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Chapter 119 Vision

 "Director Tang, how many years have you been with the company?"

"I have been a senior director for seven years. I have been working in human resources in the company since its establishment."

Tang Yun, who was sitting opposite, felt quite uneasy.

Although Gao Yuan smiles very easily, no one who has seen Gao Yuan's methods will think that she is just a harmless housewife.

"Seven years, many people's marriages don't last longer than this. It's really rare for Director Tang to be a veteran of the company and to be able to work in one field for many years."

Tang Yun's heart moved.

Rare? What does this imply?

"I heard that Director Tang is divorced and has a child by himself?"

Tang Yun was stunned for a moment.

The other party actually knows this?

I thought that the chairman would know nothing about the company, but now it seems that he is obviously prepared...

"I'm usually too busy with work, but after I got married, I focused on work again, which made Director Gao laugh, haha!" Tang Yun smiled slightly bitterly.

"I envy you quite a bit. Back then, I also wanted to be someone like Director Tang, but unfortunately, fate played a trick on me, and in the end I couldn't live the way I wanted...

Haha! We are all in the same boat, right?"

These words, which were quite sincere, immediately resonated with Tang Yun, who was also a woman.

"Is it hard for Director Tang to take care of the children alone?"

"Fortunately, my children have grown up now and there is a nanny at home. The most difficult period is now over."

"Not easy……"

In the following conversation, Gao Yuan did not mention Tang Yun's work at all, nor did she ask her to choose a side to show her loyalty as Tang Yun had guessed. Instead, she casually chatted about some family feud like an old friend.

After a conversation, Tang Yun felt that the new chairman was fierce in his methods, but he was very sincere. Invisibly, he felt that the relationship between the two was much closer.

When Tang Yun left the conference room, Gao Yuan looked at the other party's back and showed a faint smile.

Among the six-ministry system of the Qing Dynasty, in order of importance, the Ministry of Husbandry was always first and the Ministry of Personnel was second.

Because one is in charge of money and the other is in charge of people.

Similarly, in modern corporate management, the position of human resources director is regarded as the third-in-command position in many companies, and its importance is second only to the general manager and financial director.

The current situation is obvious. Jiang Wenmin and Finance are on the same page, but Tang Yun is not the same person as them, at least not deeply involved.

This is also in line with Gao Yuan's basic judgment.

No matter how bad the previous board of directors was, it would not be possible for Jiang Wenmin to bring the three giants together. This would easily make the board of directors empty, and there would inevitably be a balance of power.

Since we want to suppress Jiang Wenmin's faction, we naturally need to appease or even support another faction.

Tang Yun is from a human resources background and has a good eye for people and things, so Gao Yuan did not play tricks, but directly played the emotional card.

As long as Tang Yun is not stupid, she will not fail to see the olive branch she extends.

The next person to come in was Financial Director Liu Ye, who was also one of the executives who proposed to resign.

When the financial director with a stiff face and a beer belly sat down, Gao Yuan's first words made him confused.

"I heard that Manager Liu is very diligent in changing secretaries?"


It wasn't the first day she came to the company, so how could she know about her affairs in the company? Could it be that she had been targeted a long time ago?

Or... Tang Yun?!

"Ah! I...I have higher requirements for the people under my command."

Liu Ye could only speak bravely, becoming more and more elusive about Gao Yuan.

In fact, Gao Yuan's method was not very clever to put it bluntly. She asked a female bodyguard to pretend to be a company employee and collect some gossip inside the company in the company's tea room.

These gossips are irrelevant and are unlikely to have a substantial impact on the other party.

But starting from some small things, it is easy to give the other party the illusion of "Don't pretend, I know you very well".

"Really? What does Director Liu think of his current salary? Are you satisfied with the company's benefits? It doesn't matter. Speak freely. We still have a lot of time..."

Gao Yuan showed a meaningful smile...

As soon as Tang Yun returned to the door of the large conference room, she saw Jiang Wenmin and others smoking cigarettes in the aisle and discussing something in low voices.

Seeing Tang Yun come back, Jiang Wenmin glanced at her.

"Director Tang, what did Director Gao talk about with you?"

"Oh, it's just that some parents are short-lived." Tang Yun said lightly.

Are the parents short-tempered? Is this all they talk about?

Everyone looked suspicious.

Tang Yun could see what the other party was thinking, but she didn't bother to explain. She finally understood that Jiang Wenmin was probably a grasshopper after the autumn, and he wouldn't be able to jump around for much longer.

This new chairman is very clever and the two parties are not on the same level at all.

This time, a full twenty minutes passed before Liu Ye came back with a strange expression.

Several people immediately came over.

"Old Liu, you didn't do anything, did you?"

"What tricks are you using? Who do you think I am!"

"What did she ask you?"

"Ask me if I am satisfied with my current salary..."


Seeing everyone's suspicious eyes glancing back and forth at him, Liu Ye naturally understood what they were thinking and immediately waved his hands.

"You can't see it. The other party is trying to sow discord. Don't be fooled!"

"What Lao Liu said is right, everyone should not mess up. As long as we don't have any problems, Gao Yuan can't do anything to us!" Jiang Wenmin saw that the situation was not good and quickly stood up and said.

After another ten minutes, the third person came back with a very ugly expression.

"How is it? Then Gao Yuan still asks about your salary?"

"No, she asked me why I wanted to resign. Was it because I was dissatisfied with the company or was someone instigating me? She also asked me if there was anything I needed to confess. Finally, she asked the lawyer to tell me a bunch of legal provisions that might be violated by harming the company's interests...

Finally, she gave me an email address and said I could contact her at any time, and there was only one chance."


Everyone's eyes turned to Liu Ye again.

How come you two have different confessions?

"Hey! Why do you look at me like this? Can't you see that she is clearly trying to frame me!" Liu Ye glared at the other people.

"Everyone, don't think nonsense! I believe Lao Liu, this is definitely a trick to attack the heart! Gao Yuan thought that she could defeat each of us with this method, she is too naive!" Jiang Wenmin could only stand up again to stabilize people's hearts.

He sounded confident, but in fact he felt increasingly uncertain.

If the six people who resigned can become senior executives, no one would be smart enough to fail to see what tricks Gao Yuan is playing.

They all understand the truth, but... what the other party is doing is completely a conspiracy!

The so-called prisoner's dilemma.

The two suspects were caught by the police after committing the crime. The police knew that the two were guilty, but lacked sufficient evidence.

The police told everyone that if both of them denied it, each would be sentenced to one year in prison.

If both men confess, each will be sentenced to five years in prison.

If one of the two confesses and the other denies, the one who confesses will be released and the one who denies will be sentenced to ten years.

Therefore, every prisoner faces two choices: confess or deny.

For an individual, no matter what his accomplice chooses, the best choice for each prisoner is to confess.

If the accomplice denies, he will be released if he confesses. If he denies, he will be sentenced to one year. It is better to confess than not to confess.

If the accomplice confesses, he will be sentenced to five years if he confesses, compared to ten years if he denies. Confession is still better than denial.

As for the collective, both suspects chose to confess and were each sentenced to five years in prison.

If both of them deny it, each will be sentenced to one year, which is obviously a better result for the collective.

The profound problem reflected in the prisoner's dilemma is that human individual rationality can sometimes lead to collective irrationality.

In the face of personal interests and collective interests, most people will choose personal interests. However, this is often not the optimal solution for the collective. This is the prisoner's dilemma.

So... what choices will the six Jiang Wenmin and Jiang Wenmin make between confessing and possibly being exempted from guilt, and denying and possibly facing jail time?

Several people secretly observed each other and were suspicious of each other.

Distrust gradually fermented during this slightly long wait...

Jiang Wenmin knew the problems they faced, but he was powerless.

The moment Gao Yuan was not threatened with resignation, their small group was already at an absolute disadvantage, and the initiative had already passed into Gao Yuan's hands.

Shouting slogans and talking about unity will not change anything, it will only expose each other's guilty conscience.

His expression was gloomy and uncertain. If we were to say how much these people who came together for the benefit would trust each other, even ghosts would not believe it.

If someone tells the whole story, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to work for the Xu family...

Jiang Wenmin is the general manager, but for some reason, he was the last one among the six people to walk into the small conference room, and the first few people stayed longer and longer.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Gao Yuan's half-smiling gaze opposite him.

The suspicion and pressure that Jiang Wenmin had accumulated during this period suddenly burst out under this look.

"Director Gao! I...I confess!"

Lin Haitang was stunned for a moment.

This... all the generals have surrendered?

Witnessing the whole process, she was deeply shocked.

Turning around to look at the seemingly ordinary woman who was just a housewife just yesterday...

This is simply a born CEO!

Is this the real reason why Meng Lang chose to cooperate with the other party?

That mysterious organization not only has a powerful intelligence network, but also has such a sharp vision when it comes to headhunting?!

This chapter has been completed!
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