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Chapter 432: Why Are There More Profits?

 After the movie, it was already evening, the street lights turned on, and the neon lights of the city began to flash.

On the overpass, Lin Haitang stopped and leaned on the guardrail, looking at the endless traffic below, the evening breeze caressing her hair, and her eyes seemed a little lonely.

"Here!" Meng Lang handed over a cup of hot drink.


Meng Lang glanced at Lin Haitang, stood beside her, and took a sip of his drink.

"Are you worried about something?"

From just now, he had vaguely noticed that the other party's mood seemed to be a little low, and just agreeing to "date" was a bit abnormal.

After watching the movie, this feeling became even stronger.

Lin Haitang was silent for a moment and sighed, "It's nothing, maybe I'm a little tired from work recently..."

Meng Lang thought of Lin Haitang's frequent business trips during this period.

"What? Did you encounter a troublesome eucalyptus?"

Lin Haitang shook his head, "I just felt a little emotional after watching the movie. Many things will not be able to achieve results if you persist, or if you persist, you may not get the results you want."

Meng Lang couldn't help but nodded, "Yes! I feel this deeply."

Lin Haitang gave him a strange look.

"Oh, I mean, just like the male protagonist in that movie, although persistence may not necessarily bring good results, but if the starting point is good, I think things will gradually change in the future."

"Maybe, but for people today, they have missed it after all... Justice will be late, but it may also be absent..."

"Yeah!" Meng Lang nodded crazily from the side.

Regarding this, he definitely “knows it deeply”!

"Justice is to prevent tragedy from happening again.

But if the trial loses fairness and justice, similar tragedies will happen again and again, and the law will become a tool for manipulation by money and power.

However, the reality is that money can influence too many things, including witnesses, testimonies, and even plaintiffs...

Litigants often do not care about fairness and justice unless the outcome of fairness and justice is beneficial to them.

Perhaps, what the movie said is right, there is actually only one disease in the world, and that is the disease of poverty..."

Meng Lang looked at Lin Haitang, who seemed to be impressed, and actually had some guesses in his heart.

There is no doubt that the current judicial environment is gradually improving.

Of course, objectively speaking, the judicial environment in big cities is generally better than that in local areas. The more remote the area, the more difficult it is to exclude the participation of some non-legal forces in cases involving the core interests of the parties...

The system is imperfect, the allocation of powers and power operation mechanisms are unscientific, and the security system is imperfect... these are all influencing factors.

If the use of money ability is mixed into this, the situation will be even more complicated.

And the vast majority of lawyers are helpless when faced with this kind of situation.

No matter how powerful an individual is, it is impossible to fight against the system.

Lin Haitang may have encountered similar situations during his several business trips.

But this kind of thing is different from ordinary illegal and criminal situations, and cannot be reversed by relying on personal strength...

He could only comfort him.

"So, our lawyer Lin is not planning to abandon law and go into business, determined to eliminate poverty and work hard for the common prosperity of the motherland, right?"

Lin Haitang was successfully amused by this sentence.

"No, I'm not that fragile. Nietzsche said that fairness is a requirement of the weak. In fact, it is the poor who need the law more.

Because the law treats everyone equally, and rich people always have more power in reality to realize their will.

The principle of law is to protect the weak, and this is the greatest shining point of human society.

As a member of the legal community, if we don’t have confidence in the impartiality of justice, how can we expect others to have confidence?”

Meng Lang gave a thumbs up.

"Well said! This is the Lin Haitang I know! Don't worry, I will fully support you behind the scenes!"

"You? How can you support me?"

"Of course, you are responsible for fairness and justice, and I am responsible for common prosperity!" Meng Lang said half-jokingly.

"Common prosperity?" Lin Haitang looked confused at the "support" expressed by Meng Lang.

"What I mean is, look, it's dinner time, and I'm going to treat you to a movie. You, a rich little woman with a monthly income of 100,000 yuan, should you treat me to a big meal to eliminate some of the poverty between us?"

Wealth gap?”

Lin Haitang suddenly became speechless.

"But... the movie ticket just now seems to have been paid for by me?"

"Oh! Don't worry about the details. The law has said it. We must listen carefully to the voices of the people."

Lin Haitang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Then the law also says that we must transcend people's prejudices..."

"How can a treat between friends be considered prejudice? Come on, let's go, we must eat at a big restaurant tonight!"

The hospital is like a mirror, reflecting the warmth and warmth of human beings in the world, and microcosms the suffering of all living beings. In the place closest to death, the most extreme joys and sorrows in the world, and the most difficult choices, are performed every day.

And poverty is the most pitiful attitude we have to face the disease...

Meng Lang was not untouched by the movie just now.

We are just ordinary people. In the face of disease, we will be afraid and want to live.

And a few taels of broken silver can relieve thousands of panics...

In Lin Haitang's view, legal fairness and justice is important, but for Meng Lang, he feels that "common prosperity" is the root issue that solves many social conflicts.

The main reason for this contradiction is the backwardness of wealth distribution.

The disease of poverty is ultimately a problem of wealth distribution.

The primary distribution is monopolized by a large number of vested interests, resulting in an excessive gap between the rich and the poor. This problem is not only found in China, but also in almost all countries.

Throughout history, whether it is the so-called land annexation or the peasant uprising.

In the final analysis, almost all human conflicts and disputes, and even dynasty changes, except for religion, are social unrest caused by uneven distribution of wealth.

A Gini coefficient is just a general statistical data, and the reasons for this situation are complicated.

This involves society, law, system, human nature...

Perhaps it was because he had read a lot of "books" and opened his horizons that Meng Lang's previous hatred of rich people was much less intense.

In his view, making money itself is not moral.

The bottom line for making money is law, not morality.

The only way to make money that is not against morality is manual labor.

Those who drive BMWs and Mercedes-Benzes are often what the poor call "treacherous and flattering people", and few work honestly.

Because these people do not follow moral standards, but pragmatism and interests first.

Another example is that companies with huge profits, such as Fujisan, are often sweatshops that take "extracting employees' surplus value" to the extreme.

Of course, they may develop a corporate culture of high ethical standards to appease employees.

For example, in the office of the company boss, there are either Buddha statues or Bodhisattva offerings, or plaques such as "The best is as good as water" and "Thousands of virtues carry things"...

In fact, everyone who understands knows that these are only for employees to see.

90% of the income of the rich comes from pragmatism and utilitarianism. What they follow is the law of the market and the weakness of human nature, not morality.

And 90% of the income of ordinary people comes from hard work and hard-earned money that meets ethical standards.

As a brother said before, some people are poor not because they are lazy, but because the money they earn is too clean.

The reason why poor people stay poor all their lives is often because their moral standards are too high...

Although this may not necessarily apply to all poor people, it can apply to 99 out of 100 poor people.

The law can of course restrict various "immoral" means of getting rich.

But the flaw of the law is...it is all shackles for the weak, and it is all loopholes for the strong!

For example, if the amount is RMB 10,000, it is called tax evasion; if the amount is hundreds of millions, it is called reasonable tax avoidance.

Another example is that being strict with others but lenient with self-discipline is called a dual-track system...

Meng Lang asked himself that he had studied the Tao Te Ching as hard as he could, and that he still had some moral standards, and quite a few, but he was not strong enough to challenge 404.

Perhaps it was due to "occupational disease". Unlike Lin Haitang's spiritual beliefs, what he thought of from this movie was more "utilitarian"...

To put it more broadly, the distribution of medical resources is also a type of wealth distribution.

Looking more broadly, the main contradiction within a country, or even between countries, is still the contradiction in wealth distribution.

And wealth is the root and driving force of human war...

To put it bluntly, the internal contradictions and conflicts of human beings are issues of wealth distribution, so when this uneven distribution of wealth reaches a critical point...

Then we must be wary of "emergency events" such as the "Three World Wars"...

Because of this, Meng Lang is actually very motivated to actively promote a more advanced "wealth distribution" method.

It is undeniable that with the progress of society, some groups with more advanced wealth distribution methods have emerged in the world.

For example, the employee-owned chrysanthemum factory, the "zero-profit" Amazon, the acne scars where millions of bloggers are crazy about making money...

It can be said that these are the first entrepreneurs to take advantage of the more advanced modern wealth distribution methods, achieving a win-win situation.

But this is not enough!

The future trend must be... an era in which the less entrepreneurs want to make money, the better the business will do...

"Ma Dan! Why are the profits this month so much..."

Welfare Bag Financial Information Services Co., Ltd.

Brother Biao looked at the series of zeros behind the monthly profit column in the report automatically generated by the "Tianshu ERP" system, and scratched his head in irritation...

This chapter has been completed!
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