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Chapter 145: Naihe Bridge Project 2.0


I vomited out the little food in my stomach and drank several large gulps of mineral water. The sudden and severe nausea was slightly relieved.

However, the inexplicable fatigue in his body and the dizziness in his brain still existed, reminding Meng Lang that something was definitely wrong with his body.

"So...what's going on?" Yan Weiwei looked sideways at Meng Lang.

"Uh... I said I got carsick, do you believe it?"

Yan Weiwei looked at Meng Lang with wide eyes, with a look on her face like "You're kidding me."

I have seen people vomiting while riding in cars, and people vomiting while driving...

Well, the forest is so big, there may be such birds.

But who are you?

You are the "masked car god" who just used your god-like driving skills to tease a professional driver like a cat and mouse!

Are you telling me now that you drove a car and made yourself vomit?

Could you please explain to me how you can be so good at driving but still vomit after driving?

What the hell kind of physique is this?

Seeing Yan Weiwei's expression, Meng Lang helplessly rubbed his suddenly swollen temples.

So how do you want me to explain?

He said that although he suffered from vomiting while driving, it had nothing to do with motion sickness. It was just a period of weakness after driving hard?

After waking up from that strange state, he was both excited and a little scared.

Although he didn't understand what exactly happened to him, he already had some vague guesses.

I was afraid that when I was "on the same frequency" as my brother, I accidentally "overclocked"...

And the birdlike appearance I have now is probably the sequelae caused by the so-called low-level players who forcefully use high-level skills...

But he couldn't figure out how an advanced skill like "overclocking" could suddenly appear in his personal skill bar?

Logically speaking, the "overclocking" state that activates the nervous system is a temporary buff that can only be obtained by using neurological stimulants such as "Meng Po Tang".

But I have never used this drug, but it has a similar effect...

There is only one possibility, that is, the brother has formed some kind of body memory due to his long-term use of drugs.

And this body memory was copied by one's own body through the "same frequency" of the five senses. By chance, a certain limitation of the brain was opened?

Many people may have similar experiences. When they are extremely focused on something, their brains are too active, which creates the illusion that time in the outside world is speeding up.

Therefore, the time for playing games is always extremely short...

Meng Lang himself had an experience.

When he was in junior high school, he liked to play badminton. When a classmate hit a chasing ball, he subconsciously avoided it and focused all his attention on badminton.

Then it felt like the whole world was dimming, and the flight path of the badminton became very slow.

For a while, he thought he had gained superpowers and was about to become the next "Super Wave" after Super Dan.

But no matter how much I held my breath afterwards, I never entered that magical "stream of consciousness" state again.

But now, he seems to have found the switch that turns it on...

And the key is that the biggest side effect was borne by his own brother.

Is this a blessing in disguise for me?

It's just...I'll take the benefits if I send you to death?

It's embarrassing.

Meng Lang could only be grateful for this.

Human life is limited, but serving the people is unlimited.

There are always some people who devote their limited lives to unlimited service to the people...

(A certain wave: "...")

As for the fear after excitement, it is human beings' natural fear of unknown things.

Meng Lang knew from his body's reaction at this moment that activating this advanced skill would probably come at the cost of overdrafting his body.

It would be fine if it was a temporary overdraft, but if it caused permanent damage to the body, then I would be a Muggle.

After all, overloading the equipment will affect its service life. This is basic common sense.

For a mere one million, even if it cost him one day of his life, Meng Lang felt at a loss.

What's more, this is a thing that involves the "brain" in the forbidden area of ​​​​human beings. It is possible to accidentally turn yourself into a vegetative state. In that case, you are really crippling yourself.

He made up his mind that until his "brothers" verified the safety of this skill, it would be better for him to just remain an ordinary person.

After experiencing the wonderful feeling of changing from a single core to a dual core, as if everything was under control, Meng Lang had clearly realized it.

Even if he could bear it, some of his brothers would definitely take the risk to taste the "forbidden fruit".

It's not because the brothers are not afraid of death, it's precisely because the brothers are also afraid of death, so they can only make a desperate move.

"Rabies" is a research sample of "madman's disease". Why can't "brain overclocking" become the nemesis of "Alzheimer's disease"?

You must know that "Mengpo Decoction" was originally a medicine developed to cure Alzheimer's disease.

What's more, if "brain overclocking" can be used without side effects, it will give "One Hundred Thousand Meng Lang" wings to take off.

It seems like this...

"Naihe Bridge Project 2.0" is probably inevitable...

"Come on, change positions."

"What are you doing?" Yan Weiwei's face was still confused and she didn't react.

"How can I drive when I'm like this? Besides, I don't have a driver's license!" Meng Lang rolled his eyes.

Yan Weiwei: "..."

Are you embarrassed to say it?

You're a great car guy, you vomit after driving, and you don't have a driver's license?

Do you have any misunderstandings about "contrast cuteness"?!

"Hey! Drive slower, I'm dizzy."

Yan Weiwei: "..."

When the two returned to the community, it was already 10:30 pm.

As soon as they entered the corridor, they saw the elevator door closing slowly.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" Yan Weiwei quickly took two steps and pressed the up button.

The elevator door slowly reopened, and then... a surprised Lin Haitang was revealed inside.

Lin Haitang was dressed in professional attire, carrying a bag and holding the glasses he had just taken off.

The three people looked at each other for a moment.

"Uh... Haitang, you just came back?"

Yan Weiwei didn't know why, she just felt a little guilty, smiled and walked into the elevator.

"Well! I have a case today, so I have to work a little overtime. What are you..."

"Oh! There was a competition in a car group of mine tonight. The group leader took a fancy to Xiao Mengzi's driving skills, so I asked him to help with the car. You don't know how deep this guy is!"

Thinking of the thrilling match before, Yan Weiwei's face is still a little excited.

"Racing car?" Lin Haitang was stunned for a moment.

Isn't he taking the driver's license test?

Never heard that this guy has this skill?

But come to think of it, which agent is not good at driving? Lin Haitang instantly used various 007 plots to automatically fill in Meng Lang's "skill tree".


Looking at Meng Lang who looked sluggish and pale, he struggled to move his legs. His steps were shaky when he walked and his legs were shaking. It took him a long time to move into the elevator.

Lin Haitang's expression was unusually strange.

She pointed at Meng Lang to Yan Weiwei, "Driving... driving like this?"

"Uh..." Yan Weiwei was suddenly speechless.

"Do you believe me when I say he gets carsick? Hey, please explain!" Yan Weiwei glared at Meng Lang.

Meng Lang nodded helplessly, "Yeah! I really get carsick."

Lin Haitang: "..."

The elevator rose slowly, and the atmosphere inside the elevator became a little weird for some reason.



The two women looked at Meng Lang with strange expressions.

Meng Lang smiled awkwardly, "Uh... I'm a little hungry."

Facts have proved that there is another drawback for low-end players to use high-end skills.

The stamina bar... was drained.


Looking at the bowl of hot noodles in front of him, as well as the golden fried poached eggs floating on it, Meng Lang picked up his chopsticks and started gobbling it up.

Although it is just a bowl of ordinary egg noodles, it is extremely delicious, with some millet pepper added and the seasoning just right. It is made exactly according to Meng Lang's taste.

"One more bowl, thank you!"

"Huh~ I'm satisfied!"

After eating three bowls in a row, Meng Lang felt that the hunger in his belly was finally satisfied. He patted his belly and couldn't help but sigh.

Happiness means having someone to cook for you when you are hungry in the middle of the night...

"What happened? You didn't have dinner?" Lin Haitang took off his apron and looked at Meng Lang with a strange expression.

Xiao Yu had already gone to bed, and Yan Weiwei ran to take a shower when she came back. There were only two people left in the kitchen outside.

"Yes, I was just picking up Xiaoyu from school when I was blocked by Yan Weiwei." Meng Lang spread his hands helplessly.

I almost vomited everything I ate in the evening.

"Um...you really went racing?"

"Yeah, why did I lie to you?"

“How can you be so tired from driving?”

"Alas! It's hard to explain. There was a little technical problem in the middle."

"Okay, by the way, what happened this afternoon..." Lin Haitang thought for a while and explained.

"Han Li is here today. You are with Director Gao. I am afraid that she will have other ideas, so I can only pretend not to know you."

Meng Lang was stunned for a moment, so that was it.

Han Li, must be the law firm colleague who stole secrets...

He smiled and said: "Well, I want to say this too. I went to talk to Gao Yuan this afternoon, and I was afraid you might misunderstand."

"What did I misunderstand?"

"Uh...it's nothing. By the way, about Han Li, don't you have evidence of her stealing secrets? Why is she still in your law firm?"

"Although Han Li is a bit unscrupulous in what she does, she comes from a poor background. I know she has sacrificed a lot to get to where she is today.

If I hand over the evidence, her life will basically be ruined.

I feel that although she was wrong, this punishment was a bit too cruel, and she could not have committed such a crime."

Meng Lang was stunned for a moment, looking at Lin Haitang in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This guy... is really kind.

Seeing Lin Haitang stand up and start clearing the dishes on the table, he quickly stood up and said, "I'll do it."

"No, you are tired too. Go and rest early."

Meng Lang looked at the graceful figure who started to wash the dishes in the kitchen, and his mind fell into a trance for some reason.

It's as if this scene seems familiar...

This chapter has been completed!
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