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Chapter 320 Pig teammates

 The sun gradually rose the next day.

After the rapeseed flowers bloom, the golden fields fade away and are replaced by clusters of slender pods.

The green pods will slowly turn yellow and gray, and it's time to harvest the rapeseed.

“When harvesting rapeseed, we have to pay attention to the right time, place and people. It doesn’t work on rainy days, it doesn’t work when it’s overcast, it doesn’t work when the sun is too low, it’s important to take advantage of the high temperature. A sunny day like this is the most suitable!

Well! Like this, harvest the rapeseed first..."

Meng Lang skillfully harvested a large handful of rapeseed, then spread a layer of plastic sheeting on the ground to spread the harvested rapeseed, and then began to lift the bamboo woven tool and began to beat it one by one.

The rounded rapeseeds were slapped down and fell onto the spread plastic sheet.

"Oh~ So that's it."

Xiaoyu nodded her head, squatted down and pinched a few shiny rapeseeds in her palms, like tiny pearls rolling around in her palms.

"Collecting a few rapeseeds and harvesting at the right time, place, and people? The work is over!" Yan Weiwei rolled up her sleeves.

"Yeah! The momentum is good. This is what I call 'harmony'."

Meng Lang gave her a thumbs up and clapped his hands.

"Now let's start the division of labor. Master Yan is highly skilled in martial arts and is responsible for the ruthless harvesting. Lawyer Lin is responsible for imposing legal beatings on the rapeseed. Xiaoyu is responsible for harvesting the rapeseed. Don't forget to come up with your social practice essay.

Does everyone understand?"

"Understood!" Xiaoyu responded by raising her fist.

Lin Haitang, who was rolling up his trouser legs on the field ridge, raised his head in confusion.

"We have divided our work, what are you doing?"

Meng Lang finally had time to spread a mat he had brought with him on the ground.

"Me? Of course I took this time to take a nice nap in the sun!

To tell you the truth, there was a hail of bullets and artillery fire last night. Because it involved major national interests, I was forced to be jet-lagged and sacrifice my personal sleep time.

In order to prolong the service life of my useful body, I have to make up for it quickly."

"speak English!"

"Uh... okay, I'm playing 'Call of Duty'."

"It's okay to stay up late and play games! Let us do the work and you can sleep on your own. Sorry about you!" Yan Weiwei glared.

She doubted that this guy pulled her onto the train to catch a young man?

"What's so embarrassing about this? Do you really think that we can harvest several acres of rapeseed in just a few days?

Here! Please look over there!"

Following the direction of Meng Lang's finger, everyone looked up and saw a smoking harvesting tractor in the distance.

Wherever you go, rapeseed is being harvested and threshed piece by piece...

Everyone: "..."

"What age is it? How can we still use primitive manual harvesting? A farm machine can do it for a day, which can take several of us several days."

I brought you here purely to experience rural life, understand?"

"You still let us work if you have farm machinery?"

"If I don't let you work, how can I make you drive a tractor?"

Well... what he said makes sense, but I can't refute it...

Meng Lang chose a haystack and lay down with a comfortable look on his face.

Tsk! Don’t say it yet.

An urban beauty paired with a tractor...the contrast is so cute, I'm going to make a country video, it's probably going to go viral!

"Hmph!" Yan Weiwei looked at Meng Lang who looked lazy, pouted and snorted angrily, swung her sickle, and a piece of rapeseed fell down.

Meng Lang felt a chill go down his neck.

Hey! I asked you to harvest crops, not to practice sword skills...

"Oh! Miss me, I am a master of dark power..."

"Weiwei, you cut too fast and we are too busy...ah! Xiaoyu, throw that beetle away quickly!"

"But it's so cute..."

"Haitang, you're not afraid of beetles, are you? Hehe!"

"What are you doing! Stay away from me!"



Meng Lang rested his arms behind his head comfortably, looking at the three people playing so enthusiastically, he smiled in his heart.

The law of true fragrance for city dwellers!

Things are rare and valuable, so it’s no wonder that rural tourism has become so popular in recent years...

Yan Weiwei and Lin Haitang obviously didn't prepare any clothes for farm work. They were dressed more fashionably, and their white skin was a bit dazzling in the sun.

"Click!" Meng Lang couldn't help but pick up his phone and freeze the three of them in the camera...

"Huh?" Meng Lang was just about to send the photo to the group as a souvenir for them, when he suddenly realized that the framing of the photo looked familiar.

Swipe the photo on your phone to the left.

The photo of "Godzilla Entering the Village" that was just taken last night came into view again.

After comparing them, and then looking up at the mountains in the distance, Meng Lang suddenly twitched his lips.

Haha! Doesn’t it look familiar? It was taken from the same angle!

God has restored it!

It turns out that this is a "series of old photos traveling through time".

Brother is really thoughtful...

Looking at the two photos on my phone, the theme of one is "Quiet times and good times", while the other one is "moving forward with a heavy burden".

Meng Lang was silent for a moment, feeling a little heavy.

If the future cannot be changed, this peaceful and peaceful mountain village will eventually turn into ruins and a purgatory on earth...

"Things are getting more difficult..."

He was mentally prepared for the fact that the Night Demons might still have a trump card.

After all, it is an extraterrestrial civilization that can travel across galaxies. Even if it suddenly takes out a star-killing weapon, he will not be too surprised.

He just couldn't figure it out. Since the Night Demon Clan has such means and can defeat humans head-on, why would they choose to create a "madman's doomsday"?

Does this explain how to destroy human beings...

Is "Apocalypse" a higher priority than "Pacific Rim"?

They may have many choices to destroy human beings, but the "madman's doomsday" is the most suitable way of death for the Night Demons?

So what's the difference between the two?

How difficult is it to eliminate human beings? How much damage will it cause to the planet? Or is it a matter of cost...such as the consumption of crystals and gas?

Meng Lang held a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth and fell into deep thought.

These giant beasts apparently hatched deep in the ocean.

But did the Night Demons actually implement Plan B after they realized that Plan A had failed, or were the two plans originally going hand in hand, and these behemoths were the Night Demons' back-up...

This issue requires further investigation and confirmation.

In addition, there is a sentence in "Mencius' Art of War" that is obviously contrary to harmony, which also makes Meng Lang very concerned...

【In 2023, Fuso will start discharging H wastewater.】

Among the last paragraph of the narrative, this sentence is the most inexplicable.

For a good survival documentary, it would be too abrupt for you to suddenly bring up an environmental issue.

If something goes awry, there must be a monster; if a person goes awry, there must be a knife; if something goes wrong, there must be a ghost!

Meng Lang carefully observed the huge beast in the photo. The green fluorescence on its body was unusually conspicuous...

Ordinary creatures do not have such abnormal luminous objects.

Even if he didn't come from a major, Meng Lang had heard that it seems that certain radioactive substances can cause this kind of fluorescence phenomenon...

[Human beings have discovered that the opponent can actually absorb the energy of nuclear radiation. In the radiation area after the nuclear explosion, the destructive power of the beast tide is even more amazing!]

Combined with the information described in the book, the answer is already obvious...

Could this discharge of H wastewater from Fuso be the reason why this monster has evolved to withstand nuclear radiation?

Meng Lang opened the search engine and searched for relevant news using "Fuso", "H wastewater" and "discharge" as keywords.

This search engine was optimized from scratch and quickly accurately displayed the news he wanted.

Hmm... It's the kind that doesn't have ranking ads on the homepage...

Meng Lang began to browse various related news.

In March 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake occurred in the northern part of Fuso Miyagi Prefecture and triggered a tsunami, causing the Edo Electric Power Company's Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on Hakushima to lose its cooling function.

However, Edo Electric Power Company deliberately concealed the true situation at the first time, claiming that "there was no major failure in the nuclear power plant."

On March 12, the No. 1 reactor of the nuclear power plant exploded twice due to excessive temperature. The company's executives finally realized the seriousness of the matter and began to pump large amounts of seawater to cool the nuclear reactor.

The cooled seawater turned into radioactive sewage. The Edo Electric Power Company discharged approximately 10,000 tons of high-concentration radioactive sewage directly into the sea on the grounds that there were insufficient storage conditions.

Afterwards, hydrogen explosions and fires occurred in other units of the nuclear power plant. This series of accidents caused the containment to rupture, and the last barrier of the nuclear power plant finally failed.

A large amount of high-concentration radioactive materials quickly spread into the environment, directly causing radiation hazards to the surrounding air, water, and land. Residents within a 20-kilometer radius of the nuclear power plant were forced to evacuate.

Over the past seven years, the Spoke Island H leak has successively produced millions of tons of nuclear sewage and tens of millions of cubic meters of nuclear waste, and will continue to produce it in the future.

The disposal of these nuclear wastes is like an endless marathon...

"Spoke Island H leaked", watching the news, Meng Lang recalled that it seemed that this was indeed the case in his impression.

It's just that he was in high school at the time and was under a lot of pressure to study. This kind of sensational news was just an insignificant spice in a boring life.

In addition, in recent years, this news seems to have been completely faded from the media, so that it has no impression at all.

"Strange, the news didn't say that Fuso has an emission plan? Could it be that the decision will be made in the next two years?" Meng Lang guessed.

After all, it is said in the news that the disposal of these nuclear wastes is a big trouble, so much money is spent on building new storage tanks every year.

The reason why we are not arranging the arrangement now is due to the pressure of public opinion. If one day those young people feel heartache and cannot hold on...

Given the other side's national tendency to "focus on trivial matters at the expense of great justice," it is not impossible to do this.

The problem is that they have no idea what kind of existence is lurking in the Pacific at this moment.

Meng Lang guessed that people were also wondering, how could they be diving in the Pacific Ocean so well, only to have a high-energy "radiation package" poured into their mouths when they opened their mouths?

Just happy?

"If you're not afraid of opponents who are like gods, you're afraid of teammates who are like pigs..."

Meng Lang couldn't help but sigh.

This matter is, at best, an environmental issue, but at worst, it is an act of capitalizing on the enemy!

Human beings all over the world should treat each other like mothers!

What about the promised community of shared future for mankind?

He actually sacrificed the interests of the whole world and dragged everyone into a dangerous situation...

Now it's better, so many little monsters have arrived at your doorstep, and they are also radiation-enhanced versions.

You should continue to believe in the light!

Isn’t it just a little money?

Sure enough, this enemy turned into a comrade mostly because of survival.

And comrades become enemies...mostly for profit...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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