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Chapter 183 Senior

 The next day, Saturday, April 14th, 11 a.m.

"The exam begins!"

Following the prompts from the computer-based test equipment, the gray Citroen, spray-painted with "exam car", started steadily.

"The reversing and warehousing project begins."

"Side parking project begins."

"Project Quarter Turn Begins."


The speed is 30 miles, and the mood is trembling.

Finally, the car turned at an extremely standard center line and completed the final S-shaped curve as steadily as an old dog. The long-awaited prompt finally sounded.

"Beep! The project test is completed and the test results are passed."

After parking the examination vehicle, applying the handbrake, unbuckling the seat belt and getting out of the car, Meng Lang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if you are an experienced driver, you are still a little timid when faced with the fancy hanging method in subject two...

What? You mean drifting through corners?

Are you afraid that you didn’t hang up fast enough?

When I came outside the examination room whistling, I saw Coach Tian, ​​who had led the team for the examination, training the students.

"You still have the nerve to say you passed the exam? You almost passed the exam. Do you know that passing the exam is completely luck!

Also, didn’t you see how the car body was shaking just halfway up the hill? It almost stalled, you know?

You can’t even step on the clutch, but your national football team has such stinky feet?”

"I'm sorry, coach, I'm too nervous."

After passing the exam, he still needs to be trained. Coach Tian is indeed a man known as the "most strict gold medal coach", so the students can only admit that they are unlucky and bow their heads in silence to be trained.

Coach Tian wanted to say a few more words, but when he saw Meng Lang walking over, he immediately changed his smile.

"Mr. Meng is back. This exam is very smooth. I think it can be selected into the standard textbook!"

"Haha! Coach Tian won the award, then when can I take the exam for Subject 3?"

"After 10 days! This is already the fastest speed within the regulations, but subjects three and four can be taken together and you can get your certificate on the same day."

"Okay, let Coach Tian worry about it."

Worrying? You are the most worry-free person I have ever taken care of!

"Where are you, do you want to smoke?"

"Thank you for not smoking. Coach, if it's okay, I'll leave first."

"Okay, go back and have a good rest. Remember to take the exam in 10 days. Walk slowly~"

Student: “…”

After leaving the examination room, Meng Lang did not go back. Instead, he took a taxi and went to the nearest gymnasium...

"Ping! Pong! Ping! Pong!"

In the table tennis court, there are more than a dozen tables lined up side by side, and the crisp sounds of table tennis balls falling on the table can be heard one after another.

Many men, women and children sweat profusely here early in the morning.

There are basically no novices here at this point, at least most of them look quite professional.

Meng Lang walked around the table, observing for a long time, and finally focused on table 3.

The two people at this table are middle-aged men in their forties, and both are in good shape.

One of them, an older middle-aged man wearing a red sweatshirt, was particularly impressive.

Pumping, pulling, buckling...the movements were clean and neat, and he easily suppressed and beat the younger man in black shirt opposite him.

Even Meng Lang, who had never played table tennis, could tell that this man seemed to be in poor physical condition compared to the professional athletes on TV.


At this time, the Sequoia man made a tricky diagonal shot at a large angle. The man in black jumped to save the ball, but in the end he was still one step away, and the ping-pong ball bounced away.

"Huh~huh~" The man in black shirt panted with his hands on his waist and waved the racket with a wry smile.

"No, no, no, I'm no match for you."

"Haha! Lao Li, how long have you been fighting now and it still doesn't work anymore? You should exercise more!" The Sequoia man took the towel and wiped his sweat and said with a smile.

"How can I compare with you, the leader? You are a professional athlete.

But I listen to you, I will come over to play ball with you often from now on, I can hardly hold myself back anymore, haha..."

The man called Lao Li said cheerfully.

He was about to pick up the ball, but found that a young man next to him had already bent down to pick up their ball and came over.

"Brother, I see that you are playing very well. Do you want us to have a game?" Meng Lang said to the Sequoia man with a smile.

Hoho! Are you up for a challenge?

The Sequoia man raised his eyebrows.

Meng Lang just stood aside and watched for a long time, and he naturally noticed it.

After seeing his own skills, he actually dared to come up and "ask for discussion"?

You seem very confident in yourself?

The man in black shirt looked at Meng Lang and frowned. He looked at his companion, as if asking for his opinion.

"Young man, are you very skilled?" the Sequoia man asked with a smile.

"Well...I should be one of those people who has a very high upper limit and a very low lower limit." Meng Lang thought for a while and said.

The upper limit is very high and the lower limit is very low?

Does it mean that when you are strong, you will be strong? What a loud tone!

The man in red shirt suddenly became interested.

"No problem! Then I will play a game with the young man. Lao Li, you just need to take a rest."


Lao Li handed over the racket and stood aside with a smile, but his eyes were looking up and down Meng Lang, as if he wanted to see something from the other person.

"Respect the old and love the young. Brother, you come first."

Meng Lang threw the ball to the opponent, and then grabbed the racket with his right hand somewhat unskillfully.

The Sequoia man took the ball and was stunned for a moment when he saw Meng Lang holding the racket.

"Penhold shooting? Fast-break player?"

He did not underestimate the opponent, adjusted his breathing slightly, and then used a professional horizontal grip to throw the ball high.

Cut out the moment the ball is about to fall.

"Brush!" The yellow ping pong ball flew to Meng Lang's side against the net.

Meng Lang quickly stepped forward to catch the ball.

"Bang!" The ball was caught, but the next moment, the strongly inward-swinging table tennis ball touched the net directly.

Serve and score!

Sequoia man: "..."

Lao Li: "..."

What kind of master is this?

I'm afraid only novices can't catch such a degree of inswing, right?

“Shredded coconut!”

However, looking at the opposite side, Meng Lang clenched his fists and looked excited, as if he had just scored...

Seeing the two of them looking at him with crazy eyes, Meng Lang realized that he was a little embarrassed and quickly put away his smile.

"Ahem! Sorry, my hand slipped just now."

"Uh...it doesn't matter, let's continue."

Serving again, it was also a strong inswinging serve.

"Bang!" Meng Lang caught the ball again, and the ball... touched the net again!


The corners of the Sequoia man's mouth twitched.

"Brother served so well, it's my turn this time!" Meng Lang became more and more excited.

He took a deep breath and held the ball, as if he was brewing something.

The Sequoia man was confused by his appearance, his face suddenly became serious, and his eyes were fixed on the other person's movements.

The ball was thrown high by Meng Lang, and then Meng Lang swung the ball!

"Bang!" The ball touched the net for the third time!

Serve error!


Sequoia man: "..."

Lao Li: "..."

Is this what you call a very high upper limit and a very low lower limit?

So...are you here to show off your lower limit?

"Uh... haha! It seems that I am not in a good state today, so I am willing to give up! Sorry to bother you, please continue."

Meng Lang put down his racket happily, then walked briskly and left the venue humming a song.

"Is this guy sick?"

"I don't look normal..."

The two men looked at each other.

Meng Lang walked out of the venue and didn't pay attention to the complaints behind him.

He looked at his watch. It was 12:30 noon, and a smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Yes, the experimental results are out.

That is...as long as you don't watch updates, there is no "consciousness superposition"!

His verification method is very simple, that is, actively using "scenario triggering".

As early as when he decided to do this experiment, Meng Lang had given himself a hint.

"No matter which brother takes the field next, he must practice the 'national sport' table tennis!"

It can not only exercise the body, but also promote the national quintessence.

Table tennis is basically a sport where practice makes perfect. As long as you don't want to practice to the level of a champion, it has little to do with talent.

This makes it very suitable for "testing skills".

First of all, there was no "table tennis" skill in his skill bar.

In this way, as long as you take the initiative to trigger the scene...

If you suddenly become a table tennis master.

That means that whether you look at it or not, the "consciousness superposition" is there.

This is a purely passive skill and cannot be turned off!

On the contrary, if you cannot acquire this skill, you will remain unchanged and you will still be a silly and cute novice.

That means that the triggering condition for "consciousness superposition" is that you need to perform the action of "catch up" yourself.

At least you need to open that "box" and come into contact with "Meng Xiaolang's books"!

Skills that you can choose to turn off are good skills...

This is undoubtedly good news for Meng Lang.

At least now he doesn't have to worry about being "sucked dry" by this book in a short period of time...

Although an update opportunity was wasted, Meng Lang improved part of the "Instruction Manual" of this book and gained a deeper understanding of its functions.

More importantly... he seems to have found some clues about the "origin" of this book?

There has always been a question haunting him.

That is, why was the previous owner of this book willing to send this treasure to himself via anonymous courier?

Imagine that if anyone gets this book, not to mention treating it as life, at least they will never show it to others easily, let alone give it to others.

Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

Even if I die of old age, I'm afraid I will pass it on from generation to generation as a family heirloom.

You can call it selfish, but that's human nature.

However, it came into my hands inexplicably. Why?

"Assume that every 'owner' of this book will encounter the same problem as himself.

Reading too much will cause Alzheimer’s disease…”

So could it be that...it's not that he "wanted" it for me at all, but...

What does he "have" to give to me?

Such a huge side effect, with the level of medical technology in 2043, Meng Lang could only see the dawn of delaying this symptom.

As the saying goes, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Technology is undoubtedly changing with each passing day.

According to the timeline, this "new generation" like myself is the "back wave" with the greatest development potential!

If even he himself is living such a difficult life, then his "predecessor"... how could he escape the fate of "dementia"?

If it were Meng Lang, if he wasn't completely desperate, he would never give up this treasure to anyone, right?

If your guess is true, what is the status of your "senior" now?

Dead? Demented?

Or... just lingering and watching me silently in the dark?

The worst case scenario is undoubtedly the third one.

However, after some careful consideration, Meng Lang felt that this possibility was very small.

Nothing else... because the "book" is in my hands now!

There is no secret to yourself about your future.

In this case, do you want to carry out a sneak attack on yourself?


If you want to deal with me one day in the future, this book will expose him in minutes!

Just like the masked man.

He can hide for a while, but he cannot hide for a lifetime!

However, he has experienced so many lives, but the other party has never shown his face.

If someone really had an attempt on him, how could he watch himself die over and over again without ever making a move?

So what's the point of him staring at himself?

Maybe one day, when I completely decipher the mystery of this book, the truth... will come to light...

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Lang returned home and walked into the study...

At the same time, few people noticed that an inconspicuous announcement had just been released on the official website of the State Drug Administration in Beijing.

Listed company Changchun Biotech committed record falsification and other serious violations of the "Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products" during the production process of freeze-dried human rabies vaccine...

Yes, a full 3 months earlier than the history in "Wildfire", Changchun Biology... the incident happened!

However, at this time, ordinary people did not realize the huge impact this announcement would have on the entire society.

Only a small group of well-informed "stakeholders" smelled the "danger" in it.

"Mr. Li! What happened? Didn't you say that this stock is promising in the long term? How could such a thing happen?" Xu Jinsong asked with a frown.

He is in a very unhappy mood now!

Less than two hours after the announcement was made, the chief consultant of Xu Group's investment department hurriedly came in to report the matter and issued a risk warning.

On the 12th, Xu Group invested 300 million yuan. Yesterday, on the 13th, another 600 million yuan entered the market. In cooperation with Mr. Li, he directly raised the daily limit.

Just when he was sharpening his sword and preparing to blow up Gao Yuan's 300 million short position in one fell swoop next Monday, something suddenly happened.

How could Xu Jinsong be happy?

"Oh my Mr. Xu, the management of Changchun Biology is seeking death, how can I control this kind of thing?

Besides, our Galaxy still has seven to eight billion positions in it! I can’t cheat myself, can I?” Mr. Li on the phone also showed a wry smile.

"Mr. Li, I have invested 900 million in it, which is not a small amount.

The investment department just told me that Changchun’s stock price may fluctuate next Monday, so we need to make an idea about what to do next.”

"Mr. Xu, please be patient. I have sent someone to Changchun Biology to contact their CEO to inquire about the specific situation.

The announcement did not go into too much detail, but falsification of records did happen from time to time. In the past, fines were imposed and a few people were dealt with.

It has an impact on its market value, but basically it is just a case of big thunder and small rain, and the market does not pay attention to the penalty announcement.

As long as the results of the processing have not come out and the information disclosure of Changchun Biotech has not come out, retail investors will not flee on a large scale, and we will still have a buffer opportunity.

If things go wrong then, we can just withdraw the funds in advance."

Retail investors are so miserable. By the time the news is revealed, bankers and large institutions are basically already on the way to evacuate.

At this time, it’s all about who can run faster.

"Hmm... That makes sense. Then Mr. Li, you should keep an eye on it."

"Don't worry, we are in the same boat now, haha!"

However, at this time, the two people did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

It should be said that even the case investigators of the Supervision Bureau who took the lead did not expect the subsequent impact of this incident...

This chapter has been completed!
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