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Chapter 445: Textbook-level business operations

 "Overtaking in a corner! The most powerful language AI on the earth is born - Bajie!"

"To be honest, I would call it the most powerful artificial intelligence!"

“I’m looking to buy an Aidou new energy vehicle with a lot of money, the price is negotiable!”

"The magical Bajie! Can you believe that I negotiated nine foreign trade orders with a zero-level English proficiency?"

The period after the new car launch.

As thousands of Idol's new electric vehicles gradually flowed into the market, its market-exclusive in-vehicle smart "Bajie" quickly became popular.

The topic is even more popular than the new electric car released by Idol itself.

Although automatic parking at the mini car level is new, it is not the first time the technology has appeared.

In terms of topicality, it is far less sensational than when Tesla achieved L3 level assisted driving.

However, the AI ​​assistant "Bajie" is different. It is completely a "concept level" product technology breakthrough!

In terms of sensation, it is no less sensational than the Yin-Yang contract of some time ago.

First, a large number of "human-computer interaction" short videos appeared on various new media platforms.

Whether it is encyclopedia inquiry, question answering, emotional communication, or opinion consultation, the surprises "Bajie" brings to everyone are unparalleled.

It's like a genius suddenly appears among a group of "mentally retarded" people.

For the first time, people discovered that the artificial intelligence that could communicate smoothly with humans in science fiction was no longer in the distant future, but was actually appearing around them.

A layman watches the excitement, an expert watches the door.

The entire technology circle is completely confused, and their minds are full of question marks...

Is this something that should come out now?

We are still working hard to promote the technology tree step by step, but when we look up, the fruits on the tree are all ripe?

If it is a technological breakthrough from a major foreign manufacturer, then forget it. After all, they are indeed at the forefront in AI technology development.

But now you tell me that a little-known company suddenly launched such an incredible technology integration product...

This is not scientific at all!

They don't understand why a small start-up company can develop such a large language model.

The result of being confused is to doubt the authenticity of the technology.

For example, on Jirun, a certain Zhouzi who is known as a well-known crackdown on counterfeiters posted, “If China’s AI technology is really so powerful, why is it still using a foreign operating system?”

Experts and scholars from all walks of life have also jumped out and want to crack down on counterfeiting (to gain traffic).

From a certain perspective, there is nothing wrong with these experts' doubts.

Only professionals can understand how amazing the technical content of "Bajie", which seems to be just a car-mounted smart phone, is.

More accurate speech recognition capabilities than Nuance and Xunfei, and more advanced AI algorithms than major manufacturers such as Guge, Microsoft...

These two points alone are enough to completely eliminate all leading companies on the market!

Without exception!

For any of the two to achieve the level of product power of "Bajie", it must break through on the basis of the world's top, let alone both at the same time!

If a technology company with such a strong technical level really does not have to wait for the release of similar products, it will definitely become famous already. It is impossible for it to remain unknown until the product is released.

However, what is false cannot be true, and what is true cannot be false.

Anti-counterfeiters from all walks of life were directly defeated by "Bajie" during the unboxing and evaluation process.

As the doubts were gradually replaced by the facts that were constantly revealed, the first batch of idol car owners who were "Lu Zhuan Fans" used their personal experiences to make the magic of "Bajie" known.

Later, even mainstream media platforms began to report frequently, and the number of topics on the scarf trending search skyrocketed, quickly breaking into the top three.

The drainage effect made a certain Bing breathe a sigh of relief.

As developers, Hu Yifei and Bai Yeji's attention naturally skyrocketed instantly!

Countless venture capital capitals took notice and began to flock to Sioux City...

There are also countless people in the industry who have begun to study all night long about who the White Night is.

A certain high-end discussion circle...

"Oh! The core R&D team of 'Bajie' turns out to be the developers of 'Star Array V5'!"

"No wonder even the world's number one Go AI 'Alpha Dog' lost. It seems that they have already accumulated a lot of experience in the field of artificial intelligence?"

"This Mr. Hu's style really lives up to his name. If he doesn't fly, he will soar into the sky!"

"Who says it's not the case? The previous Go AIs were probably just released to test their skills. This 'Bajie' is their trump card!"

"I heard that Star Formation was bought out by Penguin for 1.8 billion a while ago, but it seems that they didn't keep their core team together..."

"Uh... I felt sorry for the penguin for three seconds. I spent 1.8 billion, but ended up picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon!"

"No wonder they sell it so readily. It turns out there is something better in hand! Mr. Hu is such a thief that he actually kept some."

"I heard that their internal R&D team is very mysterious. The person in charge never shows up. I only know that it seems to be called 'The Demon Hunter'?"

"Is it necessary for a research and development department to be so secretive?"

"Normally, if there really was such a talented technical research and development team, everyone would have to hide it, otherwise it would have been dug up by those big factories and there would be no trace left!"

"Yeah! It makes sense. Zhang Dalong from Fetion remembers it.

The current industry ecology is almost dominated by BAT. Even if ordinary people have technology and products in their hands, they cannot avoid being peeled off by several big companies if they want to get ahead."

"In this way, Mr. Hu is still a master who knows how to keep a low profile and bide his time. He actually thought of starting with new energy vehicles to break the situation. This opened up the situation..."

"It's Mr. Bao who sells cheap idols. He's just winning! He was almost bankrupt, but this time he hit a huge deal..."

"Ha! I don't know, Bai Yeji bought idols at a very low price a long time ago. None of the capitalists are fuel-efficient!"

"Tsk tsk! What a bargain hunter. Now idols are back to life and their valuations have soared. They will make at least over a billion in this wave."

"It's not as simple as picking up the lows. I have a friend who works inside Idol. I heard that Mr. Hu had already invested in Idol several months ago.

Although the amount of funds is not large, judging from the time, it was even entered before the new national new energy subsidy regulations came out and Idou was in trouble.

It was originally a business that lost money to my grandma's family, but who knew it would take a turn..."

"Hiss~ So, they have already made plans and have been eyeing idols for a long time? Are they planning to take advantage of the opportunity to kill the elephant?"

"But how did the other party know that the idol would be in trouble?"

"Haha, don't you know, this Hu family is not an ordinary family..."

"Oh~ No wonder I knew the new subsidy regulations in advance and made arrangements early. It turns out..."

"No, no! If you study Mr. Hu's fortune in depth, you will know how strategic he is."

"how you said that?"

"You see, he first used the Star Array to become famous, and then used the money from selling the Star Array to build a computing center. Then he took advantage of the opportunity to buy idols that were on the verge of bankruptcy, and then used the computing center to develop the 'Bajie

'I went back and resurrected idols and made a huge comeback. Finally, I relied on idols' sales network to bypass BAT's ecological chain and directly open the application market...

Tsk tsk! This link is intertwined, and with each link, capital increases several times, directly maximizing the benefits brought by technology!

It has accomplished the incredible feat of having the entrepreneur’s technology and shares in hand!

The process in between is comparable to walking a tightrope, it can be described as thrilling!

Even if there is a slight mistake in any link, the funds will definitely not be able to support it, and there will be no new independent car-making force that emerged today.

This is completely a textbook-level business operation!

The other party’s understanding of capital, technology and market is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

I seemed to see a peerless chess player, taking every step carefully, treating this shopping mall as his own chessboard, turning his hands into clouds and rain..."

"Hiss~ This Mr. Hu is so terrifying?"

"You are awesome! Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading!"

"Haha! No, no, we don't dare to call ourselves seniors at our level, so we can only do a review and treat it like a hindsight. Mr. Hu is still awesome!"

"That's right, Mr. Hu is awesome! In just a few months, he has transformed from a fledgling entrepreneur to the CEO of Baiyeji Company with a valuation of tens of billions.

How can this be explained by mere luck?"

Evergreen Creatures, reception room.

Tang Yijing looked out the window with a constipated expression on the two figures walking past Gao Yuan's office under the enthusiastic guidance of his secretary.

He had been paying attention to the news recently, and he naturally recognized that one of them was Hu Yifei, the CEO of Baiyeji who had become famous recently.

Who would have thought that a small company that Evergreen Biotech casually invested in could cause such a big stir.

[Dad, I am your daughter, so I will tell you the truth quietly. This Baiyeji company is not ordinary. With your 10 billion, not to mention buying Evergreen Biotech, even buying Baiyeji, I think it is quite embarrassing!]

Recalling what Tang Xiaoqi once said to herself, she couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth again.

After all, I should be regretting that I didn't take down Bai Yeji's holding company earlier and lost huge profits.

Or should we be happy that our daughter’s investment vision is precise and ruthless, and she is better than her predecessor?

"Alas!" He sighed.

After all, it is still a step too late. Now it seems that the acquisition of Evergreen Biotech is not something to be considered for the time being.

No one would be stupid enough to sell shares of a company with such huge potential. Even if it were sold, the price would definitely not be affordable for one or two billion.

We can only do the next best thing and see how we can buy those 8 boats first. No matter what, it can be regarded as a consolation prize...

Gao Yuan's office.

"Mr. Hu, Director Gao went to inspect the pharmaceutical factory, but he should be back soon. Please sit down for a moment." The female secretary served the tea ceremony.

"It's okay, don't be in a hurry, just go and do your work first."

After the female secretary left, Mr. Bao next to him asked, "Mr. Hu, you said you would bring me here to meet the major shareholder. Is this the Director Gao you call me?"

"Yes! That's right, this Director Gao is a figure who will not be outdone by men. Don't be rude for a moment."

"I understand." Mr. Bao nodded quickly.

I thought about it for a while, but couldn't help it, so I leaned over and asked cautiously.

"Um... Mr. Hu, there is a question that has been pressing in my heart recently. I really can't express it and I don't know whether I should talk about it or not?"

"Anyway, we are all comrades in the same boat now. If you have any questions, just ask me and I will tell you everything!" Hu Yifei said with a smile.

"Then... Mr. Hu, have you heard some rumors on the Internet..."

"Rumors? What rumors?"

Mr. Bao seemed hesitant to speak, gritted his teeth, and finally spoke.

"Some people say that Mr. Hu, you guys knew that my idol was going to be sold out, so you bought shares in advance in order to find opportunities to buy us at a low price..."

Is this...is it true?"

Hu Yifei: "..."

Mr. Bao’s eyes were complicated.

After all, a few months ago, when I invested in KTV Lila, I thought I was the hunter looking for prey.

But now someone told him that the most terrifying hunter had long appeared as prey...

"Ahem! Mr. Hu, please don't misunderstand me. I have no other intention, I just want to understand.

If it is true as the rumors say, and I can be defeated by a business wizard like Mr. Hu, then I will be convinced that I will lose!"

"Hey! I don't dare to be a business wizard. I can tell Mr. Bao clearly that at the beginning, I never thought that I would one day acquire idols!"

After hearing this, Mr. Bao breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, no one wants to be plotted against. Even the company is considered to have been missed. Even if it is a collaborator, it will always feel a little disgusting.

"But..." However, Hu Yifei paused, but there was a twist.

"Although I don't have the ability, there is someone who might have anticipated the development of today's situation from the day we were at the KTV..."

He couldn't help but think of what that person said about Mr. Bao that day...

Naked swimming?

Hmm...haha! It's really quite appropriate...

"Ah? Who is it?" Mr. Bao was stunned.

Are there really such evil people?

Although he is now a collaborator, and theoretically speaking, the other party is not trying to trick him. At most, he is doing nothing to save him and taking advantage of the situation...

All in all, my idol company was able to tide over the difficulties this time, thanks to the help of others.

But this kind of partner who has more eyes than a sieve... Thinking about it really makes people feel chills down the back...

But if it’s not Mr. Hu, who can direct him behind the scenes?

As the saying goes, equity equals the right to speak...

"Kacha!" At this moment, the door of the office was opened, and Gao Yuan, who was wearing a professional OL outfit and looked a little dusty, walked in...


Mr. Bao stood up suddenly and stretched out his hands respectfully.

"Dr. Gao, I have admired you for a long time! I am Bao Wenguang from idol idol, you can just call me Xiao Bao!"

Hu Yifei: "..."

Obviously, the other party seems to have misunderstood something...

Gao Yuan also looked at the respectful Mr. Bao with some astonishment.

Xiao Bao?

I originally wanted to take the opportunity to give the newcomer a try, but it looks like... he has already been trained?

This chapter has been completed!
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