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Chapter 205 The top

 "Where did the third uncle get the news?"

"I said Jinsong, this is boring. The company's top management has almost spread the news, and I'm not deaf.

Don't talk about it inside the company, the old rivals outside the company are also spreading it, just waiting to see the jokes of our Xu Group!"

"Yes, Mr. Xu, rumors have been flying around in the past two days. If they are not clarified, they may damage the reputation of our group."

"Yes, we just want to find out what's going on."

Several other directors also came forward.

Everyone present is a stakeholder, and they don't care who is the CEO.

What they care about is whether their year-end dividends will be affected...

Xu Jinsong took a deep look at Xu Boli and then said.

"I can tell you clearly that those things spread outside are all rumors!"

"Oh? So, all the funds being hijacked are fake?" Xu Boli deliberately looked relieved.

Xu Jinsong's expression froze.

"Investment is risky. Everyone knows this. If one or two plunge, you will be trapped. So do you still have to work in the investment department?

I can assure you that the group’s capital chain is very healthy.

Even if there is some floating loss in the investment department, it is temporary.

We still have at least over one billion in funds in our account, and this cannot be faked.

With Xu's business reputation, if necessary, I can quickly raise billions more from various financial platforms..."

Xu Jinsong paused.

"As for the Qinling Mountains... we do have a subsidiary company in charge of a certain tourism development project.

But as far as I know, they have always operated legally and compliantly. As for the specific situation, I am sending people over to verify it, which will take some time."

Xu Jinsong is very cunning in avoiding the important and taking the easy.

I was trapped, but I haven’t cut my flesh yet. Can it be considered a loss? That’s called a floating loss!

There may be something wrong with the project, or maybe the subordinate company is taking it upon itself to deceive the superiors and subordinates?

While excusing myself, I didn't say anything to death, which was equivalent to leaving a way out for myself.

You can advance, you can attack, you can retreat, you can defend.

His purpose is simple...

The truth hasn't been investigated yet, so it's a bit early to accuse me now, isn't it?

In short, it’s just one word – drag!

Drag these two things to pass, drag him to do one thing after another, and minimize the negative impact they bring!

"Everyone, those who are spreading rumors outside will know at a glance that they are targeting our Xu Group!

Our Xu family has become somewhat popular in recent years, and it is normal for us to be targeted by competitors.

But we cannot have chaos internally.

As long as we don't mess up our own situation, those rumors and slanders will be nothing more than tricks that won't go on the stage.

All of you here are my elders, and everyone can see how capable I, Xu Jinsong, am.

I hope that the elders can give me some time and not be affected by external rumormongers.

It’s really painful for those close to you, and quick for your enemies!”


All the directors present nodded their heads.

Over the years that Xu Jinsong has been in charge of the Xu Group, his ability has indeed been recognized by many people.

But Xu Boli naturally couldn't let him fool him with his spring and autumn brushwork.

"What you said makes sense, Jinsong, but it's just a floating loss? How much is the loss specifically?"

He has a "I only care about my money" look.

Xu Jinsong: "..."

The capital of 900 million yuan has dropped to the limit twice in a row. In the past two days alone, the floating loss has reached more than 170 million yuan...

However, facing everyone's gaze, he could only bite the bullet and say.

"This...probably, more than 100 million..."


Although the directors here feel that the loss of more than 100 million is a bit heavy.

However, the Xu Group has a great business, so this is not a crippling loss.

"How did I hear that the stock purchased by the group was related to the company involved in this controversial vaccine incident?

Jinsong, it’s not my third uncle who talks too much.

Mainly because people outside are still spreading rumors that this stock may be forced to be delisted?"

"Ah?" Everyone present exclaimed.

If what Xu Boli said is true, then how can this be a loss of more than 100 million? Is this a matter of making more than 100 million?

Maybe, all the 900 million will have to be filled in!

"Mr. Xu, is this true?" a group of directors quickly asked.

The corners of Xu Jinsong's mouth twitched and his eyes were on fire.

It seems that this old guy is not going to let me go today!

"Well... although the current situation is not optimistic, it is too early to say delisting. We are doing our best to remedy the situation and recover losses for the group as much as possible."

Is that a real deal?

The atmosphere in the boardroom immediately became tense, and many people began to whisper.

The real estate market has been good in the past two years. The Xu Group's annual profit was only over 10 billion, and it suddenly lost 900 million. This is already a bit of a stretch.

"Oh Jinsong, I'm not telling you, it's good that you are young and energetic, but isn't this investment strategy too radical?

We are a large group and we are not stock investors, so why don’t we do basic risk management?

How can you place such a heavy bet on one stock?"

Now that he was preparing to compete with the other party for the position of CEO, Xu Boli knew that he had no intention of turning back, and he was not polite in his words.

He was completely using the tone of an elder lecturing a younger one, undermining the opponent's prestige.

Seeing Xu Jinsong's ugly face, Cui Jizhong quickly came out to take the blame.

"Director Xu, it's my fault. I didn't do a good job as a financial officer. In addition, there are also problems with the market research of the investment department..."

Xu Boli glanced at him disdainfully.

We allow family members to talk, is it your turn to interrupt?

Xu Jinbai naturally knew that with Xu Boli's status, he could not be as knowledgeable as Cui Jizhong.

So he also stood up and spoke.

"Although investment is inevitably risky, someone has to stand up and take responsibility for such a big investment mistake, right?

A single problematic sentence cannot solve any problem."

"Yes! Mr. Xu, I'm afraid I have to give an explanation to the board of directors on this matter!"

"Yes! The Investment Department is not to blame!"

Several directors from Xu Boli's group also agreed.

Xu Jinsong's face was ashen.

"Bang!" "Okay!"

While everyone was talking endlessly, Xu Bonian, who had remained silent, tapped his cane.

The conference room immediately became quiet.

"In view of the erroneous investment decisions that have caused great losses to the group, you two, Jinsong and Ji Zhong, will deduct all equity incentives for this year.

In addition, when replacing the head of the investment department, the specific candidate... will be decided by the Human Resources Department!"

Xu Jinbai is the director of the human resources department, which clearly means that he wants to throw away the fat meat of the "investment department" to calm the situation.

A hint of joy suddenly flashed across the faces of Xu Boli and his son.

Xu Jinsong's expression changed and he wanted to say something, but Xu Bonian glared back.

"What's everyone's opinion?" Xu Bonian glanced at everyone, and his eyes finally stopped on Xu Boli.

Xu Boli never thought about reaching the sky in one step.

Today's original intention was to frustrate the spirit of Xu Bonian and his son, and also to damage Xu Jinsong's prestige.

Seeing Xu Bonian abandoning his car to protect the commander, he seemed to be showing weakness.

At that moment, he borrowed the donkey from the slope and nodded.

"The chairman has clear rewards and punishments, so naturally I have no objection."

"That's right! We don't have any objections either!"

Seeing that the largest shareholder and the second largest shareholder have completed the exchange of interests, the remaining directors naturally followed the general trend.

Wait until a board meeting with a delicate atmosphere is over.

As soon as he returned to the office, Xu Jinsong couldn't help but complain.

"Dad! Why did you give up the investment department to the other party?

This is a key department and has a strong say within the group!"

Xu Bonian took a sip of tea and glanced at him lightly.

"If it wasn't you who caught the blame, would we need to keep things quiet like this?"

"Uh..." Xu Jinsong suddenly muttered.

“If you make a mistake, you must admit it; if you are beaten, you must stand upright!

Yes, I can force this thing down, but the harder the spring presses, the stronger the rebound force will be.

Rather than wait for the two matters to settle and cause greater dissatisfaction on the board of directors, we might as well punish ourselves first and offload some of the pressure.

As a human being, you can’t be too short-sighted!”

"Yes, I understand." Xu Jinsong lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

"But... Judging from the performance of the third child today, maybe this matter really has something to do with him..."

Xu Bonian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I told you a long time ago that there will be no one else except that old guy!" Xu Jinsong said bitterly.

"Hmph! Xu Jinbai? You don't even know what kind of thing he is, but you actually want to help this guy to get promoted.

If they didn't still have shares in the group, that guy wouldn't even be able to get in through the door of the human resources department!"

"Okay, let's not mention the matter of the third son's family for now, let him be proud for a while.

The key is still two troublesome things in your own hands. You must find a way to minimize the loss as soon as possible!

If you don't handle it well, the impact of these two things may really shake your position, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand!"

When Xu Bonian left, Xu Jinsong remained silent in the office for a long time.

Forget about cheating yourself out of money.

But he was still avenged by Gao Yuan's violent beating...

It's unbearable, but uncle really can't bear it!

He showed a fierce look.

"Xu Boli, Xu Jinbai!

I have recorded this account!"

the other side.

Xu Boli and his son, who had no idea that they and Xu Jinsong, a "liangzi", were quite close, were still celebrating today's "big victory."

"Hahaha! Dad, didn't you see the expression on Xu Jinsong's face just now? It looked like he was constipated."


Xu Boli was also in a good mood.

I have always been suppressed by Xu Bonian, and it is rare for me to feel proud and proud like this.

Not only did it damage Xu Jinsong's prestige, but he also took control of a key department from Xu Bonian and his son, greatly enhancing his own lineage's voice in the group!

And all he did was spread some news.

This input and output is simply a huge profit!

As for whether this will offend Xu Bonian and Xu Jinsong...

"If I had been as decisive as I am today, why would I have watched the control of the company taken away by that guy Xu Bonian?"

Xu Boli learned from the pain.

He attributed his biggest weakness back then to being too caring about brotherhood and being too "indecisive"!

"Isn't it just that you don't recognize your relatives?

Who can’t do it anymore?!”



"Come in!"

Mr. Yu walked into the office with a document and saw Mr. Ren wearing reading glasses and reading a book with his head down.

There is also a thick "English-Chinese Dictionary" open on the table.

"Mr. Ren, this is my revised future purchasing plan. Please take a look."

"Well! Let's leave it for now." Old Ren didn't even look up, as if he was completely immersed in the book.

Mr. Yu glanced at the cover curiously and was stunned for a moment.

"The American Trap"?

"Mr. Ren, does this book really exist?" he asked in surprise.

"Yeah! I asked someone to bring it back from Europe. I heard that it was just published there."

"I didn't expect that what that guy said was actually true..."

He clicked his tongue in surprise, a little unbelievable.

How come that young man who looks quite ordinary can even see the manuscript of this kind of book in advance?

How much do you love reading?

"Mr. Ren, would you like me to find a translator?"

Seeing Mr. Ren looking up the dictionary from time to time with some difficulty, he couldn't help but speak.

"No, the original version doesn't look distorted, and I've already watched more than half of it. I think I'll finish it tonight." Old Man Ren said without raising his head.

"This book..." He hesitated to speak.

Mr. Ren seemed to know what he wanted to say. He put down the book and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"This book... gave me chills down my back!"

"You mean..."

Mr. Ren picked up a document on the table and shook it.

“On January 9, 2018, due to the intervention of the Black Palace, we lost our mobile phone order from ATT.

On February 13, Supervisor Fobo publicly warned not to buy Juchang mobile phones.

On March 22, our mobile terminal lost support from the retailer MySby.

Just recently, across the ocean, the Ministry of National Defense banned the sale of Juchang and Xingzhong mobile phones in military bases..."

Mr. Yu had some sweat on his forehead at this time.

Every time Mr. Ren read a piece of news, Mr. Yu's heart trembled.

Although such news in the past was enough to attract attention, he had never discovered that when these things were connected together, it was so chilling down the back...

Yes, they should have understood it long ago from various clues.

Xingzhong's fate must be their Juchang fate.

It's just that compared to Xingzhong, their bones are harder to crack and they have fewer weaknesses...

However, the calmer it is before the storm, the bigger the storm will be!

Maybe the other party is already brewing a shocking conspiracy against Juchang!

Hindsight! Really hindsight!

"Alas!" Mr. Ren put down the information in his hand and sighed.

"Lao Yu! I was suddenly shocked after reading this book.

The other party’s purpose may not be to correct us, but... to beat us to death!"

"Is it really...really that serious?" Mr. Yu was a little speechless.

"Think about the worst in everything. Now I have a vague feeling that what the man you met in Sioux City said may not come true...

That young man... is not simple!"

"Then... do you want me to get in touch? Find out where the other person is from?"

Mr. Ren thought for a while and nodded.

"Yeah! You can make friends, but don't go out of your way to find out the other person's identity.

If the other party wants to say it, they will naturally say it. If they don’t want to say it, then they must have concerns.”

"Concerns? What concerns?"

"This kind of strategic vision requires the support of massive intelligence!

Even just the title of this book is not something that an ordinary person can say casually.

Do you think, who in China would spend so much effort to collect intelligence and then kindly remind us?"

"If you say so, you have the ability and motivation to help us like this..."

The next moment, Yu's mouth gradually opened wide.

"You...you mean..."

He quickly shut his mouth and pointed upward with a cryptic expression.


This chapter has been completed!
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