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Chapter 388: Having a Child Like Hu Yifei


Hu Yonghua was held tightly by Director Feng's hands, and a question mark suddenly appeared on his forehead.

Thank me for what?

Do you want to thank me for being helpless, or do you want to thank me for being in vain?

Are you sure this isn't irony?

Hong Tianfang and others were also a little stunned by this scene. Why is this scene different from what they imagined?

"Ahem! Director Feng, if you need anything, go to my office and talk to me."

Hu Yonghua wanted to have a private chat with Director Feng, but Hong Tianfang waved his hand.

"Hey! The city has always paid great attention to the matter of Bincheng Shipyard. It just so happens that everyone should listen to it."


Does this mean you want to see me make a fool of myself in public?

"Yes, yes! All the leaders are here. I came here just to report the good news to them!" Feng Liang looked happy.

Hong Tianfang frowned slightly when he heard this.

He was the one who gave Hu Yonghua, who was parachuted in, a show of strength at Bincheng Shipyard.

Is it possible that Hu Yonghua can still make some tricks in this dead game?

Hu Yonghua's heart moved when he saw Feng Liang smiling brightly, not like he was forcing a smile.

"Director Feng, is there any good news from the law firm?"

Zhongtian Law Firm was introduced to Bincheng Shipyard by Hu Yonghua.

However, Director Zheng from the law firm just called him two days ago and told him that if he wanted to solve the problem of Bincheng Shipyard from a legal perspective, there was basically no chance.

Did things take a turn for the better?

"No! I almost despaired when I heard that I couldn't win the lawsuit. I didn't expect that you, Mr. Hu, had already prepared a backup plan. This time our shipyard is saved!"


back up plan?

Am I... ready?

"On behalf of the thousands of employees in the factory, I would like to thank Mr. Hu and Mr. Hu!" Director Feng said this and excitedly held Hu Yonghua's hand and thanked him.

"Mr. Hu?"

"Yes! Mr. Ling, Hu Yifei, Mr. Hu!"


Hu Yonghua was stunned.

Hong Tianfang and others were also stunned.

We are talking about the shipyard, why does it involve his son?

Seeing the incomprehensible expressions on everyone's faces, Feng Liang immediately explained the situation with a smile on his face.

“After many negotiations, we have initially finalized our intention to cooperate.

The 'Baiyeji Group' established by Mr. Hu and several investors will invest 3 billion, and our Bincheng Shipyard will come forward to acquire 49% of the shipyard shares from Shengmao Investment with the right of first refusal.

After completing the acquisition, they promised to invest another 3 billion to take over the 8 canceled giant oil tankers in our factory!

As long as we can get this funding, the entire factory will be revitalized!"


Everyone gasped when they heard this.

30+30...that's a full 6 billion!

Apart from banks, there are probably not many companies in the entire Suzhou city that can put out such a large amount of cash, right?

Who is this "Bai Ye Ji Group" and why have I never heard of it before?

Is it a company from out of town?

Bincheng Shipyard is one of the large-scale Sino-foreign joint ventures in Suzhou.

After encountering difficulties, they have held many meetings and discussions, and everyone is well aware of the difficulties they are currently facing.

Not to mention that it still owes more than 200 million to banks and suppliers, and is still involved in lawsuits. Even the 600 million deposit may have to be lost to Nowei Shipping King.

Altogether, that’s a hole close to 3 billion!

Everyone in the city felt numb when they saw it. They kicked this hot potato around like a ball, and finally it hit Hu Yonghua's head.

Although the eight giant oil tankers that are about to be completed are still worth some money, they are not yet completed. Because they are specially designed and are not universal types, the market recognition is not high, so it is difficult to resell them.

Bincheng Shipyard had previously thought about saving itself, but for an order originally worth 6 billion, it offered 3 billion but not even a single person was interested.

The current oil tanker market has high prices but no market. A large number of destroyed semi-finished products and even 90% new oil tankers are waiting in line for buyers.

If it can't be sold, it's just a pile of scrap metal sitting in a warehouse.

As time goes by, these eight tankers will only continue to depreciate and their value will continue to decrease.

The city was helpless, and the banks were unwilling to waste the money. Even Shengmao Investment, another major shareholder, saw that the situation was not good and wanted to sell its shares to stop losses in time.

It can be said that the entire shipyard is at the end of its rope!

However, in this case, a taker actually appeared who took the initiative to come to your door?

Not to mention spending 3 billion to buy the 49% foreign shares, but also spending 3 billion to buy the 8 useless ships?

Isn't it clear to their evaluation team that Bincheng Shipyard has been losing money over the years and it is impossible for those shares to generate income?

And even if those eight oil tankers can be resold, they will lose at least hundreds of millions upon resale?

Isn’t this a typical example of people who are stupid and have too much money!

"Haha! Hu Shi, this is what's wrong with you. You have already thought of countermeasures, why didn't you tell us earlier?

Before, I pretended to be helpless and asked the city for money, so I was secretly preparing a surprise for us!"

Everyone looked at Hu Yonghua with incomprehensible eyes.

Good guy, the government has no money and my son is pregnant!

What kind of domineering operation is this?

Who said that the second-in-command who came by air had no foundation?

You don’t have any foundation, so you can just sell it for 6 billion?

This is simply a solid foundation!


When it comes to shock, Hu Yonghua is definitely the most shocked one.

Isn't that boy's company called Cretaceous?

Why did he suddenly become the general manager of Bai Yeji?

It was such a huge sum of 6 billion in the first move!

Where did he get so much money?

A series of question marks filled Hu Yonghua's head.

"Director Feng, you just said that the two parties have only reached an intention to cooperate? Are you sure this company has so much money?"

Someone raised doubts.

After all, no matter how you look at it, this cooperation is suspected of providing help in times of need and making a profit at a loss.

If something goes wrong, it must be a monster!

These days, scammers don't care whether you live in the city or the province.

There is nothing they dare not think about, nothing they dare not lie to!

"Haha! Leaders, please rest assured that Mr. Hu is absolutely trustworthy. Even the bank has issued a certificate of assets. This cannot be faked.

Baiyeji Group definitely has the strength to help our shipyard get out of trouble!"

Those who were still questioning it suddenly became silent when they heard that there was actually real money lying in the bank.

Many people had surprises in their eyes. This had solved a big problem for the city!

Seeing that it didn't look like a fake, Hong Tianfang looked at Hu Yonghua with a look that meant he was re-examining it.

I originally wanted to give him a showdown, but unexpectedly, it became a stage for him to show off his muscles?

However, how could he allow the other party to take the opportunity to increase his reputation in the team and threaten his right to speak?

After all, a leader who doesn’t want to speak his mind is not a good leader...

"Haha! Hu Shi, let me just say that you are being humble. It turns out that the father of a tiger has no son. Mr. Ling's business is quite big, isn't it?"

Hu Yonghua's heart trembled.

Hong Tianfang seemed to be praising him, but in fact he was hurting his heart!

Although he is in a high position, his son has earned so much money that he can take 6 billion as soon as he wants.

If this were revealed, at least 1.4 billion of the 1.405 billion Chinese people would shout "There's an inside story!"

Everyone's eyes also changed instantly.

Fortunately, Director Feng spoke at this time, with a look of emotion on his face.

"How can I say that Hu Shi is dedicated to the public good and has a high moral integrity!

I later found out that Mr. Hu had worked hard to found a technology company that had recently become famous in the field of Go AI.

However, at this time, Mr. Hu actually chose to sell the company he had worked so hard to establish to Penguin Company in exchange for funds.

Later, he invested and led the investment, and persuaded two companies, Evergreen Biotech and Wanwan Security, to invest huge sums of money to jointly establish the Baiyeji Group, and act in a righteous manner!

Hu Shi, I know how difficult it is to make the decision to sell a business that I founded.

Thank you! Thank you! Bincheng Shipyard owes you a huge favor, City Hu!"

Director Feng's eyes filled with tears as he spoke.

When he got the business card Hu Yifei handed him, he was already convinced.

All of this... it turns out that Hu Shi was working hard for the shipyard behind the scenes!

Unfortunately, I once had a verbal confrontation with Mr. Hu because he could not apply for funds.

Not only did he not care about it, he even arranged for his son to secretly help him.

In a sense, this is sacrificing the Hu family's own interests and connections to save the shipyard from danger...

He had already imagined in his mind a story about an outstanding young man who reluctantly gave up his love in exchange for funds, and went around to find favors. Only then did the shipyard have a slight turn for the better today...

When Feng Liang explained this, everyone fell into silence, and their eyes on Hu Yonghua changed again.

After working hard to start a business, he followed the path of high-tech AI. After selling his shares, he relied on his smooth tongue and continuous investment...

Both IQ and EQ are high.

There is no bidding project to make a fortune, no real estate to make a fortune, this money is clean and pure.

The people from Chaoyang couldn't find anything wrong with it.

I am a hero and a good man!

Hu Shi! You are really a public servant of the era who is dedicated to the public good at the expense of yourself and others...

Hu Yonghua was speechless.

Although this [reverence +1+1+1...] look is very helpful, I am still confused to this day.

Some of you have explained it. Who can explain it to me?

"People may not believe it when I tell you. I really don't know anything about everything Quanzi did." Hu Yonghua said with a bitter smile.

Everyone was stunned when they saw that Hu Yonghua didn't look like he was being hypocritical.

Could it be that the young master of the Hu family did good deeds without keeping his name from his father?

What kind of filial son is this who shares his father's worries?

Giving birth to a child should be like Hu Yifei!

Everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

"Hey! Director Feng, you just said, what are the names of the two other companies funded by Baiyeji Group?"

Someone suddenly discovered Hua Dian.

"Evergreen creatures and all things are safe." Feng Liang said truthfully.

"Evergreen creatures..."

Why does this name sound so familiar...

Everyone suddenly looked at Hu Yonghua again.

You idiot! No wonder you are still trying to give people a quota to support enterprises today.

Is this called ignorance?

You are not planning this matter behind your back by calling friends and pulling strings... We have your last name!

Hu Yonghua: "..."

Unexpectedly, the titles of the first-in-command and the second-in-command are harmonious. The title of the cardinal is a bit awkward. Readers, please just read it and try to avoid it in the future.

I have been going to the hospital these days. I was discharged today and will resume normal updates tomorrow.

I would like to apologize for bringing you a bad update experience!

This chapter has been completed!
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