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Chapter 475: The Answer

 Zhongtian Law Firm.

[According to Articles 122, 465, 646, and 648 of the Civil Code of the Republic.

A contract established in accordance with the law is protected by law.

If the parties agree that the debtor shall perform its debts to a third party, and the debtor fails to perform its debts to the third party or performs the debts inconsistently with the agreement, it shall bear liability for breach of contract to the creditor.

Because someone else has obtained improper benefits without legal basis, the person who suffered the loss has the right to request the infringing party to return the improper benefits...]

[This case involves the contract section and the tort section respectively.

According to the relevant provisions of the contract, a labor contract was signed between Taoxin Company and the farmer workers, and both parties should perform their contractual obligations.

If the company fails to pay wages on time, it violates the contract and should bear liability for breach of contract.

In addition, according to the provisions of the infringement section, the company's behavior of arrears of wages to workers also constitutes an infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of workers...]

[Dear judges and jurors, what we want to emphasize is that according to the evidence provided by our client, Tao Xin Company has been owed wages for as long as eight months.

According to the defendant's statement, Taoxin Company is actively solving the problem, but so far, it has not been able to provide any progress in solving the problem or relevant explanatory materials.

They just blindly rejected the basic reasonable demands of our client, and in the process also used intimidation and violent obstruction methods.

It has caused both physical and mental harm to our client and his family.

Based on the above situation, on behalf of my clients, a total of 18 people including Li, Zhao, Wang and others, I require Tao Xin Company to pay a total of 380,000 RMB in wages, interest, and 20,000 RMB in compensation, and bear the corresponding breach of contract.

Liability and tort liability...]

For a full minute after the cold mechanical sound in the conference room disappeared, there was silence in the entire room.

All the onlookers were stunned and watched the entire "mock court" held within the law firm.

Before a major case goes to trial, the law firm sometimes adopts a "mock court" approach, organizing relevant lawyers to debate in advance, with other lawyers assisting and working together to analyze possible situations that may arise when the case goes to trial.

This is commonplace for lawyers.

It's just that this time, Director Zheng of the law firm asked all lawyers to be present.

I thought it was an ordinary case debate, but no one expected that the plaintiff’s “lawyer” was not a human being...

If there were still people who sneered at the so-called "AI lawyers" at the beginning, no one could shut their mouths after the closing arguments of both parties.

Even Director Zheng, the organizer of this "mock court", looked complicated at this time.

After thinking about Lin Haitang's sworn guarantee, I didn't expect that the performance of the "first building of the Discipline Academy" developed by Bai Yeji was so exaggerated...

Considering the complexity of criminal cases, he selected a civil economic dispute case that was about to be heard in the firm and acted as the defendant's defense lawyer himself.

Labor compensation disputes are also a type of case with a high proportion of legal aid cases, which are universal and typical.

I thought that no matter how powerful the AI ​​was, it could at most just recite the relevant legal provisions according to the script and vaguely search for some debate statements based on the facts of the case.

However, what I didn't expect was that the other party not only presented the case in a clear and logical manner in the moot court, but also accurately interpreted the semantics of the legal provisions, and also made a very powerful response and rebuttal based on his own argument.

Even the daily tedious basic work of lawyers such as writing contracts, organizing evidence chains, drafting legal documents, etc. are done flawlessly.

Even an experienced lawyer like him couldn't find any fault with the legal documents drafted by the other party...

For these basic tasks alone, many trainee lawyers who have been practicing for two or three years may not be able to do it so perfectly.

What's more, people make mistakes, but robots are almost impossible to make mistakes. There are even huge advantages in this regard...

"This is impossible……"

In the crowd, some were shocked, some were frightened, and some were confused. But who had the ugliest face, it was probably Lawyer Han Lihan.

Today's economic dispute case was originally a case in her hands, so she knew the entire case better than anyone present.

Because of this, she was far more frightened than others.

To be fair, even if she is allowed to go up, she may not be able to do better than this AI "First Building of the Discipline Academy".

An elite lawyer who has been practicing for seven or eight years can work hard for a week, but the results are not as good as the work results of a so-called AI lawyer who runs on the computer in two minutes...

This disruptive technology is enough to defeat a person's faith...

The conference room was quiet for a long time, and finally Director Zheng stood up with a sigh on his face.

"Pah! Pah, pah, pah!"

Under the leadership of Professor Zheng, sparse applause finally broke out at the scene, expressing human wonder for this landmark product...

The project leader of Bai Yeji today happened to be Tang Xiaoqi. She looked at the various data in the background and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he closed his notebook, turned around and smiled.

"Lawyer Lin, today's test was perfect. Thank you for your suggestions for improving our company's products during this time."

"No, this is what I should do."

Lin Haitang also smiled and shook hands with her.

"Director Zheng, I would also like to thank Zhongtian Law Firm for its strong support to Bai Yeji!

Today’s test results have greatly increased our confidence in the product. As a next step, the company has decided to let the ‘Jie Yuan First Tower’ participate in the national judicial examination in the near future to further gain public recognition.

Our company hopes to obtain a joint guarantee from Zhongtian Law Firm and hire your firm as our full legal advisory team. What do you think?"

"Of course, with the development potential of this AI, it is our honor." Director Zheng said with a smile.

When this significant but rather low-key moot court ended, everyone walked out of the conference room with mixed emotions, thinking about their future lives...

Lin Haitang sorted out the information at hand and was almost the last one to leave.

However, as soon as she left the conference room, she saw Han Li waiting for her outside the door with an ugly expression.

"Lawyer Lin, you have known about Bai Yeji's AI lawyer project for a long time. Why didn't you tell everyone earlier?"

There seemed to be something in his tone that he wanted to accuse someone of his crimes.

Lin Haitang frowned and looked at her, "Bai Yeji Company has confidentiality requirements. Besides, I don't seem to have any obligation to disclose the details of this project to all the lawyers in the law firm."

Han Li said bitterly, "But don't you know how our industry environment will change once this so-called AI lawyer goes on the market?

We study hard, and after more than ten years of studying and working since college, we have finally reached the status we have today. Just because of your behavior, it is very likely that it will be worthless in the end!

Do you know what you are doing?

You are digging your own grave!"

Of course Lin Haitang understood what the other party was thinking.

Whoever it was, after more than ten years of hard work, he managed to get ahead and become a legal elite that everyone envied, with a bright future for his money.

But this bright future will suddenly be greatly impacted by new technologies...

Lawyers are likely to go from a rising industry to a sunset industry, and no one will be able to calm down.

She couldn't help but sigh.

"Technology has made breakthroughs. Even if I don't do it, if our Zhongtian Law Firm doesn't accept this project, other small law firms will.

Since historical trends are unstoppable, I think we should actively embrace this trend.

Han Li, you and I are both people who have worked their way up from the bottom of society, so we should be able to better understand the sadness and helplessness of the bottom of society.

This kind of product is not only of great significance to ordinary people, but will also have a very positive impact on the entire legal enforcement system.

If you are worried about career development, I can recommend you to Bai Yeji’s project team to join this AI lawyer’s consulting team.

I believe the future career development prospects will be no worse than those of an ordinary lawyer!"

Han Li didn't appreciate it and gave Lin Haitang a cold look.

"Hmph! That sounds nice!

Now that you are hugging Gao Yuan's thigh, no matter what you do, you have no worries. Naturally, you have the leisure to act noble and saintly here.

And we are just small characters with no connections or resources, and we can only work our way up on our own.

Don’t bother Barrister Lin to worry about it, I… don’t need your sympathy!”

After Han Li said this, she left with a cold face.

Looking at the opponent's back, Lin Haitang opened his mouth, but in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

However, she didn't see the flash of resentment on Han Li's face after she turned around...

Why is it that Lin Haitang is the one she dislikes the most in the entire law firm?

Or even actively participate in the Xu Group's sinister plan against the Lin Haitang sisters?

Because Lin Haitang has a similar background to himself. He has been burdened by his family since childhood and has been under the heavy pressure of life.

If you want to get something, you need to work several times more than ordinary people!

However, unlike herself, she did not compromise and succumb to the world under heavy pressure. She drifted with the crowd, losing her principles and bottom line little by little, until she completely degenerated...

From Lin Haitang, she seemed to see another life that was completely opposite to her own and out of reach...

Seeing something extremely dazzling in a dark corner, she felt not admiration, but jealousy, inferiority, resentment, and the urge to destroy it with her own hands...

【Yes...this world is so unfair...

You have sacrificed almost everything to achieve what you are today, and she has everything far beyond you without giving almost anything!

Today I personally ruined your future...

Why? Why is this world so unfair...

You need to resist! You need strength to resist...]

"Yes! I want power! I want to resist! I want to make all those who look down on me disappear!"

Her mind seemed to be filled with bewitching voices, causing Han Li's eyes to gradually turn red...

Because of Han Li's words, Lin Haitang, who was in a somewhat complicated mood, just walked out of the company, but saw an unexpected figure at the door of the building...

"Meng...Meng Lang? Why are you here?"

"Oh! I made an appointment with a friend to go out and happened to be passing by on my bike, so I stopped by to see you."

"Look at me?" Lin Haitang's eyes were strange.

It seems that our relationship hasn’t reached the stage of picking me up from get off work, right?

"That's just right. The results of today's moot court were very good. I also wanted to talk to you about cooperating with Bai Yeji.

Wherever you want to go, I'll take you there and we'll talk in the car."

"Okay, it's not far from here."

The two of them said that and headed to the parking lot.

After getting into the car, Lin Haitang was just about to start the car when she was startled by the sudden leaning from the side.

"The first step in getting in the car is to fasten your seat belt. Please pay attention next time."

"Click!" The driver's seat belt was stuck into the buckle.


Lin Haitang nodded stiffly, his mind still stuck in the intimate gesture between the two of them just now, as if they were embracing...

She turned around and looked at someone beside her who was inserting a USB flash drive into the car's USB port as if nothing had happened.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh! It's okay, I asked Bai Yeji's friend for a software upgrade package.

Although this old model has limited hardware and does not have functions such as autonomous driving, it does have a lot of smart assistants, automatic navigation, tracking and positioning, and safety warnings.

After a while, I will give you a new Idol car and upgrade it to ensure a worry-free trip and a full safety factor!"


Although this car originally belonged to you, what kind of software upgrade did you do, what kind of tracking and positioning did you install...

Should I first seek my opinion as the current car owner?

Give me a new car...I don't plan to change my car either...

Lin Haitang looked a little awkward.

Why do you feel like something is different about this guy today?

Specifically, what are the differences...

It seems like... you don’t see anyone outside anymore?

Meng Lang himself took it as a matter of course.

Seeing outsiders? They are all people who have received certificates. Why seeing outsiders...

"Okay! Bajie, come out!"

【Hello, ‘Bajie’ is here to serve you wholeheartedly. 】

"Look! It's done!" Meng Lang smiled and tapped the monitor.

"When you download the Idou APP on your phone, you can use all the functions of Bajie."

"Well...thank you!"

Lin Haitang knew the secret relationship between Gao Yuan and him, so he was not too surprised that Meng Lang was able to obtain the "Bajie", which was the most difficult to find on the market, and it was a specially customized model.

When the car started to drive onto the road, Lin Haitang deliberately got rid of the strange feeling that the relationship between the two people had inexplicably heated up, and started talking about business.

"Ahem! About today's moot court..."

"Han Li strongly objected, right?"


Lin Haitang was stunned, "How do you know?"

"Haha! After all, he is your lifelong enemy, and besides, you are ruining other people's jobs..."

"It is expected to encounter resistance, but it is not important. What I am talking about is not about Han Li."

Not important? This is so important...

Meng Lang sighed helplessly.

The ghostwriter I found died earlier than I did... This is really a wonderful life experience.

It's not that he didn't monitor Han Li closely, but he didn't expect that this guy's first target after completing the transformation would be someone else.

But Lin Haitang, who does not have much conflict of interest on the surface...

Although it is contradictory to lose one's job, Lin Haitang is only a project consultant at best.

In terms of credit, the majority of the credit goes to Bai Yeji's technical team. Even Director Zheng of the law firm is much more important than Lin Haitang.

It makes no sense to take revenge by not killing the principal criminal but the accomplice, right?

Meng Lang was unprepared, and Lin Haitang's ending could be imagined...

"Destroying a person's wealth is like killing his parents. I think you still have to be careful about this woman. She is not a fuel-efficient lamp..."

There are traps everywhere in life.

Therefore, this world cannot underestimate any seemingly insignificant little role.

For example, this Han Li is definitely the life assassin in "Life Assassin"!

Last time, he ruthlessly reported her and made her lose her job. He thought that the two of them would never meet again in this life, but he didn't expect that he would end up being hated because of her assassination.

This time I chose to be patient and keep the chess piece for the time being. Unexpectedly, she didn't kill the king, but turned around and took the queen away...

The main thing is to take him by surprise and kill him by surprise!

He didn't know what the deep hatred between Han Li and Lin Haitang was. Even "Lin Haitang" himself could not figure out where this unprovoked hatred came from until his death.

However, it is quite necessary to add some life-saving measures to Lin Haitang first...

"Yeah! I'll pay attention." Lin Haitang agreed casually without comment.

But looking at her like that, at most Han Li's threat was placed on the level of "intrigue in the workplace". It was impossible to imagine that Han Li would murder her...

"What I want to say is, about today's 'mock court'..."

"Let's put this question aside for now. I have another question to ask you."

Lin Haitang is speechless. Can you let me finish my sentence?

Why do you have so many questions?

Is it more important to promote AI lawyers and benefit the whole society?

"What's the problem?" Lin Haitang asked helplessly.

"Hmm...have you seen an old photo?"

"What old photos?" Lin Haitang looked confused.

"How should I put it...you don't believe in fate, but you accept it after seeing it?"

Even Meng Lang himself didn't know how to describe it, so he could only make insinuations.

Who makes that "old photo" joke stick in his throat, and he feels like a cat's paw if he doesn't understand the answer?

The book "Encounter" does indeed come with a photo as usual.

Red background and white shirt, the man is handsome, the woman is pretty...

However, it is obviously the wedding registration photo of the two people, but it is not the so-called "old photo" in the book at all.

There are spoilers in life, but unfortunately we always encounter riddle monsters.

The answer to this mystery can probably only be found in Lin Haitang...

"I didn't believe in fate, but now I accept it?" Lin Haitang looked confused.

What is all this mess?

"Well... the point is, it should still be an old photo that has a lot to do with you and me." Meng Lang tried again.

"Is it related to us?"

Lin Haitang was stunned for a moment, then as if he remembered something, his expression suddenly became unnatural, and he immediately denied it three times.

"No, there are photos like that somewhere. Don't talk nonsense about things you're not sure about..."

I was not sure at first, but when I saw your expression, I was sure on the spot...

Sure enough, you already know this photo by now!


"Ahem! I'm in my internship period. Don't keep asking incomprehensible questions. I have to concentrate on driving...

By the way, isn’t it said online that this in-vehicle intelligence is so powerful? How should I use it?”

Faced with this obvious change of topic, Meng Lang felt helpless.

"Just shout 'Bajie' and you can control it by voice. It's very simple."

"Oh! Bajie?"

【Hello, what do you need?】

"Well... let's play a song."

Lin Haitang's mind was not on Bajie at all, he just wanted to make the atmosphere in the car less quiet and weird at this moment.

Soothing music suddenly came from the car speakers...

【Hear the departure of winter

I woke up in a certain month of a certain year

I think, I wait, I look forward to

But the future cannot be planned accordingly...]

Meng Lang wanted to continue making insinuations, but when he heard the singing, he was suddenly stunned for some reason.

[Cloudy day, evening, outside the car window

There is someone waiting for you in the future...]

【Look left, right, look forward

Love has to turn a few corners to come...]

【Who do I meet and what kind of dialogue will there be?

The person I am waiting for, how far in the future is he...]

A song called "Meet", an ordinary old song.

However, it was like an electric current in Meng Lang's ears, making his scalp feel numb all of a sudden.

An unbelievable thought came into my mind like a flash of light following the singing...

【I hear the wind, coming from the subway and the sea of ​​people

I stood in line, holding the number plate of love

I fly forward, flying across a sea of ​​time...]

【We have also been hurt in love

I looked at the road, the entrance to the dream was a bit narrow

it's a beautiful accident, that I met you

One day, my mystery will be revealed...]


He stared blankly at Lin Haitang beside him, feeling a little distracted for a moment...

[I turned over the photo and looked at the crooked word "meet" on the back...]

meet... meet...

Could it be that... the answer to the mystery is not that photo, but...

This chapter has been completed!
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