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Chapter 163 Money is just a tool to achieve ideals

"On the evening of April 2, due to a sudden power outage and the negligence of internal employees, the cold storage failed and the efficacy of a batch of our raw materials was damaged.

In order to ensure product quality, we had no choice but to make the difficult decision to destroy all expired drugs and bear huge losses.

This helpless decision has indeed greatly affected our cash flow and put us in a crisis of broken capital chain."

Gao Yuan continued to speak "uprightly".

"What about our payment for the goods? Are you planning not to give it to us?"

"Yes! We are still waiting for this money to provide emergency relief!"


The news was solid, and the low-level suppliers were immediately anxious.

"Sir, may I ask who you are..." Gao Yuan looked at the supplier who was causing the most trouble.

"I am Kang Wenhua, the manager of Baiyu Pharmaceutical!"

"Baiyu Pharmaceutical? Hmm! I have the impression that your company mainly produces raw materials for roxithromycin, right? But if I remember correctly, your final payment time should be at the end of this month, right?"

Kang Wenhua's tone hesitated and his voice became weaker.

"I know that our early payment is not in compliance with the contract, but with your company's current situation, I'm afraid that when the time comes, I won't be able to get a penny!"

He looked at Gao Yuan and sighed immediately.

"Director Gao, to be honest, I admire your company's approach very much.

Everyone here is an industry insider, and they all know the current situation of the industry. When funds are tight, they can destroy all expired APIs without hesitation. I am afraid that few companies in this industry can do this!

Just for your aboveboard conduct, Director Gao, I, Lao Kang, have to give you a thumbs up!"

He changed the subject.

“But we all run businesses, and who doesn’t have hundreds of people waiting to be fed?

Our Baiyu Pharmaceutical Temple is small, and if we cannot collect millions of dollars in payment, we may go bankrupt!

It’s not that we don’t respect contracts or favors, we really can’t afford to lose!”

These sincere words immediately resonated with the suppliers present, and the others nodded frequently.

Reporter Liu Tao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

However, he did not feel the same way, but his keen sense of news allowed him to grasp some hidden information in the other party's words...

Gao Yuan looked at everyone's reactions and nodded.

"Manager Kang is right, we are all business operators, no one has the obligation to pay for other people's loftiness, that is moral kidnapping.

Although I took over Evergreen Biotechnology not long ago, I also understand the principle of "do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you."

So please rest assured that since I have decided to do this, I will bear all the consequences of doing so and will never drag others down.

In fact, the company’s funding problems have already begun to emerge!”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Director Gao, are you telling the truth?" Kang Wenhua was doubtful.

"Of course! President Lu of the Suzhou Branch of Sujiang Bank is also present. He came here today specifically to discuss bank loans with us.

Are you right, Mr. Lu?"

Gao Yuan cast her eyes towards the middle of the crowd.

President Lu: "..."

Everyone's eyes followed Gao Yuan's eyes.

In an instant, Mr. Lu became the focus of the audience.

He was a little confused, I just came to eat melon, what does this have to do with me!

Especially when the media camera turned to him, President Lu felt a rush of grass and mud horses rushing past in his heart.

"Ahem! That's true."

President Lu could only nodded to everyone with a stiff face, but he directly cursed in his heart.

I came here to discuss bank loans with you. This is true.

But shouldn’t we talk about this kind of thing in private?

He vaguely realized that Gao Yuan is asking you to enter the urn!

"Our company has cooperated with Sujiang Bank in the past for loans. However, not long ago, the bank suddenly stopped lending, which happened to coincide with the failure of the cold storage, so the funding problem became worse.

Alas! President Lu, you have seen the situation now. Suppliers have come to ask for help. Our company really needs this money urgently. It is not an exaggeration to say that life or death depends on this loan.

Do you think you can follow the cooperation model of previous years and continue to lend us loans to meet our urgent needs?"

Gao Yuan looked helpless and said helplessly.


What are you thinking about? Do you still want a loan?

Gao Yuan said it politely, but her words were completely pointing the finger at the bank for the break in her company's capital chain.

Although this is true, you put my army on the fire and roasted me on this occasion...

What? You think you can force me to submit?

President Lu's face was ashen, but he was sneering in his heart.

What kind of scene has he never seen before, and he wants a loan with such a small trick? He is naive!

He calmed down the anger in his heart and turned cold.

"Director Gao, I don't have the final say in the bank alone. We also have compliance and qualification reviews, and we also need leadership approval.

Just because you were eligible for a loan last year does not mean you are eligible this year. Our bank has a complicated review process!

I sympathize with everyone's experiences and understand your urgency, Director Gao.

However, banks have to follow formal procedures when lending money. If someone just complains about poverty in front of us, we will provide it with real money and silver!

If I make an exception for you today, Director Gao, that would be using power for personal gain!

So for those companies that are not doing well and are on the verge of bankruptcy but cannot get bank loans, who do they go to to complain?”

After a few words, he completely brushed off his responsibility, and instead alluded to the poor management of Evergreen Biotech that caused the financial problems.

The other party is indeed an old fritter.

These words were high-sounding. Even if many people present saw that this was clearly the bank deliberately making things difficult for Evergreen Group, they could not find any loopholes on the other side.

"Really? That's such a pity!" Gao Yuan shook her head, looking quite regretful.

"In this case, I'm busy today. Mr. Lu, go slowly. Manager Jiang, please see off the guests for me!"


This time, even the melon-eaters were confused.

Send...see off guests?

A man kills a donkey by tearing down a millstone, or burns down a bridge when crossing a river. There has to be a transition, right?

What's more, the river hasn't even been crossed yet!

If you don't get the loan, you'll just leave on the spot without giving it away...

Should we say that a woman can fall out of favor faster than she can turn the page in a book? Is this indeed a racial talent?

President Lu was stunned for a long time, and when he came to his senses, his face turned the color of pig liver.

He wanted to get angry on the spot, but the camera was still showing his big face, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart.

"Okay! No need to send it! I just wish Director Gao will get through the difficulties safely! Humph!"

Watching President Lu leave the conference room angrily, the remaining suppliers looked at each other in shock.

The funding issue that was agreed upon has been sorted out...

Did you just burn this "eyebrow" with your own hands?

By the way, why are you looking for this president? Parading him in public?

"Everyone, I'm sorry, it seems that bank loans are temporarily unavailable." Gao Yuan spread her hands helplessly.

Everyone was speechless.

Not only is it impassable, you just blocked the road with your own hands and welded the steel plates on, okay...

"But don't worry, I will definitely solve the money problem as soon as possible.

If we fail to pay when the contract payment date arrives, you are welcome to visit us at that time, and I, Gao Yuan, will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation."

"Explain? How do you explain? How can we trust you?" someone said dissatisfied.

"Friends from the press are here today, and I can solemnly promise here that we will fulfill the contracts that are due on time, and we will not be short of any money that is due!


Gao Yuan glanced at everyone and her face slowly became serious.

“If someone wants to pay off their debt early regardless of the terms of the contract, they can!

I promise to pay you all the debt in advance in one week, and you won’t have to bear any liability for breach of contract!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, is there such a good thing?

But I heard Gao Yuan continue.

"However, I, Gao Yuan, have never liked dealing with companies that go back on their word and have no spirit of contract.

If you choose to settle the debt in advance, our cooperation will end here and will never cooperate!

The road ahead is long.

Therefore, what we, Evergreen, need are partners who can trust each other and help each other through thick and thin.

Rather than adding insult to injury and stabbing allies in the back!"

Gao Yuan's solemn tone made everyone present feel shocked.

No one thought that Gao Yuan was just saying harsh words.

Mr. Lu, who just walked away slowly without saying goodbye after a disagreement, is a lesson learned from the past.

If a dignified financial backer dares to add insult to injury and stab someone in the back, that's not just saying he's seeing off his guests.

With this kind of behavior, no one thought that the other person was joking.

Everyone is thinking about the risks and pros and cons of the two options.

Kang Wenhua hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth!

"Okay! Just show your character to Director Gao and choose to destroy the medicine. I, Old Kang, will trust you for once!"

Although he took the lead, others were still hesitant.

Many people still sneer at Gao Yuan.

Although Evergreen Biotech is not small in scale, it is not the leading giant in the country, and its current influence is limited.

Never cooperate? It’s like we sent you an order!

They care more about financial risk than losing a customer.

"Ahem! Director Gao, of course I know your company's difficulties, but we are also in a dilemma, so I'll come back in a week."

"Me too, I'm sorry, Director Gao!"


Everyone expressed their opinions one after another and left the conference room one by one.

A rough count shows that almost more than half of the companies have chosen to settle their payments in advance.

Gao Yuan just watched everything quietly and asked Tang Yun to register the selected companies one by one.

After everyone left, several reporters led by Liu Tao found the opportunity to step forward.

"Hello, Chairman Gao, I am Liu Tao from Suzhou Radio. This is my business card. Can I interview Chairman Gao alone?"

Gao Yuan took the business card and glanced at it.

[Suzhou Radio and Television Station, Information Department.

Reporter: Liu Tao.

Phone: XXXX, Email: XXXX]

She looked at these reporters with a smile in her eyes.

"Yeah! Of course!"

Half an hour later...

"Director Gao, it is my honor to interview you this time. Your company's behavior is really admirable."

At this time, Liu Tao had put away his previous carelessness and replaced it with excitement.

News! There’s a lot of news here!

At this time, he had basically understood the causes and consequences of the cold storage incident.

Even when its own operations are in difficulty and its loans are cut off by banks, it is still willing to bear huge losses, insist on destroying expired APIs, and prevent any substandard products from entering the market!

Liu Tao was greatly impressed by this sense of responsibility as an entrepreneur, but he also realized the hidden hot spots within it!

He has almost already thought of a press release full of positive energy.

"Is it admirable? I don't think so."

Unexpectedly, Gao Yuan slowly shook her head in response to Liu Tao's praise.

"Director Gao, you are too modest." Liu Tao thought that the other party was being modest.

"No, I'm just telling the truth.

If one day a company is praised by the public just for destroying a batch of inferior drugs, then I think such a society is sad."

Liu Tao was stunned for a moment and then fell silent.

Yes, since when has it become something worthy of praise for a company to destroy inferior drugs?

Cutting corners, practicing fraud, evading supervision...

Shen Ke in the pharmaceutical industry, how many hidden rules are unknown to the public?

Liu Tao is a journalist, so he naturally knows more or less.

"But what's even sadder is that no one does it, right?

It is even more admirable that Director Gao can make such a decision when the company is in crisis and his own funds are difficult!

At least, if there are entrepreneurs like Director Gao in the industry who are not blinded by money, are persistent, and have ideals, then there is still hope.

As a journalist, I feel it is necessary to spread this positive energy."

Gao Yuan smiled, she could hear the sincerity in the other person's words.

This is a young reporter whose blood is not yet cold...

"Of course, I have always believed that money is just a tool to realize ideals..."

Soon after, Tang Yun walked back to Gao Yuan's office.

"Everyone has been sent away?"

"Sent away, all the 'small gifts' you ordered have also been sent out."

After hesitating for a moment, she asked with admiration.

"Director Gao, could it be that these reporters...were brought in by you?"

"Haha! What do you think?"

Tang Yun couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

It was obviously a major loss within the company, but Gao Yuan could think of using it to increase its popularity through media exposure.

Reputation is so important to a company!

Although the loss cannot be recovered, it is a positive publicity for the reputation of Evergreen Biotechnology, which is equivalent to an advertisement for Evergreen Biotechnology.

She finally knew what the book Gao Yuan read earlier meant. This was a public opinion war!

It’s just that she couldn’t understand that no matter how good the publicity effect was, it was still in the future tense. If the biggest problem of funds could not be solved, what would happen no matter how good the publicity effect was?

Besides, she didn't think that a mere positive press release could change anything...

Gao Yuan slowly walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the back of Liu Tao and others leaving in the direction of the door, and showed a meaningful smile.

"Is money just a tool to realize your ideals..."

Liu Tao, who walked out of Evergreen Biotech, couldn't help but look back.

He reached out and touched the "little gifts" bulging in his pocket, with a "everyone understands" smile on his face...

This chapter has been completed!
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