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Chapter 451 Selling Speakers

 It took me a whole day to make a "mining plan" that would make even capitalists cry.

Meng Lang directly sent a copy to his nominal subordinate, Bai Yeji's technical department, in the name of "Demon Hunter" for specific implementation.

At the same time, let Zero start to use idle computing power to optimize related algorithms and improve the "mining level".

After doing all this, he opened his notebook again and clicked on the top-secret file database called "The Gate to the New World".

His eyes passed over each piece of black technology that could change the fate of mankind, and finally stopped on a folder...

"Wisdom Tree 7"!

This is what the brothers of "Walking Alone on the Moon" lamented about the weakness of human civilization in the face of the overwhelming and unstoppable trend of destruction, and finally chose to leave it to those who came after them, thinking that it could help them change the world...

ERP is the first level, at most it is SRP (Social Resource Management System), and at most it can improve resource utilization efficiency and social productivity.

But as we all know, technology is the primary productive force!

Technology is the decisive factor in raising the "upper limit" of mankind.

If the "Wisdom Tree" project can be promoted, it will be tantamount to fundamentally changing the underlying logic of human science and technology development, equivalent to a TRP (Technology Resource Management System).

Why does Meng Lang vigorously promote various Internet projects under the 0 framework?

Make money? Superficial!

Wasn't his original intention from the beginning to race against time, implement the sharing principle of love and truth, let human technological creativity take flight, and then fly over and slap the Night Demon clan in the ears?

Whether it's the Star Formation or Tianshu, to put it bluntly, it's all just to pave the way for this project.

After all, the technology is too advanced, and it is inconvenient to display a poor Bai Yeji.

He is responsible for imagining, and naturally the brothers are responsible for realizing it, and there are often Easter eggs...

After recently conducting in-depth research and analysis on this technology, he discovered that the seemingly inconspicuous "smart coins" attached to the core of this project are a bit like Easter eggs...

Not to mention anything else, there are thousands of cryptocurrency rules alone, and the complexity is even more complicated than the knowledge sharing rules of the project itself.

Could this be the treatment that an ordinary “site currency” should have?

If you really think so, it's a typical case of "buying a casket and giving it back a pearl".

I'm afraid what this brother really wants is not only to unify the "big market of knowledge", but also to secretly work towards unifying the currency...

In the human social system, the status and importance of finance need no elaboration.

Behind the flow and development of markets and technologies, "money" is the big hand of market regulation.

Talking only about technology and not about money is the sentiment of scientists. If capitalists do this, they will only end miserably.

Whether it's the sky-high debt ratio or the welfare bag, a magic tool for making money, Meng Lang's industrial chain has already integrated with the social financial system.

Technology and finance, no one can get rid of the other.

Why does BAT have to do finance in the end?

Even mobile phone manufacturers such as Juchang and Guoguo couldn't resist being tempted.

This is not only true at home, but also abroad. Those closest to the center of power are always financial consortiums such as Morgan and Rockefeller.

The end of all industries is finance. This is not just talk.

And the end of finance...is money!

Playing coins is the real high-end player in the financial circle!

Yes! I don’t understand finance, but I have skills!

A Satoshi Nakamoto can use an algorithm to create a virtual market worth tens of trillions of dollars.

It makes no sense that a prophet like me, who is cheating, can do worse than him?

If you compare it with Bitcoin, which is also a derivative of blockchain technology, your advantages will be even more obvious!

First of all, Bitcoin does not have any credit endorsement.

Just like a castle in the air, it collapses at any time, which makes the market feel like a roller coaster, and in the end it can only become a gambler's paradise.

And there are still all kinds of defects, such as excessive electricity consumption, carbon emissions, no energy conservation and environmental protection...

But "smart currency" is different. It is not only technologically advanced, but also has a strong foundation and heritage——

Using the science and knowledge of all mankind as a credit endorsement is a pattern that even national sovereign currencies are slightly inferior to.

Looking at the current structure of human wealth, it is undoubtedly backward and inefficient.

A large amount of wealth is accumulated in the hands of a few people, and the utilization efficiency is extremely low!

Today's rich people are materially rich.

Then in the future, the truly rich people should be spiritual!

Contributors of knowledge are the owners of wealth!

Countries can go bankrupt and perish, but human knowledge will never be lost unless civilization is destroyed...

From a development perspective, Bitcoin is the same as the "Tulip Bubble" in history.

In the past, a flower could be exchanged for an apartment, but now one coin can be exchanged for a villa.

History is always surprisingly similar and keeps reincarnating...

When humans suddenly realize one day that they are not worth the price at all, the collapse will begin.

But Bitcoin will eventually die, and blockchain technology will not.

Digital cryptocurrency will eventually be the currency substitute for the next stage of human civilization.

From this point of view, the brothers are still as ambitious as ever, and they are actually starting to prepare for a financial war...

Thinking more deeply, establishing a dominant digital currency system has two further significances.

The first is to unify the global market, increase the internal integration of human civilization, and improve the efficiency of social operation.

Secondly... I'm afraid it's just accelerating the collapse of "Knife"...

"Knife" is a very troublesome financial weapon, equivalent to the "financial nuclear bomb" in the market.

It is a pity that the domestic financial market is difficult to describe, the soft currency is too soft, and internationalization is far away. It is estimated that the end of the world is coming, and I am afraid that I will only be able to play on the local area network.

Not to mention, the other side also has euros, yen, pounds and other currencies to cheer for.

Even if you can't beat you, you can still play in a group fight...

Our own industrial empire is based in China and is deeply bound to national interests.

This also means that in the G2 competition, one's own basic base...Roumei Coin is at an absolute disadvantage!

If the other party has it but I don't, that's a strategic disadvantage.

Not to mention destroying the "knife", at least we must ensure that when the other party lifts the table, we also have corresponding "financial nuclear deterrence"...

Well! The goal is very ambitious, but the road still has to be walked step by step.

First, create an "in-site currency" to enter the village in a low-key manner, and then kill the Q coins and Bitcoin to occupy the market...

"Well... Speaking of which, my second pot of gold came from missing Brother Biao's Bitcoin wallet...

The front foot has just been about building a Bitcoin computing power supermarket, and the back foot is preparing to replace it...

Does this count as ruining my meal?"

It probably doesn't count, at most it supports technological innovation...

Meng Lang chuckled.

Europa, Italy.

"Hey! Fang! Long time no see!"

"Mr. Rich, it's nice to see you again."

"Haha! I'm very happy too. I heard that your company encountered some troubles some time ago. I thought our cooperation was going to be ruined."


The sales manager of Idol New Energy's Europa area is named Fang. He is an elite social worker wearing glasses.

When I heard this sentence translated by the female translator opposite, I couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Let alone you, he almost thought his job was going to be ruined.

At that time, the layoff notice from the Human Resources Department had been sent to me, and I was worried about what to do with the mortgage and car loan next month. Who would have thought that in a sudden turn of events, it was taken back that afternoon...

Not only did he not lose his job, he also got promoted one level...

"Mr. Ritchie, please rest assured that the trouble has been solved. Now we have a new boss who attaches great importance to the Europa business.

This time I came here to stay. If the sales situation is ideal, I think our first directly-operated store will be here soon.

Mr. Rich is our most trusted first partner and has considerable social resources in Europa.

I believe that we will have more opportunities for cooperation in the future!”

The bearded Italian opposite is the car dealer developed by Idou New Energy in Europa.

Of course, for someone like Idou Auto, it is not possible to find a large and well-known dealer, but a very young electric vehicle import and export company called "Elaris".


Hearing that the other party was interested in opening a direct-operated store in Europa, Richie's eyes flashed with a shrewdness of a businessman.

A peek inside the tube, from authorized distribution to the new retail model of "direct sales + authorization".

On the one hand, it means that the other party has no problem with funds and has the strength to start the next round of expansion. On the other hand, it also represents the other party's increased confidence in the future sales prospects of the local market.

As a car agent who travels to Asia and Europe for international trade all the time, he is naturally much more sensitive to market changes in Asia than ordinary foreigners.

The famous name of "Bajie" has even caused a certain topic on international media platforms such as "Must Die" and "Youtube".

Of course, with years of publicity, the voices of doubt are even greater than in China, and the current publicity effect is far less than that in China.

Most people even think this is another international joke about "water turning into oil".

But no matter what, as an important automobile market in the world, this car must be outstanding if it can occupy a place in the fiercely competitive Chinese consumer market, and there is a high probability that it will not be too bad in the European market.

This is naturally good news for Rich as a dealer.

"That's great, Fang. I've heard in the past two days that these new cars are selling very well in China. How about you transfer 1,000 more cars to me?"

What? Additional order?

"Uh...but Mr. Rich, it seems you haven't even seen a car yet, right?"

Manager Fang pointed to the busy truck not far away with some humor.

There, new idol cars were being unloaded by workers.

"Hahaha! It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid of buying goods. I have 120% confidence in a partner like your company!"

Although he said this, Richie's footsteps walked towards the truck involuntarily.

When I came to a "Shengdou Shi" that had just been unloaded, I took a quick look at it.

He was already familiar with the appearance, but the focus was on what was inside...

"Fang, can I go in and have a look?"

"Of course!" Manager Fang immediately asked the staff to unlock the car, and the two of them got in the car, one on the left and the other on the right.

The blond female translator did not have a seat, so she could only sit down and continue to act as a communication bridge between the two.

"Hello Bajie!"

Manager Fang naturally knew what the other party wanted to see, started the car and said with a smile.

[Hello Mr. Fang, nice to see you again, what do you need?]

When the translator translated this sentence from Chinese into Italian and told it to Richie, the bearded man suddenly looked surprised.

"Fang, how did it recognize you?"

"Haha!" Manager Fang smiled and pointed to a camera in the car.

"With facial recognition and voiceprint, through double verification, Bajie can lock the user's identity and then call up our previous conversation records...

Well...it's a robot with memory."

"Oh! This is so amazing! I have never seen such an intelligent auxiliary voice system in many luxury models."

"Yes, Bajie's level of intelligence is epoch-making! Our company is lucky to have such an excellent product."

"Can I try it?" Richie asked.

"Of course! Bajie, this is my old friend Mr. Rich. Say hello."

【Hello Mr. Rich, nice to meet you.】

This time there was no need for a female translator to speak, because Bajie switched directly to Italian.

Richie was even more excited.

“It can also automatically switch between two languages?”

"Haha! It can do more than automatically switch between two languages... Bajie, turn on the auxiliary translation mode."

[Beep! The auxiliary translation mode is turned on!]

"Mr. Rich, please allow me to introduce to you this built-in translation system, which supports fourteen mainstream languages ​​including Chinese, Eagle, Russian, French, Italian... etc.

Not only can it switch smoothly between multiple languages, but it can also provide one-to-one translation services.

Of course, the premise is that you must have an account first..."

Manager Fang's introduction was simultaneously translated to Richie in authentic Italian, word for word, by the speakers in the car...

"Oh cake seller!" Richie was stunned by this scene.

The Italian language in this paragraph is clear and fluent, and the grammar is smooth. There is no lack of words in other translation products, which is like a bowl of white rice mixed with many pebbles.

And the speed of translation... He didn't see it with his own eyes, he thought it was simultaneous interpretation...

Also stunned was the female translator on the side.

Uh...what just happened?

Why is this thing trying to steal jobs?

Looking at the stunned two people, Manager Fang felt a sense of pride in his heart.

We may not be able to compete with luxury brands like you, Europa, in building fuel vehicles, but when it comes to the intelligence of new energy, we are finally ahead this time!


It’s just that I’ve done this job too much, and I always feel like I’m not selling cars, but selling speakers...

It’s quite outrageous…

This chapter has been completed!
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