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Chapter 474 Leverage Mode

 As a domestic star company that first opened up the market reputation with "Bajie" and later joined the core supply chain of Juchang.

Baiyeji suddenly launched two new products, which attracted a lot of attention in the technology circle.

But the first thing that broke out was the major campus networks and BBS...

“I’ll give you a free duplication check link (Magic Gate), registration invitation code XXXX, you’re welcome!”

"I personally tested it and it works... No! It's too easy to use! I hope the instructors will never use it!"

"This link is poisonous, tutors, please don't click on it!"

"What good news for students is obviously adding insult to injury..."

"Does anyone need smart coins? Don't ask for 1,000 a piece, just buy it for 500!"

"Do you have any juniors who need plagiarism check service? 300 per time, no matter the number of words, the quantity is limited. If you want to buy it, hurry up!"

"200 a time, no money if the service is not good enough!"

"Brother, this is vicious competition!"

"What are you arguing about? One of the guys in our dormitory has done it once, but it's only for school girls..."

"What smart coins, what invitation codes? Can such advertising posts be pinned to the top?"

"I am the student union president, invitation code XXXX, please support the work of the student union."


The Internet penetration rate among college students is unparalleled, and the flow of information between campuses is extremely rapid.

Coupled with the skyrocketing demand for plagiarism checks during this year's graduation season and Spidernet's price increase strategy, graduates across the country are complaining.

At this time, a free website suddenly appeared with amazing duplication checking effect. The sensational effect can be imagined. Coupled with the Pinxixi-style promotion of prize-winning connections, it spread almost virally among students' circles of friends...

The publicity effect was no less than the "Fetion Red Envelope" during the Spring Festival Gala that year.

Just as the students were having a great time gathering wool, the other group of students were unhappy.

By the way, Spider Net was happily counting money silently, but suddenly the demand for plagiarism checking plummeted, and the daily income dropped by double digits, and the drop became more severe day by day, which directly deceived people.

After a little investigation, I found that it was Bai Yeji who was poaching himself, and he was poaching in a ruthless and unethical way.

What is Spider Web’s monopoly moat?

Isn’t it because we have a huge amount of university knowledge copyright in our hands!

If you want to make quick money, it doesn't matter if you take advantage of the popularity and provide plagiarism checking services.

But you have made it clear that you want to take the opportunity to open up the copyright market and carve out your own monopoly moat. This affects the core interests of Spider Web!

Spider Web can monopolize the copyright of domestic universities for decades, how can it be an ordinary person?

To talk about what is behind this spider web, we have to mention Shuimu University, a top university.

The parent company of Spider Web, "Tongfang", and another well-known company, "Ziguang", are actually affiliated companies of Shuimu University from the source.

It is said that it is to develop the scientific and technological achievements of Shuimu University, but in fact it is completely a typical enterprise that has gone public due to the large-scale business of the school-run factory.

At first, they were called "Shuimu Tongfang" and "Shuimu Ziguang". Later, because the two listed companies often did negative things, in order not to affect Shuimu's reputation, the word "Shuimu" was removed.

However, even if they have the skin of a tiger and are backed by the best university resources, the achievements of these two "water and wood" companies are hard to describe.

The "management chaos" from the source has made the operating conditions of these two companies worse and worse.

Not to mention the old brother "Ziguang", "Tongfang" has also suffered losses year after year.

Spider Web is one of the few profitable subsidiaries under the name "Tongfang".

If the hen that laid the golden eggs is someone's favorite, why should he risk his life to protect his calf?

As a result, all kinds of complicated "human relations" and hidden connections were launched, vowing to take a good beating on Bai Yeji, the ignorant spoiler...

"Hmm...the rent on the first day was more than 3 million?"

Meng Lang looked at the backend data of the "Bitcoin Computing Power Supermarket" with a somewhat surprised expression.

"Wisdom Tree" is the future product of 2043. There is no doubt about its practicality and product power. Its popularity is expected.

However, Meng Lang did not expect that the "Bitcoin Computing Power Supermarket" would be able to make huge amounts of money every day as soon as it was launched.

It is quite surprising that a single customer spent more than 2 million yuan to directly rent computing services for half a year, accounting for almost 80% of the first-day revenue.

Could it be that... someone discovered the power of our "computing power supermarket" so quickly?

To be fair, the "computing power supermarket" he created can be regarded as using zero advanced algorithms to carry out a crushing and asymmetric attack on the current "Bitcoin mining farm"!

With the same size and number of mining machines, others can only produce one coin a day, but I can produce two... This is the strength gap!

People who know a little bit about calculations will soon find that it is more cost-effective to go all over the world to find areas with "low electricity prices" to open "mines" than to directly buy Baiyeji's computing power services online...

As long as you are not stupid, the world's demand for computing power will flock to Baiyeji!

"Mining" is different from "coin speculation" in that there is not much risk. In addition, the computing power is rented and there are no heavy assets, so the investment risk is almost zero.

With Baiyeji's algorithm advantages far exceeding those of its peers, not to mention the doubling of funds every year, the annual rate of return of 30% is quite adequate!

Apart from the pig-killing plate, where can I find this kind of "stable happiness"?

At this time, you will make money by renting!

Although not many people are interested now, once the first batch of people take advantage of it, the popularity of the "Bitcoin computing power supermarket" will never be lower than any product under the name of Bai Yeji!

You must know that it is basically impossible to rent computing power on a "day" basis.

It can be as short as one month, or as long as one or two years.

In this way, Bai Yeji can quickly obtain a large amount of "rental" income in a short period of time, and then invest again in the expansion of the cloud computing center, thus forming a snowball effect!

This is equivalent to collecting rent in advance, then using the rent to pay the down payment for the property, and then releasing it to continue collecting rent, and so on.

With the last few million in capital, he can get you hundreds of millions...

Sounds familiar?

That's right! The "long-term rental apartments" that have become very popular in China recently, as well as the "full rental housing" in the Southern Peninsula, are actually, to put it bluntly, similar leveraged models.

The principles are all intelligible.

Those who play with capital are always those who can draw inferences from one instance to other cases.

Meng Lang doesn't have much business acumen, but when it comes to making money, especially how to make money quickly, he is serious...

“In this way, the plan to allow customers to use smart coins to purchase Baiyeji computing power can be put on the agenda.

Then there is the purchase of ERP services, cars, medicines...

Well! As long as our products are good enough, even if they are hard piles, we can pile smart coins into hard currency!"

Just as Meng Lang was adjusting his plan based on market feedback, the cell phone next to him suddenly rang.

Meng Lang picked it up and took a look at it, and suddenly the corners of his mouth twitched.

【Hey! Ah Lang, I, Duan Xian, something big happened!】

Sure enough, as soon as I answered the phone, the voice on the other end sounded anxious.

"I just knew you would have to call me in the next two days..."


"Nothing, what's so urgent?" Meng Romantic asked, closing the notebook in front of her carelessly.

You know, you know, the play still has to be performed according to the script.

[Something happened to the crew! Director Han just told me that the original tape that was being finalized was accidentally deleted by a newcomer from the post-production company.

In the worst case scenario, the movie may have to be postponed, and the crew will lose a lot of early publicity and investment...]

Duan Xian explained the matter in an anxious tone.

[Alang, I always feel that this incident is a bit weird. How could it be such a coincidence? The film was almost completed before something went wrong, but it was accidentally deleted by a new member of the company...

This reason is somewhat bizarre no matter how you look at it.

Although the production company responsible for the post-production also has to pay a liquidated damages, and logically speaking, it will not be theft, but the loss on our side...

Hello! Hello? Are you listening?】

After talking for a long time, Duan Xian found that there was no response at all on the other end of the phone.

"Listen, listen, it's just been deleted. What's the big deal? Don't worry, I'll see if you're panting. Drink some water first.

No matter how unlucky the crew is, can they still default on your wages?"

【Is it about my salary?! When did this happen?

Lingjing Media is the largest financier of this movie. Don't tell me that you have nothing to do with their boss!

Also, your unexplainable landlord also invested tens of millions, right?

If this movie loses money, I’m afraid you won’t just be carrying the burden, you’ll have to take the blame!]

Hearing the concern in Duan Xian's words, Meng Lang felt warm in his heart.

Now he didn't want to be too pretentious, he said cheerfully.

"Why are you so anxious? The finished film is gone. It's not like all the original films have been deleted. Just make another edit and it's over."

[You said it’s simple, this post-production was done in one go?] Duan Xian said in a bad mood.

"Hey! Maybe it's just 'biu' and it's all cut in one go?"

【What's the meaning?】

"Don't worry, I think Lingjing Company must have countermeasures in place. If you don't believe me, just ask."

Gao Yuan has been notified of this matter a long time ago, and Bai Yeji Company has also established a new "AIGC" department in advance. Everything is ready, just waiting for Xu Jinsong to take action...

[Hmm... Why do I feel that you are not surprised at all by this unexpected situation? 】

Duan Xian finally realized something was wrong and calmed down.

"It's an accident. Of course I'm surprised, but it's an accident. I'm not the party involved. Why do I meddle in so many other things?

I advise you not to worry about it, you are getting paid as an extra, so what do you think about the producer?"


[Okay, I’ll go ask Lingjing Company first, and we’ll meet up later and talk.]

"Don't bother me! How famous are you now? You are always picked up and dropped off by a nanny car. I can't tell you when you were photographed by the paparazzi when you came to my place!"

[Go away!] The person on the other end of the phone was very angry.

[It’s the same place tonight. I’ve booked a private room. If you don’t come, we’ll break off our friendship!]

Reluctantly, I hung up the phone.

My old place...it's quite a long walk, and I don't have a nanny car...

Forget it, let’s just ride my shared bicycle.

Coupons are wasted if not used...

He touched his chin.

"Speaking of which, I almost forgot that I had a 100 yuan deposit on the shared bicycle after not riding it for a long time..."

Buy a car... put it on the market... collect a deposit... continue buying a car... put it on the market... collect a deposit...


Why does it smell so familiar?

Shaking his head, he opened the study door again.

The fruits of my last life have been almost digested.

Before going to see my father-in-law, it’s time to see what his attitude is towards me...

This chapter has been completed!
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