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Chapter 340 The First Pharmaceutical Factory Affiliated to Evergreen Biology

 Bai Yu was a little angry when his thoughts were exposed, but he knew that now was not the time to break up, so he tried to control his emotions.

"No matter how much trouble we make, it's still a private matter of the family. If you point your elbows at outsiders like this, do you know that the other person has no good intentions?

Do you know that she just wants to bring down our company? You hate relatives and hate enemies!"

[Our company? It’s almost becoming yours now, right?

As for you saying I can't get anything? Sorry, I've already got my share. Let me tell you, Director Gao paid twice the price for my shares. Don't you want that ruined company?

OK! Keep this mess to yourself!]

Bai Yu's expression changed, and before he could continue to say something, the other party had already hung up.

Bai Yu put down the phone angrily, opened the document in his hand, and then saw the column of purchase price...

35 million?!

He immediately glared at Gao Yuan.

"Okay, twice the price, you really spent a lot of money!"

Previously, according to the company's approximate valuation, Gao Yuan bought 10 points for 5 million.

Calculated this way, 35% of the shares are only worth 17.5 million. When people come up, they will pay double the price. No wonder my wife sells it so easily!

But...how did the opponent grasp the timing so accurately?

If he hadn't known how he was exposed, he would have definitely suspected that Gao Yuan was behind the "destination plan" when he was caught that night...

"But don't be complacent first. You seem to have forgotten that you only hold 45% of the shares now, and our combined total is still 10% more than you!" Bai Yu sneered.

"Really?" Gao Yuan smiled, took another document and threw it on the table.

"I forgot to mention that I also purchased the shares of your brother-in-law and aunt-in-law. Now they are no more and no less, just 51%."


Everyone took a deep breath.

Bai Yu felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and slumped down on the chair.

How could this happen...how could this happen!

At this time, he was both frightened and regretful.

If he had known today, he would not have done such a cruel thing to his mother's family. This is a family that formed a group to sell themselves...

At the same time, he also regretted offending this woman Gao Yuan for a mere 5 million.

Not to mention anything else, he took the 38 million yuan of funds without batting an eyelid, and it was obvious that he had to deal with himself even if he made acquisitions at a loss. It was just like using money to attack others!

Didn’t it mean that Evergreen Bio was in debt not long ago?

"No! You must have borrowed this money from the bank! Are you not afraid of ruining the capital chain of your evergreen creature by playing like this?"

Bai Yu seemed to be as happy as his heart.

How much hatred? Isn’t it just that I cheated you, and that we both died like this?

"Haha, you don't need to worry about it." Gao Yuan smiled nonchalantly.

Just kidding, the money printing machine is on in the back, and I am worried about having nowhere to spend my money...

"Now that everyone is aware of the current situation, let me announce the new personnel appointment, Manager Kang!"

The little transparent Kang Wenhua, who was sitting in the corner of the crowd, had not yet recovered from the twists and turns of the scene. When he saw everyone's eyes turning towards him... he was suddenly confused.

He looked around with a confused expression, only to realize that in this conference room...it seemed that he was the only one with the surname Kang...

"Ah? Me?" He pointed at himself.

"Of course, Manager Kang is also an old man in the company. Manager Kang has been in charge of the sales department, and his ability is obvious to all.

Now, in the name of the board of directors, I officially announce that you will be the new general manager! Do you have any opinions?"

Seeing Bai Yu's expression change and wanting to speak, Gao Yuan said again with a smile.

"Please reserve your opinions if you have any, because I control 51% of the shares and your opinions will have no effect."

Bai Yu: "..."

This sounds so familiar...

Kang Wenhua on the other side was completely confused.

What kind of divine expansion is this?

I was ready to submit my resume to find another job, but you suddenly told me to be the general manager?

The ups and downs in life are so exciting!

"What the hell! This guy is really a bastard!"

Bai Yu cursed in his heart, looking at Kang Wenhua as if he wanted to eat someone.

"Gao Yuan, don't bully others too much. As a general manager, you can withdraw at your request?"

"Well... what you said makes sense. The appointment of the general manager still has to go through the board of directors. Is the secretary of the board of directors here?"

"I...I'm here!" A middle-aged woman hesitated for a moment before standing up.

"Well! Please go through the process. Of course, if you don't want to do it, I don't have any objection to finding someone else to continue the process."

"Gao...Director Gao, I'll do it right away!" the woman said hurriedly.

Now that the situation is so clear, why don't you take sides at this time and wait for the new chairman to raise the butcher's knife and clean up?

"You..." Bai Yu was almost furious. He glanced around and found that everyone in the conference room was avoiding his eyes, not daring to look directly at him.

Bai Yu's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

The tree fell and the hozen scattered, and the arm could not twist the thigh. Now that the situation was over, what awaited him was the ending of being emptied out step by step...

"Okay! Gao Yuan, let's have some garlic paste! Let's see!" She said and walked away.

In the end, Gao Yuan called him to stop him.

"Hey! Mr. Bai, don't leave in a hurry. While everyone is here, there is something else I want to inform you."

"What's the matter?" Bai Yu's face turned dark.

"Next, I plan to invest most of the company's profits in industrial expansion, and then use low-price promotions to seize the market.

I will hand over all the orders from Evergreen Biotech to Baiyu Pharmaceutical. Small profits but quick turnover, a win-win cooperation for both parties.

So in the past few years... or more than ten years, I can’t say for sure. Anyway, if there is no profit, there will be no dividends. Mr. Bai has no objection, right?"


Bai Yu glared angrily.

What does small profits but quick turnover mean? You clearly want to give all the profits to Evergreen Biotechnology!

Without dividends and no management rights over the company, the 35% of the shares he holds are going to rot in his hands!

"You are engaging in related-party transactions and transferring benefits! Do you know that this is illegal?"

"Haha, Mr. Bai understands the legal provisions very well. It's really rare. He also knows that the board of directors cannot harm the interests of shareholders?" Gao Yuan said with ridicule.

Bai Yu couldn't help but blush.

Speaking of which, he first thought of using this trick to deal with Gao Yuan, but now he is using it in the same way...

In this reincarnation of cause and effect, retribution is not good, and the debt owed must still be paid back...

"But don't worry, Mr. Bai. Of course, I have consulted a lawyer and know what can and cannot be done. I don't worry about it, Mr. Bai."

Speaking of which, the usual equipment upgrades, technological transformations, marketing expenses, etc. are not a small amount..."

Bai Yu's face turned even darker.

The judiciary does have clear provisions on related party transactions.

Those who use related relationships to damage the interests of the company shall bear liability for loss compensation.

If the interests of the company are substantially harmed, any shareholder can file a representative lawsuit and require the perpetrator to compensate for the losses.

This was originally done to prevent major shareholders from using their control over the company to harm the interests of small shareholders...


What is substantive damage to interests? Does small profits but high sales count as damage? Does increasing expenditure count as damage? Does upgrading production lines count as damage?

This cannot be accurately defined at all!

There are always more solutions than difficulties. As long as you are willing and go around a few more leather companies, the small shareholders can only hide in the corner and tremble...

It’s difficult to make a company make money, but isn’t it easy to make a company lose money?

Hearing Gao Yuan's words, Bai Yu hadn't expressed anything yet, and the other shareholders present suddenly couldn't sit still.

This is a fire at the city gate, which affects the fish in the pond!

"Director Gao..."

Gao Yuan stopped everyone and said, "Of course, I, Gao Yuan, have always been very particular about the relationship between you and me.

If you don’t want to be tied to the company, I can buy the shares at half the price. If you are willing, we can sign the contract now!"

"Half? Impossible! What a lion!"

"Yes! It has shrunk by half in one go. Director Gao, you are too evil! We will never sell it!"

"Even if the shares are rotten in my hands, I won't sell them!"

Several small shareholders immediately went crazy.

Gao Yuan, however, was so busy that she glanced at everyone with a sneer.

"Ha! Who wanted to trick us in the first place? Don't tell me that everyone here didn't know about it and it was just Bai Yu who did it?

What? I allowed you to shrink ten times and let me sell my shares for 500,000, but now I only make you feel distressed at half the price?"

Everyone was speechless.

"Everyone present knows how things happened to this point.

Bai Yu is not loyal first, so forget it. He actually colludes with the Xu Group and wants to unite with Qinchuan Pharmaceutical to deal with me, Evergreen Biotech.

This is unbearable! If you are in the first grade of junior high school, don’t blame me for being in the fifteenth grade!

However, I, Gao Yuan, have a clear grudge. Those of you here do not want to wade into this muddy water, just take the money and leave, so that our grudges can be settled.

If you want to fight to the end, I will accompany you!

I, Gao Yuan, don’t care about the mere loss of tens of millions. Even if Baiyu Pharmaceutical is smashed in the end, I won’t feel bad.

What you want is a happy grudge!"

Crazy! This woman is crazy!

The shareholders present looked at each other in shock.

Does this make it clear that you will fight them to the death even if you spend money?

Those who are horizontal are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of losing their lives.

Gao Yuan's attitude of fighting to the death with Bai Yu at all costs made all the small shareholders feel chilled.

"Don't believe her nonsense, she just wants to force us all away so that she can completely control Baiyu Pharmaceutical at the lowest cost!

As long as we unite, the shares in our hands will definitely be enough to give her a headache!" Bai Yu reassured people.

How can he fail to understand that these small shareholders still hold 14% of the shares, and only if they stand firmly with him can they have a chance to give Gao Yuan a try.

Gao Yuan just glanced at him blankly.

"Ha! I'll put it here. I won't force you not to sell shares today. Every day, my purchase price will be reduced by 10%, and I will stop purchasing after ten days."

The shareholders' hearts jumped.

"Manager Kang."

"Yes...I'm here!"

Wenhua ran to Gao Yuan's side and looked at his new boss with a look of astonishment.

"The next thing will be left to you. I will send someone over to assist you in the handover. In particular, the company's assets must be carefully counted to avoid anyone fishing in troubled waters.

In addition, when it comes to personnel, make adjustments that need to be made, streamline things that need to be streamlined, and do it in a drastic way. Don't be afraid of offending people.

Of course, we must follow rules in everything.

Don’t treat them differently just because they are related households or have shares in their hands, do you understand?”

Everyone: "..."

This sounds like telling Kang Wenhua not to treat him differently, but people with a discerning eye still can't tell what he really means...

Those who hold shares will definitely be treated differently!

"Understood, I will definitely live up to Director Gao's high expectations!"


As a sales manager, Huaneng is naturally a good person in terms of human nature and sophistication. He immediately patted his chest and expressed his loyalty!

As he spoke, he glanced at everyone present with dangerous eyes.

The shareholders felt chilled again after being watched.

I secretly scolded Kang Wenhua, a young man in his second year, for his rebellion was so fast!

No need to ask, next Gao Yuan's "eagle and dog minions" will definitely play the trick of eradicating dissidents and clean out all of them, including Bai Yu, from the company...

Kang Wenhua naturally knew that he was definitely missing out now. If he took this step, there would be no turning back, but so what?

I'm going to go to the front line to work in sales!

Are you afraid of wearing shoes if you are barefoot?

If you don't hug Gao Yuan's long legs tightly at this time, is it possible that you will lick the soles of Bai Yu, the Bodhisattva who crosses the river mud?

"In addition, Tang Yun, contact the accounting firm to conduct a detailed investigation of Baiyu Pharmaceutical's financial situation.

Those who evade taxes, enrich their own pockets, or channel benefits from related-party transactions should be investigated and caught. My newly hired legal advisor has been a little idle recently."

"Okay, Director Gao." Tang Yun responded, holding back a smile.

"Director Gao! I'll sell! I'll sell the shares!"

Under Gao Yuan's successive psychological attacks, someone finally couldn't stand the pressure and spoke directly.

"Second uncle, you..." Bai Yu glared.

He simply couldn't believe it was his second uncle who compromised first!

The second uncle looked a little embarrassed, but the next moment his expression turned cold.

"Don't call me uncle, I don't have a nephew like you! If it weren't for your own misbehavior, how could the company be where it is now?

I told you not to be too harsh on your wife's family before, but you refused to listen. Now you have offended someone again, causing us shareholders to suffer heavy losses!

You still have the nerve to call me second uncle!"

Nephew! It’s not that my uncle is cruel, it’s just that the bottom of his butt is not clean, so I can only protect myself wisely...

"Ahem! I sell it too, cousin, the company doesn't belong to you alone. You really screwed this guy up this time..."

"That's right, my brother and sister still sold it for double the price, so they still made a profit! Who knows if it was the double yellow that you two sang."

Everyone here has obviously seen the situation clearly.

Faced with a crazy woman who wants to smash tens of millions of dollars at a time, Bai Yu doesn't have any capital to turn the situation around and can only wait to be cleared out of the management.

Without a position in the company, Baiyu Pharmaceutical will not be able to get any dividends for more than ten years, and it is likely to be slowly eroded, and its assets will continue to depreciate. What is the use of having more shares?

If you are tied to Bai Yu again, in ten days the shares will really be in your hands and worthless!

They had wanted to trick Gao Yuan before, so they had naturally heard of Gao Yuan's ruthlessness.

The last time the supplier blocked the door, a large number of cooperative companies stopped cooperation immediately after saying they would stop cooperation, without showing any mercy.

Although this is a woman, she is definitely a ruthless person who spits and nails every time!

With his current appearance of killing everyone, they would never think that the other party was just joking...

[To be honest, I’ve been using @ lately

"Excessive rewards are just the human nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and it is not a very clever method."

"I admit defeat, I'll sell it for half the price!" Bai Yu endured the heartache and gritted his teeth.

"Haha! I bought 41% of the shares at twice the price. If I buy another 35% from you at half the price, wouldn't I make a huge loss in this business?"

Gao Yuan looked at him with a smile.

Bai Yu's eyes widened.

"You're not even willing to give me half the price? Aren't you afraid that I'll sell my shares to the Xu Group?"

"Haha, you can try it and see if Xu Jinsong is willing to accept it." Gao Yuan smiled nonchalantly.

He turned to Kang Wenhua and said.

"By the way, Manager Kang, I don't really like the name of Baiyu Pharmaceutical. Please take some time to change the name of the company."

"Yes! Director Gao, what name do you want to change it to?"

"Hmm... How about the No. 1 Pharmaceutical Factory affiliated with Evergreen Biotechnology?"


Bai Yu: "..."

He knew that the other party was telling him that she had the final say in Baiyu Pharmaceutical.

No matter how much Xu Jinsong hates Gao Yuan, he can't be stupid enough to waste his money and buy a bunch of shares that are destined to be diluted into rubbish.

"You know, it doesn't really matter to me whether I have your 35% or not."

"How much...have you come up with?" Bai Yu said bitterly.

"5 million, reduced by 10% every day."


After struggling for a long time, Bai Yu finally sat down slumped and uttered two words with a frustrated look on his face...

"I sell!"

Facing the man who was holding his head and crying with regret, Gao Yuan just looked at him blankly and walked out of the conference room with his bodyguard.

She didn't have much emotion. Throughout the ages, there have been many winners and losers.

The winner...never believes in tears!

This chapter has been completed!
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