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Chapter 459: Doing Public Welfare

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Lin Haitang's face turned red and he looked slightly annoyed.

"What nonsense? I'm serious. Just now I was wondering when you could arrange for us to meet formally." Meng Lang said seriously.


Isn’t this just meeting the parents?

Looking at the other party's expression, it didn't look like he was joking at all. Lin Haitang suddenly looked a little unnatural.

"Who said we would arrange a meeting for you?"

"But have you met my parents?" Meng Lang looked matter-of-fact.

"That's not the same thing at all! Besides, what does my matter have to do with him!"

The voice became weaker and weaker in the second half of the sentence.

She has basically severed the father-daughter relationship with Father Lin now.

Even if she really wanted to see her parents, it shouldn't be her father...

"I know you have conflicts, but blood is always thicker than water. Maybe there is some misunderstanding here?" Meng Lang reminded kindly.

"What misunderstanding?"

"For example...are there any unavoidable reasons behind some of his hurtful behaviors?"

"We like the new and hate the old, we always abandon the old, we are irresponsible, and we have no choice but to do so?"

Meng Lang was speechless, clenched his fist to his mouth and coughed awkwardly.

"Of course, there is no need to wash this. After all, a dedicated man like me is extremely rare in the world."

Lin Haitang directly gave Meng Lang a hygiene ball.

"Ahem! But things like feelings are very complicated and cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences. Sometimes fate plays tricks on people...

You are like Brother Baoyu, who likes Lin Daiyu, but Xue Baochai is ordered by her parents and the matchmaker, so what should she do if she can't help herself?

You know, life sometimes has all kinds of helplessness, especially... that was in another time and space..."

Meng Lang was quite moved and explained something for "senior".

Yes, he believed that the reason why Lin's father got married for the second time was probably because he encountered a similar situation to him...

After all, not all men can withstand the test of "weakness"...

Even for such a dedicated man, Yan Weiwei succeeded twice in such a short period of time. It is difficult to say how much debt has accumulated on the "battle-experienced" future father-in-law.

Except for those eminent monks who take the "all four elements are empty" route, I am afraid there are not many "seniors" who are not troubled by multiple emotional lines.

As for the earlier Zhuangzi senior... emm... they were still polygamous at that time...

Alas! Happiness is so simple...

You see, Xiang Shaolong traveled through time to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. In the end, he couldn't escape the vulgarity, and both humans and gods became angry?

From a certain perspective, having only been married for the second time in this life, he is already considered to have "extraordinary determination"...

Not to mention Meng Lang's complicated inner activities, Lin Haitang's expression was a little strange.

Why are you mentioning Brother Baoyu again...

If you remember correctly, this guy seemed to have said the same thing before on the train to Zhongnan Mountain.

However, Meng Lang used "another era" last time, but this time he used "another time and space".

Lin Haitang did not hear the subtle "difference"...

"Then if it were you, what would you choose?"

She stared at Meng Lang and asked the same question as last time.

If last time it was more of a casual chat between friends, this time it was a bit more serious.

Meng Lang sighed, but gave the same answer as last time.

"I still think it's not the point who you choose, the point is how to avoid tragedy..."

"Then you think the current situation is not a tragedy?"


Meng Lang didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Could it be that my father-in-law probably just failed and couldn't get rid of the tragic ending even after running out of opportunities, so he chose me as his heir to continue his efforts? By the way, do you want to support me?

"Ahem! I was just thinking that maybe for every man who has a story, the more stories there are, the more complicated the emotional line may be..." he said weakly.

Lin Haitang looked at him with strange eyes, "Is there a story? You haven't met him yet, right? But why do I hear that you seem to know him very well?"

"Ahem! How could it be? It's just because we don't understand each other that we want to get to know each other up close. Of course, it's also to express our gratitude."

"Express thankfulness?"

"Thank you for leaving such outstanding daughters to me to take care of."

Lin Haitang only thought that Meng Lang was taking advantage of her verbally.

"Ha! Do you really believe that he will agree to leave us under your care?"

"Of course I trust my father-in-law's vision!" Meng Lang puffed up his chest.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, what’s important is that he has already done it...

To be fair, if one day he cannot bear the side effects of his autobiography, he will have to choose the next "successor" for it.

That must be done by using the world's top "multiverse time test method" and through multiple "life experiences" to evaluate this person's moral, intellectual, physical, and artistic abilities from all aspects and angles...

The most important thing is to be good to your daughter!

It seems that I have passed the most severe test in the world. The good man is me... I am Meng Xiaolang!

Looking at the man with such a confident face, Lin Haitang was speechless.

When facing a stranger you have never met before, is your confidence somewhat inexplicable, and your judgment a little hasty?

She didn't know what she was thinking of, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Ha! If you really want to see him, it's not impossible."

"Really?" Meng Lang was stunned.

He thought he would use his sharp tongue and do a few more hours of ideological work, but Lin Haitang actually agreed so readily, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

"Ha! As long as you don't regret it." Lin Haitang said meaningfully.

How many couples break up after meeting their parents?

Maybe let him see the reality clearly and retreat from the difficulties...

"That `s a deal!"

Although Lin Haitang's attitude made him feel a little strange, Meng Lang naturally couldn't pass up the opportunity to verify his conjecture. He couldn't wait to uncover the answer to the mystery.

"Then when do we set off?"

"Well... let's wait until I'm free in a few days."

"So when are you free?"

Lin Haitang: "..."

Facing Meng Lang, who looked like he was about to book the date on the spot, Lin Haitang covered his forehead helplessly.

"I recently received five or six new guinea pigs, so I can't get away for the time being... It may be a week, it may be a month, I can't tell."

Meng Lang frowned.

One month?

The biggest suspect is right in front of you. You tell me to wait for a month?

How is this different from watching the last episode of a TV series, only to find out that you have to watch the finale a month later?

But if my daughter doesn’t go, I can’t have my prospective son-in-law rush to the door in a hurry, right?

Is it good to spread the word or not?

"Five or six eucalyptus? I said you too. This monthly salary has caught up with my annual salary. Do you still need to work so hard?"

Do you know why my country’s Gini coefficient is so high? It’s because of your year-round involution!

It's not too much to leave a few eucalyptus seeds for other lawyers to drink soup, right?

As lawyers, we should strive for professional skills in the early stage and industry reputation in the later stage, right? I think it's too much for your colleagues!"

Lin Haitang was a little angry and funny.

I worked overtime, why are you so angry?

"Who told you that I picked up the wife to make money?"

"Not to make money?" Meng Lang was stunned.

“I applied for legal aid and entered the database of public interest lawyers.”


Legal aid refers to a legal protection system in which official or unofficial legal firms organize lawyers to provide free legal services to people with financial difficulties or special cases, especially rural people.

This is undoubtedly a social welfare undertaking that protects the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups in society.

The key is free!

What is different from ordinary people's imagination is that, except for some volunteer lawyers who just want to make money and are forced to work, many of those who can take the initiative to apply to be legal aid lawyers are senior lawyers who are not short of money, and some are even already

Middle management of law firms.

No matter which industry you are in, there is actually no shortage of people who really want to do charity.

Reminds me of what Lin Haitang said at the barbecue stall that night...

So...she has rediscovered the meaning of hard work in life?

He remembered that Lin Haitang wanted to work in the capital at first, but now he has kept him, but after some operations, the other party seems to have embarked on a new life trajectory?

"Even if you are doing charity, you have to balance work and rest, right?" Meng Lang said helplessly.

"I'm used to being busy and can't take any time off."

Don't bother! Do you know how long it has been since we last went out to watch a movie?

He doesn't want to have to make an appointment first for any future appointments...

"Lawyer Lin, I came to see you today because I actually have one more thing to discuss with you!" He looked serious.

"What's up?"

"National affairs!"


Just now it was an affair between children and now it is a national matter? Isn’t this topic too exciting...

"Have you ever considered that with your own strength, even if you are exhausted, you can still help a few people in need?"

"I didn't think too much about it. I can help as much as I can..."

"Don't worry, I've thought about it for you!"

"Bah!" Meng Lang slapped his cell phone in front of Lin Haitang.

"You know about Internet+? Have you ever used AI assistant?"

"What's the meaning?"

“Think about it, if an AI legal consultant can replace the work of a lawyer, it won’t cost 19,998 or 998 to fight a lawsuit, but only 9 yuan and 8.

Then who would file a lawsuit just because they can’t afford a lawyer?”

"Uh..." Lin Haitang was stunned, and then felt a little funny.

"Your idea is quite good. Maybe something like this will be developed in the next few decades, but now... I haven't heard of any such practical AI legal advisors on the market.


In her mind, the AI ​​assistant can only be used as an automatic reply robot, or a "retarded version" that often answers questions incorrectly.

Daily communication is a problem, not to mention in highly difficult professional fields such as legal provisions where a single word deviation will affect the semantics.

Meng Lang clicked on his phone with a confident look.

"Bajie! Come out!"

"Hello! How may I help you?" There was an electronic sound from the mobile phone.

Lin Haitang was stunned, "This Bajie...could he be the one who is very popular recently..."

"Yes! It's that second senior brother!"

"But didn't I hear that if you want to install this included car control APP, you need to have an IDOL Auto account? Have you bought another car?"

"Ahem! Internal account, you know that Bai Yeji, the company that developed this Bajie, is a company invested by Gao Yuan, right?"

"Oh..." Lin Haitang glanced at Meng Lang thoughtfully.

He knew that the organization behind Meng Lang seemed to have an unclear relationship with Evergreen Creatures, and even Gao Yuan might be a member of the organization now.

So, maybe this Bai Yeji is also...

But she didn't ask any more questions.

"You mean to use this technology to develop an AI legal advisor?"

"That's right! Even if you can't completely replace lawyers, it's not a problem to solve more than 99% of basic legal consultations!

If a professional lawyer cooperates and further optimization is carried out, it is not impossible to defend the case in court on behalf of the lawyer."

"This...can it really be done?"

Lin Haitang was still a little skeptical.

After all, being able to carry out daily communication to a certain extent may not necessarily be able to deal with complex legal issues.

"I'll give you an internal account later. You can take it back and test it, and you'll know?" Meng Lang chuckled.

"How about it, are you interested in being the chief designer of the world's first AI legal advisor?"

"Chief designer?"

"Yes, Bai Yeji is in charge of technology and you are in charge of design. Isn't it more meaningful to build an AI lawyer that everyone can afford than what you are doing now?"

Meng Lang followed the path of good guidance.

"As an absolutely rational robot, maybe it is more suitable for the profession of lawyer than humans who are full of desires and complex emotions?"

Lin Haitang was suddenly silent.

Yes, although the director always taught her, lawyers are actually a profession that requires more warmth and let the clients feel warmth.

But the fact is that in most cases, instead of giving unrealistic hope to the client, what the lawyer needs to do is to coldly and ruthlessly tell the other party his gains and losses...

She has a deep understanding of legal aid during this period.

No matter how professional and patient a lawyer is in what he or she does, it will never be 100% satisfactory.

For example, some parties expected to be compensated 50,000 yuan, but the law actually only supported 30,000 yuan. In the end, they only received 30,000 yuan. He was very dissatisfied with Lin Haitang and questioned whether she had received money from the other party.

Another example is a labor dispute. In fact, the defendant company was in operational difficulties. The party applied for compensation of 30,000 yuan. She went to the company many times to communicate and negotiate for mediation, and received 25,000 yuan within a month.

After paying the money, the defendant company was dissolved on the spot. As a result, as soon as the marriage ended, she was blocked by the client...

If it were an AI lawyer, without human intervention and unfounded suspicions, only cold legal provisions would remain...

Then will the parties involved have greater trust, tolerance and sense of gain in the results?

And think further, today AI has replaced lawyers, can AI replace judges tomorrow?

The robot will be absolutely fair and impartial, without selfishness.

Then will there still be "before the law, three, six, nine, etc."...

At this moment, Lin Haitang thought a lot. It was undeniable that...she was a little moved.

But soon, she thought of another question and couldn't help but smile.

"Do you know that once this kind of AI legal consultant interviews, let alone an ordinary lawyer, even I will be unemployed in a short time?"

"Don't worry, you don't have Xiaoyu? With Xiaoyu's talent, we don't have to worry about our old age at all!" Meng Lang chuckled.

Lin Haitang couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

"I just want to do some charity, but you want me to kill an industry?

Who just said that we should leave some eucalyptus for other lawyers to drink soup?

They also say that as lawyers, we must strive for professional skills in the early stage and industry reputation in the later stage?

If I became your chief designer, let alone industry reputation, I would be criticized by thousands of people, right?"

"Hehe! So, my layout just now was too small..."

What does it mean to kill an industry?

If you really want to use all your firepower, it can kill an entire industry in one day!

Not to mention that the profession of lawyer is one of the most replaceable professions with AI in zero calculations.

Originally, I didn't want to attack the lawyer so soon, but who told you to wait a month before you can even meet with my parents?

If you want to blame, blame this woman in front of you for narrowing your path...

Meng Lang waved his hand domineeringly!

"It's okay if we don't do charity. If we do... then we won't let others even do charity!"

This chapter has been completed!
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