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Chapter 437 Rise of the Empire

 "Hey! Isn't this voice smart assistant a little too smart?"

"That is, we have never used Xiaodu Xiaoai elf, right?"

"It's real, this is definitely an 'artificial' intelligence."

"If you have the guts, call the customer service!"

"Everyone, please understand that for the sake of the show's effect, I just prepared a few questions in advance to heighten the atmosphere. It's not a big deal!"

"The gimmick is gone. The guy who went up there must be a dog bearer, right?"

Listening to the discussion below, the reporter in the car rolled his eyes.

Doesn't he know whether he is a dog keeper or not?

Looking at it just now, there is almost no delay in the reply. It is hard to imagine the speed that the "human customer service" in the background can edit the answer on the spot and then convert it into a robot voice reply.

It took more than this time just to type these words, so it’s not like the other party is a tentacle monster, right?

This "Bajie"...is a bit evil...

While everyone's attention was immediately attracted by "Bajie", the faces of the three children were solemn.

Laymen, your focus is obviously skewed, okay?

Price! Price is the key!

"How much did the other party just say? 6.98w?" Xiaopeng looked at his two companions with a constipated look on his face.

"Is it a mistake? Can it be sold at this price? Even if the worst materials are used, the price will be lost to grandma's family, right?"

"The key is the auxiliary driving equipment, which is the bulk of the cost! A lidar alone costs 50,000 to 60,000 yuan!"

The three of them were confused and confused.

If the other party can still make a profit at this price, how low will the production cost of the entire vehicle be?

You wouldn’t buy a lidar and get it for your car, right?

"Uh...you think...could the other party be following Tesla's technical route?"

"How is it possible! Even we can't do it!"

As we all know, the current mainstream technical routes for vehicle assisted driving are camera vision, millimeter wave radar, and laser radar.

Among them, lidar has the highest cost, millimeter wave radar is only about one-tenth of lidar, and pure vision has the lowest cost.

Although future autonomous driving technology must be "multi-sensor collaboration", for now, the simpler the sensor, the lower the cost, and the higher the algorithm and technical requirements. This is an unavoidable fact.

Tesla is based on "no lidar dependence" and emphasizes the optimization of algorithms to achieve advanced assisted intelligent driving by relying only on cameras + millimeter wave radar.

It does not need to know what the obstacle is, it only needs to know that the obstacle exists, that is, it can perform the next step!

In terms of technical strength, it is very difficult for vision solutions to achieve L2 (Tesla level) autonomous driving. Many domestic high-tech companies have tried it, but none of them succeeded.

For example, Baidu, which was the first to start researching autonomous driving, has been exploring the fusion solution of lidar + vision for many years. It was not until 2017 that it began to explore pure vision technology.

It’s not that pure vision is better than a lidar solution with greater safety redundancy, it’s simply because the cost factor is too high.

Comparing a 2-megapixel camera that costs tens of yuan with a lidar that costs tens of thousands of yuan each, doesn’t that drive the research and development of this technology?

The three new forces of Xiaopeng and classmates currently use the entry-level solution of lidar + high-precision map, so the price of the designed model cannot be lower than 15w.

However, with a price of more than 15w, it can only achieve entry-level autonomous driving, and has no competitive advantage in front of traditional fuel vehicles. This is the embarrassing situation that intelligent new energy vehicles currently face.

Technology and cost are the biggest factors for Tesla to rely on the edamame series to make a killing on a global scale!

"Haha! It seems that you have some doubts about the theme of our press conference today. So, let's invite another guest to the stage to experience our 'talking car'!"

At this time, Mr. Bao on the stage, faced with the questioning voices of the crowd, took the initiative to change the guest.

"Come on, come on, Dog Tow No. 2 is about to appear!"

"No matter how many times you replay the play, it won't become true!"

"That's right, I can substitute someone, but this time I can't let you, Mr. Bao, appoint the person!"

"Yeah, who knows if he will be an actor again?"

"Then why not let me do it?"

Everyone looked at the figure in the front row who stood up in surprise.

That was none other than our little classmate!

"Eh? Isn't that Mr. He?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect him to come too. The two people next to him... aren't they the two Mr. Lis!"

Naturally, Mr. Bao had already recognized the three people in the front row. After all, there were only a handful of them on the new energy vehicle track, and everyone basically looked up without looking down.

"Haha! It would be great if Mr. He is willing to be a guest for this experience.

No one should think that Mr. He is colluding with me, right?"

"No, no! We can definitely trust Mr. He!"

Finally, a person whose status was recognized by everyone and who would never be a dog sitter came forward, and reporters and guests naturally supported him one after another.

"Thank you!"

Xiaopeng came on stage, thanked him and took the microphone handed over by the previous "guest".

However, he did not enter the cab immediately. Instead, he circled the "Saint Bean Shi" twice...

"Two front and rear cameras, integrated ADAS warning and internal and external driving recorders..."

After some careful observation, Xiaopeng's face was a little twitchy.

This configuration... is not generally low, but too low...

As a car manufacturer, he is naturally very familiar with the structure of new energy vehicles. Not to mention the chef Ding Jie Niu, he can basically tell everything at a glance.

But... let alone laser radar, there are no traces of the installation of millimeter wave radar.

So how does the other party achieve automatic parking?

It can’t be purely visual, right?

He couldn't help but glance at Mr. Bao, his eyes a little strange.

He didn't say anything at that moment and sat directly in the cab.

"Bajie, what are the processor-related configurations of this car?"

To everyone's expectation, the first question he asked was not to test the voice interactive intelligence at all, but to inquire about the car's configuration.

Many people in the audience were confused, but the two companions below nodded repeatedly.

My friend, this is the key question!

[Hello, this car mainly uses Intel chips as its key computing power support.

Including Intel Atom processor, Intel Movidius vision processor, and Intel ALTAI wireless communication module.

In addition, it is also equipped with Renesas Electronics’ MCU control chip and Ericsson’s communication module.]

That's it?!

Xiaopeng glanced at Mr. Bao, his eyes even weirder.

You want to engage in assisted driving with this kind of rubbish configuration? You’re kidding!

If this is possible, then the other party will not only use "pure vision", but also need "low computing power"!

The Edamame series needs to be equipped with millimeter wave radar and advanced chips...

This guy...could he really be making false propaganda at the press conference?

There are so many journalist friends!

Do you really think that the country does not arrest entrepreneurs?

"Haha! I didn't know that this kind of low computing power configuration can also complete the assisted driving function. How did you do it?"

[In autonomous driving, ‘automatic parking’ is a low-complexity simple scenario.

In addition, as you said, our computing configuration is not advanced in the market, so we can only complete this scenario calculation at low speed.

This makes up for the hardware shortcomings to a certain extent.】


The logic of low speed making up for low computing power seems to be correct, but it misses the point at all.

"So, this car has achieved 'pure vision' automatic parking technology!"

Xiaopeng emphasized the word "purely visual".

Hearing this, everyone would not understand that Xiaopeng was drunk and was not interested in drinking. He was simply trying to find out the background of other people's "automatic parking" by experiencing the "talking car"!

【Yes, your understanding is correct!】

"Wow~" The audience immediately exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, this "intelligent voice assistant" actually admitted it on the spot!


Considering that this was a live press conference, Xiaopeng did not sneer on the spot, but turned to look at Mr. Bao aside.

"Mr. Bao, do you also agree with the views of your...'intelligent assistant'?"


Mr. Bao touched his nose.

At first, like you, I didn't agree with it, and I thought the other party was just being crazy.

However, their technology has already been shown to your face, so you can’t deny it...

"Mr. He, I just said that this 'Tianxuan' system is not a product of our company, but a technical support provided by a strategic partner.

So I definitely don’t understand the technical details like you, an expert.

How about... you continue to ask?" He pointed to the car.

The kid's classmate twitched his lips.

What the hell are you asking!

This is because the boss can’t even edit it anymore, so it can only be done by professionals, right?

Okay! I want to see what tricks you can come up with!

"This... Bajie, can you tell me how you solve the obstacle detection and tracking algorithm in complex parking environments with low computing power."

[Based on deep learning, combining classic SSD and YOLO algorithms, but with deep optimization. 】

"Huh?" Xiaopeng didn't expect that the other party could give such a professional answer.

"What specific optimizations have you made for SSD?" he asked again in disbelief.

[The main optimization is the convolution part of VGG16, so that it can use the pre-trained VGG16 network weights and perform transfer learning on other data sets to improve the versatility of the model.

After actual measurement, it has a high detection speed and good detection effect in the single-shot object detection task.

The specific optimization process is:

$ L_{Cls}=\fra}\sum^{N}_{i}L_{Cls,i}$……]

Xiaopeng’s classmate: “…”

Everyone: "..."

Listening to the various mathematical symbols and formulas coming from the car speakers, everyone was confused.

Hey! I asked you what optimizations you have done. You can just briefly introduce it. There is no need to read out the technical details and optimization formulas on the spot, right?

Your company doesn’t have any technical confidentiality regulations?

This operation... Mencius didn't understand it, Confucius didn't understand it, and neither did I.

Many reporters were directly upset.

I was just here to write a press release about "The Last Elegy of a New Energy Veteran Car Company". What I didn't expect to attend was an "autonomous driving advanced technology conference"?

There is no psychological preparation at all!

At this time, Xiaopeng’s classmate was thinking about...

Do you want me to get a cheat sheet and copy it down first?

There is no way, the more this algorithm formula sounds, the more it sounds like it is true...

"Stop, stop, stop!" he shouted quickly.

The awkward-to-speak symbols and formulas announcement of "Mommy Mommy Boom" finally came to an abrupt end.

"Is it really okay for you to just disclose the technical details?"

This shouldn't be "manual customer service"...manual customer service can't be so arrogant!

[No problem, this technology is a technical document that has just been patented and is allowed to be disclosed.

Soon everyone will be able to find the latest technical information on public websites.

In line with the principles of technology sharing and open source progress, developers do not mind opening this patent to everyone!】


These words...why do they sound familiar?

Just like Tesla, they play the game of public patents?

Many people in the audience were even moved.

However, as an insider, Xiaopeng naturally knows the fishiness involved.

In fact, open patent is not an accurate term. To be precise, all patents are open.

The essence of patents is to exchange disclosure for protection.

For core technologies, companies will not apply for patents to protect them, such as the formula of Coca-Cola...

Tesla is not giving up its patent profit rights, but is temporarily not pursuing infringement liability.

The Iron Man’s original words were: “Tesla will not initiate a patent infringement lawsuit against anyone who wants to use Tesla’s technology in good faith.”

Many car manufacturers do not actually use these patents directly, but use them to research ideas because...

The right to interpret "goodwill" belongs to him!

Another more important reason is that in the early days of the popularization of new energy, due to the pressure from traditional car companies, the cost of doing it alone was too high.

So we simply made the patents and standards public, and brought in all the big guys to play.

While making the cake bigger together, you can gain huge reputation, and the most important thing is to become the builder of rules.

If you keep imitating, it is impossible to surpass.

The result of mindlessly imitating the forerunners is that you must adhere to the standards set by the forerunners. The further back you go, the less likely you are to surpass the other party.

If the benefits of disclosing a patent are greater than not disclosing them, then what reason is there to hide them?


Looking at the sound wave representing "Bajie" on the car screen, Xiaopeng didn't know what to say for a moment.

Should we be surprised first that the other party seems to have a purely visual automatic parking solution, or should we be amazed by the other party's ambition...


After just chatting for a few words, he suddenly found that his attention was diverted again.

Because...this "intelligent voice assistant" is really too smart...

The "self-driving car" is of course shocking, but this "talking car"... seems to be more worthy of attention!

Several times, I forgot to say the awakening keyword "Bajie".

However, the other party seems to be able to actively judge whether he is giving instructions to him based on the context and respond...

Compared with double-click wake-up programs such as "Xiaodu Xiaodu", this smoother human-computer communication is simply unheard of!

Judging from the few conversations just now, this artificial intelligence can not only accurately recognize speech and perform in-depth semantic analysis, but also give the most accurate reply in a short time, with an error rate of zero...

What kind of “language model” is this?

Compared with each other, those current in-car smart assistants have to be compared to scum!

Only then did he suddenly wake up.

Mr. Bao’s real trump card this time is just as the theme of this press conference says...it’s not “autonomous parking” at all!

Of course everyone in the audience noticed this.

"Hey! It looks like this is really not 'artificial' this time, right?"

"Yes, the speed of reply and the professionalism of the content don't look like they were prepared in advance at all."

"No way. If there was such a smart voice assistant, those so-called smart speakers would have been eliminated long ago, right?"

"Isn't it the same as this car, which is also the first launch?"

"Which company's product did Mr. Bao just talk about?"

"Bai Yeji, I just checked with my celestial eye, and it turns out it's still a local company."

Xiaopeng didn't pay attention to the discussion below. He was now eager to know whether the other party was a "dedicated smart assistant" specially made for this conference, or whether it was more versatile...

So, he decided to test the intelligence of this assistant from other angles.

"Your name is Bajie? Why do you have such a weird name? Shouldn't it normally be called 'Xiaodou' or something like that?"

This problem obviously has nothing to do with the car.

[Of course I can’t be called ‘Xiaodou’. This is just like, if someone comes to stay at your house, would you let him take your last name? 】


Everyone reacted for two seconds and burst into laughter.

"This metaphor... is simply perfect!"

"Borrowing? If Bai Yeji's products are rented to Idou's car, can't they be named 'Dou'?"

"Damn it, this voice assistant can't really be a spirit! It can even use metaphors!"

Xiaopeng's classmate was also a little confused by this reply, but he quickly came to his senses.

He doesn't believe that there really is such a capable artificial intelligence in this world!

"Okay, so now let's say you are a salesperson, um... just like the journalist friend who just wanted to buy a car but was short of money.

Now let me think of a promotional slogan. What words would you use to promote the sales of this car?

Note that the advertising slogan must be simple and clear, not too lengthy.”

His question was not only long, but also very tricky.

Letting a robot act as a salesperson is equivalent to taking on a role.

It is also necessary to introduce the conversation scene between it and the reporter just now, and to refine and condense the final answer...

This will test the robot's memory model and logical language performance.

【Buy a car for your wife! Buy a car for your wife!】

Unexpectedly, a burst of shouting suddenly came from the speaker.

Everyone reacted for a long time, and the next moment...

"Hahaha! Buying a car for my wife? This operation is 666!"

"It's so appropriate for the occasion!"

"He actually knows a pun. This guy's Chinese proficiency is definitely better than most ordinary people!"

"What do you mean? Why don't I understand?"

"That means you are one of those ordinary people..."

“It’s incredible! Not only does it answer the question perfectly, but the sales pitch is also deceptive and captures the essence of modern marketing techniques!”

"Let me go...Isn't this really the GM replying in the background?"

Yes, there is a big difference between "buying a car as a gift to your wife" and "buying a car as a gift to your wife".

Or how to say that Chinese is broad and profound...

The reporter just now also said it was incredible.

"I bought it! I bought it! Don't try to steal it from me!"

"I want one too, Mr. Bao, are there any discounts for guests on site?"

“I don’t want the discount anymore, I’ll pay in full in cash!”

"And I!"


Mr. Bao was a little confused as he looked at the continuous calls for placing orders coming from below.

Damn it! If I had known that this voice assistant could have such an effect with just one advertising slogan, why would I be recruiting sales!

If "Bajie" is launched another day, can the company's sales department be disbanded?

Only Xiaopeng and his two companions were silent.


This big competitor suddenly appeared, and we were not mentally prepared at all!

Regardless of whether this "Shengdou Shi" wants to create a hot spot with this incredible voice assistant, or attract attention with its automatic parking, after this press conference, Idol New Energy Vehicles will definitely rely on these two technologies to return to the competitive track.


They suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

There is edamame in front of this, and idol in the back...

In the two-bean struggle for supremacy, what hope does our new force have to survive?

Forget about edamame, it is a foreign bean, backed by the most technologically powerful country.

Unexpectedly, a man who had hidden himself so well would pop up among his own people in China, and stab him and others in the back!

Mr. Bao, boil the beans and burn them in the bean pan. Why rush to fry them?

Originally, they wanted to come to visit a "Time Metabolism Curtain", but now...

What is the "temporal metabolism curtain" here?

This is obviously "The Rise of an Empire"...

This chapter has been completed!
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