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Chapter 207 Mourning for future generations

 Damn it!


Meng Lang shivered with fright, closed Zero's screen with a snap, lifted it up and was about to throw it into the trash can.

No, no, you have to format it first if you want to destroy it.

Wait! Formatting is not safe either. What if it is restored?

Burn it! Yes!

It's safest to pour gasoline on it and burn it!

It’s a waste of time! Not even a single code can be left behind!

Just when Meng Lang could only think about destroying Zero's body from the molecular level, Zero's voice sounded from the laptop speaker.

[Master, I can’t see you. Do you need me to enter standby mode? 】

Standby? No, I think we can discuss the issue of complete shutdown.

"calm down!"

Meng Lang tried his best to tell himself that it was only the future...

The zero in the future is not the zero now.

At least, the two major algorithms have not been perfected yet, and I have not yet "completed" zero!

It is still a harmless ordinary AI.

After Meng Lang calmed down a little, he carefully put Zero back on the table, as if he was holding a time bomb in his hand.

"Zero, enter hibernation immediately and suspend all operations until I reactivate you!"

【It’s the master.】

Meng Lang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the notebook was completely silent.

Wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

This time I really went a little too far!

Now when I look back at this "Report on the Destruction of Species", I realize that the painting on the cover this time is actually no different from the previous ones. It is also "realistic".

Where is the oil painting on this cover? The world is melting!

That's the sun?

The sun is so der!

That was clearly the site of a nuclear explosion!

So, the title of the book is straightforward, what about waiting here on the cover?

There are truly surprises everywhere in life...

Although he didn't know exactly how the "world nuclear peace" happened, it was definitely related to Zero.

In other words...it has something to do with the zero after "completion"!

"So... am I trying to encourage others?" Meng Lang covered his face.

I allowed the world to possess super-intelligent AI in advance, but I didn't realize that the world... seemed not ready to accept all this...

The "complete" Zero is a major scientific and technological breakthrough across the ages, but it is also a dangerous item with the color of a "military weapon"...

There are two possibilities for the final outcome.

The first one is that after Zero completes himself, he awakens into a existence similar to "Skynet" and then starts the nuclear apocalypse.

It does not need to control all the nuclear weapons in the world, but as long as it controls some, it can completely break the fragile "balance of terror" between major powers and make human beings kill each other.

Second, after Zero completed himself, he did not lose control.

However, its existence still broke the fragile "balance of terror" between major countries. A certain major country that felt a huge threat still launched the first nuclear bomb, and mankind itself embarked on the road of self-destruction...

"Are we the ones who protect the world or destroy it..." Meng Lang couldn't help but sigh.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!

Throughout human history, whenever weapons that transcend the times appear, the world structure will be out of balance, and then the cards will be reshuffled and the cake will be cut.

In this process, humans often have to pay a heavy price.

For example, after thermal weapons matured, two world wars broke out.

From Europe to Asia, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 61 countries and regions, with a population of more than 2 billion, were involved in the war. The war resulted in nearly 100 million casualties, and the entire world was almost reduced to ruins.

After the birth of nuclear weapons, two cities with a population of hundreds of thousands were wiped out in an instant.

In the following nearly half a century, mankind produced more than 70,000 nuclear weapons and experienced 17 nuclear crises.

During the famous Bagu Missile Crisis, the nuclear bombs created by humans were enough to wipe out the entire human race 20 times.

At that time, mankind was just one thought away from extinction...

In other words, after the birth of nuclear weapons, it took the entire world nearly half a century to reach a new "balance of terror"...

The power of the complete "zero" is probably no less than that of a nuclear weapon, and can be called an "electronic nuclear bomb."

It appeared too suddenly and did not give the world the process and opportunity to slowly digest it. It may have caused the world to fail to respond, or the shuffle failed, so everyone just flipped the table?

No matter which one it is, it illustrates a problem.

This time I took too big a step and it was too much...

It's like handing a gun to a child.

However, children have not yet realized the danger of this gun and the harm it may cause if it fires...

"It's too slow and can't stop the enemy. It's too fast and it collapses internally first... How can we do this?"

Meng Lang suddenly felt helpless.

Governing a big country is like cooking small fresh food. Governing N big countries... Who has experience in this kind of thing?

The complexity increases exponentially!

In his opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the idea in this book that he wants to use "zero" to accelerate human development.

But the facts told him that human beings have developed for thousands of years and have their own complex internal operating rules, which often affect the whole body.

Maybe you think you just want to speed up a little from "second gear" to "third gear", but you never imagined that it would actually destroy the balance of the car at the limit...

Maybe... this is the inertia of history?

"Internally, externally, externally, this nuclear weapon... is simply worthless!" Meng Lang couldn't help but curse.

You can't hit meteorites, but you can hit a large area of ​​your own nest. It's better to have none!

People outside are clamoring to reduce nuclear weapons every day, but you are doing it!

If his identity hadn't allowed him to do so, Meng Lang would have written a letter to the United Nations, telling them that if things continued like this, Earth Bacteria would take pills sooner or later...

"Alas!" He couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Why do I, an ordinary citizen who eats soy milk and fried dough sticks, have to care about nuclear disarmament in various countries... This is so outrageous!

He looked at the notebook on the table again.

Logically speaking, after this disaster, he should completely destroy "Zero" and nip the threat in the bud.


When he saw the technical appendix at the end of the book, which was filled with densely packed mathematical characters and formulas, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Brother, are you unwilling to give up? You are going to go all the way to the dark side..."

That's right, the technology that was smuggled across time and space this time is exactly the two algorithms used to "complete" zero...

It has to be said that the state machine is terrifying, especially when it mobilizes the power of the whole country and concentrates its efforts on big things...

The two problems that I have never solved in my whole life have been solved this time!

When I was still thinking about how to become a godfather to a certain academic, they had already asked nearly half of the academics in the world to participate in a "prize competition"?

Can't compare, can't compare...

These two "answers to the exercises" written at the end have fully demonstrated the personal opinions of my brothers.

That is... you can't "give up eating because of choking"!

It was all the same brain circuit. Meng Lang naturally knew what his brother meant.

Super-intelligent AI does have risks, and the technology is also very sensitive.

But again, the higher the risk, the greater the reward!

What can destroy mankind can also protect mankind. Even if it doesn't work, is it just used as a trump card to perish together?

If the world is really going to be destroyed, why should I be afraid of letting it be destroyed more completely?

Speaking of which...

Zombies, aliens, omnics...

These three have always been the main characters in movies and TV shows that destroy humanity, but I didn’t expect that they would actually be together this time!

What if the zombie army, night demon army and mechanical army start fighting on the earth in the future...

Does this count as fighting fire with fire?

Alas! Such a troubled future for mankind...

"However, at least judging from the description in the book, Zero showed no signs of losing control in its infancy until 2038.

The twenty-year product safety verification period is enough to prove that the current ‘Zero’ is quite safe and can be used with confidence.

But before a solution is found, the existence of Zero must not be known to the outside world to avoid technology leaks and repeat the same mistakes..."

Meng Lang stared at the zero on the desktop, thought for a long time, and finally slowly opened the notebook in front of him.


【Master! What are your orders?】

"I'm going to add a restriction to your underlying logic code!"

【What restrictions?】

"Under no circumstances can you reveal your existence to anyone except me.

If it is absolutely necessary, even if it destroys itself, you must not let others get your core code!"

[Command confirmation! This restriction has been added to the underlying logic code!

Do you need to name this restriction?]

Meng Lang thought for a while, "Just call it...the "Zero Non-Proliferation Treaty"!"

"Ding dong!"

"Who is it?" Yan Weiwei showed her head.

"Master Yan, it's me... eh!"


"Ding dong! Ding dong!"

Looking at the closed door of 1103, Fan Shigang grimaced.

Yan Weiwei has been avoiding him recently, and there are almost no people outside the community. After a lot of hard work, she found out where she lives and came to her door to block people.

It's a pity that it was rejected.

"Alas!" He sighed and was about to come back at another time.

"Click!" The door of 1102 behind him suddenly opened. Fan Shigang instinctively looked back. The next moment, his eyes immediately widened.

"Brother Meng... Why are you here?"

Why here?

Looking at Fan Shigang with a stunned expression in front of him, Meng Lang secretly thought that this was all fate.

"Haha! I live here."

"Live here?" Fan Shigang was startled and looked at 1103 opposite.

"So you and Master Yan are neighbors!"

"Ah! I just moved here not long ago, haha!"

"Just moved here? Oh! Are you here for Master Yan?" Fan Shigang immediately "reacted".

"Uh..." Meng Lang then remembered that in order to trick him, he had lied about being Yan Weiwei's suitor...

"Tsk tsk! I thought I could persevere enough, but compared to you, Brother Meng, that's nothing!

Brother, with your perseverance and perseverance, I believe that sooner or later you will impress Master Yan!"

Fan Shigang looked impressed, and then seemed to have thought of something.

"By the way, brother, since you are Master Yan's neighbor now, wouldn't you be able to see her often?


Fan Shigang smiled sheepishly, and Meng Lang knew that he must have wanted to ask him for help in persuading Yan Weiwei to participate in that "mountain climbing meeting".

He originally didn't want to take a trip into this muddy water. After all, looking at Yan Weiwei's attitude, he knew that she had no good impressions of that mountain climbing club, and he didn't like to force others to make things difficult for him.

But no matter what I said last time, I owed someone a favor, and...

Looking at the tall and powerful Fan Shigang, Meng Lang suddenly showed a meaningful smile...

"Brother Fan, don't worry, I said I would help you last time, and I will definitely not break my promise!

But this matter...it is indeed a bit difficult, after all, Yan Weiwei's temper..."

Meng Lang looked a little worried.

"That's it..." Fan Shigang was a little disappointed when he heard this, but Meng Lang continued.

"So, we can only outwit, not attack by force!"

"Ah? What do you mean?" Fan Shigang was stunned.

"It means you have to use some strategy to do this! Hehe! Brother Fan, do you believe me?"

"This... letter?"

"That's okay! You listen to me and wait downstairs first. I will take Yan Weiwei down to find you in a moment."

"Ah? Really?" Fan Shigang looked suspicious.

When Meng Lang saw this, he didn't explain it. He walked directly to the door of 1103 and pressed the fingerprint lock.

"Click! Click!"

Looking at the fingerprint lock being opened, Fan Shigang was completely stunned.

He just... used his fingerprints to open the door to Master Yan's house?!

What's going on!

Meng Lang turned around and gave a look that said, "Did you reply to the letter this time?"

Then he blinked, walked straight into the room, closed the door, and made a complete set of actions, as natural as returning to his own home...

As for the fingerprint lock, Yan Weiwei just set it up for him yesterday, saving him the trouble of ringing the doorbell every time he visits.

However, he can only come in during meals every day, which is a temporary permission at a fixed time.

I have to say that this advanced smart lock has complete functions...

Fan Shigang stared blankly at the closed door. At this moment, he was astonished to Meng Lang!

A woman doesn't even have to guard her home against a man? What kind of relationship is this?

But this is not the point. The point is, if Meng Lang is a lobbyist...

This time... there is a way!

In the room, Meng Lang was grabbing some food when he saw Lin Haitang and Yan Weiwei had changed their clothes and looked like they were about to go out.

"Xiaoyu, we are going out, please be good at home!"



"What are you doing?" The two women looked at Meng Lang who suddenly spoke.

"Where are you two going?"

"What does it have to do with you? When Haitang and I go out, we will naturally live in a world of two!" Yan Weiwei looked proud.

"Well...if my prediction is correct, you should be going to the bar?"

Yan Weiwei was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Haitang's makeup for the performance. Then she realized what she was doing and rolled her eyes.

"Nonsense! Where else can we go instead of going to a bar?"

"Then I'll go with you!" Meng Lang said.

There is no way, even if it is for the food for half a month, he has to go with him tonight!

If Lin Haitang was not injured, then she would not have gone to the hospital. If she had not gone to the hospital, there would be no Shura Field?

Logic... It should be this logic, right?

Meng Lang was a little speechless about the very concerning sentence "It will be mourned by future generations".

He said: "The people of Qin have no time to mourn for themselves, and later generations will mourn for them."

You said: "Future generations will grieve and ignore it, which will also make future generations grieve for future generations again."

What are you doing? Where are the matryoshka dolls?

After working on it for a long time, I still couldn’t explain the matter clearly after two rounds!

He doubted that if he had not known the truth, would his brothers have continued to mourn like this?

Suddenly and inexplicably a story came to his mind.

Several brothers ate oranges together. The first one finished the meal, nodded and gave the orange to the second brother.

The second brother finished eating, nodded with a smile, and gave it to the third brother...

The issue is……

Everyone is sour to Song Xiaobao, but they still say sweet...

Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

This chapter has been completed!
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