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Chapter 150 The Whistleblower

 【I want to live like a shooting star crossing the sky, with edges and corners, and sparkling. 】

Meng Lang looked at these words and sighed slightly.

When ideals are replaced by cruel reality, you can only choose to surrender and accept the imperfections in life, and gradually smooth out the enthusiasm and edges of your youth, so you can say such words.

Although there is no writing, but under the pressure of approaching the end day by day, "I" may have tried my best to the point of exhaustion.

The saddest thing in the world is to pity yourself...

Putting away his emotions, Meng Lang read the "Meteor" carefully several times with a solemn expression.

Finally, he lived until 2043 again, and monitored the surrounding environment as planned.

What is sad but surprising is that this time some kind of environmental change was actually detected, which verified the previous conjecture.

Although I still don’t know if this unusually coincidental sound wave is really the “trigger” for madman’s disease that I have been searching for.

But this is undoubtedly a crucial step in solving the mysterious "doomsday mystery"!

This time, in addition to the main text, there are two appendices in the book.

One is "Meng Po Soup 3.0 Recipe", and "Overclocking Potion" has directly jumped to a major version. The progress is gratifying.

According to the instructions, this version of the formula can greatly reduce the side effects of the drug.

Although it will inevitably still cause some damage to the brain, the damage is within an acceptable range, and it already has preliminary market value similar to that of a powerful stimulant.

In this way, Meng Lang has one more technology that can be monetized.

It's just that this technology is too sensitive, and its military value may be greater than its civilian value.

What kind of disturbance will be caused after such technology is exposed, I am afraid that further "security" verification is needed.

As for how to verify it, it was definitely not done by Meng Lang himself.

The second appendix is ​​a "waveform chart".

Obviously, this is the sound waveform that was recorded before he sacrificed himself.

"I" personally proved with my body that the overclocked brain can indeed resist mutation in a short period of time.

It's a pity that I can't stay in this state for a long time. Otherwise, would I have violently cracked the "madman's disease"?

Brain overclocking is not only an auxiliary magical skill, it can also resist abnormal states, and has great development potential.

Meng Lang gave it a definition and then carefully looked at this two-dimensional waveform diagram consisting of vertical and horizontal axes.

He followed the axis inch by inch without missing any detail.

Relevant graphic interpretation methods naturally come to mind.

Soon, he identified through the units on the vertical axis that this sound wave should belong to the "infrasound wave" band category.

Infrasound refers to low-frequency sound waves with a frequency less than 20Hz (Hertz) and cannot be heard by the human ear.

Compared with ordinary sound waves, this kind of sound wave is not easy to attenuate and is not easily absorbed by water and air.

Because the wavelength of infrasound is very long, it can diffract around certain large obstacles, has extremely strong penetrating power, and can even penetrate concrete layers dozens of meters thick.

Infrasound waves of specific frequencies can also resonate with human organs, causing them to deform, shift, or even rupture, thereby achieving the purpose of killing.

Therefore, infrasound can also be used as a lethal weapon.

"I was originally more inclined to light waves, but I didn't expect it to be sound waves." Meng Lang felt a little surprised.

Sound waves are mechanical waves, while light waves are electromagnetic waves.

The spread speeds of the two are completely different.

Electromagnetic waves propagate at the speed of light and can cover the earth with almost no delay, while the propagation speed of sound is only 340/s, even in water, it is only 1500m/s.

It would take two or three hours to use sound waves to induce madness, even if it only covers the entire country of China, let alone the whole world.

This kind of reaction time is enough for city warning sirens to ring throughout the sky. There is no reason why humans would not react at all.

"If the laws of physics cannot be changed, then there must be some reason to circumvent the shortcoming of the slow propagation speed of sound waves.

For example, establish countless infrasonic detonation points around the world and then activate them simultaneously?

To emit infrasound waves of this level, high-power speaker equipment must be used. I am afraid that only certain military weapons can meet this condition.

Not only is this method a huge investment, but the goal is too obvious. Since I did not mention it in the book, it means that I have not found any signs of such a large-scale project.

The rest may be..."

Meng Lang's eyes slowly fell on the only photo.

It was a high-definition landscape photo. On the blue sky, the sparkle left by the bolide made the entire sky eclipse.

"The remaining possibility is that this infrasound wave source is passing through the world at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound..."

"No...it can't be?!"

Meng Lang was even frightened by this idea.

Infrasound waves in nature come from many aspects, such as solar magnetic storms, storms, sea roars, volcanic eruptions, thunder and lightning, and... meteor impacts!

Since this book is named "Meteor", is that a hint?

But why didn’t I see this meteor in 2043 the previous few times?

By the way, there were three deaths in total, two indoors and one in Mengjia Village, and Mengjia Village is famous for being surrounded by mountains.

And the area on Earth where meteors can be observed is limited after all...

But... is a meteorite from outer space hundreds of millions of kilometers away the cause of madman's disease?

No matter how good the people on earth are, I am afraid they will not be able to transform a meteorite in 2043 and then use it to destroy mankind, right?

Even if you can really do it, you can't do such a shameless act with all the people on earth watching, right?

He suppressed the inexplicable fear in his heart, opened the web browser, and searched for meteorites and infrasound waves as keywords.

Half an hour later, Meng Lang leaned back on the chair slumped, his eyes lost focus.

Facts have proved that when meteorites pass by the earth, they do produce special "ripple sounds", including infrasound waves.

If the earth is regarded as a spherical lake, infrasound waves will continuously oscillate back and forth on the spherical surface in a ripple-like manner. This is the so-called "ripple sound".

Since infrasound waves are extremely difficult to attenuate, this oscillation range will be global.

Even enough to form a second or third echo.

For example, in August 1883, the Krakatoa volcano between South Sumatra and Java erupted, producing infrasound waves that circled the earth three times, with a total length of more than 100,000 kilometers and a duration of 108 hours.

From a certain perspective, infrasound waves are mechanical waves with the potential of intercontinental weapons.

Its scope of influence is even greater than that of nuclear weapons.

A simulation picture gradually formed in Meng Lang's mind.

The ultra-high-speed meteorite passing through Eurasia, Australia, America, and Africa at dozens of kilometers per second is like a "whistle."

When it passes through the atmosphere, it creates violent friction with the air and makes a silent "whistle".

Then use points to form lines and lines to form surfaces.

In just a few minutes, this "death melody" spread to every corner of the earth...

What's even more frightening is that this "death melody" is not a one-time occurrence.

It will be like ripples, oscillating back and forth on the surface of the earth. It will last for about four or five days before gradually disappearing due to energy attenuation.

[The precious thing about fireworks is that they fall when they bloom, and the touching thing about meteors is that they bloom when they fall.]

However, what this brilliant and beautiful meteorite blooms is a "flower of death".

So, who is the "whistleblower" behind the scenes?


The ripples of death surging across the earth surface appeared in his mind, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared in Meng Lang's heart.

This seems to be... a 360° sterilization and disinfection of the earth without any blind spots?

Really *death ripple?!

Meng Lang just felt a sense of absurdity.

At the same time, there was a shuddering fear all over my body.

If the enemy were of the same kind, Meng Lang was confident that he could predict the future like a cheat and put the opponent into dozens of postures.

But what if the enemy is an alien...

Fear comes from the unknown.

It also comes from the untouchable deep sky...

This chapter has been completed!
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