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Chapter 412: Escaping into Buddhism

 Meng Lang looked at the autobiography on the table, and the figure laughing wildly in the sea of ​​fire appeared in his mind, as if he had seen his own future...

[Flowers bloom with two faces, and life is between Buddhas and demons...

Human nature has two sides.

The Buddha said, if you want to be kind, I will use compassion to save all sentient beings and let them be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss to be with me.

The devil said, "If you want to be evil, I will use evil spirits to destroy all sentient beings and make them fall into the Avici Hell and become my servants."

You are very conflicted and don’t know who to listen to?

What you ask me is your heart, and what I answer you is my heart.

Everywhere is your original mind and your original Buddha. Even if your mind is a Buddha, it is also like this...]

Certain religious concepts in the "Huayan Sutra" express Xue Huaiyi's reflections and insights on the outcome of life.

The "Huayan Sutra" handwritten by the empress in the Buddha's head is not a traditional scripture.

It is an ancient man who got this autobiography and tried to use religious concepts such as "inner demons", "reincarnation", "one flower and one world, one leaf and one bodhi" to try to understand the "heavenly book" in his hand.

And Xue Huaiyi became a monk halfway, of course not because he would be stronger because he was bald, but just to save himself...

After all, thousands of years ago, there was no CT, no MRI, no EEG, and there were no various psychotropic drugs that can make people go from "cracked" to "healed"...

If you want to solve your own mental problem of "premature rupture", you can only use magic to defeat magic and start from the spiritual level.

Choosing to study Buddhism was not due to a sudden illness and seeking medical treatment, but rather because of historical origins.

Today's people study the ancients, and the ancients study the more ancient people.

Meng Lang, a thousand years later, studied his "predecessors" just as Xue Huaiyi, a thousand years ago, studied the "predecessors" of his "predecessors".

The purpose is nothing more than to gain some "experience" in using this book from the "predecessors"...

Before Xue Huaiyi, the "predecessors" who obtained this book happened to be two eminent monks!

To talk about the love and hatred between this book and "Chinese Buddhism", we have to talk about the "historical chronicle" in the second half of this book...

According to the "historical text" obtained by Comrade Xue's archeology.

Before the Eastern Han Dynasty, because the knowledge system and productivity were relatively backward at that time, human beings still maintained awe of nature.

Including "Hetu", "Luoshu", "Tai Gong Yin Fu", "Taiping Yaoshu" and other legendary heavenly books, most of them are derived from Taoist classics.

For example, the famous "Book of Changes", "Huangdi Neijing", Tai Chi Bagua, Yin Yang and Five Elements, fortune divination...

Regarding this book, what is circulated is more mysterious and mysterious Taoist myths and legends.

After the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, this book was lost for a long time.

Then came the Rebellion of the Eight Kings of the Western Jin Dynasty, and the Five Husbands disrupted China. The land of China sank for hundreds of years. It was not until the Southern and Northern Dynasties that this book finally reappeared in the world...

That's right...it was Bodhidharma, the "Founder of Zen Buddhism" who got it!

Bodhidharma was not interested in military strategy, economics and politics, but devoted himself to studying the secrets of the human body...

After living in a cave for nine years, his personal force level almost reached the peak of human beings, making him the first master of energy transformation in thousands of years!

From the fact that he can cross the river with a reed, it can be seen that this guy has the ability to control his own body and has understood fluid mechanics without any teacher...

In his later years, Bodhidharma also had a story about "returning to the west with only one footstep"...

This is perhaps the only time that the fragments of this book left the land of China and fell into the hands of aliens!

That's right, it's just a scrap!

What Bodhidharma has in his hands is the "Human Scroll" of "The Art of Taiping" that Hua Tuo obtained!

According to historical records, Hua Tuo offended Cao Cao and finally died in prison. Before his death, he handed the "Qing Sang Jing" to a jailer. Unfortunately, it has been lost since then.

If Comrade Xue Huaiyi had studied archeology other than Shuishuo, then this "Book of Heaven"... might have been divided into two parts in history!

Zhuge Kongming obtained the two volumes of "Heaven and Earth" and knew the general trend of the world and calculated the favorable time and place.

And Hua Tuo and Bodhidharma obtained the "Human Scroll" and were proficient in martial arts and medical skills, as well as the secrets of the human body...

Based on this functional division, Meng Lang has reason to guess that this so-called "human volume" is probably the "technical appendix" included at the end of each autobiography!

After all, "dying in prison" because of offending someone is really inconsistent with the persona of a "prophet."

It can only be shown that Hua Tuo has at least lost most of his ability to predict the future.

According to Xue Huaiyi, this "human scroll" traveled to the Western Regions during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

However, the Chinese treasure has been kidnapped. As the owner of the two volumes of China's orthodox "Heaven and Earth", what can he do?

Of course not!

So in the early Tang Dynasty, there was a vigorous "Journey to the West"...

Yes... Tang Xuanzang went to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures.

The real target... is actually the "Qing Sang Sutra"!

Everyone knows the result.

As the owner of the new generation of "Heaven and Earth" two volumes, Tang Xuanzang relied on his intelligence ability to overcome obstacles and traveled thousands of miles from Chang'an to Nalanda Temple to finally retrieve the "Human Scroll" of the Heavenly Book!

Two volumes versus one volume, it is obvious that Master Xuanzang’s side is bigger...

However, the "Nine-Nine-Eighty-One Difficulty" is probably just a literary rhetorical technique. Visual inspection of the "Master Xuanzang" who died in this process may not even be able to defeat it in double figures...

"Master Wu Cheng'en...could he really be an insider?"

Meng Lang couldn't help but think about it.

After all, it is difficult for Meng Lang not to associate with the book "Journey to the West", whether it is the title, or many settings and descriptions in it...

In any case, the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" Master Xuanzang traveled westward, went through many hardships, and finally reunited the Book of Heaven.

And after he returned to the Tang Dynasty with perfect merit, this complete "Book of Heaven" finally fell into the hands of the "destined man" Xue Huaiyi...

Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty was born and died in AD 602-664, while Xue Huaiyi was born and died in AD 662-695. The dates are quite consistent!

It's just that Comrade Xue Huaiyi obviously had "mediocre qualifications" and was "overwhelmed" after only living to the age of 32!

Relatively speaking, his two "predecessors" lived quite a long time.

Historical records record that Bodhidharma lived to be 150 years old, and Xuanzang of Tang Dynasty was a little younger, at the age of 62, and also lived to retirement age...

Coincidentally, these two are both eminent monks who study Buddhism intensively.

When Xue Huaiyi realizes that he is about to burst, do you think he will follow in the footsteps of his predecessors and try to solve his own problems?

It’s so difficult to study the mysteries of the universe. Who can’t do it by copying homework?

This is why Xue Huaiyi became a monk halfway, just to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors and explore the possibility of extending his life...

And it was precisely because of the two eminent monks' understanding and interpretation of this "Book of Heaven" that the predecessors officially started to reshape the world view of the Book of Heaven "from Taoism to Buddhism"...

The so-called Taoism is natural and Buddhism is emptiness.

If "Tao" is the understanding of the external nature, then "Buddha" is more about the exploration of one's own human nature.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Bodhidharma integrated the philosophical thoughts of Buddhism and Taoism and created "Buddhism with Chinese characteristics"..."Zen"!

Zen Buddhism says that one flower and one world, one leaf and one Tathagata, one sentence is too much, and one sentence is wrong.

To sum it up in one sentence, it means "all four elements are empty"!

All the dharma in the world are all illusory. If one can understand it in this way, his mind will not be moved.

It's not that the flags are moving, it's just that the heart is moving.

The mirror has no platform, so where can it cause dust?

During the Tang Dynasty, after Master Xuanzang returned to the Tang Dynasty from the Western Regions, he founded the "Consciousness Only Sect".

The Consciousness-Only Sect believes that "all things are governed by consciousness", and everything in the universe is realized by "consciousness".

Coincidentally, the two major schools that influenced the origin of Buddhism in China both agreed that only when "the four elements are empty" and "the mind has no distracting thoughts" can one become a "Buddha".

This is undoubtedly another way of solving the problem.

That is, in an ideal state, if the brothers' heads are all empty and all four elements are empty, then 0+0+0... is still equal to 0!

Perfect tool man! Like it!

However, the mental state requirements are somewhat outrageous, and it also depends on qualifications.

Comrade Xue has gone into Buddhism, still at the age of 32...


Just when his soul was wandering and his thoughts were flying to a thousand years ago, a notification sound suddenly brought him back to reality.

Meng Lang glanced at the cell phone on the table and found that it was Ning Shisan calling.

Let Zero open the voice changing software and then connect the communication.

Soon, Ning Shisan’s image appeared on the mobile phone screen.

[Hey! I have got the Buddha head back safely, what should I do next?] Let’s get straight to the point.

"Well...you have a hammer at home, right?" Meng Lang was also very direct.

【Yes, what's wrong?】

"That's good, use a hammer, use some force, and smash it!"

Ning Shisan:【……】

For Meng Lang, compared with Xue Huaiyi's "experience", the historical value of a mere Buddha head is simply negligible.

In order to make full use of the information capacity, this episode is only given a "preface" in the book.

As for the detailed content of the scriptures, we still have to get it from the Buddha's head...

[Sorry, the signal may not have been very good just now. What did you say just now? 】

"I said use a hammer, use a little force, and smash it!"

The person on the other side was silent for a long time, and then the word "#" popped up on his forehead, almost shouting out...

[Are you kidding me? This is a national treasure!

Smashed? You thought you were opening a golden egg!

Did we go through all the trouble to steal it just to smash it?】

"Hmm... Is it difficult?"

Ning Shisan:【……】

Is this such a difficult question?

[If this is your purpose, then forgive me for refusing! I will find a way to return it to the museum as soon as possible!] Ning Shisan said righteously and sternly.

It can be seen that the other party still has a conscience as a Chinese.

"Okay, then how about I also send you the full video of how you stole the cultural relics from the museum?" Meng Lang suggested.

Ning Shisan:【……】

"Well... you still have three minutes to think about it." Meng Lang didn't have time to talk to him.

After hesitating for a moment, Ning Shisan silently left the camera, and then came back with a hammer not long after.

Obviously, the other party has a conscience, but not much...

【Really smashed?】


[Since you want to smash it, why don’t you take it back and smash it yourself? Do you have to let me be the executioner?] Ning Shisan looked resentful.

"Hmm... The lie is that it is convenient for transportation, but the truth is that I also feel some pain."

Ning Shisan:【……】

Next time please just tell lies...

The raised hammer failed to fall, and Ning Shisan was obviously struggling internally.

After all, if this hammer blows down, the national treasure... it will be gone at least several hundred million... It's such a waste...

"The other party is the relevant department...the other party is the relevant department..."

I can only keep hypnotizing myself in my heart, gritting my teeth, resisting the pain in my heart and swaying hard!

[Bang!] Gravel splashed in front of the camera.

Five minutes later...

【This...what is this?!】

Ning Shisan looked shocked in front of the camera.

Who would have thought that a national treasure could actually win a big prize?

A yellowed ancient book carefully wrapped in cowhide was revealed inside... "The Avatamsaka Sutra"?

【You already knew there was something in this?】

Rather than seeing a national treasure hidden within a national treasure, Ning Shisan was even more shocked that the other party actually looked like he had expected it...

But this Buddha head was clearly created thousands of years ago...

This is not scientific at all!

Is it possible that the one in my hand is also a fake? Has it really been swapped out a long time ago?

But whether it’s in terms of appearance or material, this book doesn’t look like a modern product, does it?

Meng Lang looked at Ning Shisan, who was stunned on the spot with a question mark on his forehead, and just smiled.

"What? You don't want to open it and take a look? There is a shocking secret hidden in it!"

Ning Shisan instinctively stretched out his hand, but just as he was about to touch it, he suddenly retracted his hand.

[Forget it, curiosity killed the cat, I’m just an errand boy...]

Meng Lang chuckled, this killer was a bit cautious...

In fact, if someone other than the user of the autobiography reads the things written in this book, even if they read it, they will only think it is a bunch of Buddhist scriptures that are pretentious and unintelligible.

Even the empress who copied it with her own hands may not know the real secret hidden in it...

As for the "historical text" about the Book of Heaven that is not recorded in the scripture, we have to mention a certain family that has passed down secrets orally for thousands of years...

Even Meng Lang couldn't help but want to give them a thumbs up...

Thanks for their outstanding contributions to Chinese archeology!

[Ding dong!] At this moment, a doorbell suddenly sounded in the video, and Ning Shisan in front of the camera immediately became alert.

"Don't be nervous, I called the courier guy, just pack the books and give them to him." Meng Lang said with a smile.

【Yeah, I got it!】

After hanging up the communication, the book was quickly couriered in the same city and delivered to the express box of Yipinju Community...

During this period, Zero invaded the courier company's sorting system, changed the recipient and delivery address several times, and finally completely deleted the courier company's system records. Even the courier boy dialed a virtual number.

In less than half a day, Meng Lang got what he wanted from the express box.

I'm afraid Ning Shisan never imagined that the "mastermind behind the scenes" was actually a city away from him...

Naturally, all the surveillance cameras along the way were hacked.

Even if someone wants to investigate, they can't find out where this "ghost express" has gone...

Zhuge is only cautious in his life!

A lesson for the past and a guide for the future.

He, Meng Xiaolang, is no weaker than others when it comes to caution!

In the next few days, Meng Lang stayed at home and concentrated on studying how to solve the "crack" problem...

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang and the moment the door was opened, Lin Haitang stood at the door and was stunned.

I saw Meng Lang with heavy dark circles under his eyes and a depressed look on his face. He was completely different from the energetic young man before!

"You...how did you become like this?"

Lin Haitang didn't know if it was intentional during this time, as he was on a business trip for several days.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I came back, I heard Xiao Yu say that my uncle's mental state has been a little strange recently.

Suddenly I forgot about food and sleep, so I wanted to come over and check on the situation.

I originally thought that Xiao Yu was making a fuss out of a molehill, but I didn't expect that she actually looked like she had lost her soul...

"Oh! Haitang, you're back. I'm fine. I just have something I can't figure out recently.

I wanted to read a book to solve my doubts, but it made my head buzz..."

Meng Lang said weakly.

In the past two days, he has been studying those mysterious and mysterious scriptures, only to realize that this is simply mental torture for an ordinary person like him.

So much so that he no longer cared about Lin Haitang's "illegal business trip".

"What kind of book can you read to see people like this?" Lin Haitang frowned.

Meng Lang didn't hide it, "Buddhist scriptures."

"Uh..." Lin Haitang was speechless for a moment, but couldn't help but ask one more question.

"Did something happen?"

Hearing the concern in Lin Haitang's tone, Meng Lang immediately smiled.

"Yes! One day without seeing you is like three years apart...Have you never heard that missing is also a disease?

Alas! The thought of what I don’t want keeps creeping into my mind.

But when I can't get what I want, I feel so tired.

Actually, I have been studying Buddhism seriously recently, and I am considering whether to cut off my love and escape into Buddhist Buddhism..."

Lin Haitang wanted to roll his eyes.

But Meng Lang's tone, for some reason, was a little serious...

Hey, hey! Do you have to be so fragile inside? I can’t explain to Aunt Yang like this...

"Ahem! Go wash up and come over to eat first. I'll cook today."

Meng Lang felt happy.

To be able to make Lin Haitang say such words on his own initiative, his enthusiasm was already at full capacity.

"Well...if you encounter any trouble and need our help, just say..."

After Lin Haitang said that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Hey! Wait! I really need your help with something!" Meng Lang immediately hit the snake on the stick and smiled unceremoniously.

Lin Haitang stopped and turned his head.

"What's up?"

"You know I don't have a car. Please be the driver and accompany me somewhere."

"Huh?" Lin Haitang suddenly became alert.

Meng Lang looked at her with a smile.

"Don't worry! What I'm going to is not a place for romance!"

Lin Haitang: "..."

A few hours later.

Lin Haitang raised his head and looked at the slightly shabby plaque above his head that read "Nanshan Temple", with a speechless expression on his face.

Well, this is indeed not a "place for romance"...

But why did he come to the temple?

You don’t really want to escape into Buddhism, do you?

Just as I was stunned, I saw an old monk wearing a yellow cassock slowly walking out of the temple.

Seeing Meng Lang and the two at the door, the old monk was stunned for a moment, but the next moment he came over with a look of surprise on his face and saluted with a smile.

"Amitabha! It turns out that it is Benefactor Meng who has come all the way from afar to meet us at a loss!"

Meng Lang returned the gift with a smile.

"Long time no see, Master Intelligence..."


This chapter has been completed!
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