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Chapter 359 Obsessed

 "Did you already say that?!"

"I swear, I didn't!"

"Then what's going on?"

"Maybe... I accidentally predicted her brain circuit?"

"I don't care, if Weiwei leaves, the agreement will be void!"

Meng Lang was not sure whether it was such a process.

Anyway, from Lin Haitang's eyes, he almost imagined the above conversation...

"Why are you two winking at each other?"

Yan Weiwei has a black line on her head. I’m going to leave without even a word of advice. You guys are still flirting with each other. You thought I was deaf last time, but you think I’m blind this time?

"Ahem! It's nothing, it's just that it was too sudden and too shocking that I temporarily lost my ability to speak."

Meng Lang coughed dryly.

"But... I understand how you feel, but if you are impulsive because of a chicken leg...

Well, let me go to the supermarket and buy a chicken drumstick to make up for it..."

“Is this a drumstick problem?!”


Yan Weiwei glared angrily.

Meng Lang touched his nose and said, "Okay, okay, have you made up your mind? Do you really want to leave?"


"Sister Weiwei, we finally won the mountain climbing meeting, why did you leave just like that?"

Xiao Yu was also anxious, and quickly ran over to grab Yan Weiwei's hand, raising her head as if she was about to cry.

"Yes, Weiwei, this is too sudden. We are not mentally prepared at all."

Lin Haitang also came over and took Yan Weiwei's other hand.

Yan Weiwei sighed helplessly as she was hugged by one big and one small.

"I didn't decide suddenly. In fact, I have been thinking about it since the mountain climbing meeting..."

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at someone and someone else, and he immediately showed a look of determination.

"I have thought it through! You all have your own pursuits, and I also want to give myself a goal in life!

I was a little confused before, thinking only about how to get rid of the old man's control, but after the mountain climbing meeting, I finally understood the path I wanted to take...

That is to pursue the highest realm of martial arts!"

Meng Lang looked at Yan Weiwei with firm eyes and was stunned for a moment.

It seems that in addition to wanting to avoid him and Lin Haitang, Yan Weiwei is also determined to pursue martial arts.

Also, if you enter Anjin at a young age, it is easy to have the illusion that "I can go further"...

Unfortunately, little did they know that the "Hua Jin" thing may not be able to be broken through with conventional methods...

"But..." Lin Haitang wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Yan Weiwei.

"Haitang, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I've made up my mind!

Although I can’t bear to leave you and Xiaoyu, there is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever..."

Yan Weiwei grabbed Lin Haitang and Xiao Yu's hands with her backhand and shook them tightly.

"Don't be sad. It's not like we're parting or dying. We'll never see each other again. I'll come back to see you all in a year and a half.

Haha! You should be happy for me instead!

I am now one of the few great masters in the martial arts world.

When I reach a higher level, whoever dares to nag in front of me, I will kick him away!

Then the sky is high and the birds can fly, and the sea is as wide as the fish can jump! I want to go wherever I want! Hahaha..."

Yan Weiwei smiled heartlessly.

However, it did not dispel the melancholy in the room.

Lin Haitang opened her mouth and wanted to continue to stay, but Yan Weiwei had brought out her "life goals", so what reason could she use to stop her?

This is like a young couple. One wants to study abroad. Should the other stop it or not?

I always feel a little selfish if I stop him, but I feel a little unwilling if he doesn't.

She could only turn her eyes to Meng Lang...

Meng Lang had a black streak on his head.

What's the use of glaring at me with threatening eyes when she's about to leave?

But he was really worried. If Yan Weiwei went to travel around the world, Lin Haitang's heart would burst again, and he felt that it was the two of him who provoked the person away...

If you want to give me a "Weiwei Go, I Go!"

When the time comes, the wife is gone, and the rich woman is gone too...

So does this count as a loss of life and property?

Damn it! I didn’t read the autobiography when I went out today. Shouldn’t this emotional line be derailed by me?

I just wanted to come over to increase my favorability...

It was a feeling of depression in his heart.

Why do other people's Shura fields always want to get close to the male protagonist? Why does my Shura field always go in the opposite direction?!

Everyone is eager to fly away?

It’s so outrageous!

But the matter has come to an end. Now it’s too late to go back and read the book to find a guide. I can only rely on my own extreme operation like this...


In the slightly blue and melancholy atmosphere, a very discordant laughter suddenly broke in, and the three women immediately cast their strange eyes towards Meng Lang.

"why are you laughing?"

"Ah? Did I laugh?"

He smiled, and he still had that very proud smile!

The three of them stared at him.

"No, how is that possible!" Meng Lang immediately put away his smile and put on a serious face.

"Well... I just think what Master Yan said makes sense. We shouldn't be sad, but should be happy for her."


Xiaoyu's eyes widened, while Lin Haitang glared.

What are you doing?!

Meng Lang ignored Lin Haitang's gaze.

"I'm right, true friendship means understanding each other's thoughts and being willing to help each other and make each other a better version of themselves.

In this way, we can achieve mutual success!

I think there is nothing wrong with Master Yan’s decision.

Pursuing the pinnacle of martial arts, what a lofty goal!

Do you just want to see a housekeeper who does nothing all day long and only wastes her time eating hamburgers, potato chips and happy water?"


A housewife who is wasting her time?

Am I that unbearable?

Although this guy is speaking for himself, why don't I look happy at all?

"By the way, Lawyer Lin, if you feel that it would be difficult for you and Xiaoyu to pay the rent of such a large room alone, when Master Yan leaves, why not just move in across the street."

"Ah?" Everyone was stunned again.

Why are we talking about Weiwei and suddenly moving?

"Look, I happen to have an extra spare room there, and it would be a waste to leave it there.

Now that Master Yan is gone, Lawyer Lin, you are usually too busy and often away from home. You can't always leave Xiao Yu at home alone. How unsafe is it?

It just so happens that I usually have more time, so I can help take care of Xiaoyu.

As for Xiao Yu, she can help with the cooking, and there happens to be no one to compete with me... Oh no, I mean, it just so happens that there are three of us together.

This can not only share the rent, but also respond to the country's call for low-carbon life...

Oh, by the way! As you know, my rent is halved and water and electricity are free!

In this way, you can save a lot of expenses and reduce financial pressure...

So, is my proposal perfect?"

Looking at Meng Lang who looked proud, the three of them were stunned.

When she came to her senses, Yan Weiwei felt a surge of blood and her blood pressure began to soar rapidly!

This...how does this count as being on my side?

This is simply an impatient arrangement of "posthumous matters" after I leave!

You really want me to leave quickly, right?!

You live in my house, hang out with my best friends, eat the delicious food cooked by my Xiaoyu, and in the end you actually have to ask me to pay your electricity bill?

Is there any more natural justice?!

Although it was his decision to leave, the future lives of the three of them have nothing to do with him...

But what's wrong with feeling so depressed that you're about to explode?

Yan Weiwei felt that Meng Lang had carved three big characters on her forehead...

Big injustice!

Yan Weiwei kept a dark face and said nothing.

Lin Haitang and Xiao Yu seemed to understand what was going on, and stopped talking, quietly watching Meng Lang's performance...

"Of course, although living here is comfortable.

When I'm sleepy, I have a soft mattress; when I'm hungry, I'm served by two chefs... I live like a god.

But I actually still envy you, Master Yan."

"Oh! What do you envy me for?" Yan Weiwei almost said this through gritted teeth.

"Of course I envy you for being exposed to the sun and rain, I envy you for sleeping in the open air, and even more, I envy you for being homeless..."

Yan Weiwei: “#”

"Master Yan, your ambition to seek out masters of Anjin to exchange ideas and reach the highest level of martial arts is even more admirable!

I heard that there are only a few Anjin masters in the country, and all of them live in seclusion and are obsessed with martial arts.

Maybe one is in the northwest desert, one is in the ends of the earth, and the rest are hiding on the top of the Tianshan Mountains...

If it takes an average of one and a half years to find one, Master Yan, if you want to achieve the goal of "hitting ten"... this journey must start at least ten years!

Ten years! How many decades are there in life?

As the saying goes, ten years of life and death are blurred, and when I look back, I am already a mature woman..."

Yan Weiwei: “##”

"That's why I envy and admire you, Master Yan!

Ten years of wandering and ten years of loneliness, just to challenge ten masters...

This kind of spirit and perseverance really puts me to shame!

Sometimes, I also want to risk everything, sell my house, leave my comfort zone, and go on a spontaneous trip..."

Meng Lang finally spread his hands with a look of regret.

"Alas! But the landlord doesn't allow it..."

Yan Weiwei: “###”

Isn’t it enough to use my house to pick up my girls? Are you thinking of selling my house to travel?!

After a series of showing off and ridicule, Master Yan's anger level finally soared to the critical point!

next moment……

"I'll put you to shame!"

Before Lin Haitang and Xiao Yu could even react to what was happening, they saw a shadow of a leg kicking towards Meng Lang like lightning.

"Whoosh!" The strong wind roared.

As if he had expected it, Meng Lang ducked low and easily dodged the thunderous strike!

"Oh! Stop! Calm down!"

"Sister Weiwei, don't do anything."

"Let go, I will fight with him today! I want him to know what it means to be a man who cannot be killed or humiliated!"

Meng Lang, however, took some time to straighten his hair that was messed up by the strong wind.

"Xiao Yu! Tell her, what is my nickname that is the best in the world that day?"

"Uh..." Xiao Yu was stunned, "Guanzhong Hero?"

"Well! Tell her again who defeated Li Lei who defeated her with one move!"

The words were a bit convoluted, but Xiaoyu reacted immediately.

"It's the hero of Guanzhong!"

"Well! Tell her again, who is it that has written a masterpiece that is unparalleled in the world, unprecedented in history, and made her enter the dark power overnight?"

"It's you! The hero of Guanzhong!" Xiaoyu's eyes became brighter.

"That's right! Sister Weiwei, you said that you let a great master like uncle go, and instead went out to find opponents who can't even beat uncle. Isn't this looking for the far away at the expense of the near?"

"Yeah! You can teach me!" Meng Lang stood with his hands behind his hands and nodded with a reserved smile.


Yan Weiwei was also stunned.

Speaking of which, it is indeed a bit stupid for me to ignore the current number one in the world and not compete with each other, but to go to those old men and women in their seventies and eighties...

And this is probably the only transformation energy on the earth... Even if it is fake, its level is much higher than those dark energy.

Who do you want to compete with to increase your experience points? Do you even need to ask?

What's more, even the secret books were written by others.

Just in case the other party has a flash of inspiration, the improved secret book can make people stronger overnight...

Then when you ran away from home, wouldn’t you have completely missed an entire realm?

After ten years, when I come back and find that even Xiaoyu has regained her strength, how can I, an old aunt, be embarrassed?

On one side, it’s difficult to upgrade while sleeping in the open air, on the other side, there are popular people who drink spicy food and are taken by big bosses...

Seeing Meng Lang pretending to be a master, Lin Haitang couldn't help but feel a little amused, but he finally realized that this guy was using a provoking method.

So I followed the advice.

"That's right, Weiwei. If you want to concentrate on martial arts, you don't necessarily have to travel. Where can you not practice?"


Yan Weiwei's face began to look hesitant.

If I want to break through, it seems that I really need to rely on this guy Meng Lang, but the purpose of my leaving... is to stay away from this guy!

If you sprinkle dog food every day, it is like pouring sugar on my wounds. I am afraid that one day I will develop high blood sugar!

"Sister Weiwei, if you don't leave, I will cook your favorite Dongpo Pork for you every day." Xiao Yu began to increase the amount of food.


Actually think about it, ten fights in ten years... the efficiency of this competition is really a bit low.

Even if transportation is so advanced now, it won't take as long as ten years.

But it’s quite a bummer to not be able to eat or drink outside for a year and a half...

My skin will become darker and rougher, and I won’t be able to follow Teacher Hao Teng’s drama on time...

Besides! Why do I have to stay away from them when they are together?

Don’t light bulbs smell good?

I just want him to try to look like he can't stand me but can't kill me!

Shows of affection will die quickly, so I can lower the sweetness for them here.

I am insulin and I am proud!

"Oops! I've been suddenly inspired recently, and I'm going to think about the 'Overclocking Sutra 2.0' in the past two days..."

Meng Lang continued to stand in a concave posture with his hands behind his back, and continued to increase the pressure!


In fact, speaking of it, true letting go should be "There is nothing in the first place, so where is the dust".

Why should I bother with metaphysical rituals?

Superficial! Too superficial!

Besides, can you really let go if you are far away?

What if we are halfway across the country of China and yet we are reminded by China Power Grid to pay the electricity bill on time every month...

I'm afraid I might get halfway there... and get carried away, right?

"Dongpo meat? Tiantian?" Yan Weiwei whispered to Xiaoyu to confirm.

Everyone: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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