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Chapter 421 Allies

 Juchang headquarters building, in an office.

"What? You want 51% of Sihai's shares?"

"That's right."

"Uh... are you kidding? Are you sure you know the current value of Sihai?"

"Of course, according to current market estimates, Sihai's full-year profit in 2018 is about 10 billion RMB. According to the price-earnings ratio of high-tech companies, its approximate market value should be more than 200 billion."

"So, as soon as you opened your mouth, you wanted to take 100 billion from us? Or even want control of the company?"

"Haha! Mr. Ren, I believe you also understand that that is the current value, not the future.

If chip manufacturing is blocked, Sihai's market share will most likely return to zero.

In a sense, what I bought is an option on Sihai’s future.”


"This is just a guess after all."

"Since it's just speculation, why did you launch the Nanniwan Project? How is the recent international trend? I believe your company's strategic intelligence department will not receive any news."


"How did you know about the Nanniwan Project?"

"That's not important. What's important is that from your perspective, you should know that once this speculation becomes reality, with the current domestic chip manufacturing capabilities, the result will be almost unsuspicious."

"... Even then, we can still have other ways to go!"

"Of course, as far as I know, you are preparing to carry out diversified research layouts related to chip stacking, superconducting quantum chips, optical computing chips, etc., trying to circumvent process limitations."


"But your strategic team should also have analyzed it. These are not things that the current Sihai can break through in a short time.

Assuming that your technological breakthrough takes five years and the industry is implemented in one to two years, then seven years have passed.

In seven years, Sihai will not only fail to create value, but will also become a burden to you.

If we include the collateral losses in terminal business caused by the shortage of chips.

Don’t you think that the time cost and market loss in these seven years will be far more than 100 billion?”


"I have to say that you dare to guess, but no one knows what will happen in seven years. The difficulties we face may not necessarily develop into the worst situation.

It could also be just a false alarm, and the two sides could reach a compromise..."

"Of course, but there is a saying that says well, you can't pin your hope of survival on the kindness of your enemies, right?"

"...Even so, what can you change? We have paid 100 billion, what can you give?"

"In seven years, we can get Sihai out of trouble seven years in advance."

"What's the meaning?"

"Technical support, the only thing we can provide is technical support."

"Uh... are you sure you are talking about technology with us?"

"Haha! Of course your company is proud of itself, but you can take a look at this technical introduction first."


"This...is this thing real?"

“Of course, with the same manufacturing process, ‘A’’s computing power is 1,000 times that of traditional chips, its power consumption is only one percent of that, and it also has excellent features such as low latency and anti-electromagnetic interference.

Compared with electronic chips, this chip can achieve the same computing power as advanced processes at the 100-nanometer level, reducing dependence on advanced processes and does not require the use of extremely high-end lithography machines such as EUV.

With the existing technology of domestic manufacturers in the field of optical chip manufacturing, it is completely possible to realize a complete manufacturing chain of design, processing, packaging and testing.

Lithography machines, core IP, manufacturing, packaging, testing, etc. have traditionally relied on the restrictions of overseas manufacturers, which is useless to them!

The key is that it adopts a transitional technology design of photoelectric hybrid, which can seamlessly connect with most electronic devices using electronic chips in the world.

As long as mass production is achieved, it can be widely used in almost all fields such as mobile phones, notebooks, autonomous driving, smart robots, and drones."

"...How do I believe that this is not just a ppt?"

"You know, that doesn't make sense, you can just conduct technical verification first.

There is no need for me to come all the way here to tell a lie that can be exposed as soon as it is exposed.

Again, 51% of the shares are exchanged for permanent technology sharing, and we can also provide corresponding EDA design software to assist Sihai's excellent chip design team in further optimizing and upgrading this chip in the future.

This is a relevant contract and a gambling agreement. If this technology cannot meet the design expectations, you can take back all the shares.

We each get what we need, and it’s a win-win situation.”

"This... this technology is really shocking. I have never heard of a team at home and abroad making such a significant achievement in this field. Which company is your scientific research team from?"

"I'm sorry, this needs to be kept secret for the time being. Our cooperation will also be kept secret for some time to come."

"Why is it necessary to keep it secret? No team can remain indifferent to such an honor, right? Why not stand in front of the stage?"

"Haha! Mr. Ren was joking, knowing that the enemy's artillery fire was about to arrive, there was no need to bring in another person to share the firepower, right?

Instead of drawing fire to yourself, why not watch the fire from the other side?"

"Uh... But why do I feel that you are taking advantage of others?"

"Have you ever seen a robber rush into a fire scene with priceless treasures? What we are doing here is just stealing from the fire."

"So you only have one skill, and you want us to charge forward and attract firepower, while you can easily watch the fire from the other side and take advantage of the fire?"

"This metaphor is not appropriate. I prefer to compare it to the Battle of Chibi. The coalition forces of Sun and Liu defeated Cao's army with fire attack.

Although we only have one Zhuge Liang, you are ready for everything, but you just need an east wind, and we have sent you this east wind..."

"Uh...hahaha! What a Dongfeng, Ms. Gao is indeed a good lobbyist!

Then can you tell me who is the person behind you who wants to draw chestnuts from the fire?"

"It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is your friends!"

"Friends...are you...people of the country?"


"Ahem! No comment!"

"...Well, if the technology is real, I think...it's tempting enough for us that I would seriously consider it."

"Then I'll be waiting for your good news."

"Uh... you are so confident that the news you are waiting for will be good news?

After all, this thing is both an antidote and a poison to us, and the artillery fire it may attract may be even more intense..."

"Haha! As the saying goes, Jiangsu and Zhejiang dare to be the first in the world, Hujian will win only if they work hard, and Dongguang will break into a new world!

I believe that Mr. Ren, you do not lack such courage to break into a new world.

If this new world is beautiful enough, then why not let the artillery fire come harder?"

"The new world you describe is certainly beautiful enough, but are you sure... we are not cannon fodder?"

"In the face of turbulent times, we are all cannon fodder and warriors, right?"


"Hahaha! Ms. Gao is a woman like no other! Putting aside other aspects, personally, I really hope to be your collaborator!"

"I think people who come together because of interests are called collaborators.

If we have a common goal, I would rather call him...an ally!"

This chapter has been completed!
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