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Chapter 448: The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish.

 On the other side, I waited in the reception room for a full two hours.

Tang Yijing's legs were a little numb when he was sitting, and Hu Yifei walked out of Gao Yuan's office.

After a quick glance, Tang Yijing raised his eyebrows slightly as he saw the joyful expressions on their faces, secretly guessing what secrets the few people were talking about in the room.

It's a pity that the opponent's rise is so fast that even a pervasive capital giant like Gao Sheng has not had time to install internal intelligence channels...

"Mr. Tang, Director Gao please come in."

"Oh! Okay, thank you!"

"Mr. Tang, I'm sorry for the long wait."

"No, no, I took the liberty of visiting you and disturbing your work, Director Gao. I should be the one to say sorry."

Gao Yuan smiled slightly.

After waiting outside for a full two hours, this attitude was much lower than the first time we met.

Obviously, this is a change in status brought about by strength.

"Mr. Tang is here today, is he still here to discuss acquisitions?"

"Uh...haha!" Tang Yijing smiled awkwardly.

"Dr. Gao has a sharp eye, and his investment vision is really admirable. Bai Yeji became famous in one battle, and now his growth potential is immeasurable.

In the past, we were blind to gold and jade, so the asking price of 10 billion was really a bit abrupt.

But...I am here today to discuss acquisitions."

"Oh?" Gao Yuan raised her eyebrows.

"It is true, Director Gao, that your investment this time is a stroke of genius. The combination of Baiyeji and Idou New Energy has given investors a lot of room for imagination.

That smart assistant product is indeed amazing. Our previous judgment was correct. You are really an outstanding entrepreneur with great vision and good at creating miracles.

Presumably your company must have made a huge investment in technology...

I think...this should be the real reason why you have to continue to push up financing leverage, right?"

Uh...huge financial investment?

Did you misunderstand something?

Gao Yuan's expression was slightly strange, probably because she knew what the other party wanted to say...

Sure enough, Tang Yijing smiled slightly and continued with determination.

“Even with senior talents like Professor Zheng joining us, whether it’s cutting-edge biotechnology or cutting-edge AI technology.

The early stage is a stage where a lot of money is burned, and the later stage requires continuous and continuous capital investment.

Although the new car is selling well this time, as far as I know, the capital flow brought by this mini car can at most solve the capital shortage problem of Aidou New Energy, and it will not be able to provide much money back to the parent company in a short period of time.


So... I guess your biggest problem now, Director Gao, is still how to raise funds, right?"

First there were two important biotechnology breakthroughs, and then "Bajie" became a blockbuster.

This cannot be explained by luck.

The only explanation is that huge amounts of research and development funds have been invested...

In fact, Tang Yijing's idea is not surprising. It is in line with normal logic. Even the current cash flow of idols is estimated by him to be close to 10%.

There was just one point where he got distracted.

That’s the technology acquisition cost…

"Well... in a sense, what you said is right. I am indeed short of money at the moment." Gao Yuan smiled and nodded.

"You know, if you want to build a large computing center, expand the scale of AI application customers, and follow-up technology research and development, this means huge investment.

But...since Mr. Tang mentioned it, could it be that your company has something to do with the last time I asked for a loan?"

Tang Yijing's mouth twitched.

Why did you bring up borrowing money again?

Can't we just have a nice chat about acquisitions?

"Ahem! Director Gao, as I said last time, if the problem of the shipyard is not solved, I am afraid that the company's senior management will still have concerns about borrowing money."

Tang Yijing reminded him as if unintentionally.

"Oh, what does the acquisition Mr. Tang just mentioned mean..." Gao Yuan also cooperated and continued the topic.

"The company agreed to the 3.6 billion quotation mentioned by Director Gao before!"

"Huh?" Gao Yuan raised her eyebrows.

3.6 billion, this was the price Tang Yijing offered for the eight large oil tankers last time she visited...

"Of course, there are conditions attached to our acquisition of these eight oil tankers at a level that exceeds the market price!"

Tang Yijing was well versed in negotiation, so it was naturally impossible for him to act like he was rushing to buy a boat.

"Oh? What are the conditions?"

"We hope to purchase 10% of Baiyeji's shares at a valuation of 15 billion."


Seeing Gao Yuan thinking deeply, Tang Yijing began to draw the pie path.

"Director Gao, I believe this price and conditions are enough to demonstrate our sincerity in cooperation.

We very much hope to invest in high-quality companies with huge future development potential like Baiyeji.

With your ability, Baiyeji's technology, and Gaosheng's international resources, it is not impossible for us to join forces to develop Baiyeji into the next Cambrian, and even ring the bell in Gotham to go public!

And in this way, you can also greatly relieve financial pressure and carry out the next round of research and development and expansion.

I believe this is definitely a perfect win-win!”

Tang Yijing gave up the direct acquisition of Evergreen Biotech this time, and instead only asked to control 10% of Baiyeji's shares.

This is an investment strategy adjustment made by Gao Sheng's senior management after seeing Gao Yuan's attitude and Bai Yeji's value.

Evergreen Biotech is Gao Yuan’s fundamentals, while Baiyeji is just the holding company of Evergreen Biotech.

Judging from the last performance, Gao Yuan obviously had concerns about selling Evergreen Biotech's shares and showed an extremely determined attitude.

But he may not necessarily be so guarded against Bai Yeji.

From a practical point of view, compared to two biotechnologies with limited influence, an IT company that has successively created star-level AI products obviously has more investment value.

When the time comes, use the resources you have to create a little hype and let Bai Yeji squeeze into the "100 billion club". Once the shares in his hand are sold, it will be a hugely profitable deal.

By the way, it can also complete the acquisition of eight oil tankers... It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone!

As long as the other party nods, they can immediately obtain a huge amount of funds totaling up to 5.1 billion, which can solve their urgent needs.

In Tang Yijing's view, it was almost impossible for Gao Yuan to refuse such a generous offer.


Gao Yuan slowly shook her head.

Tang Yijing's face froze.

"Director Gao, aren't you satisfied with the price?

Although Baiyeji has technology, it has not yet been tested on a large scale by the market, so the price we offered is already quite sincere."

Gao Yuan shook her head, "I'm afraid Mr. Tang may have misunderstood. I quite agree with Bai Yeji's current valuation. I'm talking about the price of 3.6 billion."

"Uh...what do you mean?" Tang Yijing was stunned.

"I said 3.6 billion before, but that doesn't mean it's still 3.6 billion today. Just follow the market. Mr. Tang should understand, right?" Gao Yuan said with a smile.

Tang Yijing: "..."

He looked a little stiff and said, "I don't quite understand what you mean, Director Gao."

"Not long ago, the other side of the ocean suddenly announced its withdrawal from the Yin nuclear agreement and re-implemented sanctions. What does Mr. Tang think of the impact of this unexpected incident?"

Gao Yuan suddenly asked a question that seemed to be irrelevant.

However, these words were like thunder on the ground, causing Tang Yijing to feel a storm in his heart!

"This... forgive me for my shallow knowledge..."

He barely kept his expression under control, but there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

The vague speculation when they met last time became reality at this moment, and the other party... seemed to have really noticed it!

"Haha! In my opinion, this will directly lead to tight global supply and rise in oil prices, and indirectly lead to an increase in tanker leasing prices.

In the first half of this year, the average VLCC rental rate on the benchmark route from the Middle East to China was only US$11,000 per day, and market demand was sluggish.

However, loading volumes in the Middle East have increased significantly since last week, and Asian refiners' demand for crude oil from the Middle East and the Atlantic Basin has also increased significantly.

Driven by the market situation, the average daily rent of benchmark routes has ended its downward trend and has quietly increased. Yesterday it exceeded US$12,000/day.

In just one week, rental prices have increased by more than $1,000...

I believe that with Mr. Tang’s professional level, he should understand what this means, right?”

Tang Yijing's face became even stiffer, and he did not even dare to look directly at Gao Yuan's burning gaze.

There are numerous shipowners and shipping companies in the world who purchase ships and then lease them to obtain long-term investment returns.

Therefore, the standard route daily rental rate is one of the important indicators of ship prices.

Because this is related to the return period of investment for ship owners and whether it is worth investing.

By the way, Norwegian shipping king John Frederiksen is one of the best such ship owners...

"This... the international transportation market is unpredictable. Slight price changes may be normal technical adjustments..." Tang Yijing said bravely.

Seeing that the other party was still stubborn, Gao Yuan smiled.

"Really? I think this is a strong signal that the market is recovering.

By the way, did Mr. Tang watch the news today? What do you think about the sudden detention of the Ju Factory executive in Maple Leaf Country?"


Tang Yijing didn't know what Gao Yuan meant by suddenly mentioning this topic at this time, so he spoke carefully.

"Of course, the news is making a big fuss today, so naturally I have heard about it.

However, the media has always made a fuss out of molehills, and I'm afraid it will take some time to know the specific situation.

Maybe it's just a general border crossing investigation, after all, this kind of thing happens often abroad."

"Haha! I think this is a landmark event in the escalation of the conflict between the two countries.

So Mr. Tang thinks, if the two countries fall into a more intense dispute, will it be a good thing or a bad thing for the international shipping market in the future?"

"It should... be a negative..."

"Well! It's bad in the long term, but it's good in the short term! You know, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish..."

Tang Yijing: "..."

"So, Director Gao is optimistic about the future market situation and is ready to sell at a reasonable price?" He forced a smile.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Gao Yuan nodded unabashedly and looked at him with a smile.

how so……

Tang Yijing found in despair that it seemed impossible for him to complete the guarantee task today...

The recent international oil tanker market is indeed undergoing subtle changes that are difficult for ordinary people to detect.

This is also the reason why customers frequently urge and hope to complete the acquisition as soon as possible...

Because after a while, when the daily rent of oil tankers continues to rise, all fools will know that the eight oil tankers in their hands are precious!

Although the price of 3.6 billion is much higher than the price of new ships on the current market, these 8 ships are all rare existing ships.

We must know that the shipbuilding cycle can take one or two years. If we really have to wait for the new ship to be launched, who can guarantee that the market will still be the same as it is today?

But he never imagined why a high-tech company owner who had never been involved in any international shipping field would have such keen observation of subtle changes in the tanker market.

The advantage brought by the information gap no longer exists, and the window for low-price acquisitions will naturally close...

"Then... I don't know what your current psychological price is, Director Gao..."

Tang Yijing asked this sentence with almost blood dripping from his heart.

As soon as he said these words, it almost meant that he was surrendering and giving up his pricing power.

It also means...his bonus is wasted...

But he also understood that after what Gao Yuan had said, it was almost impossible to continue buying at the price of 3.6 billion.

There is no way to find out, so we can only conduct price negotiations according to business procedures.

Now I just hope that...the other party will not open his mouth like a lion...

"The price of 3.6 billion remains unchanged, but I will only sell you 6 ships!" Gao Yuan offered the price.


Tang Yijing almost spat out a mouthful of blood when he heard this.

It was originally 3.6 billion 8 ships, which is equivalent to 450 million ships. Now you are selling 600 million ships. It has only been a few days! Is the price increase too harsh?

"Director Gao, are you kidding?"

"Of course not. In addition to 5 ordinary large oil tankers, there is also one that has undergone automated transformation. It is absolutely worth every penny!

Of course, if you can’t make the decision, you can ask the buyer behind you, haha!”

Tang Yijing's expression froze.

Does the other party know something? Impossible! He must be deceiving me!

"Besides, I have a condition."

Tang Yijing was dumbfounded.

You've already sold a boat for 600 million yuan, and there are still conditions attached?

Gao Yuan looked at him with a smile.

"Actually, it's not an embarrassing thing... You see, if the problems of these eight ships are solved, the 'concerns' of your company's senior management will disappear.

In this case, can we talk about borrowing money next?

Just based on the valuation of 15 billion just now, what do you think about mortgaging 100% of Baiyeji's shares and borrowing 15 billion?

If that doesn't work, our shares in Evergreen Biotech can also be mortgaged. As long as the price is right, these are all negotiable!

Gaosheng has the funds, we have the technology, and if we join forces, it will definitely be a perfect win-win situation!"

Tang Yijing: "..."

Good guys, selling ships for 3.6 billion is not enough, you have to borrow another 15 billion?

In addition to the loans from the other bank and Pitupi...

What happens if you become addicted to borrowing money again and again?

The commentators online are indeed right.

The person in front of me is definitely a master who likes to be All in at all times...

This chapter has been completed!
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