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Chapter 174 Good Brother

 At 1:30 in the afternoon, Gao Yuan was checking the stock price of Changchun Biology on the computer.

The capital of 300 million yuan is still leveraged. Such a large amount of funds has entered the market one after another, which has caused a certain negative impact on Changchun Biotech's stock price.

Changchun Biotech fell 4% yesterday, and continued the trend in early trading today, closing with a decline of -2.2%.

At this moment, Human Resources Director Tang Yun suddenly knocked on the door and came in.

"Director Gao, look, this is today's Sioux City Morning News."

Tang Yun handed over a newspaper and opened it to the second page.

Gao Yuan took it and took a look.

"Evergreen Creatures in Crisis: Let Entrepreneurs Responsible!"

"Choose the best interests or choose social responsibility?"

“In today’s materialistic environment, the pursuit of profit maximization has become the most important, or even the only criterion, in the minds of many companies.

So, is it worthy of reflection by many entrepreneurs for a company that would rather bear the crisis of a broken capital chain than let even a single cent of invalid drugs flow into the market?

There was a shortage of funds and banks cut off loans... In this harsh situation, a sudden power outage caused a major crisis for Evergreen Biotechnology!

Our reporter conducted an on-site interview and it is reported that...

The success of a company should not only be based on its annual profit report, but what should be more concerned about is the company's social responsibility!

During the interview, Ms. Gao Yuan, chairman of Evergreen Biotechnology, did not think her actions were noble.

She said that she just assumed the responsibilities that a company should have.

Bearing the moral responsibility with iron shoulders!

I hope this society can have more entrepreneurs like Chairman Gao.

I also hope that Evergreen Biotech can successfully survive this crisis and continue to pass on this entrepreneurial spirit..."

I read it carefully and then took a look at the author's signature.

It was Liu Tao, the reporter from Jiangsu Radio Station.

"Dr. Gao, not only newspapers, but also official media such as Toutiao and Weibo also published this article simultaneously.

Although it is not a popular place, I have read and many netizens’ comments are still very positive.

This is a good publicity for us." Tang Yun added.

Gao Yuan smiled and put down the newspaper.

It seems that the "local specialties" are not given away for free...

As for...not considered a local hotspot?

Haha! Isn’t it possible to get this hotspot thing just for a while?

"Director Gao, although we have saved some reputation, we have already let the word out. If we can't solve the funding problem in a week..." Tang Yun said tentatively.

"What? The finance department asked you to come and find out more?"

"Uh... haha! Dong Gao has a sharp eye." Tang Yun smiled sheepishly.

"Mainly because of the commotion caused by the supplier last time, people within the company now know that we have financial problems, so some people are panicked.

Finance Manager Yang is also under a lot of pressure."

Gao Yuan didn't blame her, she just smiled.

"Don't worry, you still have to wait."

"What are you waiting for?" Tang Yun asked doubtfully.

Gao Yuan smiled and said nothing.

After talking to Tang Yun about the company's human resources work, especially after asking about the human resources structure and talent market of the company's R&D department, Gao Yuan sent Tang Yun out who was somewhat confused.

She was just about to deal with the work at hand, when she casually rolled her eyes, suddenly froze, and looked at the computer screen again.

It is now 2:30 in the afternoon, and there is only half an hour left before the market closes.

At this time, the stock price has experienced a sudden jump. The stock price has rapidly climbed from -2.2% to -0.8%, and has almost stopped falling, and the price curve is still rising.

Gao Yuan narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at the real-time transaction volume above, and began to calculate the approximate funds for entry.

As of the close at 3 p.m., Changchun Biological's stock price closed at +5%!

Within half an hour, there was a low start and a high move!

5%, this is not a very exaggerated increase, but for Gao Yuan, this seems to be a signal...

"You are controlling the increase by stepping on my cost line. Are you worried that I will leave the market if the situation is not good? Haha!"

The corners of Gao Yuan's mouth curled up slightly.

Thinking about it, the stuff should be arriving soon...

At the same time, the State Administration of Drug Administration in Beijing received an anonymous reporting document, causing a stir.

"Have you seen everything?"

"Yes! I have read it. I also checked some public data, and it is basically consistent with what is written above."

"So, this matter..."

"I can't draw such a hasty conclusion, but I think it's probably true. After all, the data in this document is too detailed.

How to fake, how to conceal, how to circumvent the process...even copies of documents are there...

It is impossible for someone who is not deeply involved to grasp such a detailed chain of evidence.

And it feels very strange to me, as if..."

"It seems a bit too detailed, right?"

"Huh? You feel this way too?"

"No! Look at the order, format, layout...this is no anonymous reporting material. It is simply our internal final investigation report!"

"Hey~ wake up the dreamer with one sentence! No wonder I look so awkward! Really! This... isn't this the style of our Supervision Bureau's internal investigation report?

Could it be someone from within our Supervision Bureau who did it?”

"Haha! I think so too, and... you may not believe it, but I actually feel like this report was written by me!

Look, the wording, the fragments, the color of the bar chart, the line spacing of the exel table...this is completely my style!"

"So outrageous? Hey! You're not calling a thief to catch a thief. You really did this, right?"

"Haha! With such a good thing, why should I remain anonymous? I've longed to be your leader."

"Hey! You're just daydreaming!

But what you said is right, but if it weren’t for you, then this would really be like hell..."

"I think it's possible that the whistleblower was worried that we wouldn't take him seriously, so he deliberately used our internal reporting style to let us see clearly, right?

As long as I sign my name on this information, it can basically be submitted directly as an investigation report.

Don't tell me, the person who reported it is definitely a talented person!

If he hadn't been anonymous, I would have wanted to recruit people."

"Let's wait until the fall recruitment to discuss recruitment. Let's think about how to deal with this matter."

"What should I do? My daughter just had a DPT infection two days ago. I was so frightened that I quickly called home to ask my wife.

This kind of thing that makes people and gods angry, I just want to kill them after reading it!

Lao Zhou, please don’t get in the way, otherwise I will definitely have to add another informant to this information!”

"Lao Tan, what are you talking about!" The man called Lao Zhou immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

"I'm afraid that this matter will cause too much trouble and it may not end well afterwards. After all, we still have to talk about river crabs now..."

"River crab is a fart! He hides everything. Is that called a river crab? That's called a turtle!"

I'll kill every one of these heartless people when I see them. If I can't kill him, I lose!"

"Well... okay, I'll report it to the boss first, and then communicate with the local supervision bureau and ask them to send someone to investigate."

"No! This matter cannot go through the local department. I will personally take people to investigate!"

"Old Tan, you...oh! Okay..."

History is like this, it is often made up of mistakes and little people who correct them.

The wonderful thing about history is that if it cannot be corrected once, it will keep repeating itself...

Xu Group.

"What's the reaction from Gao Yuan?" Xu Jinsong put down the report in his hand.

"Back to Mr. Xu, no!

The investment department said that the process of raising the stock price went smoothly, with little resistance and no sign of large funds entering the market.

The current situation is going better than we originally expected.”

"Ha! No reaction, that's the best reaction."

"It's Mr. Xu. When we opened a position today, we just raised the stock price to close to the other party's cost line. We were afraid to scare away the other party.

According to the plan, she will not be able to escape until tomorrow even if she wants to!" Cui Jizhong said with a smile.

"Hmm! How much money has been invested so far?"

"300 million. Tomorrow, the budget will be 600 million. Mr. Li will also cooperate with us, and Changchun Biology's research report will be very beautiful."

"Yeah! Well done!" Xu Jinsong showed a sinister smile.

Yes! He still couldn't hold back his hatred for Gao Yuan and chose to take action.

In addition to more realistic considerations, Gao Yuan and herself are now on the same page. If the other party is allowed to grow, the Xu Group will have a strong rival!

The more sophisticated Gao Yuan's methods are and the more powerful the forces behind him are, the more difficult it is for him to sleep and eat.

The sooner you take action, the smaller the threat to the other party.

What's more, you can make a small profit by cooperating with Mr. Li, benefiting yourself at the expense of others, why not?

"Dong dong!" At this moment, the secretary knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

"elder brother!"

Seeing the people brought in by the secretary, Xu Jinsong's face showed a rare gentle smile.

"Jingfeng, why are you here at the company? The sun is out in the west?"

That's right, it was Xu Jinfeng who had "fought" with Meng Lang last time.

"It's okay. I'm full. Why do I come to your place?"

Xu Jinfeng was not polite and sat down on the sofa.

Cui Jizhong had already made him a cup of tea with a wink, and placed it respectfully in front of him.

Xu Jinfeng glanced at Cui Jizhong and crossed his legs. "Brother, you still don't get tired of this guy following you after so many years."

Cui Jizhong's mouth suddenly twitched.

Xu Jinsong feigned anger, glared at him and said, "How are you talking? In terms of seniority in the Xu family, you have to call me Uncle Cui!"

"Yes, yes! Uncle Cui!"

"Hey! Master Feng, please don't call me that, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously!" Cui Jizhong waved his hands repeatedly, looking frightened.

"Okay, okay, tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Oh! I'm just looking for an investment from you."

"You want money? What? Your monthly pocket money of millions is not enough for you?"

"If you want to make a movie, a few million won't be enough. It must be at least several hundred million!"

"Making a movie?" Xu Jinsong frowned.

"Yeah! I just got into the Sioux City circle, so I have to be a good person and make a name for myself, right?

Look at the people around Mr. Hong, they have a bunch of titles, outstanding entrepreneurs, founders, angel investors...

I can't be homeless, right?

I made a plan with a few brothers and planned to get some money together to set up an entertainment company for fun!"

Xu Jinfeng spoke as if this was not a business worth hundreds of millions, but a small game worth a few hundred yuan.

"Ha! An entertainment company? Are you sure you're not planning to get a celebrity just because you want to get a star?"

How could he not know the virtues of his third brother?

Xu Jinsong saw through the other party's true purpose at a glance.

"Hehe! That's by the way, by the way!" Xu Jinfeng raised his peach-shaped eyebrows, feeling not ashamed but proud of it.

"Let's not talk about this matter for now. I asked you to build a good relationship with Mr. Hong. How are you doing?" Xu Jinsong asked.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Xu Jinfeng's face immediately fell.

He heard that Young Master Hong loved playing cars, so he wanted to show off his good driving skills abroad and show off in front of Young Master Hong.

The tune was sung very high.

What kind of guy just came back from abroad, what kind of professional racing driver...

As a result, a masked driver appeared halfway and gave him a severe beating in front of everyone.

It was really a meal of boasting that he was as fierce as a tiger. He went on to operate the pestle on the spot, and the one who was beaten was completely unable to fight back!

When I left in despair that day, the paint spots all over the car were as eye-catching as a few size 42 shoe prints on the face of the elegant Prince Charming!

It's not very harmful, but it's very insulting.

This time it’s embarrassing and embarrassing!

For several days, he felt that the foxy friends around him were looking at him with a hint of ridicule. This feeling almost made him withdraw from shame and anger.

It is precisely because of this that he wants to regain some confidence in other situations.

The pleasures of a rich young man are always the same, they are nothing more than cars, tickets, and horses...

Start a company and enter the entertainment industry, and if you play well, you will have money and money.

But he definitely wouldn't want to say such an embarrassing thing himself.

"Ahem! Isn't it just to complete the task you gave me that I decided to start this entertainment company?

When the time comes to invite some female stars to accompany Mr. Hong, how many men can handle it?"

Xu Jinsong thought about it, and although the idea was a little crooked, it was still a good idea.

People like Hong Shijie want money, money, and power.

If you want to have a good relationship with him, in addition to having a strong background, you must have something that someone can appreciate.

"Okay, how much do you want?"

"Three to five billion is not too little, and three to five billion is not too much." Xu Jinfeng said, licking his face.

"Ha! You dare to speak. Okay, I know about this. I will find a way to transfer some funds to you in a few days."

"Okay! Thank you, brother. I'll leave now if it's okay. When the movie starts shooting, I'll get you a little star for a change. What's going on with a male secretary by your side all the time!"

Xu Jinsong: "..."

After Xu Jinfeng smiled playfully and walked out the door with satisfaction, Cui Jizhong smiled and said.

"Mr. Xu and Mr. Feng are respectful brothers and have a deep relationship, which is really enviable."

The smile on Xu Jinsong's face gradually faded, and a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

As long as he doesn't care about group affairs, he can just be an idle and idle playboy.

Then he... will always be my good brother...

This chapter has been completed!
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