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Chapter two hundred and twentieth every word

 Sanxiang Road, Su City, in a quiet, single-family house.

A father and son are drinking tea and playing chess.

"Pa!" The black stone landed on Tianyuan, eating three white stones and occupying a considerable advantage in the center of the chessboard.

"Hey! Dad, do you think my chess skills have improved recently?" Hu Yifei was a little proud.

"Hmm! Not bad, it looks like a lot of effort has been put into it." Mayor Hu on the opposite side looked at the chessboard, smiled and nodded.

"To tell you the truth, my network technology company is preparing to enter the field of artificial intelligence recently. It plans to build a Go robot first, so I hired a sixth-dan Go player as a consultant.

During this time, I often took the opportunity to ask him for advice."

"That Cretaceous company of yours? It's a good technology company, what a weird name it has."

"This name is not randomly chosen. You know the Cambrian Company in Beijing, which is the Paleozoic Era in geological time. My Cretaceous Era is the Mesozoic Era, which represents our determination to surpass the Cambrian Era! Hehe!"

"Ha! As a start-up company, don't talk about surpassing so and so. Talk less, do more, and be down-to-earth is the right way to develop."

Mayor Hu placed a white diamond in the corner and looked up at him.

"I have no problem with you building a high-tech company. Now the country is undergoing industrial upgrading, which is also in response to the country's call.

But I heard that you recently created an investment company, is this happening?"

“It’s true that high-tech companies burn too much money.

Our original intention of setting up this investment company is to attract a group of powerful shareholders to join us, solve the funding problem, and expand some corporate resources.

Recently we are preparing to invest in a new energy vehicle company.

The automobile industry in the next few decades will be the product of the combination of new energy and artificial intelligence. If our company wants to succeed, we must not miss these two tracks!"

"Well! It's not just half-hearted. If you want to succeed, you must focus on one thing.

It is a good thing to aim higher than the sky, but it is a bad thing to aim too high.”

"I know, dad, by the way, Hong Shijie and his gang have also set up an investment company. They seem to be looking for scripts and want to invest in movies recently. Xu Jinfeng, the third son of the Xu family, seems to be involved as well.

Since he lost face with us last time, this young master Xu has been jumping up and down recently, for fear that others will not know that he has also become a shareholder."

"The Xu family..." Mayor Hu pondered slightly.

"The Xu family has deep roots in Jiangsu Province, is very influential in various fields, and has a good personal relationship with Secretary Hong.

If such a local coward can't afford a conflict, it's better not to have one."

"Haha! We are new here, how can we take the initiative to cause trouble?"

"Well! In addition, of course you can invest and expand your contacts, but everyone is watching me in my current position, so you must be careful about everything you say and do!

You must never use my identity to show off, do you understand?"

"I know dad, I'm the kind of person who doesn't know what's right!"

"Bah!" The white stone landed in the corner again, taking away six or seven black stones. The outcome was already clear.

"Uh... I'm willing to admit defeat!" Hu Yifei smiled bitterly and surrendered.

"Golden horns and silver-edged grass belly, details determine success or failure!"

Mayor Hu made a suggestion and then looked at the clock on the wall.

"Okay, I have a meeting in the afternoon and a dinner in the evening. Please ask your mother not to wait for me."

"I know, Dad."

When I walked out of the house, the driver and secretary were already waiting.

After getting in the car, he got into work mode.

"Lao Li, are the materials for today's meeting ready?"

"Yes, leader, here are the meeting details.

The topic of today's meeting is mainly about promoting the development of emerging industries and improving the efficiency of industrial upgrading...

Electronics, electrical, steel, general equipment, chemicals, and textiles are the six traditional pillar industries in Suzhou.

But with the increasing uncertainty in the foreign trade environment and the background of the national industrial upgrading strategy, the province requires us to focus on supporting a number of high-tech enterprises in developing the economy..."

On the other side, Hu Yifei, who was cleaning up the chess game, suddenly received an unexpected phone call.

"Mr. Yu?"

"Well! I'm sorry to bother Mr. Hu. I have something to do and I want to ask Mr. Hu for a favor."

Hu Yifei was slightly stunned.

It was already surprising to him that such an elder took the initiative to call him. Now it sounded like he was actually asking for help?

This is a good opportunity to bring the two sides closer...

"Mr. Yu, as you said, as long as I can help, I will naturally do my best!"

"Haha! It's nothing big. It's just the young man I met at KTV last time. Mr. Hu, do you have his contact information?"

"Young man?" Hu Yifei didn't react for a moment.

"Oh! That's Mr. Meng!"

Mr. Meng...Meng Lang?!

Hu Yifei became even more confused.

You are an industry boss in Yangcheng, and he is a masked racing driver in Sioux City. You want to add his contact information, and you also took the initiative to find my contact information in a roundabout way...

They are obviously two people who can't be beaten with eight poles. What will President Yu do to Meng Lang?

"Well...I'm sorry, Mr. Yu, I don't have the contact information of Mr. Meng, but my senior sister brought him here, so I can help you ask."

"Oh! Great, then I'll trouble you, Mr. Hu!"

"Uh... no trouble, no trouble!

But Mr. Yu, I'm just a little curious. You've been back to Yangcheng for several days, why did you suddenly think of asking for Mr. Meng's contact information?"

"Ahem! Well... I had a great conversation with Mr. Meng at that time. I still had some misunderstandings about Mr. Meng and I didn't understand the deeper meaning of Mr. Meng's words.

But after I came back, I thought about it carefully for several days. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Mr. Meng’s words were true to every word!

I don’t have any other ideas, I just want to make friends and express my apology.

Of course, if Mr. Meng is not willing, Mr. Hu, please don’t force him, I will pay him a visit if I have the opportunity another day!”

Hu Yifei was stunned!

What did he say?

There was a bit of misunderstanding at the time and I didn't understand the deeper meaning of the words. I went back and pondered for several days before I finally figured out every word of it?

Still apologizing?

Is this a comment from an industry boss to a young man he has only met once?

This look of being open-minded and accepting of teaching...

Is the identity reversed?

Don’t force yourself if you don’t want to, just come and visit in person another day…

This attitude, this tone.

No matter how you look at it, you smell like Corporal Li Xian...

What exactly did the two sides talk about that day?

In just a few minutes, how could Meng Lang make such an elder surrender so hard?

Hu Yifei felt that he missed 100 million that day...

Hanging up the phone with a confused look on his face, he quickly picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hey! Senior sister!"

"What's wrong? I'm shopping for clothes. If you fart, hurry up!"

"Uh... I just want to ask, what is the identity of Brother Meng Langmeng from last time?"

"What do you mean? Check the household registration? How else can I be a tenant?"

"Don't hide it from me. He is the masked driver from last time, right?"

"F*ck! How do you know? Hey, hey, hey! I didn't tell you this, you have to testify! It's none of my business!"

Hu Yifei: "..."

That's true, but that's not the point.

"Well, senior sister, does Brother Meng have other identities besides being a racing driver?" Hu Yifei asked tentatively.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Mr. Yu doesn’t seem to like driving...

There must be another reason for looking for Meng Lang!

"Other identity? Do you even know that he is a salesperson?"

"Promotion?" Hu Yifei was stunned.

What kind of salesman can fool a big boss like Mr. Yu into making friends?

What level of diplomacy is it?

"Okay! You actually lied to me! Tell me honestly, what are you doing here today? Just asking questions..." Yan Weiwei reacted.

"Uh... Senior sister, can you give me his contact information? Last time, Mr. Yu wanted to make friends with Brother Meng.

Don’t ask me why, I’m confused too!”

"Mr. Yu..." Yan Weiwei on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment and pondered for a moment.

"Okay, I'll send him a flying signal to you and write down the applicant and the reasons for the application. As for whether they pass or not, I can't guarantee it."

"This...doesn't mean it won't pass?" Hu Yifei was sweating a little.

"Who knows? Anyway, this guy is very strange. Maybe he will reject the friend request on the grounds that you want to harm him?"


Hu Yifei hung up the phone with a speechless expression.

Yan Weiwei's business card push was sent quickly.

Hu Yifei had just forwarded it to Mr. Yu when his phone rang again. When he picked it up and looked at it, he was stunned again.

Mr. Liu?

Are all the elders so free today?

"Hello! Mr. Liu?"

"Master Hu? Excuse me for disturbing you so late. I have something urgent and want to ask you for a favor."

Late? Hu Yifei looked at the sky, and then realized that the other person must be jet lagged on the other side of the world.

But why do you need my help again?

"Don't bother me, don't bother me. It's still daytime in China. Mr. Liu, you said, as long as I can help, I will definitely do my duty!"

"Great, could you please send me the contact information of Mr. Meng from the KTV last time?"


I originally thought it was two children arguing with each other, but I didn’t expect that it was a threesome and there must be my teacher?

If I didn't go to the auditorium that day, did I lose one billion?

Er hung up the phone with a blank look on his face.

So what exactly did Meng Lang say at that time to make the two elders behave like this?

Every word is precious? Why don’t I feel this way?

Hu Yifei couldn't help but start to carefully recall the scenes that happened that day, trying to extract even a few words of the other party from his memory, and then recall...

He seemed to have said something incomprehensible that day?

He said...the guy named Bao was swimming naked?

This chapter has been completed!
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