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Chapter 135 Wildfire

 Meng Lang didn't know what was happening in Changqing Biology.

After returning from driving school, he has been busy accepting the furniture he just bought...

"That's right, the bookcase is here, help me straighten it over there."

"Put the safe in the corner, okay! That's it!"

"The lighting is good here, and the tables and chairs are placed here."

After working on it for almost an hour, I finally got it done.

After sending away the moving masters, most of the originally empty room was filled.

His suite has three bedrooms and one living room. Apart from the master bedroom and the second bedroom, there is another room that originally had nothing.

Now, three black and white split bookcases have filled the three walls except the windows.

Only the corner was occupied by a safe that looked very heavy.

But now the bookcases are still empty, there is not a single book, and the room still looks empty.

Placed near the window is a large desk and an ergonomic chair.

Meng Lang moved all his notebooks and printers in and placed them on the desk. He carefully looked at all the layouts before showing a satisfied smile.

"Well! It finally looks a bit like a study."

Next, all that is left is to fill all these bookcases with a huge amount of books.

When the time comes, I hide my autobiography in a bookcase. Who would have guessed that there is a "true scripture" hidden in this sea of ​​books in the house?

This is called hiding in the city!

This room can be said to be a study, but it is better to say that it is the "bedroom" specially prepared by Meng Lang for his autobiography - a real "study" room.

At least I don't have to hold it carefully to sleep at night... I'm so panicked!

Finally, I can sleep in a "separate room" with peace of mind. Otherwise, what would happen if I, a diamond bachelor, sleep with this book all day long?


As for the expensive safe in the corner... it's just a hidden object.

When someone with evil intentions comes here, I am afraid that their attention will be immediately attracted by this thick safe that exudes the smell of "money" and "mystery".

Even if you encounter the most unlucky situation and there are thieves and robbers who break into your house and rob you, let them have a battle of wits with this high-end product that cost you tens of thousands.

Mechanical locks, fingerprint locks, password locks, face recognition... When Meng Lang bought this thing, his only requirement was that it should be as complex as possible.

Unpacking is too cumbersome, and it doesn't matter what affects the user experience. The real purpose is to make people unable to open it.

Because he had no intention of using it at all.

After finishing the study, Meng Lang happily made himself a cup of tea to nourish his stomach, and then sat comfortably on the chair.

While drinking tea, I took out my mobile phone and started purchasing books online at "Dangdang".

First of all, don’t buy second-hand books, buy all new ones.

It's amazing to say.

Every time that autobiography is updated, it's like going back to the drawing board and remaking it, no matter whether you threw it in the trash can, drew Ninja Turtles on it, or even folded it and rolled it up to make it look like eighteen different shapes.

As soon as the update time comes, the entire book will look brand new. Not to mention stains, not even a wrinkle will be left, just like the one that was just printed.

Although Meng Lang didn't know how long this book had existed, whether it was a "modern artifact" or an "ancient innate spiritual treasure".

But one thing is clear...

The "shelf life" of this thing must be very long!


Meng Lang slid his fingers through the dazzling array of books.

"According to my frivolous name of Urinary Sex, the world's top 100 classics are basically required...biographies of famous people are indispensable..."

"The number is still not enough... Hmm! Let's make up for the current areas of expertise, medicine, law, IT... and cooking skills.

Later someone asked me why I was so versatile, so I took him to this study...

Hmm! It’s so inspiring!”

The browsing lasted for nearly half an hour. At first, Meng Lang was accustomed to carefully selecting items one by one. Later, he found that doing so was too time-consuming, and he probably wouldn't be able to complete today's purchasing task even after dark.

So Meng Lang started using the "quantum shopping method".

This half hour can be summed up in one sentence...

I'll come, I'll see, I'll buy, buy, buy!

Finally, clear your shopping cart with one click!

[Ding! You have successfully spent 33623 yuan!]


After experiencing a shopping spree regardless of the cost, Meng Lang rubbed his fingers that were a little sore from constantly adding items to the shopping cart.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

The life of rich people is so boring and boring...

Meng Lang looked at the final purchase results and couldn't help but smack his lips.

This number is probably close to a thousand copies.

If it weren't for the fact that many books in the bookstore are sold in sets, otherwise my fingers would cramp up from ordering so many books even using the "quantum shopping method".

After completing this huge and time-consuming procurement project, it has already passed twelve o'clock.

Meng Lang stopped being anxious and made another cup of hot tea before taking out the book and placing it on the desk in front of him.

"I don't know if I can find the truth about 2043 this time, but don't do any more Naihe Bridge plans for me..."

With this self-admonishment, Meng Lang looked at this update.


[In the dark night, you need a light to illuminate the road at night. I burned myself with resentment but no regrets.

Being born as a human being is always full of regrets.

Because you never know which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident...

I have thought about life and death countless times, but I still can't figure it out.

In the end, I can only comfort myself, just live fearlessly like this, cherish every day, cherish the people in front of you, and seize the moment, because in this world...

No more regret medicine!

However, even though I have heard countless truths and received countless lessons, I still cannot live this simple life.

Yes, I failed again!

People always take chances and feel that they have already been unlucky to a certain extent. How can God bear to punish you again?

But you have forgotten that we are all human beings, and there are some things that you cannot escape even if it is your turn.

Who would have expected that in this life, my heart will be in Tianshan and my body will be in Cangzhou!

The turning point of fate was July 2018.

A vaccine fraud incident that shocked the entire medical industry, and a trending headline that shocked the country and abroad.

It is not an exaggeration to describe this incident as a "big earthquake in the medical industry".

The protagonist of this incident seems to have had an inexplicable fateful entanglement with Evergreen Creatures since his birth.

They seem to be destined to have twin brothers with a bad fate.

Because the protagonist of this incident.

Named "Changchun Biology"...]

This chapter has been completed!
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