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Chapter 352 How to use the world


"Sister Weiwei, you are back."

"Well! Xiaoyu, why are you alone? Where is Haitang?"

When Yan Weiwei returned home, she saw that there was only Xiaoyu at home, and she felt a little strange.

"Oh, my sister is working overtime again today. She said she will be very busy these two days and asked us not to wait for her."

Xiao Yu brought a plate of stir-fried lettuce to the table and took off her apron.

"Hmm...that's it..."

"By the way, where is uncle? Didn't you go out together? Didn't I come back with you?"

When Xiao Yu mentioned Meng Lang, Yan Weiwei suddenly sneered.

"Ha! He... is probably applying medicine!"



Meng Lang endured the pain and applied safflower oil to a large bruise on his waist, which made him gasp in pain.

"It's sloppy..."

Yan Weiwei, when she says she pinches her, she really pinches her.

Meng Lang finally understood this time that masters of An Jin could not be teased casually. Unfortunately, this was such a painful realization...

After taking the medicine, I clutched my waist and grinned and went to the next room to eat. At this time, only delicious food can soothe the injured soul...

Then, I saw a few empty plates with only some vegetable soup left...


Where are my dishes? Where are my delicacies that are full of color, aroma, and taste, and make people’s mouths lick when they smell them?

"Uncle, um... I seem to have cooked less food today..."

Xiaoyu looked apologetic and glanced at the sofa in the living room from time to time.

Meng Lang turned to look at Yan Weiwei, who was leaning on the sofa with Ge You holding a pillow and watching TV series...

"Oh, I don't know what's going on. After the breakthrough, my appetite has increased...it's really distressing..."


He was speechless for a while.

My own logistical support is too much.

How come one by one, anyone can cut off my food supply...

Last time Lin Haitang relied on her "sister's majesty", this time Yan Weiwei relied on her "super large appetite"...

The miserable Meng Lang ordered himself a bowl of noodles to solve his food and clothing problem.

Returning to his study, he opened his notebook.

The problem of food and clothing is still secondary, and his priority must be to solve the problem of survival...

"Space-Based Missile Defense System"

Looking at the technical information on the computer that had been scanned into the archives by Zero, Meng Lang couldn't help but rub his eyebrows.

If we say that the previous technical appendices were mostly for civilian use, they were advanced technologies that could be used both military and civilian.

So what the brother "War Memoirs" brought to me... is completely for military purposes...

[PS: This technology is not targeted at any country.]

Meng Lang twitched his lips when he saw the somewhat deliberate explanation at the end of the technical information.

He was familiar with these words. The so-called not targeting any country, it was basically targeting everyone here...

The so-called missile defense system, as the name suggests, is a defense system used to defend against ballistic missiles.

Yes, this technical information is an upgraded version of the "National Missile Defense" mentioned before.

That is the future version of "CNMD"...

It is self-evident why this weapon of war was prepared.

If we say the three major truths are militia, Baiyang, and Dongfeng and other ballistic missiles.

Then the missile defense system is the only thing that can be "reasoned".

One is an indestructible spear, and the other is an iron wall and a shield. It is through such attacks and defenses that the world has formed its current structure.

The technical threshold for ballistic missiles is very high. There are not many countries in the world that have ballistic missiles. It can be said that they are only handful.

Counting the five major gangsters, they are the Hebrew, Southern and Northern Peninsulas, India, Pakistan, Persia and other countries.

Those with ballistic missile defense systems are even rarer...

"Why do I, a literary worker, have to help those science and engineering students develop anti-missile systems..."

This topic has been introduced to the country of Java...

But it was a matter of his own life, so Meng Lang could only complain while carefully reading the entire technical information...

According to the interception timing of ballistic missiles, they can be roughly divided into "boost stage anti-missile", "middle stage anti-missile" and "terminal anti-missile".

The so-called "terminal anti-missile" refers to the stage when the missile warhead re-enters the atmosphere.

The missile speed at this time is Mach 20~30, which is more than 7,000 meters per second, making it as difficult to intercept as possible.

What makes it even more difficult is that most of the warheads of current missiles have multiple warheads.

When re-entering, it was already like a goddess scattering flowers, which greatly increased the difficulty of interception.

Another example is that when the lunar exploration spacecraft of the great Eastern countries returned to the earth, it used a semi-jump entry, which means it can change its orbit at any time...

Anyone who has watched "Special Forces 2" knows that intercepting at this stage is more difficult than catching a bullet within 10 centimeters of Fire Cloud Evil God.

Therefore, the cutting-edge interception technology with the highest success rate in the world basically depends on "mid-course anti-missile".

That is, extra-atmospheric interception!

Even if a nuclear explosion occurs during this process, it will basically not pose a threat to the ground because it is in outer space, so it is a frontier area that countries are focusing on.

However, the middle part of the flight lasts only ten minutes, and the real reaction window is only one or two minutes.

It is necessary to complete a series of difficult actions such as remote monitoring radar locking, early warning satellite ranging, high-performance interceptor rockets, battlefield command, target trajectory calculation, etc. in just one or two minutes.

The technical requirements are extremely demanding!

This is a very complex system engineering, which can be called the ceiling of aerospace technology!

On this track, there are currently only two players, namely the Eastern Kingdom and the other side of the ocean...

As for the final "boost stage anti-missile", it is the rocket boost stage just after the missile is launched.

Shoot it down at the doorstep of your home during the accelerated climbing phase. If this was a nuclear bomb, you would have to consider whether it would "hurt yourself first before hurting others" before launching it.

However, the technical difficulty is beyond the sky!

The "break through the sky" mentioned here really means it literally.

Unless you can target your own anti-missile system to the vicinity of the opponent's launch silo, the most feasible solution for "boost stage anti-missile" is to use "space-based weapons"...

The core of this "Space-Based Missile Defense System" includes two.

The first is the "Space-Based Weapon Satellite Design Drawing."

This satellite is only the size of a large suitcase, has the ability to change orbit, retractable solar panels, and a small satellite with a built-in warhead.

To put it metaphorically, its warhead is a missile nest in the shape of a revolver, which is equipped with 5 guided kinetic energy bombs as standard.

The technical content of this kind of space-based interception weapon is actually not too high. The advantage is that it can be deployed in large numbers in low-altitude orbits to achieve triple anti-missile protection in the "boost stage", "middle stage" and "terminal stage"!

The only thing that stands out is “cheapness”!

Another more important core is the "anti-missile information integration platform."

This information integration platform is equivalent to a military "Internet of Things".

It can connect all anti-missile system-related hardware such as satellites, radars, missiles, etc. to this "platform" just like "whole house intelligence" connects various smart home appliances with one click to achieve efficient information integration.

Its advantage is "plug and play"!

Even if the relevant supporting hardware technology does not meet the standards, it can be upgraded slowly and step by step, which does not hinder the improvement of the anti-missile success rate of other hardware.

For example, if satellite technology is backward and affects positioning accuracy, then use the backward one first.

When the technology comes up, the interception success rate of the entire system will be improved accordingly.

"Growable equipment" is...

The concept is not complicated, and some countries are already applying it.

However, the leading point of this technology is that it has gone through continuous practice, error correction and optimization in the war.

Every detail has been tested on the battlefield!

The basic principle of firearms is the expansion of gunpowder.

But it took hundreds of years to transform from a "local cannon" into the elegant and compact killing weapon it is today...

Even if it is zero, it is impossible to create such a well-tempered anti-missile system out of thin air without battlefield data feedback...

This technical information, no need to ask, must have been written by the Chinese military!

"This is considered a top-notch prop to gain reputation..."

Meng Lang was thinking about how much national reputation he could gain by turning this thing in.

You know, according to the records in the book, the three wars will be fought from 2025 to 2028.

In other words, this is likely to be a missile defense system that is 10 years ahead of the current time and space!

Although the war only lasted three years, the most brutal World War II in human history only lasted six years...

Didn't you hear the description in the book?

[The productivity of global society continues to tilt towards the needs of war, and technological development has evolved into an arms race around weapons...]

The development of military technology during wartime cannot be compared with that during peacetime. It was definitely a blowout stage!

It is not an exaggeration to say that this technology is 15 or even 20 years ahead of this era.

But using the weapon system developed by others to increase their reputation...

Do I borrow a chicken to lay an egg, and then borrow the egg to hatch the chicken?

All in all, it’s definitely a free prostitution that makes people feel physically and mentally happy...

After reading the technical information, Meng Lang began to think about how to make the most of this technology.

First of all, if this technology is used well, it can build an indestructible protective barrier for China!

This brother’s opinion is also very obvious.

It is really impossible to build a "community with a shared future for mankind"...

At least we must first build a "China Community with a Shared Future" or an "Asia-Pacific Community with a Shared Future"?

If you can’t take care of the world, you have to take care of yourself first…

He now understands clearly that if he wants the two major groups from the East and the West to cooperate sincerely, it is unrealistic and unrealistic!

After all, the leader is fighting over the position of boss. This matter concerns the core interests of both parties, and it is difficult to compromise.

If you want to achieve "world peace", you must either completely expose the Night Demons to the eyes of the world, or you must have absolute suppression!

He tried the first method in the last episode.

As a result, the "living Night Demons" were not caught, forcing the opponent to start a "hybrid war", which instead accelerated the destruction of the world.

The second thing that has no suspense is to enhance the overall strength of your own camp...

If peace is sought through struggle, peace will survive; if peace is sought through compromise, peace will perish.

If the other party is so strong that they don't even dare to have the thought of war, then of course it will be He Qing Haiyan, and the world will be safe...

The significance of this technology is to tell the truth in a language that the other camp can understand - CNMD, you kid, don't act rashly and don't misjudge the situation!

[I never advocate war, except for peace...]

This sentence is not just said casually...

"However... being able to obtain such top-secret military technical information, it seems that the cooperation between myself and the country in the last episode has reached a certain stage..."

This is evident from the fact that he was able to mobilize Chu Tian's "Demon Hunting Team" at the last moment.

Thanks to the cooperation between the military and civilians, a sales consultant like me actually has the opportunity to smuggle arms...

The reason why Hua Guo is willing to hand over this technology to himself must be facing the attack of the Night Demon Clan and knowing that he is unable to make a comeback, so he places his hope on himself in another time and space...

Thinking of this, Meng Lang felt a little heavy again.

After all, every piece of technology I acquire almost represents the hope and sustenance of another world...

After calming down, Meng Lang felt that this technique was a bit hot.

There is no problem with technology. It can not only enhance the defense of the camp, but also provide an extra layer of protection for one's own life.

In addition, it can also serve as a technical reserve for intercepting and attacking the so-called "seed" in the future, killing two birds with one stone.

The problem is that I, an angel investor who focuses on the medical field, really bought a set of "CTMD"...

Shouldn’t it attract the “death stare” from state forces?

Even if there is no firewall built, I feel that there is no sense of security.

My head hurts...

"Speaking of which, the more miserable the world in the book is, the stronger the human potential seems to be in order to survive..."

Meng Lang touched his chin and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

For example, the technology I obtained today...

It should be considered a "green advanced level" copy, right?

It is also a rare "growable equipment".

Although I have some disrespect for my brothers, in theory, if we can stimulate a wave of human potential to the maximum...

Is it possible to obtain technical information that far exceeds normal development?

War does not necessarily bring all bad things.

What else can stimulate human potential more than survival?

Well! This is a very evil but tempting idea...

For example, from the very beginning, they directly exposed the Night Demons at all costs?

Although it is very likely that the Night Demons will counterattack with all their strength, the human side will never sit still and wait for death, and will definitely struggle.

After this struggle, maybe a "legendary equipment" such as "controllable nuclear fusion", "anti-gravity", "nanobug" or "time machine" will emerge?

Although there is a bit of luck involved...

But as the saying goes, sacrifice "me" and make millions of families happy...

It seems that my dedication has not reached such a lofty state?

Mental construction is a bit stretched...

So...if you want to learn how to save the world, you must first consider how to destroy it?

It hurts somewhat.

However...as the saying goes, thinking determines the way out, attitude determines height, and pattern determines the ending...

Couldn’t this be seen as an extreme “world usage method” in desperate situations?

This chapter has been completed!
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