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Chapter 44 How much is a month's salary

 At nine-thirty in the morning, the stock market opened on time.

Prior to this, major domestic news media began to warm up early.

Various headlines such as "Breaking news for the weekend", "The Ministry of Trade released a signal of relaxation, the international situation is slowing down" and "The central bank's new round of reserve requirement ratio cuts" flooded the screen.

It seems that if the stock market does not rise, it will deviate from the fundamentals, technical aspects, and policy aspects. In short, the situation is very good.

As a result, as soon as the market opened, while the traders were still dumbfounded, the stock market was already the first to wail.

"It's green! It's green again!"

"Sit tight in the front row. Maybe it will drive low and go high. I like riding roller coasters the most."

"Yes, hold on tight, we can still make a comeback! Anyway, as long as we don't sell, we won't lose anything!"

"The bull market rises slowly and falls sharply, the bear market rises sharply and falls slowly, so this wave must be a bull market, the identification is complete!"

"When others are fearful, I am greedy. When others are greedy, I am fearful. Brothers, I feel that my greed is expanding rapidly!"

"That's it? The market has just dropped a point, so why don't you go to the China Energy Stock Bar and take a look? Visually, there are already corpses everywhere."

"China Energy? I'll go! Four lower limits? How can one word be so miserable?"

"There is no healing without comparison. I feel much better..."

China Energy stocks.

"I bought it for 10 yuan, and now it has dropped to 6.3. Please give me 10 for 10..."

"Do you think two Pan Changjiangs added together equal one Yao Ming..."

"Soul question! The stock price has plummeted continuously. Is there a problem with the company's operation? If there is no problem, wouldn't the management feel ashamed in the face of the company's stock price?"

"Ashamed? If shame can help the stock price, I will apply for the management to collectively die of shame!"

"Congratulations on your company's stock breaking through the fourth level of the Nine Yin Manual. You will achieve great success soon!"

"The stock price has fluctuated significantly, and there is obviously human manipulation! A thorough investigation is required!"

"Today is the limit drop again. In recent times, China Energy's stock market has dropped to the limit quickly as soon as it opened. This is definitely not a normal stock market transaction, but an abnormal, malicious suppression and short-selling behavior.

It is recommended that the board of directors conduct a thorough investigation into who is maliciously shorting the company’s stock!”

"Tch! Where were you when the price limit was rising? Why didn't you ask the company to find out who was maliciously long the company's stock?"

"Damn it! Grab the undercover guy upstairs and tell the truth! Brothers, beat the guy to death with sticks!"

"Sigh~ It used to be hard to be a ghost when it fell to the limit. You can't be a good person unless you get rid of the trap. It's hard to sell when you're speculating at the bottom. You can't rebound and cut your flesh and blood."

"Brother is a great talent, let me sing a song too!

When you die, you will know that everything will be in vain, but you will not see the stock price rising. When the stock price is unwound, the family will not forget to tell you!"

"Everyone is very interested in elegance, but I have little talent and little knowledge, so let me write a modern poem.

I threw it away secretly, just as I bought it secretly.

I distributed them secretly as chips in others' hands.

The retail investors in front of the computer are the lambs in the stock market.

The erotic image in the K-line ripples in my heart.

The orders on the disk are fake and flaunting on the screen.

In the average price of Roubo, I am willing to be a leek!

At that time, the transaction was either reversed or the dealer changed.

Soft and broken in the heavy volume, a dream like a rainbow precipitates.

Looking for a dream? Support a Changyang,

Move back to higher prices.

Load a boat full of stocks and ship them in the stock bar editorial.

But I can't sing, the silence is the shengxiao of farewell.

The secretary-general also remained silent for me.

Silence is this year's annual report.

Quietly I ran away,

Just as I came quietly.

I waved my sleeves,

Without taking away a single stock…”



"You can actually describe cutting off flesh and running away in such a fresh and refined way...Come here, fellow poets, I would like to call you the strongest!"

"Bang!" The bald manager's cell phone fell from his hand and his eyes were blank.

"Why is this happening...how can this happen...it shouldn't be..."

Niu Ben picked up the latest model of Ai Feng X mobile phone on the ground and took a look at it. One corner of the screen was shattered, and a finger-long spiderweb crack appeared...


The corner of his mouth twitched, and he silently turned the phone over and placed it gently on the manager's desk.

"Manager, should we... continue to wait?"

Wait? Wait a damn!

The bald manager shook his head without tears.

"We just got a call from the headquarters. If the limit continues to fall today, let us buy back the contract even at a partial premium!"

"Ah? Then... didn't the company suffer more losses?"

"What else can be done now? The investment research department at the headquarters has already done an evaluation.

The exercise time of this option contract is one month, and there are about twenty days left before the last date, and there are still a dozen trading days after deducting holidays.

If he is really determined and doesn't let go, who knows how bad this stock will fall in twenty days? The losses will only be greater by then!"

The bald manager said with gritted teeth.

He also didn't expect that he had really been waiting for the Lifetime series...

Now every day, I am losing one or two million. Although I am losing money from the company, my year-end bonus is all filled in, which makes my heart hurt...

Niu Ben asked cautiously.

"If today's limit is included, the book profit of the contract in his hand is now almost 11 million, then at what price should we take the contract back?"

For an options contract, the profit figure is not necessarily just the book profit, but also considers the remaining "exercise days".

The contract period between Meng Lang and Galaxy Securities is one month, which means there are still more than twenty days left.

The longer the remaining "exercise days", the higher the value of the contract.

After all, price fluctuations within the remaining time are also the "possible earnings" of the holders.

As for the specific premium, it depends on both parties’ predictions and assessments of future stock prices.

"Didn't he say that his expected income is 13 million? Just talk to him based on this bottom line!"

"This..." Niu Ben was breathing heavily.

13 million?!

Yaoshou, there are so many suites!

How many lifetimes can you earn so much money by yourself?

He had to admit that his jealous eyes were a little red.

He did not expect that Meng Lang, an ordinary and down-and-out young man, would become a multi-millionaire in just a few days, completing a "class jump" that most people would not be able to complete in a lifetime.

I just had a meal at a roadside breakfast shop, cast a net casually, and caught such a big fish.

What kind of red carp is this? It is simply the king of carp among koi!

It's ridiculous that I still expect green carps and donkeys.

Now it seems that the donkey is actually me...

"Manager, isn't it a bit too much? You're asking for a premium of two million with your words... I'm too stressed and don't dare to talk about it!" Niu Ben said with some sweat on his forehead.

He is not engaged in foreign trade. With a salary of several thousand yuan, he can easily get tens of millions of dollars in goods...

The key is not having this experience!

"Who wants you to talk to me? Invite the person over and I will talk to him personally!"

When Meng Lang came to Galaxy Securities for the third time, it was already 11:30.

At this time, the morning trading had just ended, and China Energy was still pinned to the ground, with thousands of selling orders hanging in the air waiting eagerly to land.

"Mr. Meng, this is the first time we meet. I am Tony's manager and the person in charge here. My surname is Liu."

I almost hated Meng Lang in my heart, but the bald manager had a chrysanthemum smile on his face.

Meng Lang shook hands with him, and couldn't help but glance at his clear reflection of the Mediterranean Sea, and secretly praised it in his heart.

He is indeed a professional! He looks very strong at first sight!

As for Teacher Tony, he could only stand aside with a dry smile, completely serving as a backdrop.

"Hello, Manager Liu, why are you here today?" he asked knowingly.

"Ahem! It's about your options contract."

"That contract? Is there anything wrong with the contract?"

"It's like this. In view of the current stock price fluctuations... which are quite violent, our company headquarters gave a suggestion.

In order to reduce the company's risk exposure and to enable Mr. Meng to lock in profits in advance, we are willing to purchase the option contract from Mr. Meng at a premium."

"Premium? How much?" Meng Lang asked with interest.

"This...12 million!" the bald manager gritted his teeth.


Seeing Meng Lang frowning, he quickly spoke again.

"Well... I know Mr. Meng's psychological expectation is 13 million, but considering the risk of market fluctuations, there is also..."

"Wait!" Meng Lang interrupted the bald manager's "argument."

He raised his eyebrows. "Who said my psychological expectation was 13 million?"


The bald manager and Niu Ben were stunned and couldn't help but look at each other.

"This...Mr. Meng, didn't you tell me before..."

"Before? How many days ago?" Meng Lang looked at Niu Ben.

"Uh... it should have been 5 days ago..." Teacher Tony seemed to feel something was wrong.

"Yes! Can the expectations 5 days ago be the same as today? It's like I asked you to buy it at a premium of 12 million 5 days ago. Do you buy it?"

What he said makes sense and I really can't refute it.

Niu Ben looked at the manager with innocent eyes.

The bald manager resisted the urge to kill and said with a dry smile, "Then... what Mr. Meng's expectation now is..."

"One price! 14 million!"

Niu Ben trembled upon hearing this.

Good guy! You can add another 1 million with just a few words!

Is the money so easy to earn?

He was really curious.

This tone...how much is your monthly salary?

This chapter has been completed!
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