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Chapter 354 Scientific research is very accidental

 Across the ocean, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters.

"A big earthquake in the medical world? Is this paper so influential?"

The man sitting behind the desk looked at the information in his hand and raised his eyebrows.

Najib Pell, a senior intelligence officer, was the deputy to the famous Secretary of State "Pinocchio".

In March 2018, he was just appointed as CIA director by the current president, becoming the top person in charge of the intelligence agency.

"Director, we have consulted several experts in this field, and without exception they gave this answer.

Today’s unusual movements in the medical sector are the reaction of the capital behind it.

I heard that senior executives of pharmaceutical giants such as Roche, Pfizer, and Eli Lilly have become furious and are convening emergency meetings to discuss how to deal with the impact of this incident.

The NIH (National Institutes of Health) alone invested US$1 billion in related fields last year, which is equivalent to wasting all of it. This incident is enough to alarm the president.

Several major media giants also have very good noses and have sent out a large number of reporters.

If nothing else happens, this news will probably be exposed tomorrow."

The deputy on the other side reported to Najib.

“WTF! One billion? This is all taxpayers’ money!

Those damn cheaters should all be hauled away and shot!"

Najib slapped the table.

Of course, he doesn't really care about taxpayers' money, but he still needs to be politically correct.

"What is the Intelligence Analysis Group's impact assessment on this?" he asked.

"According to assessment, the sales of related special drugs such as Simufilam currently on the market may suffer a devastating blow, and the related medical sector will be dragged down.

In addition, the recent controversy over the cardiac stem cell paper at Harvard Medical School has not yet completely subsided.

The successive academic scandals will greatly damage our country’s reputation in the biomedical field..."

Nagy frowned.

"Well... go and spread the word, let the media keep their mouths shut, try to minimize the impact of this matter, and maintain the international image of our holy land of medicine!

Let the fifth columnists in each country cooperate to clear the ground and eliminate the negative impact."

"Well... the impact of this matter is too great, I'm afraid it can't be covered up."

"Then you won't beautify it from the side, such as praising our advanced and complete error correction system?"

"But... the one who corrected our mistakes this time is a Chinese..." the deputy said with a strange expression.


Najib was stunned for a moment, quickly turned over the information in his hand, and found that just as his subordinate said...

"Zheng Dalu...Evergreen Biotech? Is this a Chinese company with a G prefix? Why don't I remember it at all?"

"No, it's completely unknown. The other party is just a small biotechnology company located in the Yangtze River Delta region with total assets of no more than 500 million US dollars, and it is privately owned.

According to our investigation, the other party’s main products before were just some OEM generic drugs, which can be said to be completely unknown.”

"$500 million..."

Najib couldn't help but twitch his lips.

US$500 million is probably the entry level for domestic pharmaceutical companies...

"You are trying to tell me that we spend more than 1 billion US dollars in investment every year, and there are so many Fortune 500 pharmaceutical giants who invest huge sums of money and work day and night to solve global problems...

Was it solved by a Chinese company whose assets were less than a fraction of our annual investment?

And they still solved it in front of us?"

The deputy said somewhat sarcastically.

"Director, you know, scientific research is very accidental..."

"Yeah...that's true."

Najib looked a little helpless and seemed to be convinced by these words.

He read the information in his hand again, then raised his wrist to look at the time...

Hmm! The order has not been confiscated yet.

So he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hey! Nancy, long time no see... Nothing's wrong, I just have a situation that I need to report to the Speaker...

Yes! The thing is like this... Well! This is very detrimental to our maintaining the stability of the financial market...

Hmm! Okay...what? Play golf some other time? Of course, say hello to your husband for me too."

Until the director hung up the phone, the deputy just watched, silently standing aside pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Of course he could tell who his director was calling. After all, the "Capitol Stock Market God" was well-known...

However, there is no separation between politics and business, and the political arena is a revolving door.

A military executive should be the Minister of Defense, an oil executive should be the Minister of Environmental Protection, and a Wall Street tycoon should be the Minister of Finance...

If you want to mix in here, just follow the revolving door and never be a blocker...

Najib seemed to have done a natural thing, hung up the phone and went on to deal with the intelligence information at hand.

"The captain of the Carnival, British Baron Steve, was arrested by the Chinese police for smuggling cultural relics..."

He glanced at the information in his hand, and then looked at his deputy dissatisfied.

"Does such a small thing need to be put on my desk? Do you think I am too busy?"

"Director, of course this matter is nothing, but according to the intelligence from Britain, the Chinese police cracked the password lock of the latest fruit machine in just one day during the process of solving the case!"

"Huh?" Najib frowned and suddenly understood.

"One day? The fruit side sent an engineer over, right?

Humph! These capitalists who bully the weak and fear the strong, usually pretend to be like big-tailed wolves when we ask them for help, but now it’s better, they actually put their tail between their legs and behave like humans in their territory?”

"Sorry, Director, as far as we know, Fruit has not received any request for assistance from the Chinese police."

"Huh? No?" Najib's face finally became serious after hearing this.

"Could it be just an accidental incident, for example, the other party actually knew the unlocking password of this fruit machine through other means?"

“We originally thought so too, so we didn’t pay much attention to it when we first received the news.

But a few days ago, two of our intelligence officers who were about to return home after completing their mission suddenly missed and were arrested before boarding the plane.

Afterwards, it was found that the fruit machine in their hands was probably cracked, and some of the files and communications were leaked...

Combining these two things, we have reason to suspect that...China may have mastered the unknown vulnerability of the latest fruit machine IOS X system!"

"What?" Najib raised an eyebrow.

"What do you say about the fruit?"

"The Fruit Headquarters is also shocked by this and is willing to test it, but the Chinese side is very strict. We have already mobilized manpower to investigate, and I believe the results will be reported back soon."


Nagy frowned in thought.

This matter sounds big or small.

To put it mildly, history has proven that sooner or later any loopholes will be exposed and then blocked.

As long as China uses this technology on a large scale, sooner or later it will be able to spy on the other party's cracking method.

But speaking on a larger scale, including the other side of the ocean, there are currently 900 million people using fruit machines around the world...

This is undoubtedly an extremely large user group.

Any small problem, multiplied by such a huge number, will become a problem that must be paid attention to!

Even the fruit company itself is not aware of the loopholes. Once the other party really grasps the loopholes, it will be a big trouble for one's own intelligence security...

Because it is currently impossible to assess how much hidden danger this vulnerability will bring to the security of mobile phones.

You can't let your subordinates use Sanxin instead of fruits when they are on duty, right?

He pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

"It's China again! Even our CIA's technical department is still in the trial stage. How can it be possible with their technical level?"

Although they have slowly regarded Eastern Kingdom as an all-round competitor in recent times, information technology has always been their strength.

"This is indeed unbelievable. It is said that B-Se, which is making the fastest progress, has just made a breakthrough. It will take at least some time to crack it."

The deputy nodded in agreement, and then spread his hands helplessly.

"But you know, scientific research is very accidental..."

Najib: “…”

Accidental! Accidental again? Can you think of any other explanation?!

"As a professional intelligence officer, do you want to blame all unexplained intelligence on probability theory?"


Seeing the director giving him an unkind look, the deputy felt sweat on his forehead and said quickly.

"Ahem! Of course, this accidental scientific research must be based on a strong technical foundation!

Director, as far as I know, there are only two or three industry giants in China who have this kind of technical strength.

And the biggest possibility... is probably the 'Chrysanthemum Factory'!"


Hearing this name, Najib narrowed his eyes slightly...

This chapter has been completed!
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