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Chapter 243 Meng's Spring and Autumn

 The fingers moved slowly and pulled out a book at the most familiar position.

next moment……

Meng Lang was stunned before he even sat down to take a closer look.

He can guarantee that after so many lives, the covers are completely different each time, and some of them are strange and eye-catching.

However, no brother can be as creative and refreshing as this one today!

Because...this is actually a thread-bound book!

Yes! It’s the kind of ancient blue thread-bound books...

"Meng's Spring and Autumn Period"!

Four simple and vigorous fonts appear on the paper.


Why are you acting so uniquely, just to prove that you are all different fireworks?

Future science fiction suddenly crosses over into alternate history...

If I hadn't read it so many times, I would have thought that this was not an autobiography of a life that predicted the future. He might have thought that he had traveled back in time to "Xun Qin Ji" to replace Lu Buwei to do that strange thing...

Brother, you successfully aroused my curiosity.

He sat down and slowly opened the pages of the book.

[I’m not sad for spring and autumn, spring and autumn will always reincarnate. I’m just sorry that I ended up alone...

"Sir, we found that your credit card had a suspiciously large amount of spending overseas. Was it you who used it yourself?"

That day, I didn't find "Mencius Spring and Autumn", but I received a strange phone call.

I was lost in the lake for a long time, and it wasn't until the other party asked me for the third time that I came to my senses.

"Fuck! I've used up all the remaining credit in my life! Why don't you spend another one and let me see!"


Who can understand my indescribable emotions, and who can tolerate my violent temper?

That leaves only scam calls...

That night, while eating the most delicious pork ribs and lotus root soup in a bowl, I quickly began to calmly think about how to use my best to live this "ordinary" life...

As a result, late the next night, Wang Zhaoping brought me surprising news.

At exactly 5 p.m. that day, the newly recovered batch of cultural relics... were robbed again!

Yes, in broad daylight, many national treasures that were under heavy protection were actually snatched away under the eyes of the police on their way to the Shanghai Museum.

Among them, there is the precious Tang Dynasty cultural relic "Mingtang Buddha Head"!

According to Wang Zhaoping's on-site investigation afterwards, it was said that this group of robbers was unusual.

They first faked a car accident and forced the escort vehicle to stop, and then waited for an opportunity to approach.

There were a total of 6 police officers responsible for escorting, and there were only 2 robbers in total. However, they knocked out the 4 escorting police officers who were caught off guard, and then used firearms with silencers to control the remaining 2 in the car.


After forcing the two people to report to the headquarters that everything was normal, he asked them to open the escort car, carry all the cultural relics into their own car, and then knocked out the remaining two people before leaving calmly.

Whether it is sophisticated weapons, specially trained skills, or professional means of evading police tracking during evacuation, ordinary robbers cannot possess it.

In addition to these two robbers, there should be responders around.

However, even Zero was unable to find traces of the other party from the surveillance blind spot where the other party disappeared afterwards, which shows its anti-reconnaissance capabilities and meticulous planning.

And judging from the fact that the other party was able to accurately know the time and route of escorting the cultural relics and ambush them in advance, this may not have been a temporary move!

I know nothing about the inexplicable cultural relic robbers, but I have a strange feeling in my heart...

The other party...could it be that he came for the "scripture" in the Buddha's head?

This feeling is unfounded. After all, several cultural relics were stolen. On the surface, it looks like a long-planned robbery of cultural relics purely for the purpose of making money.

Even the revenge of the forces behind Steve is unknown.

There is no evidence to prove your guess.

After all, I should be the only one in this world to know about this secret that existed thousands of years ago...

But as expected, I still care a little...

Is there any secret in the scriptures in the Buddha's head that is worth the risk and trouble for others?

By intercepting this batch of cultural relics, did you inadvertently change any established history?

However, no matter what the truth is, it has been discovered first, completely disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people, and has never been heard from again...

The greatest helplessness in life is that even though there are thousands of knots in the heart, there is no time to turn back.

We can only realize that the past is not admonished, and we know that we can pursue those who are coming...

This is just a small episode on the road of life.

Evergreen Biotech's scientific research projects, Gao Yuan's merger and acquisition expansion plan, entering the film and television industry, IT empire plan, building the Mengshan fortress, doomsday cruise plan...

A new chapter in life is slowly unfolding in my hands...

Duan Xian's star-making plan didn't go as smoothly as I thought. As a pure newcomer, I think we didn't find the "traffic password"?

Maybe after the original singer of "Dislocated Time and Space" became popular, I should remind him to mention "HowNet" by the way in He Zhaitianlin's program?

Compared with ordinary people, perhaps my biggest advantage is that I know what kind of future I need to face...

The road of life cannot be smooth sailing, it is always full of regrets of one kind or another.

Just like that day, upstairs at Su Da Yifu, a young man in his prime jumped down in front of his eyes, leaving the world with pain.

The middle-aged man who cried bitterly while holding the corpse turned gray overnight.

Many years later, I accidentally saw this white-haired man on TV again, at the award ceremony for the country's highest science and technology award.

Maybe...he is the talent that Evergreen Biotech urgently needs right now?

The cause of the teenager's suicide was campus bullying. Since it was suicide, the bully was acquitted...

Looking at the childish-looking men and women in the notebook, I finally sighed and slowly closed the computer.

After all, I am only a savior, not a judge.

Through Zero's monitoring, I avoided the chance encounter with Han Li and monitored her as a special sample.

And Xu Jinsong's attack was faster than expected.

On the day I got my driver's license, the killers sent by Xu Jinsong sneaked into Xu Boli's mansion.

However, Xu Boli, who had received an anonymous warning long ago, successfully escaped a murder.

The murderer was arrested on the spot. Although the real culprit behind the scenes could not be revealed, from that moment on, the internal fighting in the Xu family suddenly became intense!

Both sides continue to expose their family scandals and criticize each other.

Outsiders didn't know what was going on, and watched in astonishment as the two sides almost went to pieces. Even the Xu Group was severely beaten...

The house leaked and it rained all night. In July 2018, Xu Jinsong’s Qinling project was hit hard from the top and was stillborn. Xu’s group suffered heavy losses.

At the beginning of 2019, "Fortress" led by "Nomad Pictures" failed again.

Superimposed on the three red lines and the real estate winter, finally, due to blind financing and continuous investment failures, the P2P project "Daniu Ventures" secretly controlled by the Xu Group soon suffered from a capital chain crisis.

Cui Jizhong, the legal person of "Nomad Pictures", an affiliate company of "Daniu Venture Capital", was pushed to the stage and imprisoned.

However, nearly 5 billion funds have long entered the pockets of the Xu Group through a series of legal or illegal asset transfers and secret money and power transactions, helping Xu Jinsong survive the most difficult moment.

Under the huge crisis, the Xu Group miraculously came back to life!

Everything seems to be back to where it started...

All that was left was a thunderstorm platform covered in chicken feathers, which took everything for the Xu Group.

When it prospers, the people suffer; when it dies, the people suffer.

Through the car window, I saw people holding signs and struggling to defend their rights due to thunderstorms on the platform.

These are the futures I have unintentionally changed...

I thought I could arrange the fate of others, but who would have thought that this time I was still clearly arranged by fate...

Yes, of course it’s not my fault. If there is no “Da Niu Venture Capital”, there will also be “Maverick Venture Capital”.

In order to get high rewards, these people followed their predetermined destiny trajectory, but inadvertently entered a small and insignificant fork. Maybe the ending was not different.

But...seeing those life savings vanish into thin air, accompanied by several helpless young children, and parents with miserable faces written all over their faces.

And look at the tall skyscrapers of Xu Group in the distance.

I can't let go for a long time.

Some people live in high-rise buildings, while others live in deep ditches.

This is how the world is different, you and I both understand.

I don’t expect that you, who are destined to stand in the clouds in the future, can always understand the suffering of those who have just kicked in the mud.

But I still hope that you can always maintain the most basic empathy.

Because you are better than countless people just by stepping on our shoulders.

Did nothing and got almost everything.

But please remember, it is not something you work hard for.

You are not qualified to judge all living beings according to your own likes and dislikes...but I am!

The next day, Xu Jinsong unfortunately died in an elevator accident.

Facts have proved that as long as there are shortcuts in life, the shortcuts will soon become the only way...

Only by putting down the butcher's knife can you become a Buddha immediately, but there are also...

If hell is not empty, I will never become a Buddha!

Why do you ask me?

Because unlike you, I have the consciousness to be killed, so I am qualified to shoot...

Using a "minor language" method and using zero-developed special chat software for "silent" communication, I directed Cheng Biao and Ah Xing to secretly build a chat room near Han Li's residence and Chao Ge's villa.

Small unmanned listening room.

No contact at ordinary times, only regular equipment maintenance.

In addition, I have built dozens of listening houses in the same manner in residential buildings all over the world.

Although scale and equipment limit the ability to intercept, the advantage is incomparable stealth.

For the next ten years, I achieved nothing.

It wasn’t until the end of 2028 that the sound wave signal that came from the depths of the Pacific Ocean and was sent regularly every month... finally appeared!

It's like a secret code has been activated.

The infrasound waves surging on the earth's surface suddenly became more frequent!

To outsiders, it may be a special infrasound wave of some kind of industrial noise, but after zero extensive analysis and decryption, the fact that it is a "contact signal" has been clearly exposed.


It can be preliminarily judged that this is the time when the Night Demons officially began to become active on the earth!

Maybe it's because the Earth's technological information has been discovered and they can communicate without fear of being discovered?

Or maybe...the plan of annihilation has entered the final stage.

They began to care less about whether they would be exposed.

Because of the X virus and its variants, it has now spread to every corner of the world...

But for the next time, there was still no movement in the surveillance area near Han Li and Chao Ge.

Except for the arrogant monthly "big speakers" deep in the Pacific Ocean, no unusual sound waves were found around the two of them.

Maybe... I'm overthinking it?

Han Li is just an ordinary person who was chosen by the Night Demon Clan out of hatred for herself?

Chao Ge is just an ordinary superstar singer?

The sound waves that stir on the surface of the earth and become more frequent every year are like life-threatening notes.

It makes me clearly feel that the end is approaching...

I secretly began to speed up the execution of the plan.

In 2032, I secretly ordered Zero to leak the key technical information of the "X virus (manifest) multi-variant RNA specific vaccine" to Pfizer.

In 2033, Pfizer's product launch immediately caused a sensation.

However, just one month after the press conference, Pfizer's entire scientific research team was wiped out and its technical data were destroyed.

The other side of the ocean claimed it was food poisoning, but in fact it was two security guards armed with live ammunition who suddenly went crazy and shot and killed people. Finally, they burned all the technical information and then committed suicide by drinking bullets!

The international situation is undercurrent.

Some people think it is an assassination attempt by a hostile country, while some people think it is an interest group within Pfizer that does not want to see the virus disappear...

But only I know.

This must be the Night Demon clan in action...

When the plan failed, in 2034, I ordered Zero to fully leak the key technical information of the "X virus (manifest) multi-variant RNA specific vaccine" through Internet channels.

However, in 2035, effective vaccines have just begun to become popular, and brand-new virus variants have already acquired the ability to escape immunity. The speed is so fast that it does not look like the result of natural evolution...

Obviously, while I am taking action, the enemy's plan of annihilation is also dynamically adjusted!

And it is obvious that the other party is far better at viruses than the people on Earth.

The failure of the two operations shattered my hope of popularizing vaccines and solving the virus problem.

With the current technical conditions, even if all the power of the world is mobilized, the possibility of shooting down Pluto is extremely slim.

It almost means that the doomsday is doomed and cannot be avoided...

In 2037, Alzheimer's disease arrived as promised, but it was blocked by Xiaoyu's team's increasingly mature disease delaying technology, and it did not have a substantial impact on me in the short term.

In 2040, when the time is right, the world's top virus research institute established by Evergreen Biotech will officially launch a research project on "how to block the spread of the X virus in advance"!

To this end, I secretly invested almost all the money I had accumulated over more than two decades.

Human brain + death melody + X virus = T virus.

Among these three elements, the specific vaccine technology of the X virus has been cracked by the enemy.

If it doesn’t work in 2035, then we can only hope to stop the spread of the X virus among the population from the source in 2019!

In fact, so far, the only virus that has been eradicated by humans is the smallpox virus. Apart from this, no other virus in nature can be eradicated by humans.

Including the most common cold viruses!

Historically, the first way humans have defeated viruses is to physically block them.

The second is that after a long period of evolution, the human immune system passively adapts to the virus.

However, no matter which method is used, this process is inevitably accompanied by huge sacrifices.

And all I can do is make this sacrifice as small as possible...

Within Evergreen Biotechnology, there were naturally a lot of voices opposing my "stupid" behavior.

Because the significance of studying crowd blocking technology is minimal when the virus can no longer be contained.

But how do they know that because it is officially meaningless, they can only conduct research openly...

In 2043, the basically mature "implantable X-virus early warning biochip" technology was launched.

You may not be able to change the policies of various countries and affect human history, but technology can!

At this time, there are only three months left before the end...

In the secret base of Fortress Mengshan, we used the melody of death to create the first experimental subject of madness.

Half a month later, the experimental subject gradually became thinner and died without any supplement of flesh and blood...

Xiao Yu obtained a large amount of first-hand information, but was unable to cure madman disease because the attack on the brain is almost an irreversible process.

The next time, the doomsday cruise ship officially sets sail.

Mengshan Village, which has become completely self-sufficient, has fallen into peace and tranquility, like the calm before the storm...

I did not continue to implement the "fishing plan", but quietly waited for the end in the secret base.

Because at this moment, I have a more important mission!

The end is coming as promised.

Just like the seven days in Lin Haitang's eyes in that life.

Listening to Zhao Guangming's "Announcement of the Destruction of Earth Civilization", I contacted Chu Nan, the temporary supreme commander of the remaining human army, through Zero.

"Your father's name is Chu Tian?"

Looking at the commander's information on the light screen, my eyes were a little complicated.

"Huh? Who are you? Do you know my father? But unfortunately, he died in an operation in 2018."

Yes, of course I know. In May of that year when I wanted to hug my thigh, I died in battle in Damascus, which made me lament the impermanence of the world for a while.

It's just that I didn't expect that you would be his son...

Chu Nan's eyes were very calm, like a silent pool of stagnant water, making it impossible to see any emotion or joy.

"Who am I? Perhaps I am a witness of this time and space."

"Interesting statement, so...what's your reason for coming?"

"I have no intention of coming. If anything... maybe it's just to solicit the collective will of the only remaining human beings..."

"What's the meaning?"

"If you were given a chance to use the lives of everyone else to fight back against the enemy, would you be willing?"

"Counterattack?" Chu Nan looked at the few hundred soldiers who were covered in blood behind him, and finally there was a hint of bitterness in his eyes.

"If there is such an opportunity, I think I will be willing to sacrifice my soul!"

"I understand, thank you for your answer..."

The city center of Sioux City is full of ruins and dark red bloodstains.

A man in a trench coat wearing a white mask, with his hands in his pockets, strolled through the ruins of the city as if taking a leisurely stroll.

The madman mutants who wandered by from time to time seemed to turn a blind eye to this guy, and none of them attacked him.

"Can we talk?"

The sound coming from an electronic speaker in a roadside video store made the man in the trench coat stop in his tracks.

He turned his head and looked over, his black and white eyes filled with deep surprise.

"Who are you?"

"You don't know me, but I know you. So...should I call you 'Singer' or Chaoge?"

Under the mask, he was no longer surprised, but shocked.

He looked at the surveillance camera in the video store and slowly took off his mask, revealing a handsome face.

Time seems to have left no trace on his face, he is still as young as when he first saw him on TV.

"As expected of Chaoge, who is known as the immortal singer, then... is this also your racial talent?"

"You seem to know a lot? And this should be completely impossible. So, can you tell me how I was exposed?"

Chaoge's voice is calm, but there is a faint impulse that makes people believe him...

However I was indifferent.

"It's nothing. If I hadn't monitored you for 25 years, even after the apocalypse, I would have never relaxed my tracking of you. Otherwise, I might have been kept in the dark for the rest of my life."

"25 years?!" Chao Ge was slightly stunned.

"I answered your question, so please answer me another question. How do you communicate with the so-called listener? Why can't I detect your contact sound waves?"

A series of unbelievable questions seemed to make Chaoge a little down. After a while, he suddenly laughed.

"It seems...you do know a lot of our secrets.

I never thought that there would be such an interesting being as you among human beings. The earth is really an interesting place.

Of course, I can tell you the answer you want, after all... my mission has been completed."

I was slightly silent.

Chaoge smiled and said, "The reason is very simple. Just like your electromagnetic signals have clear codes and secret codes, we also have two communication systems."

"So, you used a password?"

"Yes, my singing is just a note used to convey information. To you humans, it is just a single note, but the listener can distinguish hundreds of different meanings from the changing audio.

Like this...ah~ahhhh~ahhh~"

The beautiful singing voice comes from Chaoge's throat, making people want to sink into it involuntarily...

"I see!

The one in the Pacific is a regional broadcast, used for clear communication, but the more secretive units have their own communication system.

In this way, even if the clear code is discovered, no one will be able to detect the secret code.

I'm afraid you have already passed on the information while performing on stage or even practicing singing in private...

Tsk tsk! Who would have thought that an emperor singer could actually be a spy lurking among humans?"

"Huh?" Chaoge was really shocked this time.

"Why can't you be affected?"

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, I used voice changing software. No matter how beautiful your singing voice is, in my ears it is just a string of hoarse noises like metal friction."

"You...really surprised me!"

"Thank you. After all, it's hard for a Saint to be defeated twice by the same move.

Thank you for your answer just now, so for the last question, can you tell me... your purpose of annihilating human beings?"

I asked the question in my heart that pointed directly to my soul.

However, what was returned was a moment of silence.

"Don't you want to say it? It doesn't matter. Then please enjoy the most spectacular fireworks of this century!"

The next moment, countless smoke pillars rose into the sky around the world!

At that moment, I saw astonishment in Chao Ge's eyes as he looked at the smoke column in the distance.

"Nuclear weapons? Haha, this ending... seems not bad..."

What disappoints me is that until the endless light and heat flooded Chaoge's entire body, he couldn't see any fear in Chaoge's expression, but instead there was a trace of...relief?

Is it possible that the purpose of the Night Demon Clan is not to occupy an original and livable planet?

Chaoge's reaction made me feel like my ultimate ultimate move, which I thought would kill me, was hit in the air.

I don't know if this is right or wrong, but this is the only counterattack I can give the Night Demons...

I am the witness of this time and space, and I am also the destroyer of this time and space.

The only one who knows me is the Spring and Autumn Annals!

The only person who has sinned against me is the Spring and Autumn Annals!]

This chapter has been completed!
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