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Chapter 316 Taking someone’s head

Damascus time, 1 a.m.

"Hmm!" "Hmph!"

Dragging the two patrols that were dealt with into the shadows around the corner, a few black shadows flashed away and continued to penetrate towards the center of the town.

An observer climbed onto a high point in a building and took off the low-light night vision device on his helmet.

[Attention, there are three people behind the truck at 10 o'clock, and two people in the room on the right 20 meters ahead!] The voice of the observer came from the communicator.

The leader, Chu Tian, ​​made two gestures, and two groups of team members immediately separated from behind him, heading towards two locations respectively.

After a while, two groups of team members walked out of the darkness, signaling safety ahead...


The sentry on the rooftop was shot in the heart and fell down without saying a word!

A special operations team member put away his silenced pistol and made a forward gesture towards the back...

【3 o'clock direction, cleared!】

【11 o'clock direction, cleared!】

【No abnormalities found ahead!】

In the darkness, this team of more than a dozen people cooperated skillfully, taking turns to cover, and quietly approached the center of the town.

However, no one noticed that a small drone was parked quietly on the rooftop above them, and high-definition cameras monitored their every move.

It wasn't until the members of the dragon hunting team walked away that the drone made a low buzz and flew to the next monitoring location...

Ning Shisan was thoughtful as he looked at the surveillance footage of several special forces soldiers with their backs bent and killing militants one by one with swift movements.

This skill is not like that of ordinary troops...

"Is that why we're here?"

【Congratulations, you guessed it right!】

However, the sound coming from the earphones made Ning Shisan slightly stunned.

Because this voice is obviously different from the one who usually releases tasks...it's the hacker from before!

"You are finally online!"

[I always show up when I'm supposed to show up, but it's this timing that makes me a little helpless.

You know, it’s almost dawn in China, so staying up late is not good for your health, and it’s considered overtime.】

"Uh..." Ning Shisan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Do people who sit leisurely in the office and stare at the screen have the right to complain about "working overtime" in front of people who are traveling thousands of miles away to deliver express delivery?

Suppressing the urge to curse, he pointed at the warring parties on the screen.

"So, can you tell me now who this group of people is who infiltrated?"

【Friendly Army.】

"What about the other side?"


The other party's answer was concise and concise, with no extra information at all.

Ning Shisan said helplessly, "Then can you tell me why we come here to be enemies with them?"

【To save people.】

Rescue people? Are they the hostages held by thugs inside?

I wanted to ask something else, but found that the other party was already offline...


Another sentry fell down in response. Just as Chu Tian was about to continue moving forward, the voice of his teammates suddenly came from the headset.

[Captain, I found a room with more than twenty civilians inside, all of them old, weak, women and children.

It seems that he is a local resident. There are two guards on site. Please give instructions!]

Chu Tian thought for a while, if he didn't kill these two guards, once the battle started, they would probably be attacked from both sides.

"Kill the guards, Xiao Hei. You are responsible for evacuating the hostages and have them evacuate toward the southeast. We have cleaned up along the way. There should be no enemies!"


Just as everyone was about to take action, a "ZZZZ~" sound rang in their headsets, and then another voice appeared.

【If I were you, I wouldn't do this.】


Everyone was stunned when they heard this completely unfamiliar voice.

"Who was talking just now?"

The team members were silent...

Chu Tian's expression changed.

"Damn it! The communication channel has been invaded, switch to the backup channel immediately!"

After a while, all members were switched.

But before Chu Tian could open his mouth to confirm, the voice sounded again hauntingly.

【Don't be nervous, you are on your own!】

Chu Tian: "..."

Everyone: "..."

We are concentrating on carrying out dark night raids, but somehow someone invaded our channel and claimed to be one of our own? Do you believe it instead?

The communication channel was hacked twice in a row, leaving Chu Tian shocked by this mysterious man's electronic intrusion capabilities.

"Everyone is on alert! Watch out for enemy counterattacks!"

Chu Tian had a dark face, and all the team members raised their guns and looked around with vigilant expressions.

It seems that they are afraid that the next moment the cannons will fire, the gongs and drums will sound, and then groups of armed men will come out from all corners to ambush them...

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

[You are really one of our own! If I were an enemy, you would have been exposed long ago! Listen to my accent, Chinese people do not deceive Chinese people!]

God, Chinese people don’t lie to Chinese people!

The corners of Chu Tian's mouth twitched.

But it is true as he said, if they were enemies, it would be impossible for him and others not to be exposed now.

The authentic Mandarin that makes people feel extremely friendly also increases a slight degree of trust between the two parties...

Chu Tian squatted in the corner and looked around sharply.

"who are you?"

[I can’t change my name, but I can’t change my surname! Codename is ‘Black Cat’, an enthusiastic mercenary!

But this is not important. What is important is that you really want to save people. I suggest you change your approach!】

"What do you mean?" Chu Tian frowned.

[Among the group of hostages, there were two teenagers who were disguised as brainwashed militants and even had guns on them.

According to the way you just came, as soon as the gun was fired, you would be exposed immediately. That person named Xiaohei would 90% hate Northwest on the spot...]

Xiaohei: "..."

Chu Tian also looked strange.

"How do you know the other party's internal situation and know it in such detail?"

[Hmm...because 'I' came before you?]

Come before us?

This answer...can it be more perfunctory?

[By the way! Let me remind you again, there is a hidden sentry in the rubble 30 meters away from you, at 2 o'clock, and it is a sniper.

Once you are exposed, the sniper at this position will have to reduce your number by at least one more person.】

"What?!" Chu Tian was shocked.

The snipers of the Dragon Hunting Team who occupied a high-rise building in the rear immediately instinctively turned their guns and aimed their scopes in that direction.

At this time, the moonlight in the sky just emerged from behind the clouds, and the bright moonlight shone down, illuminating the originally dark corner...

[Mad! There really is a Voldemort! Captain, he is right!]

Soon, the sniper's curse words sounded in the headset.

Chu Tian: "..."

Ignoring the looks of confusion from the surrounding team members, Chu Tian was shocked, but soon discovered a certain piece of information revealed in the other party's words.

If the other party can hear your own communications, it means that you have invaded your own communication channel, but even the hidden sentry knows what time your own party is hiding...

This means...the other party can see you!

He looked around, but didn't find any suspicious blind spots. Suddenly his heart moved and he looked up at the dark night sky!

He squinted his eyes and scanned sharply, but found nothing.

I just felt as if there were eyes in the darkness staring at my every move.

He looked away and asked with a frown.

"Do you know who we are? Why do you want to help us?"

[Let me ask you, if I ask you to withdraw now, will you withdraw? 】

Chu Tian was stunned for a moment, "Of course not, our mission must be completed!"

[Then it’s over, let me tell you the truth, I’m here to save people! 】

Rescue people? Are they the hostages held by thugs inside?

At this moment, Chu Tian's brain waves were on the same frequency as Ning Shisan's...

"So, we are friends rather than enemies?"


"Well... I can trust you for now, One-Eye! Kill that sniper!"


A moment later, a faint "Puff!" came from a dozen meters behind.

The sniper in the darkness didn't even see the enemy. He tilted his head and a stream of blood flowed out from the gravel...

[Report to the captain, it’s solved!]

Seeing that his side had killed the enemy's sniper, the mysterious man who called himself "Black Cat" remained indifferent. He finally believed that the two sides were friends rather than enemies.

At this time, he couldn't help but hesitate.

The enemy is not made of clay. One more minute of delay will put them in danger of being exposed!

"Xiao Hei, come with me to rescue people, and keep an eye on the hostages! Others will take cover!"


In the living room of a relatively intact house, more than two dozen abducted local residents huddled together, their thin bodies enduring the cold night.

Many people still have signs of being beaten and abused.

"Biu!" "Biu!" "Plop!"

The two guards fell to the ground limply. A blood hole suddenly appeared on their foreheads, and blood slowly flowed out.

The sound of gunshots and the sound of the guard falling to the ground immediately attracted the attention of the hostages. Several local people who woke up looked at all this with horrified faces, and did not forget to pull their companions around to wake them up.

"*&%¥&*..." (Don't be nervous, we are here to save you, please be quiet!)

Two people stooped outside the room and walked in. Xiao Hei, the military translator, stretched out his hand to press down and comforted them in a low voice in Arabic.

I don’t know whether it was the effect of comfort or the effect of the guns in the hands of the two people. Although everyone looked frightened, they quickly calmed down.

Residents in war-torn areas are relatively more nervous than ordinary people.

However, they did not show the joy of being saved. Instead, they still looked nervous. Many of them glanced fearfully at a corner that seemed a bit empty...

There were only two teenagers there, occupying an open space alone.

But after the two young men with twinkling eyes looked at each other, a fierce light suddenly appeared in their eyes!

They quietly put their hands into their clothes...

However, the next moment, their hands were grasped by a pair of hands as powerful as vices!

The two teenagers' expressions changed, and they didn't care how they were exposed. They immediately tried to break free and pulled out their guns in resistance.

"Pah! Pah!"

After receiving a sharp knife blow on the back of the neck, the enthusiasm and despair on the faces of the two young men were fixed, and they both fell to the ground unconscious.

Xiao Hei on the side immediately stepped forward, groped for a moment on the two teenagers on the ground, and quickly found two small pistols.

Suddenly, I broke out in a cold sweat from behind.

If it hadn't been for that mysterious person's reminder, and without any precautions, I might have carelessly ignored the two teenagers in the crowd and capsized in the gutter...

Fortunately, these two young men were both brainwashed fanatics, and they did not know how to hide their demeanor or movements. With some precautions, the captain could quickly distinguish them from the crowd.

The hostages were relieved when they saw that both teenagers had been subdued. A few of the brave ones stepped forward to thank them, looking at the teenagers with seemingly endless hatred.

"Captain, what should we do with these two people?" Xiao Hei asked.

Looking at the two ignorant teenagers on the ground who were not much older than Xiao Nan with a somewhat complicated expression, Chu Tian sighed slightly.

"Tie them up, and then... let them fend for themselves."

Not long after, Chutian and Xiaohei came out of the house and rejoined the team.

"It's weird, it's been so long since we started our operation. Logically speaking, there should be at least some movement since the opponent's peripheral patrols and hidden sentries have not responded..."

Although the hostages were rescued and the operation seemed to go smoothly, Chu Tian began to hesitate whether to continue taking risks and go deeper.

The mysterious man's appearance was really too weird, and his actions were a bit too smooth...

What if it's a trap set by the enemy...

[There is nothing surprising. The other party’s security personnel report every fifteen minutes, but I simulated the voice of the other party’s patrol members to ensure that they report on time.]

Chu Tian looked shocked.

But he reacted immediately.

The other party can easily invade even its own communication equipment, let alone the beggar army opposite...

In other words, the battlefield is almost transparent to him...

【Oh, by the way! Look at the top of your head.】

Chu Tian raised his head, and his pupils shrank slightly.

[Yes, this place is very close to the opponent's leader, so they placed several hidden cameras on the main road, and the opponent also has a simple mobile surveillance center.

Your mission is the bearded leader named Aili, right? Well! Walk forward 120 meters and you'll almost be there.

Don’t worry, all the pictures along the way will be played in a loop, ensuring that the other party can’t even see a single figure of ours!】

Chu Tian: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Not only does this make the battlefield transparent, it also helps you complete the battlefield concealment...

There is an extremely strange feeling in everyone's heart.

It's like someone has done all the work in advance, and then greets himself with a smile...

"Come! Take his head!"

This chapter has been completed!
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