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Chapter 195: Exceptions to the calculation of the organs

 Yangcheng, Juchang Headquarters.

"Dongdong! Mr. Ren!" Mr. Yu knocked on the door and entered the office.

"You're back. How was your trip to Sioux City?"

"The smart city cooperation plan has been basically finalized. I also brought back a draft for strengthening strategic cooperation, please take a look."

"Well! There's no rush about that. You sit down first and take a look at this."

The 73-year-old man, who looked a little beaten, took the file and did not open it immediately, but turned on the TV screen next to him.

Mr. Yu sat down on the chair with some confusion and turned his eyes to the TV.

[On April 16, the United States Department of Commerce announced that relevant companies will be prohibited from selling parts, goods, software and technology to Xingzhong Communications in the next seven years.

Xingzhong Communications subsequently announced a trading suspension in the A-share and H-share markets, and the prices of its suppliers on the Nasdaq stock market fell sharply.

According to expert analysis, this is an attempt by the other side of the ocean to increase pressure on China in order to increase its advantage in subsequent trade negotiations...]

The news broadcast on TV made Mr. Yu stunned.


This news is really shocking.

The four major communications giants at that time, "Dragon Communications" and "Datang Telecom" have both declined under the tide of the times.

Juchang and Xingzhong have become the only two remaining giants in the communications industry in China, ranking first and third in the world in 5G patents.

It can be said that there is cooperation and competition between them.

However, such a Xingzhong actually said that the confession was cut off?

Although Xingzhong, as its main competitor, is cut off in this way, it is an opportunity for Juchang to expand its market, especially in the 5G field.

But...inexplicably, the young face from yesterday appeared in Mr. Yu's mind...

"Alas!" Mr. Ren sighed. "What a troubled time!"

He looked at Mr. Yu, "What do you think of this matter?"

Mr. Yu came back to his senses, considered it carefully, and then spoke slowly.

"Mr. Ren, as far as I know, Xingzhong Communications almost completely relies on technology from across the ocean for many equipment, especially the core chips.

If supply is cut off, the core business will definitely suffer a devastating blow.

Moreover, Xingzhong Communications is still a listed company. I am afraid that they will only have two options left in the end, either going bankrupt or... giving in to the other party.

So I think negotiation is their only way out.

In the end, it all depends on how big the other party’s appetite is and what price it will cost to revive China.”

"Yeah! What else?"


Mr. Yu hesitated for a moment and looked at Mr. Ren's solemn expression.

"Also, today is Xingzhong, so next...will it be us?"

"Haha!" Mr. Ren suddenly laughed and nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right. After seeing what happened to Xingzhong, it's great to be prepared for danger in times of peace!"

After saying that, his face became extremely solemn again.

“When I saw this news, I immediately thought of two idioms.

One is like the death of a rabbit and the sadness of a fox, and the other...is like death of lips and cold teeth!"

He walked slowly to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at Songshan Lake in the distance with deep eyes.

"This trade dispute is, on the surface, a trade imbalance dispute, but in essence it is a matter of replenishing financial capital.

Due to the decline of the beautiful country, the other party urgently hopes that China can open up its financial restrictions.

This will allow our domestic speculative capital to return to the other side of the ocean as soon as possible in the next round of interest rate hikes.

However, these capitals are holding back the wealth accumulated since the reform and opening up, and it is certainly impossible for the country to agree to capital outflows.

This is a dead end, and neither party can compromise in a short period of time!

In the past two days, I convened the group's strategy department for many discussions, and consulted some international strategy experts.

Coupled with what happened to Xingzhong today...

This makes me even more convinced that the other side will soon spread its focus from economic suppression to suppression of China's high-tech enterprises.

Economic war will soon evolve into technological war, and we have to guard against it!"

Mr. Yu lowered his head and remained silent.

This argument...

"Mr. Ren, what do you mean..."

"The Nanniwan plan... must be accelerated!"

"This..." Even though he had some guesses in his mind, Mr. Yu still looked shocked when he heard the words "Nanniwan".

The Nanniwan Plan is the spare tire plan of Juchang.

In fact, this was not a strategic plan at the beginning. It was just a plan to learn from large fruit manufacturers and suppliers to prepare one for each other to avoid affecting the supply chain due to emergencies.

But since many years ago, Mr. Ren has consciously avoided the risks that may be caused by foreign policies.

What happened today undoubtedly proves Mr. Ren’s advanced strategic vision!

"Mr. Ren, if the Nanniwan plan is launched, almost all of our fund mobilization, procurement plans, and investment and construction plans will be affected.

The situation...has it really become this urgent?" Mr. Yu frowned.

Although the Xingzhong Communications incident sounded the alarm for them, it was still just speculation after all.

Whether the other party will take action and when it will take action are all unknown.

The key is that such a big move is likely to slow down Juchang's original development speed and market occupation plan.

After all, he still had a sense of luck.

“With our current size, suppliers can be said to be spread throughout the entire industry chain, with annual procurement amounts in the tens of billions.

If the other party really wants to cut off our supply, they will undoubtedly kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred to themselves. They may not have this determination, right?

Moreover, today is still an era of globalized division of labor..."

"Globalized division of labor? That was in the past, times will always change.

Alas! I hope I am overthinking..." Mr. Ren sighed.

He looked at Mr. Yu.

"I'm quite relieved about other departments, but your terminal business department... is our weak link."

"You mean...chip?"

"Yeah! It's a pity that back then we only established Sihai for chip design, but we didn't get involved in chip manufacturing."

Mr. Ren said with regret.

Although chips are recognized as the hardest nut to crack, even if Juchang enters the market, he may not necessarily achieve anything.

But if we had entered the market earlier, at least we would not be so passive now. This is the pride of being one of the leading private technology companies in China.

"Regardless of whether our speculation today will come true, you must immediately start purchasing key components.

We must ensure at least half a year... no! At least one year of strategic reserves!"

"This..." Mr. Yu looked hesitant.

The largest terminal business in his hands is undoubtedly mobile phones.

However, the mobile phone industry chain is inherently a production process that tests the flow of funds and inventory.

After all, the backlog of inventory means that funds cannot be withdrawn quickly, and warehousing costs have to be borne, etc.

This fruit is almost perfect.

First, according to the needs of consumers, we buy just enough raw materials, and then ensure smooth logistics. After producing the goods, we deliver them to customers, so that the inventory in the warehouse is as small as possible...

In the words of Fruit CEO: We want to deliver products directly from the manufacturing process to the hands of consumers!

Under this model, the inventory turnover days of fruits are controlled to an astonishing 7 days.

In other words, it only takes 7 days for a product to enter the fruit warehouse and then to be sold, which is far longer than the several months in the industry.

For this reason, Fruit is known as the "supply chain master" in the industry!

Juchang, which was originally in a catching-up position, was originally inferior to others in the supply chain, and now it has to reserve a large amount of inventory...

This will undoubtedly cause a waste of resources and have a great impact on competitiveness and profit margins.

Mr. Yu is the person in charge, and Juchang is still at a critical moment in the mobile phone business, so naturally he doesn't want to cause trouble.

After all, with his "big mouth", he has made great ambitions and vowed to become the number one in the world!

But when he saw Mr. Ren's familiar "unquestionable" sharp eyes, he knew that he could no longer persist in this matter.

"Okay, I will modify the purchasing plan as soon as possible."

Mr. Yu shook his head helplessly and showed a wry smile.

"You may not believe it, but yesterday I was in Sioux City and I heard almost the same conclusion as yours from a young man's mouth."

"Oh?" Mr. Ren was stunned for a moment.

"what happened?"

So, Mr. Yu briefly recounted what happened in the box yesterday.

"The other party has judged that relations between the two countries cannot be restored in the short term.

And the field of struggle will gradually shift from the economic field to the high-tech field, which is no different from your judgment.

Moreover, he is very sure that our Ju Factory will be the opponent’s key target in the future.”

"Oh? There are actually such young people?" Mr. Ren's eyes lit up.

You know, even he was suddenly warned today after seeing the news that Xingzhong Communications was cut off. At best, he could only draw inferences from one instance.

Unexpectedly, someone could predict the development of the situation before this incident.

A young man who has such a long-term vision is truly a genius!

"This young man you are talking about, where is he employed now?"

Seeing Mr. Ren's familiar expression that clearly showed his love for talents, Mr. Yu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"This...I didn't ask."

After all, in his eyes, Meng Lang was considered a "friend of Hu Yifei's friend" at that time, so there was no need to inquire about his identity.

When he was slightly aroused by the other party's analysis, the other party suddenly threw out neurotic arguments such as "the fire cooks the oil" and "the east is not bright and the west is bright".

This was naturally classified by him as a "drunk and talking nonsense" series.

"Oh! What a pity." Mr. Ren was not too entangled.

"But..." Mr. Yu hesitated.

"But what?"

"Well...he also said something else at the time, but I thought it was too alarmist.

He said that in addition to conventional means, some extreme and unconventional means may be used to suppress us."

"Extreme unconventional means?" Mr. Ren didn't know why.

"He mentioned the arrest of Stone's top executives many years ago..." Mr. Yu said cautiously.

Mr. Ren was stunned for a moment, and his heart skipped a beat.

"What else did he say?"

"This...he also mentioned Director Meng..."

Mr. Ren: “…”

Then, Mr. Yu saw the usually calm Mr. Ren, like an old angry lion, starting to pace back and forth in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with his hands behind his back.

Sometimes he frowned in thought, and sometimes his face was as sinking as water.

After a long time, he looked at Mr. Yu again.

"If you think about it again, did he say anything else key?"

Seeing Mr. Ren's serious expression, Mr. Yu did not dare to neglect and immediately began to think carefully.

Key content...Key content...

It's not bright in the east...ah! This definitely doesn't count!

"Oh, by the way! He also mentioned a book, but it seems that I have never heard of it in China.

It's called...yes! It's called "Beautiful Country Trap"!"

"Beautiful Country Trap"?

Mr. Ren frowned and thought for a moment, then picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed a private number.

"Hey! Editor Qin, I want to ask you for a favor.

Yes! Help me find a book..."

At this time, Meng Lang didn't know that his little butterfly wings were flapping the direction of a giant ship...

At one o'clock in the afternoon, as soon as he got home, he was so tired that he collapsed on the sofa.

It took him three hours to sell more than a dozen insurance policies at one time.

After explaining and consulting with a bunch of people, and not being familiar with the business, my mind is still a little buzzing.

Before leaving, Teacher Tony and the bald manager enthusiastically said that they would introduce the seventh aunt and the eighth aunt next time, which made him tremble with fear.

In the end, even the girl from the cafe came over and asked him if there was any particularly affordable financial insurance and asked him to introduce it...

The take-off of your career can sometimes be so unexpected!

The good news is that he spent three hours of his precious time and earned a commission of more than 20,000 yuan...

He could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Even if you pay more than that on your savings, you are just wasting your time!

If I have that time, I might as well do more Braille!

No matter what happens, it would be fine to make some future strategic planning for the Earth Resistance Army...

"I should have known I would have sent that guy to Ma Qiao!"

Meng Lang rubbed his temples, made himself a cup of tea, then opened the door and walked into the study...

In this update, the title of the book is much more normal than the last time.

"Two Cities Strategy"

The blue and slightly melancholy cover has a sea in the background.

There were white clouds in the sky, and a huge luxury ship sailed on the sea level, leaving a long sailing wake.

The name is called Twin Cities, but the picture is of the sea? What does it mean?

And this "plan"? A typo?

Can’t you afford the verification this time?

Meng Lang complained while slowly turning the pages of the book.

【This is the best of times and the worst of times. Some people have everything and some have nothing.

Like you, like me.

Someone once said that he came to this world not to perform perfectly, but to experience...


Perfection is nothing but ruthless confinement.

Regret is the most ruthless perfection.

From the beginning, I had a careful plan, and I named it "Two Cities Plan"!

I thought everything would go according to the script I wrote.

However, there is still one person...

It has become an exception for all my agencies...]


Recommended a book by a friend, a decisive type of killing, a true act of a native of the motherland! "As the younger brother of Superman, I became a native of the motherland"

This chapter has been completed!
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