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Chapter 398: Flies Don’t Bite Seamless Eggs

 Just when Meng Lang was planning how to overtake in a corner and solve Ling's hardware problem, the phone on the table suddenly vibrated.

He picked up the phone and looked at it, his expression slightly startled.

But it turned out to be a "specific condition trigger alarm" that I had set a long time ago...

He raised his eyebrows. "It's finally here. If you don't take action, I wonder if the future will change again..."

After operating on the phone for a moment, a violently shaking camera image soon appeared on the phone screen.

After the picture stabilized, what appeared to be the ceiling of an office.

The cell phone that was photographed should be placed face up on the table. A middle-aged man wearing glasses can be vaguely seen at the edge of the screen, but due to the angle, only half of his face is exposed.

There was a conversation on the phone...

[Oops! Mr. Iwasaki, it’s not that I won’t help, it’s just that the cross-border exhibition of Mingtang Buddha heads may be a bit difficult to handle...]

The Modu Museum at this time, the curator’s office.

Li Haitao looked troubled.

"Oops! Mr. Iwasaki, it's not that I won't help, it's just that the cross-border exhibition of Mingtang Buddha heads may be a bit difficult..."

Opposite him were two men in suits, one of whom was older.

The other was a young man with a soft face, who seemed to be the "Mr. Iwasaki" he called him.

The young man smiled and said in fluent Chinese.

“Director Li, our two countries are separated by a narrow strip of water, have a long history, and both belong to the Greater China cultural circle.

Your museum and our country have established a profound friendship through cultural exchanges.

Consul General Akamatsu of my country in Shanghai introduced you to me and said that you are an important cultural exchange ambassador between the two countries.

This time, I represent the Kyoto National Museum with utmost sincerity, hoping that the people of our country can appreciate this newly unearthed treasure of the Tang Dynasty, and I hope that Director Li can make it happen!"

The slap in the face did not make Li Haitao, who was used to such scenes, feel any inner fluctuations.

But the words "Consul General Chisong" made him dare not look down upon the young man in front of him.

"Mr. Iwasaki was introduced by Consul General Akamatsu, and he came on behalf of the Kyoto National Museum.

Logically speaking, as long as the request is not too difficult to handle, we should naturally strengthen cultural exchanges between the two sides based on the principle of good neighborliness and friendship.

However, this Buddha head has just arrived at our museum and is still on display. The public is very enthusiastic about this cultural relic.

It may be a bit inappropriate to hold a cross-border exhibition at this time..."

Iwasaki was not discouraged and directly offered his own price.

"We naturally understand this. If Director Li is willing, we can use the 'Yao Bian Tianmu Tea Bowl' and the 'Bodhisattva's Pregnancy Sutra' in return for an exchange exhibition in your museum.

I wonder what you think?"

"Hiss~" Li Haitao couldn't help but gasped.

"Mr. Iwasaki, you...are you telling the truth?"

"A gentleman's words are as valuable as a thousand pieces of gold, so of course they are true!"


The Yaobian Tianmu tea bowl is a black-glazed tea bowl from the Song Dynasty. It was originally used by people in the Song Dynasty for tea fighting.

The Fuso people use the term "the universe in the bowl" to describe this bowl, saying that the inside is like the starry sky seen on the beach late at night, which is unfathomable.

"The Bodhisattva's Pregnancy Sutra" is a national treasure-level sutra produced in the 16th year of the reign of the Western Wei Dynasty. It is said to be the oldest written sutra handed down in the world and is now collected in Chien-in Temple in Kyoto.

These two cultural relics originating from China, placed in Fusang, would definitely rank among the top ten national treasure-level cultural relics.

No matter how precious the Mingtang Buddha heads are, if someone else takes two of them and exchanges them for one, you won't suffer any loss no matter what.

If these two national treasures can be brought back to Shanghai for exhibition, they will definitely cause a media sensation.

As the curator, of course I also deserve a lot of credit!

Moreover, as soon as the other party opened his mouth, he could actually bring out two national treasures as bargaining chips. The background was absolutely unfathomable.

Being able to sell the other party a favor will benefit you without any harm.


Li Haitao resisted the urge to agree and smiled bitterly.

"Mr. Iwasaki, although I really want to agree, I'm sorry that I can't agree."

"Oh? Why is that?" Iwasaki finally put away his smile and asked with a frown.

Li Haitao's eyes flashed.

"I have news here. I wonder if Mr. Iwasaki has heard about it?"

"Oh? What news?"

"It is said that this precious Buddha head was almost robbed by a group of gangsters not long ago..."

Iwasaki raised his eyebrows, but his face remained calm.

"Is there such a thing?"

Li Haitao looked at Iwasaki opposite and said with a smile, "Yes, and the masterminds behind this robber are said to be two Fuso people..."

At this point, he had almost made his words clear.

“To be honest, when the police sent this Buddha head, they clearly informed us that we should strengthen the security of the Buddha head to prevent people from coveting it.

If I send the Buddha's head to Fusang Exhibition at this time, wouldn't it mean that there is no silver in this place?

If something else goes wrong along the way and a cultural relic is lost...

Haha! Mr. Iwasaki, please understand that I am really powerless to make this request of yours."

Li Haitao didn't want to wade into this muddy water, but he also didn't want to offend Consul General Fuso and Iwasaki, who could tell from a glance that he had a deep background.

So when I started talking, I also wanted Iwasaki to retreat when faced with difficulties.

Unexpectedly, Iwasaki just narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I was rude and put Director Li in a difficult position, but since the exchange of exhibitions is not possible, I can only do the next best thing and ask Director Li to do me another favor."

Li Haitao frowned when he heard this.

Didn't I speak clearly enough?

Iwasaki was somewhat confused about whether to advance or retreat, and his face immediately turned cold.

"Mr. Iwasaki, I'm just a small curator. I just want to do my job well. I'm afraid I can't help you much."

As he spoke, Li Haitao picked up the teacup and blew on it, but did not drink it.

Iwasaki was proficient in the Chinese tea ceremony and knew that this meant "bringing tea to guests", but he was not annoyed and still looked at Li Haitao with a smile.

"Director Li, I heard that your son-in-law also likes to collect antiques?"

The tea cup in Li Haitao's hand trembled slightly.

"What do you mean Mr. Iwasaki?"

"Haha! I also have news here. I wonder if Director Li has heard about it?"

Li Haitao slowly put down his tea cup and looked at Iwasaki opposite, who seemed to have a plan in mind. "What's the news?"

"I heard that your son-in-law auctioned a celadon vase at a private auction in Xiangjiang a while ago and sold it for a high price of 5 million.

Does Director Li know about this?"


Li Haitao's heart gradually sank...

"What do you want to say?"

Iwasaki curled his lips, "Haha! I think Director Li naturally knows what I want to say.

There is a saying in your Chinese country that flies cannot bite seamless eggs."

Li Haitao: "..."

A threat is a threat, can you use a common saying that is friendly to both of you and me?

This chapter has been completed!
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