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Chapter 48 Lost in a mess


After coming out of the hospital, Meng Lang couldn't help but retched.

"Retribution in this world..."

I just finished doing some popular science on friendship, and the side effects came to me immediately.

The side effects of painless gastroscopy actually vary from person to person, and are also related to the "gentleness" of the doctor when inserting the gastroscope.

Some people feel nothing after the procedure, while others swear they will never have a gastroscopy again in their lives.

Meng Lang was just a little nauseous, which was considered a mild reaction.

The final examination results were nothing abnormal. Apart from a slight gastritis and being told to maintain good eating habits, there were no obvious polyps or lesions.

"It seems that I am still in the 'little bud' state of gastric cancer. It's okay, it's okay, and I can still save it..."

Although the time from early stage to late stage of gastric cancer is relatively short, the formation of gastric cancer is a relatively long process.

It can be roughly divided into several stages: "chronic superficial gastritis", "atrophic gastritis", "intestinal metaplasia", "dysplasia" and "gastric cancer".

The whole process usually takes 6 to 10 years, which roughly coincides with the onset time of the ten-year period "Meng Lang".

As for why Meng Lang suddenly knew so clearly...

"Alang, you have indeed done nothing wrong in your life...it's a pity that you couldn't survive in the end." Meng Lang couldn't help but feel regretful.

You can punch an ignorant mandarin duck in two years of civil science. If you continue to study for ten or eight years, even if you can't catch up with professional doctors, you can still do it by kicking a black clinic in the community, right?

The learning time from novice to expert is 7 years, but this "10,000 hours rule" does not seem to apply to me.

Meng Lang gave it a new name, called the "24-hour rule"!

This time, his "time and space radio wave clan" attribute came into play again, which also allowed Meng Lang to figure out some "usage guides".

First of all, this kind of signal reception is definitely not in the order of each episode of autobiography, otherwise he should first become an amateur lawyer, and then become a medical civilian.

From the analysis of the situation when three "signals" are received, this is more like a "scene trigger".

Just like an amnesia patient trying to retrieve his or her memory, familiar scenes are more likely to be "emotional", thereby opening the brain's "memory door."

In other words, in similar scenarios, it helps to improve the "synchronization rate" between the two Meng Langs.

Fortunately, it is this kind of "scene-triggered" synchronization rather than direct and crude memory fusion. Otherwise, it is estimated that after a few more episodes, Meng Lang himself will not be able to tell who he is, and he will most likely suffer from schizophrenia in the end.

After checking the time, he first sent Lin Haitang a Fetion message, then came to the side of the road, stopped a taxi and got in.

"Master, Qingsong Primary School."

The taxi started slowly...

As soon as he walked away, outside the window behind him, a bus drove into the gate of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sioux City.

In the car, there were more than a dozen men and women, old and young.

"Wow, this is the First Affiliated Hospital? The environment is much better than our hospital."

"Well! Su City's gardens are well-deserved, and this environment is more suitable for patients to recover."

"Hey! I mean, Xiaolu, although we are here to exchange and learn, please give me some non-academic advice from time to time, okay?"

"We are here to communicate, not to travel."

"You workaholic! Why should I be assigned to a room with you? Oh my god! Please send me a salted fish!"

The young woman who was looking out the window couldn't help but laugh, and turned back to look at her funny companion.

"Maybe... this is fate."

The smile is like a flower, and the tear moles in the corners of the eyes are like stamens dotted with flowers...

When you arrange your destiny, destiny also arranges you...

At least Meng Lang had never thought that one day he would be crowded among a group of parents, waiting eagerly to pick up their children from school.

"Our little one loves to eat meat, but her mother won't let her eat too much. She tells her how many calories to control at each meal and how to train her to manage her body shape from an early age.

What do you think is more important for a child of this age, body size or size?"

"I can eat well. Our little ancestor has had a small appetite since he was a child. He is so thin that I feel bad for him. You see, I just pick him up after school. Now I can secretly bring him some snacks that he likes. I can't take care of him when he gets home."

So tight!”

"My wife usually knows how to send her children to this class and that class, and she doesn't have as much time to play as my old man does to smoke a pack of cigarettes."

This is a chat group for grandparents.

"Has your child passed KET? Our family is preparing for PET. It's hard to grab the registration quota. Every time it takes seconds!"

"My piano player has reached Czerny 599 and Da Tang 2. He plans to take the exam next year."

"Really? We just got the eighth grade of piano. We have to finish the tenth grade this summer. We will be in third grade next semester. We have to concentrate on our studies and don't have time to take interest classes."

“I work in project management, but children’s summer management is the most difficult project I have ever done!

Except for one study tour in Europe and one study tour in the United States, the rest of the time has to be filled with courses. The distance is not a problem. The resources of famous teachers are there. If the time conflicts, it will be too difficult to make a choice!"

It’s the parent arms race…

Meng Lang looked here and then there, feeling that he had entered some hell instance in advance?

"Brother, you are so young and you are here to pick up your child?"

At this time, a cigarette was handed over to him. Meng Lang turned around and saw a middle-aged man in his thirties who was somewhat fat.

You can tell by his clothes that he is a small business owner with good financial strength.

"Yeah, no thanks."

The middle-aged man didn't take it seriously and lit one on his own.

Meng Lang frowned and wanted to leave directly but felt it would be impolite.

It’s not that I have any objections to men, it’s mainly that second-hand smoke is harmful to my precious life span.

He took two steps to the side and took advantage of the wind.

"Brother, what grade is your child in?" the middle-aged man asked very familiarly.


Are you in first grade or second grade? I didn’t have time to ask.

But fortunately, the other party seemed to just make an opening statement. It didn't matter what the answer was, and he continued to talk to himself.

“My child is in the second grade, and his grades are pretty good. He’s quite smart, but he’s too naughty and doesn’t make people worry.

Let him learn calligraphy. He says he likes painting. Let him learn painting. He says he still likes animation, but he actually wants to learn animation! Are you angry?"

"Child, it's good to have something you like, haha." Meng Lang reluctantly agreed.

"Like? There are so many things that children like nowadays. Toys are moved from house to house. Buying a small suit costs five figures, a set of model airplanes costs several thousand, and any training class lasts a semester.

Both are ten thousand or twenty thousand.

Yesterday, the boy asked me to buy him an Iron Man suit after passing the exam.

You said that a few pieces of money, which are only about the size of a palm, actually cost tens of thousands. If I hadn't made a decent income, my family wouldn't even have enough money to make this gold-eating beast."

Meng Lang was speechless.

Wow! There is actually a group showing off their wealth?

While the two were talking, a group of children ran out of the school gate like galloping wild horses.

For a while, the shouts of grandparents, parents and mothers kept coming and going, and the scene was like a mythical beast coming out of its cage.

"Dad! Dad!" A chubby boy ran over with excitement on his face.

"Hey! Baby!" The middle-aged man hugged the fat boy and kissed him hard on the face.

"Dad! I ranked second in the class in this mock test. You said you would buy me Iron Man if I ranked in the top three!"

"Really? My good son is so awesome, buy, buy, buy! Dad will buy it for you tonight!"

For a time, the father was kind and the son was filial, and he was happy.

"Uncle!" At this moment, a surprised voice came, and Xiaoyu rushed over and hugged Meng Lang's arm.

"Uncle, are you really here to pick me up?"

"Of course, can I still lie to children?" Meng Lang smiled and touched Xiaoyu's head.

"Xiaoyu?" The little fat man in the middle-aged man's arms said in surprise.

"Huh?" Xiao Yu then noticed the little fat man next to her.

"Wang Zikai, it's you."

"You know each other, what a coincidence, brother." The middle-aged man smiled at Meng Lang.

"Hmm! Dad, you don't know, Xiao Yu is so awesome. She always ranks first in the class." The little fat man's eyes shone with a light of admiration.

Middle-aged man: "..."

"Ahem! Brother, let's go first. It was a pleasure chatting with you!" Meng Lang said goodbye with a smile.

I promise not to take the lead in "fighting for a baby", but if I do, I have nothing to be afraid of!

Xiao Yu politely said goodbye to the two of them, then excitedly held Meng Lang's hand and walked home.

"Uncle, let's go shopping for groceries. I just asked the teacher for the recipe. I will make it to your satisfaction!"

"Then I'm really looking forward to it."

The figures, one large and one small, gradually disappeared on the street corner, leaving only a middle-aged man with an unusually complex expression.

This feeling of losing completely...

This chapter has been completed!
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