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Chapter 171 The Ordinary Road

 At noon the next day, Meng Lang took out today's update with some anticipation.

Then I saw the signature that I expected, but unexpectedly...

"The Ordinary Road"

Author: Meng Lang

Ghostwritten by Lin Haitang!


The experiment was successful, but my mood was a little complicated.

Because this means that there is currently only one Pokemon in his Pokemon Ball, "Lawyer Lin", that can fight.


The favorability of others is not enough and the capture conditions have not been met?

But Lin Haitang's favorability towards him seems to be very average!

I didn’t expect Yan Weiwei to win it in one night, but Lin Haitang is still drawing wavy lines...

Just to ask about my blood type last night, I almost didn’t drink half a pound of liquor!

The degree of difficulty between the two is clear at a glance!

Could it be that...the other party refuses on the surface, but in fact he is already madly infatuated with me?

Well... from the fact that last night she defended me in every possible way, but instead "killed" Yan Weiwei, this can be far-fetched to illustrate this point.

Is this the so-called unwillingness in words but honesty in body?

But history tells me that those who are too narcissistic often have delusions in life...

I don’t know if there will be an answer in this book?

Meng Lang shook his head, put aside the question for the time being, and returned his attention to the book.

The background of the cover is an inexplicably familiar mountain range, green and full of life.

Looking carefully, this seems to be... Mengjiacun?

Ever since he was young, he had seen the big mountains behind him, but he still wouldn't admit his mistakes.

But why Monsan?

Opening the pages of the book, the Juanxiu font, which is completely different from the previous ones, comes into view.

【I once crossed mountains and seas

Also passed through the huge crowds of people

everything i ever had

In the blink of an eye, everything disperses like smoke

I have been disappointed

lose all direction

Until I see the ordinary

is the only answer...

For a while, his favorite song was "The Ordinary Road".

I asked why I like this song.

He said it was like a portrayal of his life.

But I don't agree with it.

Most people may be ordinary, but he is different. He has talent and perseverance that far exceed ordinary people.

In my impression, it seems that starting one day in April 2018, he suddenly stopped hiding his talent.

He started to be very busy and often didn't see anyone for several days.

His contact with Gao Yuan also became more frequent, and I found out later.

He actually personally participated in a large-scale scientific research team of Evergreen Biotech, and was one of the main leaders.

Although I don’t understand why he, a Chinese salesman with extraordinary driving skills, is also proficient in computational biology...

Perhaps, genius can only be used to describe this kind of talent that surpasses ordinary people.

Forgive me, I misunderstood at first that the books in his study were just some kind of "decorations"...

Later, two people suddenly appeared beside him.

One is named Cheng Biao, who doesn’t look like a good guy, and the other is named Ah Xing, who doesn’t look like a bad guy.

Although he is the youngest among the three, these two people treat him with respect, more like he is the leader.

One time I overheard them calling him boss.

Later, the two men established a security company, which seemed to be quite large.

Faintly, I feel like this guy seems to be busy planning something...

I just watched him from a distance and not too close, watching him change more and more.

People were rushing in and out, and they were so busy that they seemed to be holding the clock every time they connected to the phone.

Until that day at the end of 2023, the disaster that changed his entire life fate came...

When I heard the bad news, I flew back from Beijing and rushed to the hospital.

What he saw was a man lying on the hospital bed, his body covered with bandages, and his legs had been lost.

"Life is full of surprises, isn't it?" He smiled bitterly.

The perpetrator is Hu Dazhi, who has just been released from prison.

He was sent to prison by Wang Zhaoping.

He was charged with illegal debt collection with usury, violent debt collection by means of intentional injury, illegal detention, threats and intimidation, and organizing evil forces that endanger social security. He was sentenced to five years in prison.

When the incident happened, the other party drove a garbage truck and hit him crazily. If Cheng Biao and Axing hadn't risked their lives to push him, they would have lost more than just their legs.

Two died and one was seriously injured.

"When a person has nothing, it is actually the most terrifying time.

Cheng Biao was like this back then, and Hu Dazhi is like this now.

Destiny is really a strange circle...

If you were to ask me what was the most painful realization about this matter, I would tell you.

Cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, but they will grow again when the spring breeze blows...

If I had been cruel and listened to Cheng Biao's advice, my life might not have been so tragic..."

Yes, what he often likes to say is "if".

But there are so many ifs in life. If there are too many, where will there be regrets?

I don’t know the grudges back then, but from that day on, the way he looked at me seemed to have changed...

He asked me to push the wheelchair and came to Evergreen Biology.

Rabies, X virus, Alzheimer's disease...

The content studied in the laboratory is very high-end, so high-end that every one of them is at the technological forefront of human biology, and every one of them is a difficult and complicated disease that has troubled mankind for a long time.

They are even secretly researching a neuro-enhancing drug with amazing listening effects...

The name is a bit strange. The project is called "Naihe Bridge Project" and the thing is called "Mengpo Soup 4.0"...

I asked them why they were studying this, to make money?

He told me that only by overcoming these terminal illnesses and pains can he overcome death, and only then can human civilization move towards a more distant future...

"To be honest, the purpose of our organization is to 'resist death'!"

It used to be a joke in his mouth.

But it is a declaration that he and his organization are really working hard to implement...

This makes me feel incredible.

What makes me even more incredible is that he seems not to know what confidentiality is, and even showed me various technical materials that were ahead of the times.

Then he told me step by step what this experiment was doing and why that experiment was.

Although I'm not interested at all.

"Why are you telling me this?" I looked at him strangely.

"The life and years I have lived need a testimony through a unique perspective.

Because no matter how great a writer is, all he can write is his own partiality.

So if one day, I leave before you, then please write an autobiography for me.

Tell me...the future of this world from your perspective."

"But why, it's me?"

"Well... maybe all of this is a fateful arrangement, and neither you nor I can resist."

His words always make people feel baffled.

But I didn't refuse.

Maybe, it's just because of that "destined" sentence...

However, soon, this touch of emotion was replaced by anger.

It wasn’t until he showed up at Evergreen Bio’s shareholder meeting that I knew what this guy was hiding!

Not only does he secretly control more than 20% of the shares of Evergreen Group, a world-renowned medical group, but he also established Mengshan Animal Husbandry, and even has a large number of technology patents that make money every day.

The amount of money he invests in each research and development project.

To me, those are astronomical figures.

The income of lawyers is growing rapidly. I started practicing independently in 2022 and received 1.2 million, 1.5 million in 2023, and 2 million in 2024.

However, to him, the wealth I have earned in my life may only be a fraction of his investment in a project.

"Where did you get so much money?"

"The world is actually filled with money, including money in credit cards and money in the stock market. Even if you just pick up a fishing rod, you might be able to get rich overnight.

Everything depends on whether you have received the revelation from somewhere."

"Isn't this money from the organization behind you?"

He told me with a smile, “The organization’s money is his money, and his money is still his money.

Because I have lost contact with the organization a long time ago.

As for when we can reestablish contact...that may have to wait until the next life..."

I expressed a certain degree of protest and anger about this.

I was not just angry at his deception, but even more angry at the fact that I was the last one to know!

Even the time Xiaoyu knew about it was back to 2018.

That girl with her elbows turned out...

"Why hide it only from me?"

"Because in the past, you didn't like the nouveau riche."

"Then why are you telling me now?"

"Because now, the world needs you."


Since sitting in a wheelchair, he seems to have untied some of his knots and the pace of his life has slowed down.

"I am the one who indulges me, and I am the one who presses me hard.

God made me lose my legs, maybe it was to let me slow down and enjoy life.

After all, I don’t have any legs anymore, so if I continue to push the earth forward, even my brothers will not be able to stand it, right?”

He said that his mission was over and he wanted to live for himself for the rest of his life.

Read books and plant flowers every day.

The interesting things in the world, including poetry, wine, philosophy, and love, are often useless.

Reciting useless poems, getting drunk on useless wine, reading useless books, and loving useless things, he finally became a useless person, but he lived a meaningful life because of it.

His only busy job is to collect some technical information on mechanical prosthetics.

He said he wanted to rebuild a pair of flexible legs for himself.

Years later, we are still friends.

He said that his biggest regret is not that he missed the best person, but that when you meet the best person, you have used up the best of yourself...

In 2037, his Alzheimer's disease struck and his memory began to fade.

"How is that possible? It should be next year..."

I don't understand his surprise, but fortunately, the special medicine developed by Xiaoyu can effectively delay this process.

Later, he took me to Mengshan Village, where a strange shelter was secretly built!

Then from his mouth, I learned all the truth.

"It turns out that...it would be like this..."

"Promise me to live!"

"If you die, my story will end, but if I die, your story will be very long..."

In 2038, due to old injuries caused by a car accident and intense treatment reaction, he finally left this world.

It was only after I lost him that I realized that I was not as strong as I thought.

You said there is a lonely sea in my eyes, but that is just the haze left behind when you come and go...]


Daily update is 10,000, don’t forget the 2 draws, we can only get here, sorry!


This chapter has been completed!
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