourself
Chapter 76: There is Someone Above Lao Tzu
Chapter 77: Excessive Self-Awareness
Chapter 78 Scientific Rain (Thanks to Alliance Leader Wang Wei Huohua)
Chapter 79 This agent is not too cold
Chapter 80 The Distant Savior
Chapter 81 One thing descends one thing
Chapter 82 The greatest in the world
Chapter 83 Water shortage in the five elements
Chapter 84 You're welcome
Chapter 85 Swords and guns are like a forest
Chapter 86 Do you know how to play games?
Chapter 87 Late bloomers
Chapter 88 Future Tense
Chapter 89 For whom the death knell tolls
Chapter 90 Send me on the road with my own hands
Chapter 91 Candlelight
Chapter 94 How to Sentencing Unlicensed Driving
Chapter ninety-fifth of the last resort
Chapter 96 Digging Your Own Grave
Chapter 97 On the Wealth of the People
Chapter 97 Keeping pace with the times
Chapter 99 Buying a bunch of flowers
Chapter 100 Computational Biology
Chapter 101 The rich rely on technology
Chapter 102 Brothers love me
Chapter 103 Seventy-two changes
Chapter 104 Sending you to play
Chapter 105 Surname Meng
Chapter 106 Osteoporosis
Chapter 107 Back
Chapter 108: The white-haired man sends the black-haired man
Chapter 109: Diary of a Madman
Chapter 110 Single-handedly
Chapter 111 There is a problem with the box
Chapter 112 Meng's Feng Shui
Chapter 113 Our future
Chapter 114 What's the difference?
Chapter 115 Survival Base
Chapter 116: Rich N Generation
Chapter 117: No evidence to check
Chapter 118 Prisoner's Dilemma
Chapter 119 Vision
Chapter 120 Is it used up?
Chapter 121 The troubles of middle-aged Meng Lang
Chapter 122 There is no problem with the theory
Chapter 123 Incentives
Chapter 124: Clear Lies
Chapter 125: Reading thousands of volumes
Chapter 126 The drunkard's intention is not to drink
Chapter 127 Jumping in the queue
Chapter 128 A man is a teenager until he dies
Chapter 129 Art
Chapter 130: Fraud
Chapter 131 My future is not a dream
Chapter 132 I just want to give the story an ending
Chapter 133 Expecting the enemy to take the lead
Chapter 134: Endless fun
Chapter 135 Wildfire
Chapter 136: There must be a reason for the prodigal son to turn back!
Chapter 137 Making waves
Chapter 138 King of Cards
Chapter 139 Your driving skills are good
Chapter 140 Junior Brother
Chapter 141 Is there anything to eat?
Chapter 142 Cheer up
Chapter 143 Cat and Mouse
Chapter 144 Don't mess around
Chapter 145: Naihe Bridge Project 2.0
Chapter 146: When the world is not at peace, why do we call home?
Chapter 147 I sold eight hundred
Chapter 148 His fear
Chapter 149 When the Meteor Crosses the Sky
Chapter 150 The Whistleblower
Chapter 151 Tomorrow will be better
Chapter 152 Destroy you on behalf of evil
Chapter 153 Cloud Physical Examination
One hundred and fifty-four chapters do what they like
Chapter 155 I still prefer law to history
Chapter 156 How can something without risk be considered a gamble?
Chapter 157: Crime and Punishment
Chapter 158 The Writer
Chapter 159 I am responsible for post-processing
Chapter 160 Want money or people
Chapter 161 Yesterday’s honey, today’s arsenic
One hundred and sixtieth chapters do the opposite
Chapter 163 Money is just a tool to achieve ideals
Chapter 164 Death Melody
Chapter 165 Good words are hard to persuade the damned ghost
Chapter 166 Unexpected encounter
Chapter 167 The tragedy of human relations
Chapter 168 Gift
Chapter 169 Three Kingdoms Kill
Chapter 170 You don't even want to eat meat
Chapter 171 The Ordinary Road
Chapter 172: To read or not to read
Chapter 173 Humanity, never surrender!
Chapter 174 Good Brother
Chapter 175: This problematic
Chapter 176 The Watcher
Chapter 177: Seating by Number
Chapter one hundred and seventy-eight
Chapter 179 Are you sure you have had a car accident before?
Chapter 180 Treatment plan
Chapter 181 Forgot to bring my phone
Chapter 182 Light Rain's White Rice
Chapter 183 Senior
Chapter 184 Silent Hill
Chapter 185 What's Next?
Chapter 186 Good man
Chapter 187 tastes very good
Chapter 188: The obsession with wealth is a disease that needs to be cured!
Chapter 189: Start all over again
Chapter 190 Friendship Investment
Chapter 191 Who is swimming naked
Chapter 192: I met a fairy
Chapter 193 A fire
Chapter 194 Second Half
Chapter 195: Exceptions to the calculation of the organs
Chapter 196 The song of the siren
Chapter 197 The more ugly the purer
One hundred and ninetieth eight chapters cattle powder
Chapter 199: Beyond Visual Range Strike
Chapter 200 The Dialogue Between the Cultural Man and the Cultural Man
Chapter 201: Is my fortune... so abnormal?
Chapter 202 Zero
Chapter 203 'Senior' and 'Junior'
Chapter 204 Black Pot
Chapter 205 The top
Chapter 206: Species Extinction Report
Chapter 207 Mourning for future generations
Chapter 208 First Show
The 209th chapter only sighs a few people in the rivers and lakes
Chapter 210 “Taunt” skill is at full level
Chapter 211 Cut off my 'food path'?
Chapter 212 Summary of the previous situation
Chapter 213 Fire
Chapter 214 Industrial Layout
Chapter 215 Fraud
Chapter 216 Each book is its own
Chapter 217 No one comes later
Chapter 218 It's best to sit in the back row to watch the show
Chapter two hundred and nineteen in three steps
Chapter two hundred and twentieth every word
Chapter 221 How can there be no problem?
Chapter two hundred and twenty second dark battle
Chapter 223 Life Assassin
Chapter 224 Big Crisis
Chapter 225 Wait for my good news
Chapter 226 Photography Technology
Chapter 227 Gifts
Chapter 228 One step too late
Chapter two hundred and twenty ninth content
Chapter 230 Life Mentor
Chapter 231 Dislocation of time and space
Chapter 232 Nine-level authority
Chapter 233 Return to the cage
Chapter 234 Repaying Virtue with Resentment
Chapter 235 Cut a national treasure to play
Chapter 236 Interlude
Chapter 237 Jingle Cat
Chapter 238 Zero Risk
Chapter 239 Heart Demon
Chapter 240 I am
Chapter 241: Another Rumor
Chapter 242 The art of leaving blank
Chapter 243 Meng's Spring and Autumn
Chapter 244 How serious are you?
Chapter 245 angry with myself
Chapter 246 Alma Mater
Chapter 247: I don't understand the national conditions
Chapter 248 Early Warning Chip
Chapter 249 Prisoner?
Chapter 250 One Hundred Thousand Heroes
Chapter 251 missing a pull ring
Chapter 252 Confidentiality Regulations
Chapter 253 Time difference
Chapter 254 The heroine
Chapter 256 Scroll
Chapter 256 National Prestige
Chapter 257 Small Town Strategist
Chapter 258 The old line
Chapter two hundred and fifty nine master demeanor
Chapter 260 Ninety percent
Chapter 261 Difficulty is the heart of the people
Chapter 262 The Price of Plagiarism
Chapter 263 Debut is the peak
Chapter 264 Father's love is like a mountain
Chapter two hundred and sixty-fifth is outrageously wrong
Chapter 267 A sinkhole in the industry
Chapter 268 They all became who I am today
Chapter 269 Brother save me
Chapter 270 Flaw
Chapter 271 The Realm of Bodhidharma
Chapter 272 The Strongest Otaku in History
Chapter 273 Let me teach you
Chapter 274 Important Matters
Chapter 275: Must Be Bulletproof
Chapter 276 Why don't you leave
Chapter 277 Black Cat
Chapter 278 The History of Others
Chapter 279 Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng
Chapter 280 Training Manual
Chapter 281 Who to choose
Chapter 282: Examine myself four times
Chapter 283 Stream of Consciousness
Chapter 284 Come to make enemies
Chapter 285 Disciple
Chapter 286 The real reason
Chapter 287 Playing with things and getting frustrated
Chapter 288 The Boat of Friendship
Chapter 289 Energy Conservation
Chapter 290 Who is real and who is fake?
Chapter 291
Chapter 292
Chapter 293 Never Forget
Chapter 294 I am so principled
Chapter 295
Chapter 296
Chapter 297 Contradictions
Chapter 298 Breakthrough
Chapter 299
Chapter 300
Chapter 301 Little Love Song
Chapter 302 Bad for the skin
Chapter 303 Immortal
Chapter 304
Chapter 305
Chapter 306 Quality Customers
Chapter 307
Chapter 308 I'm just full
Chapter 309 The initial heartbeat
Chapter 310 That’s it
Chapter 311 Proxy War
Chapter 312 Sixth Generation Combatants
Chapter 313 Experts have said it
Chapter 314 The Sorrow of the Times
Chapter 315 The Book of War
Chapter 316 Taking someone’s head
Chapter 317 The person to save
Chapter 318 Demon Hunting Operation
Chapter 319 Air, Space and Ground Integrated Information Network
Chapter 319 Attack on the Giants
Chapter 320 Pig teammates
Chapter 321 Not very satisfied
Chapter 322 Two good news
Chapter 323 Biology doesn't care
Chapter 324 “Zero” Cost
Chapter 325 Traffic Password
Chapter 326 The first year of the doctor
Chapter 327 As soon as I heard that I was on stage, I made a false statement
Three hundred and twentieth eight chapters make a wish
Chapter 329 Investment Intention
Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Greater Insults
Chapter 331 The best policy
Chapter 332 The true meaning of 'Kong Rong gives up the pear'
Chapter 333 'Zero' and 'Game'
Chapter 334 The strongest reptile in history
Chapter 335: The details are full of answers
Chapter 336 Solution Provider
Chapter 337 I just want to buy a good gun
Chapter 338: Technology Capitalism
Chapter 339: Luring the Wolf into the House
Chapter 340 The First Pharmaceutical Factory Affiliated to Evergreen Biology
Chapter 341 Scary people
Chapter 342: The password is my birthday
Chapter 343 What burden?
Chapter 344: Bincheng Shipyard
Chapter 345 War Memoirs
Chapter 346 For Peace
Chapter 347 Pay it back immediately
Three hundred and fortieth eight chapters walk a little more than others
Chapter 349 Routine Operation
Chapter 351 Courage
Chapter 352 How to use the world
Chapter 353 The Maturity of Young People
Chapter 354 Scientific research is very accidental
Chapter 355 Organizational Program
Chapter 356 Never seen Go
Chapter 357 Raising an Army for a Thousand Days
Chapter 358 Traveling Frog
Chapter 359 Obsessed
Chapter 360 Why doesn’t it work?
Chapter 361 You Go First!
Chapter 362
Chapter 363 Demon Hunter
Chapter 364 Li Bai understands me
Chapter 365 A Breeding Farm
Chapter 366 Apology
Chapter 367 Unexpected Situation
Chapter 368 Borrowing a Sword
Chapter 369 Promotion and salary increase
Chapter 370 The Queen’s Blame-Back Man
Chapter 371 I’m talking about 3 billion
Chapter 372
Chapter 373 ETC Mode
Chapter 374 From Losing at the Beginning to the End
Chapter 375: The Shelter I Carry With Me
Chapter 376
Chapter 377 Don't give up fast enough
Chapter 378 How about this wine?
Chapter 379 Die-hard fans
Chapter 380 Add an Easter Egg
Chapter 381 Prenatal “pregnancy check”
Chapter 382 Wang Zha
Chapter 383 He can replace him
Chapter 384 Network security investigation?
Chapter 385 To thank me?
Chapter 386 Those who understand history
Chapter 387
Chapter 388: Having a Child Like Hu Yifei
Chapter 389 The mysterious 'confidence'
Chapter 390 How Tall Is
Chapter 391 Remote Control
Chapter 392 Real Big Brother?
Chapter 393 The posture is a bit strange
Chapter 394 Living in Suhang, it’s not easy
Chapter 394 Doomsday Clause
Chapter 395 Business Intelligence ERP
Chapter 396: Cloud Computing Center
Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Seven Curves Are Fast, That's Really Fast!
Chapter 398: Flies Don’t Bite Seamless Eggs
Chapter 399 Upper beam irregular lower beam strain
Chapter 400 Secret Unofficial History
Chapter 401 This is no longer a talent
Chapter 402 Commercial Espionage
Chapter 403 Interesting Soul
Chapter 404: Change
Chapter 405 Find a part-time job
Chapter 406: Jealousy Is Like Weeds
Chapter 407: Determining life and death
Chapter 408: Invisibility Cloak
Chapter 409 Evidence
Chapter 410 Historical text
Chapter 411 Premature cracking
Chapter 412: Escaping into Buddhism
Chapter 413 I am not suitable for studying Buddhism
Chapter 414 Name
Chapter 415 The tacit understanding is
Chapter 416: The Road to the World
Chapter 417 Hidden Welfare
Chapter 418: Special Training
Chapter 419: He De He Neng
Chapter 420 Humor cells
Chapter 421 Allies
Chapter 422: Reinventing the Wheel
Chapter 423 Bajie
Chapter 424 Partial Automatic
Chapter 425 Refurbishment
Four hundred and twentieth chapters cheating at the scene
Chapter 427 Anti-Monopoly Law
Chapter 428: Level of Thought
Chapter 429 High-risk projects
Chapter 430: What level of player?
Chapter 431: The Last Stubbornness
Chapter 432: Why Are There More Profits?
Chapter 433 Deprivation of political rights for life?
Chapter 434: The Statue
Chapter 435 Press Conference
Chapter 436: Talking Car
Chapter 437 Rise of the Empire
Chapter 438: Two Emotions
Chapter 439 Brave Heart
Chapter 440 Moisturized
Chapter 441: Nervous God
Chapter 442 Who is the third?
Chapter 443: Vulnerabilities
Chapter 444 Overclocking Scripture 2.0
Chapter 445: Textbook-level business operations
Chapter 446 New Production Line
Chapter 447: Big Gamble
Chapter 448: The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish.
Chapter 449 Another product
Chapter 450: Computing Supermarket
Chapter 451 Selling Speakers
Chapter 452 You can't do it
Chapter 453 Life is full of surprises
Chapter 454 You can make money even if you lose it
Chapter 455 Your face has affected all mankind
Chapter 456: What Grade?
Chapter 457 Inescapable Fate
Chapter 458 Dowry
Chapter 459: Doing Public Welfare
Four hundred and sixtieth chapters meet late
Chapter 461 Reflection
Chapter 462: Bluff
Chapter 463 Souvenirs
Chapter 464 What can it do in this building?
Chapter 465 Want Power?
Chapter 466 Has the play been over?
Chapter 467: Breaking Dawn
Four hundred and sixtieth eighth chapter speculators
Chapter 469: Branch of the Precepts Academy
Chapter 470 Cooperation
Chapter 471: The Gospel of Many Students
Chapter 473 Running into the arena
Chapter 474 Leverage Mode
Chapter 475 Old Photos
Chapter 475: The Answer
Chapter 476: Look Who Is So Obsessed
Chapter 477 “Unsophisticated” and “Naive”
Chapter 478 The stage
Chapter 479 Familiar
Chapter four hundred and eightieth show limit
Chapter 481 The person in the play
Chapter 482 Orphanage
Chapter 483: Attack on Juchang
Chapter 484: System disadvantages
Chapter 485: Resume is a bit strange
Chapter 486: Call Master Uncle
Chapter 487 Warm reminder
Chapter 488 First Impression
Chapter 489: The pretentiousness in front of me
Chapter 490 A red heart
Chapter 491: Immature
Chapter 492 Communication Methods
Chapter 493: It’s better to choose a day than to hit it
Chapter 494: Master’s Mission
Chapter 495 Demon Hunting Team
Chapter 496: Second Life
Chapter 497 A new era
Chapter 498 Solve the problem from the root
Chapter 499 AI
Chapter 500: First time alive, second time familiar
Chapter 501: Should I drink or not?
Chapter 502 Xinchuang
Chapter 503 AI Technology Alliance
Chapter 504 Novice Village
Chapter 505 Passbook
Chapter 506: You have to do something for your children
Chapter 507: Right of Way
Chapter 508 Special Thanks
Chapter 509 Transformation
Chapter 510 I don’t do anything, I just watch
Chapter 511: Engage in commercial aerospace
Chapter 512 I follow
Chapter 513: Dog Restriction
Chapter 514 Legal Status
Chapter 515: One has to come in
Chapter 516: Fear
Chapter 517: Watching the Fire from the Other Bank
Chapter 518: Once you enter the rivers and lakes, you are as deep as the sea
Chapter 519: Name change and project establishment
Chapter 520 Hope?
Chapter 521 A leaping accident
Chapter 522: Why buy land?
Chapter 523: Hedging your bets
Chapter 524 I like this place very much
Chapter 525: When I first heard it, I didn’t know what it meant.
Chapter 526 No Survivors
Chapter 527: Your home or mine
Chapter 528 Interventionism
Chapter 529: Urban Cool Articles
Chapter 530 Feng Chu
Chapter 531: Perfect Human Being?
Chapter 532: One more shot
Chapter 533: There must be my teacher among the three of us?
Chapter 534: Are there no children in the world?
Chapter 535: Jianghu is all about Jianghu
Chapter 536 The Spring Breeze of Reform
Chapter 537 Three Thousand Floating Worlds
Chapter 538 The third heat source
Chapter 539: Boiling the Eagle
Chapter 540 Pandora Project
Chapter 541 The Shackles of the Soul
Chapter 542 Philanthropist
Chapter 543: Repaying evil with kindness
Chapter 544: The Strongest Trader in History
Chapter 545 EVE
Chapter 546 Two are missing and one is missing