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Chapter 440 Moisturized

 The other side of the ocean.

CIA Director Najib Pell pressed the send button on the final investigation report on his computer.

Following the successful message, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and leaned lazily on the back of his chair.

The last time a new official took office, he carefully organized a group of hackers and united with the North Kingdom to steal the tower.

The result was not what we expected. Instead of stealing the chicken, we lost the rice. On the contrary, several of our key scientific research departments were hacked.

As the world's number one "Matrix", it has been shamed across the Pacific.

Fortunately, the old leader had enough face and showed his loyalty to the team. In the end, he only received a scolding from the "Black Palace" and urged to investigate the matter as soon as possible, so his position was relatively safe.

It took more than a month to investigate and collect evidence at home and abroad, and racked our brains to avoid the important and trivial, and finally completed this investigation report.

Of course, letting the North take the blame, emphasizing the treacherous and cunning "betrayal" of the "Slavs", while minimizing our own losses, is naturally the proper intention...

At least it was not mentioned in the report. According to the information passed by the informant, China has recently made a major breakthrough in the "reusable liquid oxygen afterburning cycle engine".

Coincidentally, among the data lost by NASA, there is a relevant design drawing...

We don’t dare to say, we don’t dare to ask, even if we ask, it’s all a coincidence!

Najib does not see anything wrong with concealing and not reporting.

Since the losses have been so heavy, there is no need to bring in a shrewd and capable Director Najib, right?

The worst case scenario is that in the future, some "Snow Light No. 2" will be found to take the blame, saying that there is a spy within oneself, and then the leaked information will be ignored, and won't your ass be cleaned up?

Looking at the cautionary motto "we lie..." on the background wall in front of him, Director Najib sincerely admired his intelligence and wit.

The deputy observed the situation and saw that Director Nagy was in a good mood today, so he spoke carefully.

"Director, there have been some high-level important pieces of information in the past two days. Do you want to take a look?"

"Well... give it to me!" Naji said lazily.

But when he took the document and glanced at it, his expression suddenly darkened.

Nothing else, just because the intelligence categories marked on the documents all have the same word - "China"!

China, China, China!

After flipping through several documents one after another, Najib looked a little unhappy.

So today...is another special event for China?

Can you please stop?

What he didn't want to see the most these days was the intelligence coming from China, so he simply gave it to his deputy to handle. The main thing was to be out of sight, out of mind.

But fortunately, he also knew the importance, and understood that if the deputy brought it over at this time, it must be important information that he had to look at.

With a dark face, he began to look through the documents carefully, but before he finished reading the first piece of information, his expression changed drastically!

"Something unusual happened in Juchang?"

The deputy nodded solemnly.

"That's right, as you know, we are planning to take action against him recently, so we have strengthened the collection of relevant intelligence to ensure that we hit the target with one hit and the opponent cannot stand up!

However, our intelligence network in China accidentally discovered that the other party's recent behavior is really a bit abnormal.

They actually began to frantically hoard various key equipment related to our country, and also organized a large number of manpower to study the reconstruction of the domestic supply chain.

The key is that the other party's high-end chip orders have increased four to five times, buying up almost all the production capacity in the market in the next few months. This is not normal production needs at all.

Even if we are expanding production capacity, we do not need such a huge purchase quantity.

Based on the other party’s various weird behaviors, we have reason to suspect that the other party should be wary of us..."

"This is impossible!" Najib slapped the table with excitement.

"Only a few people, including you and me, know about this plan, and it hasn't even been formally proposed to the Black Palace. How could it be leaked?"

"Um...you forgot that we were hacked a while ago..." the deputy reminded carefully.


The anger in Najib's heart was choked in his throat.

So, can this be blamed on me?

However, there is indeed a briefing on this plan in my database...

But it’s impossible for the other party to determine its own target based on a mere briefing, right?

"Ahem! It seems that our suppression of Xingzhong some time ago gave the other party a sense of crisis." Najib coughed.

The deputy naturally nodded immediately.

"Yes, that must be the case!"

Najib nodded with satisfaction and continued to find steps for himself.

"Hmph! It's useless even if they are alert. At most, they can survive for a while. They are just trapped beasts still fighting."

There was a glint in his eyes.

"But in this case, we can't let the other party arrange it calmly. It seems that the plan needs to be advanced...

Go, prepare a car for me, I want to go to the Black Palace immediately!"

"Yes, Director!"

On the other side, Meng Lang was sighing at the "Brave Heart" in his hand.

The brother in this episode said something right, the future is bright.

But the journey is a bit long...

He never expected that as soon as the new version was updated, the enemy had not done anything yet, and the pig teammates took the lead...

"AI Competition Law"?

Thank you for thinking of it!

You are obviously very careful, but who would have thought that just sitting at home and farming in a low profile could lead to an exciting explosion on the other side of the ocean?

Jealousy is the original sin!

"Alas!" Meng Lang rubbed his brows helplessly.

This is a typical example of focusing on the head rather than the bottom.

But I don’t blame my brother. I can take care of watering and fertilizing one-third of an acre of land at home, but can I also take care of the shit and farts of those "MAGA" people on the other side of the ocean?

After all, I was negligent and underestimated the cruelty of competition between great powers...

The complexity of the situation is far beyond what can be summed up by "jealousy".

Perhaps, it is precisely because he did not completely expose Zero's true strength at the beginning, but cut sausages, trying to make a bunch of financial countries and resource countries surround a super industrial country bit by bit to complete the "fight against the devil".

The top-level design of "United Front".

Without experiencing true despair, there will still be hope...

So the other party chose to fight at all costs!

Don’t they know the serious harm of this law? Of course they do.

It's just that between "the possibility of a world crisis" and "the inevitable loss of dominance", they chose the option that gamblers are more willing to choose.

Meng Lang felt helpless.

Expose zero and make the other party despair, because they will overturn the table and play "world nuclear peace" without doing anything else.

If you don’t expose your zeroes, you want to choose a blunt knife to cut your flesh, and hand over the power smoothly. People think that they still have a chance, and they will trick you into death as if they were given blood, and then they will use you as a backstop...

If you can't pass any level, what else can you do?

Do you have to force me to wet it out?

If this were the case, Lao Meng would probably not listen to his outrageous explanation of "I am in the Cao camp but my heart is in the Han Dynasty", and he would most likely have his legs broken.

But does the handover of power necessarily require a cruel baptism?

Once you become the overlord, do you have to suffer from severe persecutory paranoia?

Meng Lang couldn't help but think of a very famous and terrifying "theory" - the "Thucydides Trap"!

(Thucydides Trap: It originated from the conclusion drawn by the ancient Greek historian Thucydides about the Peloponnesian War. The rise of Athens brought fear to Sparta and made the war inevitable.

Extended to modern times, a rising power will inevitably challenge the status of an established power, and the established power will inevitably take measures to contain and suppress it. Conflicts and even wars between the two are inevitable.)

He does not deny the "correctness" of this theory, but at this moment, he is even more aware of the "harmfulness" of the other party!

Its harm does not lie in the accuracy of its predictions, but in that the moment this theory is proposed is when the "Thucydides Trap" is really activated!

Once such a theory is generally accepted by the world and becomes mainstream consciousness, it will automatically form a trigger button in people's consciousness.

When reality shines into consciousness and the situation develops step by step towards the prediction... people will naturally fall into this carefully arranged "consciousness trap" and make wrong judgments.

That is, established powers must use war to contain the rise of emerging powers.

Emerging powers must use war to overthrow established powers before they can rise.

Murder and heart-wrenching!

No one realizes how dangerous this kind of thinking is!

If all humans have collective consciousness, then this so-called trap is a kind of "mental hypnosis" that can change the entire "subconscious" of mankind!

No matter when Thucydides proposed this theory, it was for historical research or for other reasons.

It is undeniable that the wider this idea spreads, the more harmful it will be to mankind, becoming a naked "civilization trap"!

You know, the only constant in the world is that it is always changing.

In 1450, Portugal launched its great geographical discovery and became the first world overlord.

In 1530, there was a crisis over the succession of the Portuguese throne, and Spain became the second world hegemon.

In 1640, Dutch sea coachmen dominated the world and became the third world overlord.

In 1720, the Dutch East India Company declined, and France emerged as the fourth world hegemon.

In 1815, Napoleon encountered Waterloo, and Britain established an empire on which the sun never sets through the Industrial Revolution, becoming the fifth hegemon in the world.

In 1920, after the First World War, the United States emerged as the world's hegemon and has been the hegemon for 98 years.

According to the script of one overlord every hundred years, the next overlord will definitely appear in the world around 2020.

Originally this was an inevitable trend in history, but precisely because of the large-scale spread of the idea of ​​"Thucydides' Trap", the transfer of totalitarian power in the world will become extremely unstable and full of variables.

The leader inadvertently turned around and saw the pursuer. "What are you looking at?"

The pursuer was running happily but was confused when he was asked, "What are you looking at?"

So in the end it turned into a war without any reason...

Once the war breaks out, it will undoubtedly prove the correctness of the "Thucydides Trap", and it will be further regarded as a guideline by future rulers.

A world war once every hundred years will become a daily occurrence in this world...

After countless cycles, the "trap" finally evolved into the truth.

The accident of history has finally become the necessity of the future!

And human beings will gradually lose the harmonious virtues of Yao and Shun's "concession" and "people-oriented, appointing people on their merits", and the embodiment of human nature will become more selfish and narrow-minded.

Such a so-called "trap" that deliberately creates opposition and contradiction is exactly a kind of "spiritual PUA" for human beings.

The irony is that this trap was created by humans themselves, and then it was written into the textbooks as civilization...

"The biggest enemy of mankind...is indeed mankind itself..."

Meng Lang sighed again.

After getting along with people for a long time, you find that you still like to deal with night demons. What kind of fucking feeling does it feel like?

It seems that mental illness is not only present in ourselves, but also in human civilization!

He was worried that he would split, but human civilization was already in the advanced stage of schizophrenia, and he was fighting with himself...

I really want to stay away from these snakes...

What was very tactful was that the brothers in another world actually had the same idea as him.

Meng Lang turned over the pages of the book and looked at the "future" that would happen next...

[Looking at the devastated earth, there is a local conflict every three days, a nuclear proliferation crisis every five days, and the whole world is in chaos.

After many attempts, I am a little desperate for these earthlings...

Even if you are extremely ill, why don't you go to the battlefield and die needlessly?

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood.

So, I decided to take my family and immigrate to Mars...]


He twitched the corner of his mouth.

Good guy, I am not only moisturized, but also moisturized by a long way...

This chapter has been completed!
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